Archive for the ‘Sid Roth’ tag
Our Guest Dr. John Miller
Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Dr. John Miller he’s a Chiropractor Tampa, Florida. He’s an expert in alternative medicine, vitamins and minerals, and other healing arts, but he says all of that is actually is contradictory with the foundational teaching that the first church had that’s been stolen and it has to do with communion. Would you continue teaching John?
John: Yes I would like to lay out through the Bible the types of the Body of Christ and how they would reverse the work of the devil. We started out with 1st Corinthians 11 where Paul says “If you do not discern the Body of the Lord when you take communion you remain weak, sick and you die prematurely.” Now you cannot build doctrine off of typology but you can prove doctrine off of typology. I’d like to start right back in the garden where there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve were not to eat of, but there was also the tree of life. And when they ate of the tree of good and evil God said “Let us put them out of the garden now lest they eat of the tree of life and live forever.” Well the curse for eating of the tree of good and evil was death. So that show if they walked over and then ate of the tree of life it would reverse the death curse they would live forever. Well all theologians agree that the tree of life in the garden was a type of Christ. So when we eat of the type of Christ, the bread of communion, we reverse the curse; now in the garden Adam sinned and became aware of his nudity. The nudity that Adam had was the sign that he had sinned. He was not aware that he was nude before he sinned and he put fig leaves on to try and make himself presentable to God but that didn’t work. God had to kill and animal and make clothes from the skin of the animal to cover up the fact that Adam had sinned to cover up the nudity. This is a picture of Jesus at the cross; it’s so important to see that when God started in the Garden His plan was on a set course before the foundation of the world Jesus was a lamb slain. So all of the stories in the Old Testament point to Jesus being the Lamb of God slain at Calvary. So blood had to be shed to cover up that Adam had sinned we have a type of the cross. Then when the people were in the… the Israelites were in Egypt God sent Moses to get them out and He told Moses to do these different miracles, ten miracles in all. I believe personally that that represents the law. God gave the law in the Old Testament and no one could keep it so no one could be saved. Paul says in the New Testament the law condemns you. The 10 miracles did not let God’s people go free, so they had to take the blood of the lamb and put it over the doorpost and when the death angel came through that night he didn’t kill the first born. So it required the blood of the lamb to set God’s people free then after they got out after the law, for 1500 years, God had the Old Testament people keep the Feast of Passover to remember His deliverance. So you have all of these types done in the Old Testament to point to Calvary. On this side of Calvary we have the bread of communion and blood of the wine the wine to drink looking back to Calvary. Calvary was the most important day that ever was or ever will be. Even worship in heaven is “Worthy to the Lamb that was slain” looks back. So all of the stories in the Old Testament look forward to Jesus on the cross and the New Testament looks back to Jesus on the cross by central theme. Now the lamb that they took the blood of doorpost that represented Christ the rest of the instruction was to roast a lamb and to eat all of it even the pertinents thereof. And God told Moses to tell the Israelites when they eat it have their sandals on have their robe on and a staff in their hand. In other words, when you eat the flesh of the lamb be ready to be physically delivered. The reason they need to eat the pertinents, all of the organs they had to eat because there’s always a spiritual and a physical meaning to everything that God does. When you eat the brain of that lamb it should not only bring healing but it should take on the mind of Christ because that lamb represents Christ. When you eat the eyeballs it should not only heal your eyes but you should take on the eyes of Christ. You should start seeing things through Christ eyes the way that He sees them. When you eat the heart it should heal the heart, but it should also take on the compassion and the love of Christ. So I have seen this many times not only in my own life but people that I have taught this to when they get away from taking communion their personality changes. They’re not as loving, they’re not as tolerant because when you eat the body of Christ you’re taking on those characteristics. So we have a type of eating the lamb causing feeling because in Palms 105 verse 37 it says “The Israelites came out with silver and gold and not one infirmed among them.” Now this was about 3 million Jews that had been in captivity about 400 years and they came out and there was not one sick one in their midst. So the blood of the lamb saved their life, the body of the lamb caused healing. Then in Numbers 21 we pick up another picture of the communion. God sent the manna as a type of Christ that took care of them physically met all of their physical needs. They came to Moses and said “Why did you bring us out in the wilderness to die there’s no meat here and our souls loathe this light bread.” They said that they hated the manna so God sent fiery serpents among them to bite them. And then they came to Moses and said “Oh we’ve sinned against God pray God that He would stop this.” So God told Moses “To take a serpent and put it on a pole and everyone that were bitten by the snakes were dying that would just look on that snake on the brass snake on the pole would be healed.” We have the same choice today; we can eat the light bread, the bread of communion the body of Christ and be healed, or we can be devoured by the serpent. The same law applies today. The people that take communion and walk in divine health and the people that don’t will be devoured by the serpent. We talked on a previous program about how everyone that Jesus healed in Acts 10:38 was oppressed of the devil. So all the diseases that Jesus healed the Bible says was an oppression from Satan. The good thing is all we have to do is look at the serpent of the pole.
Sid: Why did God pick the serpent on the pole as an example?
John: Because when Jesus took our sins in His body he became the essence of sin and evil. 2nd Corinthians 5:21 “He who knew no sin became sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” In John 3:14 Jesus said “As Moses lifted up the serpent on the pole in the wilderness so shall the Son of man be lifted up.” It was Jesus Himself who likened himself to the serpent on the pole. Now unless you see Jesus becoming all the sin and evil you ever were or ever will be you will never see yourself as righteous. The Bible declares that you are righteous.
Sid: You’ve got to say that again that’s so powerful; say that statement again.
John: Unless you see Jesus with all the sin and evil that you ever were or ever will be He became that sin and evil you will never see yourself as the righteousness of God. That is the exchange, the cross is the exchange; we exchanged our sin and evil for His righteousness. But when Jesus took our righteousness, I mean our sin, in Him it’s spoiled Him He became sin that’s why the wind became fermented. The bread of communion could have no leaven in it.
