Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

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Our Guest Warren Marcus

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WARREN: And then I saw Him on Mount Sinai, and I saw the glory that was around Him and the finger of God writing the Ten Commandments. And I’m feeling the exact same thing I did when I had that dream in heaven. The whole place, atmosphere was filled. And I said, “Wow, this is incredible.” But here’s what happened as a little boy. I started praying to God, Sid. And you see, not everything was great in my life. My father, he was an alcoholic. His four brothers were alcoholics, and he would stay out late at the bar. He loved his family, but when he was drunk, it really didn’t go well. And I found my mother never told this to anyone. But I found my mother in the room, many times crying. And when I went in there, I said, “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

WARREN: And she says, “Nothing, Warren, I’m just sad right now.” I said, “Mommy, I don’t want you to be sad.” I laid my hand on her. And I said, “Oh God of Israel, make my mommy happy again. I don’t want her to be sad.” And I remember my mother getting up and she put her arms around me and she says, “I love you, Warren. You’re so special.” But here’s the thing, all around me, there were kids growing up, pornography, wrong, sexual perversion, all kinds of stuff that was going on. My mother would take me every Saturday to the synagogue. And I would go in there, and I was looking for the God of Israel. The God I saw in the Ten Commandments, the God I saw in my dream. And the people would go out for refreshments, I’d go into the sanctuary and said, “Where are you, God? Show yourself to me. I want to see you. I want to have your glory come in this place.” Then some kids, friends of mine, took me to their churches. I went to their churches. You know what?

Written by sidroth

February 2nd, 2023 at 4:35 am

Our Guest Dale Mast

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SID: Dale, you wanted to release a word over me but then you said it would springboard to everyone viewing this. Would you do that right now?

DALE: Yes. And Sid, I just want to say this, if they said that prayer with you, you’ve opened up the greatness of your future. And what you’ve been saved for is greater than what you’ve been saved from, but you still need to be saved from it. This is very, very important. An evangelist wars for you to know Jesus, a prophet wars for what you’ve been made to do on this earth. And as I do this… And Sid, I want to share two-

SID: I had someone do that once with oil on my head, I felt I had a shower in the oil.

DALE: Amen.

SID: You’re not going to do that to me.

DALE: No, no, no. This is a prophetic symbol of the anointing that releases the call and authority to do what God created you to do. And as I get ready to pour this over your head, this is the word I hear the Lord saying, “For He’s called you like David to bring Israel back to worship, the worship of God, and to bring them back into the tent of David that is being established in the Book of Acts.”

DALE: And as I saw you today, I saw the fire of God literally behind your head, and I said, “Lord, why?” And the Lord said, “I’m giving him genius ideas, how to reach people that nobody else has reached.” And I anoint you, Sid, as a father to Israel, that the anointing and the favor of God is with you. And you shall father Israel out of a prophetic mantle and the anointing of oil shall flow through you. And I saw unusual signs and wonders in your hands, and God said, “Get ready to be amazed, for in this season,” says the Lord, “you will see more people’s lives change than all of your ministry before.” This is going to be an avalanche that you have been praying for. God said, “I hear the cry of your heart and I’m going to fill it with what I have promised you.”

DALE: I want everyone that’s watching under the sound of my voice to receive this. I’m pouring this oil out as a prophet, and I declare over you that what the Father created you for is now being released. The genius He put inside of you is now flowing. And even as this oil is pouring out, literally the fire of God is coming on your heart. He is going to restore your identity, your purpose identity. You’re going to find a new anointing and joy in life. You’re about to have an adventure in God. I release His presence to carry you past the enemy’s plans. And like David, you will take down Goliath and you will make His name great, and people will worship God because you allowed His greatness to flow through you.

Written by sidroth

January 25th, 2023 at 4:09 am

Our Guest Dale Mast

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DALE: And David had the faith to kill Goliath but he did not have enough identity to marry the king’s daughter. He did not have enough identity to marry his future. Sid, we’re about to enter into a 1 billion soul revival. The church has enough faith to bring it, we don’t have enough identity to keep it.

SID: Now, again, briefly describe what the word identity means when you say it.

DALE: Okay. If I’m on a Major League Baseball team, if I tell you I’m on a team, the first question you ask is what position do I play? I’m talking about purpose identity. I’m talking about what is your part on the team. Being a son and a daughter means you’re on a Major League Baseball team. I operate out of that identity, but what is my part?