Sid: The wine was fermented you mean it was wine and not grape juice.
John: Yes it was alcoholic.
Sid: How do you know that there’s whole sermons to prove it’s not?
John: Because the Bible says that they came to the communion table and they drank so much that they got drunk. And you don’t get drunk off of fresh grape juice.
Sid: Well that would be a miracle. (Laughing)
John: Yes. That was at Passover time and there was no Welsh’s bottle grape juice.
Sid: And there wasn’t even Manischewitz (Laughing) but I can tell you as a Jewish believer in Jesus, Jesus had wine no matter what you’ve been taught. But that’s not even the issue the issue is to understand the fermentation process to understand what Jesus did for us is that correct?
John: He became a snake for us yes. I had thought for 2 years “Why did you make such a fuss over there being no leaven in the bread but yet the wine was leavened it was fermented. After 2 years I was laying across the bed in a 100 year old building in Elam Bible Institute and God spoke to me He said “Because the bread is the body of Christ it never fore took of the sin. It never committed the sin. The bread represents the body no leavening no sin. But when Jesus took our sin in Him it spoiled His blood; Leviticus 11:17 says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I give it to you for an atonement for your soul. So the life in your flesh is in your blood; the life of the flesh is in the blood.
Sid: I’m sorry we’re out of time…
Our Guest Kynan Bridges
SID: When I heard the revelation of the angel that Kynan Bridges saw, I can tell you it changed my life, and I promise you, it’s going to change your life forever. What happened?
KYNAN: I’m praying one day, as often I do, and meditating, and all of a sudden, I have an open vision of this angel. This angel is about nine, 10 feet tall. He is six feet wide with his chest span, huge breastplate.
SID: Can I have him on my basketball team?
KYNAN: Sure you can. And he has a sword, a golden sword. I mean, he’s massive, intimidating, regal, all in one. And I asked the Lord, I said, “Is this a mighty archangel?” And the Lord says the most interesting thing to me, he says, “That’s not an angel at all. That’s you in the spiritual realm.” And when I heard that, I was literally blown away. And the scripture that came to my spirit was that we are kings and priests unto our God, in the Book of Revelation. He’s made us through his blood, Yeshua, kings and priests. In other words, we have dominion. We are mighty in the spiritual realm. We are not paupers. We don’t have to be afraid of the devil. When we realize that person that I saw in that vision is us, the devil will literally flee from us.
SID: You know what? That’s the devil’s worst nightmare. You realize and come to your senses of who you are. You shared a story about the famous miracle worker, Smith Wigglesworth.
KYNAN: Yeah. He’s one of my favorites, very aggressive healing ministry, known for even punching people sometimes. And one night as the story goes, he’s in his house in England and he hears a rumbling downstairs, and you know, he senses that something is down there. And he goes downstairs and Satan is standing in his living room, physically manifested. And Smith Wigglesworth takes one look at Satan and says, “Oh, it’s just you.” And he goes back to sleep. And I love that story because what it does, it teaches us that we don’t have to be afraid of the devil. That is something that Satan has propagated because you cannot take authority over what you fear. You cannot take authority over what you fear. So once we demystify the enemy and realize that he is under our feet where he belongs, then and only then can we really take dominion over him. You know, Sid, it’s something that I call the ever-expanding kingdom. In other words, Jesus told us that the Kingdom of God is inside of us. But this kingdom is ever expanding, it’s oscillating inside of us. And as we yield to the King of Kings and we yield to his way of doing things, which is his Word, the Kingdom begins to expand inside of us from our spirit man, expanding out to our soulish man. And as it does that, anything in our soul that does not belong is driven out by the power of the Kingdom. You know, Jesus exemplified this. Everywhere he went he preached the Kingdom of God. What was he doing? He was releasing the culture of Heaven. And when he released the culture of Heaven, it released the power of Heaven, and whenever the power of Heaven was released, demons had to flee. The same is true of us. God wants the Kingdom to expand inside of us and outside of us to advance it to the last days.
SID: There is such a presence of God that’s just invaded this studio. Headaches are gone now in Jesus’ name. Kynan, anything you pray is going to happen. Pray now.
KYNAN: In the name of Yeshua, the name above every name, you know, he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, I release a spirit of dominion and lordship over cancer right now in Jesus’ name. I release dominion over diabetes. I release dominion. Even now, if you will take dominion over the pain in your body, that pain will go instantly in Yeshua’s name. Right now I just curse the plan of the enemy over the people of God. Depression, you must go now. Suicidal thoughts, you must leave. Anxiety attacks, insomnia, you’re going to sleep sweeter tonight than you’ve ever slept in your entire life because the peace of God that passes all understanding will keep your heart and mind right now in Yeshua’s name. Just receive it Jesus’ name.
SID: Tell me what authority means.
KYNAN: Authority is really the legal right to act in a certain way. Authority means, you know, the Bible tells in Luke 10:19, it says, “Behold, I give unto you power,” is the word, exousia, in the Greek, authority. It means that we have the keys. So I want you to think almost like a gatekeeper or a groundskeeper. The groundskeeper has keys to access any door within that building.
SID: Of course.
KYNAN: In the same way, you and I through Jesus and through his name have the access to open doors and close them. That’s what authority really is. We can open doors of favor, open doors of prosperity, open doors of blessing in our lives to the authority vested in us.
SID: I tell you, all authority has been give unto Jesus and he’s saying to you now, go ye into all the world. The keys are there. They’re in your hands. Grab them.
Man 1: Lord, why haven’t I received my healing?
Woman 1: I feel like the enemy robs me of every blessing I receive from you, Lord Jesus.
Woman 2: Why am I facing such opposition?