DALE: I had somebody call me up, who’s a singer, Danny Gokey, he was on American Idol, and he said, “Dale, can I just call you up and ask for a word?” I said, “Yes, that’s what God created me to be. You’re created to sing.” “I was in a service where they said, ‘Will you sing?'” He just stood up. They didn’t know a song that they both knew except Jesus Loves Me. By the time he was done singing Jesus Loves Me, everybody was crying because of the anointing. If I sang Jesus Loves Me, everyone would’ve been crying because of the anointing.

SID: Anointing.

DALE: So see, he was made to sing, I was made to prophesy, and what it does, then I come into convergence with the identity and my purpose and I bring a great God great glory because He wants to do great through you because He’s a great God. Get ready for some unusual events.

SID: Don’t give up. I say it again, don’t give up. Your best days are ahead of you. Dale is going to pray for you to have God’s revelation of how He sees you so you can re-vision your life. Be right back.

Written by sidroth

January 20th, 2023 at 3:53 am

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Our Guest Dr. Jennifer Miskov

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SID: I’ve been saying this now for 10 years, that something so wonderful is coming and it’s beginning to break out all over. But you talked about, even at that time, there was a lot of lawlessness. Comment on that.

JENNIFER: I mean, it seems like just like today, if you look at where the world was back then, they were in need of a move of God. And today don’t we need a move of God more than ever? I think revival is the only answer that we have. The only hope that we have is God coming and doing a fresh work in our hearts and reviving and refreshing and awakening us again so that we’re burning for him.

SID: Find one more move of God revival that’s one of your favorites.


SID: And tell me just a couple [crosstalk] about it.

JENNIFER: One 16 year old girl, 1903, she says, “I love Jesus Christ with all my heart”, Florrie Evans in Wales. And that one act of radical love was the catalyst that would later impact a man named Evan Roberts, which would later impact the Welsh Revival. 100,000 people saved in less than six months.

JENNIFER: It was revival marked by prayer, testimony, worship, where they made space for the Holy Spirit and they just flowed with whatever the Holy Spirit was doing. Social transformation, Bibles flew off the shelf. I mean, the donkeys couldn’t even do their work because the miners would cuss and kick at them when they weren’t saved. They get saved and now they’re gentle and nice. I mean, it was actually amazing what God did and that influenced and helped catalyze the Azusa Street Revival.

SID: Well, I can’t wait til what’s going to happen a little more in this program because we just had a guest. The presence of God has just increased. Jennifer’s passion is to launch people just like you into their destiny and the supernatural. And she has discovered the number one key in almost every revival in history is hunger for God and cultivating hunger for God through fasting catapults you into revival. The least understood type of fasting and most powerful, and you’ve probably never even heard of it, is the fire fast. I can’t wait for you to hear what’s going to happen to you in the fire. Be right back.

Written by sidroth

January 6th, 2023 at 6:26 am

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Our Guest Dr. Francis Myles

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SID: Now this is very important, at the end of this program, we have a very special extended segment. Dr. Myles will be teaching on the seven places Jesus shed his blood that destroy evil altars, and then he’s going to lead us in communion. Just log onto, soon as this program is over, just log onto It is literally life changing, so don’t miss it. You are known for teaching on the courts of heaven, but you call the courts of heaven, the highest realm of prayer. Why?

FRANCIS: I call the courts of heaven the highest realm of prayer because Jesus presented the court of heaven as the last place of appeal for prayers that have not been answered. We find this in the book of Luke chapter 18, when Jesus is encouraging us not to lose heart and give in and throw in the towel. He says, do not do not lose heart. And then he begins to, he says, men ought always to pray. That’s just saying, don’t give up on prayer just because it’s not being answered. I have a final place of appeal, we live in America, in America we know that if a lower court hasn’t done you right, there’s still hope-

SID: There’s higher court.

FRANCIS: That there’s a higher court called the Supreme court where there could be a remedy of a mistake made in the lower courts. And so Jesus is saying, listen, heaven has a Supreme court.

SID: It’s the final word.

FRANCIS: Yeah. It has a final word. And so you don’t let discouragements have the final word. He said, there is a place where you can go. Then he goes into talking about a widow who needed help from an adversary. The word adversary simply means anti de course, one who is against your rights. Anti against, de course rights. He said, she went to a judge and she began to pester the judge for deliverance from the adversary. And the Bible says that she kept going.

Written by sidroth

December 28th, 2022 at 7:31 am

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Our Guest Derek Snodgrass

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SID: What were the last words He said to you?

DERRICK: The last words He said was, “I’ll be back.”