Man 2: Oh Lord, when will I receive my breakthrough?
Our Guest Thurman Scrivner
SID: Okay, I want to know, Thurman, how you can guarantee someone is going to be healed.
THURMAN: The only way you can guarantee God’s Word is to know what it says and believe it in your heart.
SID: So if you believe it in your heart, that’s how you guarantee it.
THURMAN: That’s right, yeah.
SID: So if you can’t guarantee it, that means you don’t believe it in your heart.
THURMAN: That’s absolutely right.
SID: Okay. I got it. Now you have this young boy, age 11, horrible condition, warts. And was it all over his body? Explain.
THURMAN: Yes. When his mother and dad asked me, when I started teaching just the Word of God in the Sunday school class, this couple was in that class, and they heard me teach things they had never heard before, that God would do miracles and healings, and things. So they invited me to their house, and I went up there, and I said, “What do you all need?” And they said, “Well our 11-year-old son here, we’ve taken him to doctors, they’ve burned warts off of him and his body is literally covered with warts.” And they said, “We even had a bunch of them burned off the back of his right hand and it just left two big rows of scars, but the warts came right back in him.” And so I looked at him. They brought him in. He sat down beside me. I looked over at him and I said, “Gee, Philip,” I said, “you got warts everywhere.” I mean, he had warts in his forehead, in his eyebrows, in his eyelids. He had warts in his nose. He had warts on his neck.
SID: Did you take any pictures of him?
THURMAN: He wouldn’t let me.
SID: Why?
THURMAN: He didn’t want nobody to see what he looked like. He hated himself. So he even told me, you know, I said, “Son, you got more warts than anybody I ever saw in my life.” He said, “And I hate myself.” He said, “Everybody at schools calls me Warty.” I said, “Well I understand, son.” But I said, “There’s something about God you got to know.” I said, “God will let you take those scars to your grave. But if you come to him in faith,” I said, “I guarantee He will take those warts and scars off of your body.” And so I said, “So we got to get in the Word.” I said, “Now the first thing we got to do,” I said, “we got to make sure that all of us are free of sin. We got to know that Jesus’ blood has covered us and if there’s any sin in our life, anything we’ve done wrong, we need to get rid of that.” And I said, “One of the major sins I’ve come to realize, especially in the church today, is the sin of unbelief.” I said, “We don’t believe these wonderful promises.” So I got the mom and the dad to repent of sin, and then for the next couple of hours, at least a couple of hours, I started building this boy’s faith. As I built his faith on the Word of God, after a couple of hours, I asked him the question. I said, “Son, do you believe that the Jesus that I’m talking about out of this Bible, with all the promises he made, do you believe he can take these warts and scars off of your body?” Little Philip said, “Mr. Scrivner,” he said, “after what I’ve heard you talk about in this book, I believe Jesus can do anything.” I said, “Son, that’s what Jesus can do.” I said, “He can do anything. He even says he can anything.” So I said, “Now then,” I said, “I want us all to kneel here and I’m going to take this wonderful promise of Matthew 18:19, which again says, I’ve used that verse a lot, Matthew 18:19, which says, “Again, I tell you,” now this is Jesus talking, too, by the way. Jesus said, “Again, I tell you that if two of you on Earth agree about anything you ask me for, it shall be done for you by my Father, which is in Heaven.” So we knelt and everybody made sure they repented of all their sins, mom and dad, and little Philip. And of course, like I say, Philip was 11. He had these warts since he was three. So eight years he had them all over his body. And so anyway, I told him, I said, “Now after Jesus heals you, I want you to know that when you go back to school this year, they’re going to ask what happened and you’re going to have to tell them that Jesus took these off you.” I said, “You know, they ain’t gonna believe you. They’re gonna laugh at you, but you got to stand on the Word of God.” And so anyway, we prayed. And then I stood up and after we prayed and I stood up, I looked at the mother and she asked me a question. She said, “When are they going to come off?” I said, “Well that’s the only thing God doesn’t tell me is when.” I said, “Now I guarantee you that if you’ll stay in faith with me and don’t get into any kind of sin or anything, unbelief,” I said, “I guarantee you in a few days to a few weeks at best, Philip won’t have a wart or a scar left on his body. I guarantee it.” But I said, “I guarantee you something else. When I walk out the door, there’s going to be an enemy.” And I said, “He’s going to come and he’s going to put his hand on your shoulder and whisper in your ear, ‘Now you don’t think just because this old grey-headed guy come over and prayed over you that God is going do anything. Remember, the doctors, the doctors couldn’t get them off. They burned off and they come right back and the scars are still there. So you don’t think just because he prayed this is going to go away.'” I said, “But don’t believe that lie. Don’t believe that lie.” I said, “Stand on the promises of God and I guarantee you Philip’s warts will go away.” Well the next morning, the mother goes in to check him and all the warts on his hands, fingernails and under his fingernails, on the backs of his hands, every wart on his hands were completely gone overnight. Now he still had lots of warts all over his body, but they were gone on his hands. Well three weeks later when I saw him in church for the first time, that little boy did not have a wart nowhere on his body. They were all gone.
SID: What about the scars from where the doctors cut them?
THURMAN: The scars were still there.
SID: Oh.
THURMAN: Now the scars were still there and when the mother gave me his hands, “Thurman, look.” All the warts were gone from Philip’s body, all under his clothes where you can’t see it, warts everywhere. Like I said, they were all gone. The only things left were those two rows of scars. I said, “Well Mama, according to Matthew 8, not Matthew, but Mark 11:23, which says, “Whatever I say with my mouth, if I believe with my heart I can have it.” So I am speaking to those scars and I’m going to guarantee you, according to the Word of God, by next Sunday, Philip will not have a scar left on his body. And next Sunday, when the mother came in, if you ever saw a charismatic mother in a Baptist church, we had a charismatic mother in that Baptist church. She was dancing, jumping, praising God. Even Baptists get excited when Jesus shows up.
SID: I’m going to tell you something. You’re going to get excited because if you will repent of your sins, if you will willfully choose to forgive everyone that has offended you, as Thurman prays, you will be healed. Would you pray for them right now.
THURMAN: Yes, yes. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you and praise you for your Word. I thank you, Lord, for forgiving us when we confess our sins and repent of our sins, and promise you we will never do those things again. And Lord, especially that sin of unbelief, I thank you for forgiving us of having our unbelief. And I thank you, Father, for being such a mighty, awesome God. And I thank you for restoring everybody, whatever their need is, may you meet that need of every person. Now Lord, give them the faith and the authority, and everything, to stand by your Word, on their word, and help them to get in your Word so they can learn these promises for themselves, so they can receive their healing and maintain it, in Jesus’ name. Amen, amen and amen.
SID: Let every man be a liar, but God’s Word is true. Believe it. Act it. Live it.
Our Guest Dr. James Maloney
Sid: Now if you’re not red hot right now I’m going to introduce you to a friend of mine Dr. James Maloney he’s a Professor from Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, and he literally travels the nations. I’m having difficulty Jim in that in my notes it says that you witnessed with your very own eyes a person in India whose hand was sticking out where the arm should be and when prayer occurred you saw the arm grow all the way out before your eyes.
James: That is true Sid.
Sid: Tell me about it I mean I never have seen anything like that before. (Laughing)
James: It was quite thrilling for all of us to see that. It touched a lot a lot of peoples’ lives there in that particular remote area in India.
Sid: Describe it I wasn’t there be my eyes right now tell me what happened.
James: Well, we just had thousands upon thousands of people that had come out and many of them had never heard about Jesus Christ. It was in a remote area in India Sid and I had a team of about 12-15 men and women various people from the United States. We went into that area and began to preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. And one of the team members a precious precious lady and I believe that she’s gone on to be with the Lord now but God mightily used her. And as we were ministering to the sick and to the afflicted there were 100’s upon 100’s of people sick, disease ridden, deaf ears needed to be opened blind eyes, crooked bones made straight. And this particular gentleman came up in the line and he had no arm we saw his hand by his shoulder but we couldn’t find his arm. And so I had this precious sister her name is Alma she just laid her hands upon him and she just prayed and really she didn’t even mentioned the name Jesus she barely got the name of Jesus out and all of a sudden the hand shock. I’ll never forget it it just caused you know chills to run up and down my spine. And that hand just went flying in the air and it was really great because with it thankfully there was an arm connected to it.
Sid: It would be even more supernatural if there’s no arm connected to it. (Laughing)
James: (Laughing) But it was just awesome and I’m telling you what praises just broke out among those precious Indians. More people came to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Of course it changed my life I didn’t sleep much that night after that miracle and created faith for many other things to be taken care of. And it just touched this precious lady’s life and of course the gentleman had a tremendous testimony so the next 2 to 3 days of the crusade meetings we would get him up on the platform and he would testify and he had this brand new arm. And of course everyone knew him so that of course just brought out more people out of the surrounding villages and so we just had a great time.
Sid: You know one of my board members his name is Jonathan Bernis and he has a Jewish ministry like myself. And he said “Sid you’ve got to come with me to India I have never seen such miracles that take place in India.” Why does miracles take place by many people that are praying in India and I don’t see that same degree in the United States? That’s a hard question but I really want to know the answer.
James: Well Sid it is a hard question and I don’t know of any single individual has the full answer I’ve got a few thoughts on it. As I’ve ministered in North America as well as in other areas of the world. We see God minister and His healing power and miraculous power among people here in America seen some traumatic things take place. But you when you go to a nation like India and there are just millions upon millions of people that are just laboring under just so many things and great oppressions and demonic strongholds in that nation.
Sid: Well I think we’ve got more demons that they do ours are just more sophisticated.
James: I think ours are just a little more sophisticated and maybe even a little religious a little bit.
Sid: Oh, you’re meddling now (Laughing)
James: I think that in India I mean here in America Sid it’s like you know if you get sick you know diseased or whatever we go to doctors and we thank God for doctors and nurses but you know people in India a lot of them they don’t have anywhere else to go to. And so when we come and share you know the full gospel that Jesus is not only our Savior but He’s also our healer when we receive Him they’re like children. I mean they just have this childlike faith and they just believe what you’re preaching and what you’re teaching. And you know the Bible makes it very clear that it is the gospel that we preach is the power of the Lord unto salvation and so the Holy Spirit quickens what you’re preaching them the simple gospel of the kingdom. And they receive as little children and they don’t have any other alternative.
Sid: You know I think that you really nailed it with the 2 reasons that you’ve come up. Here in America you get sick with modern science the way that it is today you go to a doctor and he fixes you up you don’t need faith at all. But in India you can’t go to the doctor you don’t have Plan B, you only have Plan A or you don’t you don’t corrected.
James: That’s correct and also too I think that there’s a principal we need to share with the audience that God is for everyone and every nation. These people you know many of them haven’t even heard about Jesus Christ. They don’t know the plan of salvation for humanity, so the Lord is really reaching out into those people so there’s tremendous anointing and healings that take place to rest their heart. Because we already know the greatest miracle’s the salvation of the soul. In America we’ve been quote unquote the same way over the years, you know a Christianized nation. And we’ve heard the gospel and you know many times you know we’ve heard it over and over…
Sid: We’re gospel hardened.
James: Yeah.
Sid: Literally in this country we’ve heard it for the 50th time where as the people around the world haven’t heard it for the first time.