SID: Did that mean, “I’ll be back to visit you” or “I’ll be back to return to take over My kingdom.”

DERRICK: I knew that He was saying He would be back to visit me and He came back.

SID: How would you like Jesus to visit you and then say, “And you know what? I like you. I’ll be back.” Anything God does with Derek He desires to do for you. Now Derek knows the door for you to have your own supernatural encounters with God. And I’m going to have him pray for you when we return.

SID: Derek, what is the door, so we can have our own encounters with God. So Jesus, I’ll say to you one day and me, after he’s visited us, “I’ll be back.”

DERRICK: The door of encounters begins with relentless hunger.

SID: I like relentless.

DERRICK: Yes, sir.

SID: Now my favorite teaching that you have, you’ve actually done a CD on this. There’s no way we can cover it all in a few minutes, but this teaching will impact you like nothing you’ve ever had. Derek saw the tear room in heaven. Psalm 56:8 talks about exactly what you saw. What does that say?

DERRICK: Yeah, it says that God records our sorrows in His book and He bottles our tears. And so I just begin to meditate on that word. I just begin to ponder that word in my mind. And I went into an encounter and Jesus said that he wanted to show me the tear room in heaven. And Sid, I had never even heard of a tear room in heaven. I’d never heard it. As much as I watch your show, and as many people as I knew who had encounters, I had never heard of that.

SID: That’s okay. I’ve never heard of it either.

Written by sidroth

December 16th, 2022 at 5:40 am

Our Guest Emma Stark

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EMMA: I hear you. This is my joy. In the name of Jesus… I’m not playing games. This is right for you and you’re going to receive something right now. In the name of Jesus, where there has been an emotional disconnect, where you have known something in your head but you have never known it in your heart, I break the blockages in Jesus’ name. Where there is an emotional shut downness and a numbness, right now the fire of God is landing on you, and that is being dealt with in Jesus’ name. In the name of Jesus, I loose the ability to feel, see, taste, hear, experience, and encounter your God in Jesus’ name. I call you up to experience him right now. Come on. Come with me. Come with me into the higher places. Right now, you are coming from glory to glory. These prayers are going into wherever you are watching this, and they are grabbing you that you may know your God in your heart, in your mind, in your flesh, in your emotions. I liberate you into that place in Jesus’ name.

SID: Say this out loud with me and mean it to the best of your ability. Dear Jesus, I’ve made many mistakes. I’m so sorry. Today, I publicly say you are my Messiah and Lord. I ask you to live inside of me. Let me experience your presence, your goodness, your glory, your shalom. The word shalom means completeness. Complete in your spirit, in your soul, and in your body. Amen.

Warren Marcus: Hello, I’m Warren Marcus, and I’m inviting you to join me on the next It’s Supernatural with Sid Roth. You’ll discover a powerful prayer from heaven that will bring an impartation of God’s glory and his supernatural power into your daily life.

SID: Do you feel as if God’s not listening when you pray or speaking back to you? I’ve been there and so have all of my guests. That’s why I want you to go to to access interviews with guests who have discovered how to pray unstoppable prayers. Learn about our free prayer app called God Talk and leave prayer requests so we can pray for you. It’s more than time for your breakthrough.

Written by sidroth

December 5th, 2022 at 5:03 am

Our Guest Mike Thompson

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SID: We’re coming in, as you teach and many of the prophets that have been on my show teach, we’re coming into a new season of God in which the veil between heaven and Earth is so thin. So if you can take this teaching, you can have a leg up, so to speak, over this new move of God’s spirit. It’s going to be different than anything you’ve ever seen before. Mike, I want you to pray for our people. I’m not even going to tell you what to pray. You yield to the Holy Spirit, and pray from the third heaven.

MIKE: Right now, I want everybody that’s watching to just stop for a minute. Do you feel the anointing of God? The anointing of God is not only here in this room, but this anointing is flowing. It’s flowing out on the airways. It’s flowing into your house. It’s flowing into your body now. You can sense the Holy Spirit and him breathing upon that within your being now. I ask you to just yield to that. Yield to the Holy Spirit. There’s something he’s going to show you perceptions, and he’s going to show you perspectives. So right now, in the name of Jesus, I ask that there be a shift within your heart, there be a shift in the dynamic of the way that you are thinking and you perceive things as the Holy Spirit comes in, and he lifts you up, and he takes you into otherly places right now.