James: That’s absolutely correct and it bears witness within their hearts and they receive Jesus and He loves them like He loves all of us. And they cry out to the Lord; I mean when we preach to them that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever Sid we tell them that hey He shed His blood not only for our sins but for also placed upon His back the strips that were placed upon the back of Jesus for our healing. They just receive that message it’s no different to them they had never heard it before. They never heard a message that’s been proclaimed many times in America where Jesus deals with our sins but He doesn’t take care of our sicknesses. And so they’ve never heard that so there is nothing to unteach really you know.
Sid: None of that unbelief.
James: Yeah.
Sid: But you now Jim there another thing that intrigues me about you beyond being a professor at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. You have a ministry that takes you around the world you’ve been to something like 21 different nations you have an invitation to Kuwait because the truth is that you move in the gift of miracles. And however when I take a look at your background I say “What a miracle of God that you’re even sane and in your right mine.” I mean when you were a child you were totally neglected as a child, you went without food for days because your mother just couldn’t afford to help you and then you had a step-father that got back from the penitentiary and I mean it sounds like he would step on your face and beat you up against the wall. Would he really do that?
James: It was quite difficult the first 2½ 3 years of my life it really was difficult. God’s a good God and He sovereign and in His providential care He really did take care of me the first couple years of my life. I’m a miracle like many people.
Sid: You should have been in the penitentiary or dead with starting that way.
James: Yeah, yeah I mean it’s just the mercy of the Lord Sid my biological mom she was a young teenager herself and she didn’t have you know money to properly take care of her child. Her husband was in a penitentiary and she was a lonely teenager and so you know one afternoon she needed someone to talk to. So her husband was in the penitentiary and so she said “I’m going to go up here there’s this church up the road.” And so she went up and started counseling sessions with the pastor and sadly to say this was related to me years later Sid by my adopted parents that he took advantage of her emotional vulnerability and one afternoon in a counseling session I was conceived. And she was so afraid to tell her husband and it was in that era of time that he was not permitted to even visit her. He was in solitary confinement so she just kept her pregnancy a secret from him. And so about 2½ years later he comes home he’s paroled on good behavior supposedly and all of a sudden he sees me this 2 year old that could not possibly be his. And it was related to me as I said years later that the demon of anger rose up in him and the first thing that he did was just kick me right in the face and I just went flying across the floor. And then he just picked me up and just threw me up against the wall, this happened many many times over a span of time of about 8 or 9 months. I went through this type of abuse. Sid I have to just say right here that if it wasn’t for the provincial care of God I wouldn’t be here I mean I wouldn’t be here.
Sid: God is such a good God. Mishpochah wait until you find out how God is using Jim all over the world. But then you got then adopted by a nice loving family and you had an encounter with God how old were you when you had that encounter.
James: I was 14 years of age when I had an encounter with the Lord. I think because of that abuse and that sensing of rejection and feeling of abandonment that it had created some real woundings in my life. And my adoptive parents were wonderful people, but they were busy people you know they worked hard.
Sid: I’ll tell you what Jim hold that thought right there. Mishpochah he such an encounter with God and I believe that’s one of the reasons that he walks in such miracles. But I went to hear him speak about a month ago in Jacksonville, Florida because I’d heard a great deal about him. The Pastor there talked about a cassette series that Jim’s wife did on healing and what an impact it had on everyone that listened to it. So I said “I’ve got to listen to this series” so I asked the Pastor to make me a copy of it and he did and I’ve listened to it and I have to tell you that Jim’s wife has an anointing to just penetrate this unbelief. And there are areas of misunderstanding in healing that I believe are cleared up and it is without a doubt one of the finest teachings that I’ve ever listened to to build my faith. And I did say it did build my faith…
Sid Roth
for what God wants. Whether I’m the president of the United States, or whether I sweep streets the issue is, if I am not on God’s side I have nothing.
Psalm 105 tells you what God’s position is, and just because God has this position does not mean that He does not weep for every Palestinian that could be starving or could die. God loves the Palestinians; God loves the Jews; God so loved the whole earth that He sent His Son to die. But the issue is He has a strategy and a plan, it is His kingdom, He is King, it is not a democracy, we don’t vote, but when we get to heaven and know everything we’ll understand the wisdom and the love involved in the way He set up His kingdom. But it is His kingdom that is at stake, and this is what the King says about His kingdom in reference to the covenant land of Israel. Psalm 105 verse 8-11:
He remembers His covenant forever
Of course God remembers His covenant forever.
The word which He commanded, for a thousand generations
Isn’t that interesting, He says “forever” then in case you can’t visualize forever He says “we’ll take a thousand generations.” This is the covenant, the 9th verse:
The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac
It was not with Ishmael it was with Isaac. He made His oath to Isaac and confirmed it to Jacob. So it went through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. For how long, forever? For how long, a thousand generations? Then He says,
This is the statute to Israel, it’s everlasting this covenant
So He says “Forever, a thousand generations, everlasting.” If He states it 3 times it must be important. This is what that covenant, and when God makes a covenant you’ve got a covenant that you can trust. He says:
To you
Who’s you? Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their physical seed.
To you I will give the land of Canaan
That’s Israel. For how long will God give the land of Canaan? For how long will God give the land of Israel to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their physical seed? He say it 3 times “Forever, a thousand generations, everlasting.” As far as I’m concerned that settles it.
Today is Purim, it’s a time that we honor what could have been the worst time in the history of Jewish people, but God performed a miracle. God is a God of miracles, and I believe that sometime this week there will be a burst of God’s dunamis, dynamite power, and miracles will take place in your life.
But I’m reminded of one of my favorite Purim times. Several years ago I went to Kiev, now Kiev is in Ukraine and they have the largest Messianic Jewish congregation in the world. In this congregation, it’s what I call a One New Man congregation because it’s not classically Messianic Jewish, it’s not classically Gentile Christian, it’s classically Jesus, it’s a One New Man. It’s really what Paul was talking about in the second chapter of Ephesians in which Paul tells us why Jesus came. Jesus came to break down the middle wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles to make One New Man. In a One New Man congregation they observe the Biblical festivals not as a means of salvation, not as a means of righteousness, but as a means of blessing, as a means of having appointments with God. On the whole year the various Biblical festivals, and of course Purim isn’t listed in Leviticus as one of the 7 major festivals but it does say in the book of Esther that we Jewish people are supposed to observe it forever, but God promised to show up at these Biblical festivals.
Our Guest John Bevere
SID: Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. You see, as a brand new Jewish believer close to 40 years ago, I had the privilege of meeting a woman by the name of Kathryn Kuhlman, and this woman used to say, “Please,” she would almost beg you, “please don’t grieve the Holy Spirit. He’s all that I have.” And a lot of people don’t know this, but she wouldn’t start her service until her best friend, the Holy Spirit showed up. My guest is a world class teacher that experientially knows the Spirit of God and biblically will take you into, you see, most believers say, I want the power of the Holy Spirit, but where are the people that want to have intimacy with the most misunderstood person in the Bible? Where are you? Now most of you are familiar with John Bevere. You’ve either read or heard of his book, “Bait of Satan,” But what you don’t know is he’s written a number of books, some five, six million in print. His curriculum is being studied by 20,000 churches in the United States of America alone, and who knows throughout the whole world. But what you don’t know about John Bevere is he was a horrible speaker. And in school, he took the SAT and your score was what?
JOHN: 370 on the English, the verbal. And the whole audience just went…
SID: Now put it in perspective.
JOHN: Well that’s, I like to say it’s like F-, minus. So when God—
SID: So how do you write all these books, bestsellers?
JOHN: You know, it’s amazing. Because when God came to me in 1991 and said, “Son, I want you to write,” I kind of laughed and said, “Okay, you have so many of us kids on the earth now, you’re getting us mixed up with one another. You don’t want me writing any book. I mean, talk to my English teachers.” And so I didn’t do anything for 10 months. And 10 months later, two women came to me from two different states in America, and they both said the exact same words. They said, “John Bevere, if you don’t write what God’s given you to write, He’s going to give the messages to somebody else and you will be judged for it.” And the second woman from the state of Texas said it two weeks after the first woman from Florida. The fear of God hit me. I said, I’d better write. So I wrote out a contract with God. I literally got a notebook piece of paper and I said, “Contract.” I said, “I think you’re making a big mistake,” basically, “because you have far better writers.” I said, “So I need grace.” And I signed the contract. And of course now the rest is history. I believe my name is on those books because I was the first guy to get to read those messages. I really believe they’re from Him and they’re for His church. I’m just the donkey. Okay. So that’s my view of the whole thing.
SID: He scored so low. He’s only heard of a couple of people that scored as low.
JOHN: One person.
SID: One person that’s ever scored as low. He’s not very good at speaking. He’s not very good at English. He’s not very good at SAT scores.
JOHN: Let’s talk about the speaking. So the first time my wife hears me preach 31 years ago after we got married, right, she’s in the front row. Within five minutes, she’s sound asleep. Okay. And she sleeps through my whole message. Front row. And her best friend sitting next to her has drool coming out of the side of her mouth. Okay.
SID: Bestselling author. All right. But he started out as a youth pastor and one day the head pastor walks in and what does he say?
JOHN: He just said he had a vision he night before. He said he literally saw it like he was watching a TV program. And he said, “One of these pastors,” there were 11 pastors sitting around the table, “One of these pastors will not be on our staff much longer. You’re going to be traveling out and back, and out and back, and you’re going to be a blessing to the Body of Christ.” And he goes, “That man is you, John Bevere.” And when he said it, the Spirit of God fell on me and I started weeping. And so I remember God spoke to me and He said, “Don’t write pastors, don’t call pastors.” The first four years I traveled I didn’t write one letter, I didn’t make one phone call and God supernaturally started opening up doors. I remember one time, this meeting, I was in a meeting near Detroit, and the movement of God broke out, and the church was packed for 21 straight services. Well I called my wife. Remember no cell phones in 1990. I called my wife at a public pool in Florida. I said, “Look, I got to send you tickets. This meeting is not going to stop.” Well there was a pastor of 2000-member church in the public pool. He walks up to my wife and he says, “I’m so sorry. I was listening to everything you were saying to your husband on the phone. I want your husband to come to my church.” That’s the way God started opening up doors for us.
SID: You know, when it’s God, it makes such a difference. I know why I am so intrigued with the Spirit of the Living God, the Holy Spirit.
JOHN: Yes.
SID: But why are you so intrigued?
JOHN: Because I wouldn’t be who I am today, I wouldn’t be where I am today, I wouldn’t know Jesus without the Holy Spirit. I am so in love with the Holy Spirit. And the thing that so grieves my heart, Sid, is most people, the church, now if you back them in a corner, they’re going to [unintelligible] but they really treat Him like an it. For example, would you get in your car and drive 20 minutes. Let’s say you car pool with somebody next door. You get in the car. You drive 20 minutes to work every day and not say one word to them, not good morning, how’s your family, how did you sleep last night, nothing, nothing, all the way, all the way back every day, you don’t say a word. And on top of that to add insult to injury, you turn the Christian radio station on and you just blast it. So he can’t say anything to you. That’s the way we treat the Holy Spirit. How many times do we get in the car, we never say one word to the Holy Spirit? I personally believe He’s the most ignored person in the church. I mean, if anybody’s ever got a problem with feeling like they’re ignored, just talk to Him. He can totally relate. But He still loves us. That’s what’s amazing. And He still yearns for us on top of that.
SID: You know, you know what you’re saying reminds me of the statement I said at the beginning of the show. Kathryn Kuhlman used to plead with people, “Please don’t grieve the Holy Spirit.”