MIKE: In the name of Jesus Christ, release by the power of God into your life. I’m going to do that one more time. Release that into their lives, Lord God. Now receive it, receive it, and you’re on your way in a journey now with the Holy Spirit and supernatural things. It’s for everyone. You are a supernatural creation. You are a third heaven creation, operating third heaven revelation, and functioning in third heaven authority. Believe it. Receive it. Do it, and let the Holy Spirit carry you into those places as part of your destiny, and your walk with the Lord, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Written by sidroth

November 27th, 2022 at 4:20 am

Our Guest Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert

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KYNAN: You know a thermometer reads the temperature. It displays the temperature but a thermostat can change it.

MARY: Yes. That’s good!

KYNAN: And I believe that God has called the Church to be a thermostat for the culture! And that this is not the time to relax.


KYNAN: This is not a time to go on vacation. But in fact, we are being commissioned now to do the things that we always were supposed to do. You know it’s exciting to know that there are people rallying around government now. People who are praying. People who are fasting. And people that have a voice so that we can be what God has called us to be! I want us to do something because I believe I just feel by the Spirit of God that God’s releasing an awakening. And regardless of your political affiliation, what all that stuff is, you’re the Church first and foremost!

MARY: Amen!

MARK: Amen!

KYNAN: You’re a believer first and foremost and God has called us to represent the kingdom of God! We are ambassadors of Christ Jesus! What is God saying? And I believe God’s called us to an awakening like never before! And I want us to just pray. I want us to speak that. Let’s release that over them. Mary, do you want to release that? And then Mark, maybe you pick up just quickly. Just a brief declaration.

MARY: Praise God! Father, we just worship You and thank You for what You’re doing in the earth! We thank You for what You have done and we thank You for what You are doing! We thank You for the power that You have given unto us by the name of Jesus Christ! And we thank You, Father, for loosing Your people, Father. We thank You for their blinded eyes being opened. And Father, their ears that have heard lies. In the name of Jesus that they will begin to hear the truth! We thank You, Father God for what You are doing in the Church, with the Church, for this time and hour! We thank You, Lord, that they are going to get the knowledge they need! I pray Father God that the knowledge, be increased in You in Jesus’ name I pray!

MARK: And Father right now in the name of Jesus I decree and declare that the army of God itself would arise and take the fight to the enemy and that they would take ground for the kingdom of God and hold it at all costs! And Father, we just decree and declare that their spiritually blind eyes and spiritually deaf ears would be opened right now to what God is doing in the earth right now, Father! And we just give You all the honor and the glory and the praise for it, Lord! And Father, I ask that You would release Your warring angels and Your heavenly host to scramble the enemy’s frequencies right now so that they cannot control the people any longer! That their eyes and ears would be opened and they would hear the frequency of heaven itself in Jesus’ name!

MARY: Yes!

MARK: Amen!

KYNAN: [music begins] Beloved, if you prayed that prayer I believe the awakening is your portion! Now is the time to rise up like never before! We’re excited to be with you today. And until next time God bless you and shalom!

Written by sidroth

November 15th, 2022 at 3:02 am

Our Guest Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert

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MARY: One that will stand into the face of the enemy! Because really and truly the Church has had its butt kicked the last 100 years I’d say or 75 years. We really have! When you look at the situation of this country morally where it has fallen to.


MARY: God wasn’t going to have to have some mamsy whimsy love and peace kind of a President –

KYNAN: [laughs]

MARY: To get the job done!

KYNAN: Yeah.

MARY: He wanted to get, you know, a Mike Tyson, a fighter!

KYNAN: Sort of a roughneck. Somebody who’s rough around the edges.

MARK: Yes.

MARY: That’s right! Evander Holyfield, man!

KYNAN: Yeah. Yeah.

MARY: He had to bring somebody who was going to do a one-two punch and not afraid to take the enemy to his own fight. And that is the character of him.

KYNAN: You know what’s very, very interesting. I think that we’re shifting as a nation. We’re shifting as a Church. And the Bible says the Church is the pillar and ground of the truth. And we have always seen throughout the history of the Church that the Church was always instrumental in shaping the culture, shaping the government. You know even back in the Bible days the prophets had to ordain the kings.

MARY: Uh-huh.

KYNAN: So you had someone who was listening to God instrumental in those that were leading the nation.

MV: That’s right. 

KYNAN: How important is that for today and how do you see the Church getting back? Are we getting back to that? Do you think that’s a part of the prophecy that God is moving the Church back to a place of authority? Talk to me about what you feel is happening.

MARY: Well Mark got a word during the election which is very, very powerful about 5 judges that Donald Trump would replace.


Written by sidroth

November 5th, 2022 at 5:37 am