JOHN: I wish I could have met that woman.
SID: He’s my best friend. We’re going to find out more about your best friend, too, when we come back.
Our Guest Pat Schatzline
SID: Now when you talked about love, something happened. You didn’t know it was going to happen. Tell me about the first time people that were cutters, people cut themselves because that’s the only pain in their life they can control. Tell me what happened to the cutters at this meeting when you were sharing about love.
PAT: Four years ago, I was sharing a message called, “Why is God so Mad at Me?” And the concept is He’s not mad at you, He’s mad about you. And the Lord had spoken to me, “Rewrite my resume for generations.” So I’m at a big festival up in California. My son is with me. And all of a sudden, I’m out there preaching and there’s thousands and thousands. And I get done speaking, and God moves people. People get healed. People get saved radically. You know, the Bible says in John 14, verse 18, “I will not leave you as an orphan,” and he says, “I will come to you.” And the Bible says in Romans, chapter 8, that “We don’t have a spirit of slavery,” but a spirit of sonship or daughtership that we can cry out Daddy, Jesus. There’s a reason why I’m sharing that is because, as I share about why is God so mad at me, it’s all about, people think, the reason why people think God is mad at them is because they don’t understand He is the Father, and because they see their earthly fathers, and they’re wounded. But all of a sudden, my son comes to get me. I’m in the trailer. I just got done speaking, and I had traveled all night to get to Monterey. And my son comes running, he goes, “Dad, you got to come outside.” I said, “Nate, I’m going to my room. I got to rest. I got to speak again tonight.” He goes, “Dad, come outside.” And so I walked outside and there’s kids lined up with their youth pastors, and they’re holding their arm out to me like this. Craziest thing. I go, “What, Nate?” He goes, “Dad, they’re all cutters and in the middle of your sermon their scars all disappeared.” I found out that God usually speaks to me when I’m the most tired is because that’s when [unintelligible]. So this began to happen over and over, and over. Youth pastors weeping. “I caught this one cutting and look, there’s still blood there, but no scars.” And this is the first time that happened. The manifestation began to happen over and over again. A scar is 80 percent healing. So when you got a scar you’re only 80 percent healed. But the Lord spoke to me, ‘Son, when I enter into somebody with my [unintelligible]. I will not only heal the inside, I’ll transform the outside.” So in November, November this last year, speaking in front of thousands in Indianapolis, and I get done speaking. God moves powerfully. I got to the back and this beautiful little blond headed girl comes running up to me and she goes, “Can I talk to you?” She’s 16 years old. I said, sure. She said, “You don’t understand.” She said, “I’ve been raped by my father, raped by my stepfather and raped by my boyfriend.” I just looked at her. She said, “But when you were preaching, I pulled off my Band-Aids and all my scars were gone.” She said, “God healed me.” And what I believe with all my heart is the enemy is doing everything he can to destroy generations. Twenty-five percent are dead because of abortion. The rest are just confused because culture lies to a generation. Culture works experiences. He can reshape their identity and instill the God identity in them, and then he can manipulate them to cut and destroy their bodies. But what I’m seeing with the heart of the Father is that He is calling. In some of our services I’ll have them dance with the Lord, little girls dance with God, and young men, because we have a generation, 34 percent that have grown up without their fathers, 72 percent in the inner city. So when we say, worship Heavenly Father, they’re like, what’s that? But see, the remnant whom God is raising up, it doesn’t matter what they were raised in. What matters is who they’ve been called to and how He’s going to take them and shape them, and form them. And I believe—
SID: Hold on. You can start it right now. Proclaim some of the statements. God told you to proclaim over the people right now.
PAT: The remnant consists of the failures, the followers and the freedom fighters whose pedigree is that of a scar [unintelligible]. Now he gave me 34 of these, so I got to be careful. The remnant knows that they do not stop where they should have, because Jesus didn’t. The remnant understands that they have the power and the authority to change culture, and culture does not control them. Who is the remnant? It’s the ones that God is raising up. You are a remnant if you’re watching this right now. You need to understand, you’re not an accident. You’re not news. You’re somebody that God has handpicked. The remnant understands that they don’t need the stage. They simply need a place to have an encounter with the savior. You are the remnant. You’re the ones chosen. God says, “I will raise you up right now as you’re watching this.” I feel His glory right now, because His hands are all over you. Everything you’ve gone through, the enemy tried to kill you with. But God says, “I’m going to take it from the enemy,” Romans 8:28, “I’m going to work it for my good, for purpose.” The word “purpose” means create it for public display. And God wants you to know that everything that was designed to stop you, He will actually allow it to happen so you would have a testimony. You would be able to rise up and say, enemy you didn’t get me. Who is the remnant? The remnant are the ones that simply will not bow, the remnant are the ones that will stand up. The 34 proclamations God gave me, He said, “You tell them the remnant are the ones that hunger and thirst after righteousness because they understand. They shall be filled.” That’s the remnant.
SID: So a question I have for you. Right now, if you want to be a remnant, number one, you must believe Jesus died for your sins and proclaim with your mouth that he’s your Lord.
PAT: That’s right.
SID: Number two, you must ask everyone who asks, everyone who asks will receive. I want you to do exactly what you did as a young boy.
PAT: Cry out.
SID: You went on your face crying to God. As we end this show, it’s not going to end for you. I want you to get on your face and I want you to cry out, and say, “God, I want my life to come out. God, I want to be a remnant. God, I must know you. God, I’m desperate for you. God, I’m hungry for you. God, I need you. God, you’re the only one that counts. God, I’m not wasted. God, I have value. God, now, now! Now!”
Our Guest Patricia King
SID: Now Patricia tells me she has learned how to create atmospheres for God to show up. Give me some examples of this.
PATRICIA: Absolutely. You know Sid, God has made us to be co-creators with Him, because He created us in His image and likeness, you know. And He’s a creator, and He’s a ruler, and so we have that anointing resident within us, especially in Jesus, who is our life, who is our creation. So as we come to learn the keys that are in the scripture, we can actually create realms and atmospheres. So for example, one time I went into a church meeting. I walked into the meeting and you could feel the atmosphere was antagonistic, actually, skeptical. There was unbelief in the room. You could just feel the atmosphere. People were sitting there with their arms crossed and I thought, oh, this is going to be an interesting night to serve the Lord. And so I asked Jesus, I said, “Okay, what do I do to break this atmosphere? What do I do to create a different atmosphere?” And he put on my heart an idea to start prophesying, giving personal prophetic words, because the Bible is full of keys on how we can create with God.
SID: Yeah, but wait a second. If they’re skeptics, they’re not going to want a woman prophesying over them. They don’t even believe in prophecy.
PATRICIA: They might not have wanted it, but that’s what they got.
SID: Okay.
SID: What happened?
PATRICIA: So anyway, I started calling out some words of knowledge and started prophesying over individuals. And you could hear the, ooo, ah, you know, because God of course is going to give an accurate word. And so all of a sudden, the oppression left, the arms started being unfolded, and people started leaning forward. It was almost like they had invisible “pick-me” signs on their foreheads, because they wanted the next word. And the atmosphere changed, and as soon as it did, then I could preach the Word, and then God could do miracles. But we had to take care of the atmosphere first. We have the power to create atmospheres and also to create realms.
SID: How about in the workplace? Give me an example.
PATRICIA: Okay. Well one gentleman came to me one time and he was struggling. He wanted to quit his job. He was actually making some fairly good money at his workplace. He worked as a mechanic. But he said, “I’m vexed in my spirit. I am vexed.” He says, “I’m a Christian that loves good values, but in my workplace, there’s crude talk, there’s dirty jokes, and there’s pornography pinups on the walls.” And he said, “I just have to quit. I have to get out of it.” And I said, “Well if you feel a leading to get out of it, then absolutely go. But what about the invitation by God to bring light into that darkness? Do you think that if you partnered with God that you could use the authority of the Word, the authority of God’s presence and change that atmosphere? Instead of being afraid of it, instead of being vexed by it, think about changing it.” And he thought, “I never thought of that.” So I gave him a few keys, you know, a few keys to work with that are out of the scriptures, and I said, “Why don’t you see these keys, give them a try and see what happens.” Well it was a couple months later, I met him at a conference actually, and he said, “Do you remember me?” I said, “Yeah, I do.” I said, “How’s it going?” He said, “It works! It works!” And he didn’t quit his job. And he said, it came gradually, but he had so much joy over even the idea of being able to change the atmosphere, that he just went for it. And he said, over time it actually changed, and the bad talk and jokes stopped, and the coarse jokes stopped. The pinups came down. And it became an atmosphere of peace because he stepped forward to do that in partnership with Jesus.
SID: What exactly, give me an idea of what he might have done.
PATRICIA: Okay. Well one of the things that I suggested him to do is to make decrees. Now it says in Job that, if we decree a thing it will be established. Now a decree is an official word given by someone in authority. There’s no greater authority than Yeshua. All authority in Heaven and in Earth has been given to him, according to Matthew 28:18. And so we can take his word. It says in the scripture that his words are spirit and they are life. So when we decree that word, it says Esther 8:8, “When you make a decree in the name of a king it shall not be revoked.” So I said, “Why don’t you in your prayer time start decreeing holiness over your workplace. Start decreeing God’s righteousness, start decreeing purity.” And so he did that. That was one of the keys that he used. Another key is praise. Just praise God, not for the filth that’s in the workplace, but for what God is going to do in the workplace. Start praising Jesus for coming in as a king of kings and the Lord of Glory and creating an atmosphere of the Glory of God. And he used a number of different keys. And one of the greatest keys, Sid, is the key of love, of course. We’ll talk about that later.
SID: No, no, right now. I want to know, no, seriously, I really want to understand this. Because I know that I’m created and you’re created to walk in the compassion of Jesus. That’s when the miracles happen, to walk in the love of Jesus. What was a turning point in your life to be known as someone that walks in the love of God?
PATRICIA: Well one of the turning points that was key for me was I came under a time in ministry of big persecution. I had always wanted to love before then. It was an aim in my life. But when I came into this persecution time there was just huge assault on international levels, actually, on just every different level you can imagine.
SID: Someone didn’t want you sharing this tonight.
PATRICIA: And one night I was, I said, “Lord, I just love these people and I don’t want to be defensive, but what do I do?” And up out of my spirit arose these words: “I declare war.” And I thought, no, I don’t want war, I want peace. And then I declared it again. I thought, what’s going on here, and it was bubbling up out my spirit. And the third time was, “I declare war. It’s a love war.” And all of a sudden I got this download and I believe I received an impartation directly from the Lord, and He started showing me how He loved the most vilest of sinners. Everyone who came against Him he loved. He never withdrew love no matter what. I thought, Lord, I want to love like you love. If I can’t love with your love, it says in First Corinthians 13, “If we don’ t have love we are nothing and prophet is nothing, and we have nothing.” And I thought, Lord, I’m going to make it my life’s aim to learn to love.
SID: How about you? Do you want to declare a love war? I want to declare a love war. That’s our secret weapon. We’ll be right back. And find out when you declare a love war you can change an entire country.
Our Guest Jonathan Bernis
Sid: If you’re not red hot for the Messiah you’re lukewarm and you should read about yourself in the book of Revelation. Jesus said “If you’re not hot or cold I will vomit you out of my mouth.” Well, the only, the only, the only, the only position to be in is red hot for the Messiah. My guest is Jonathan Bernis you’re probably familiar with him from his television show “Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis.” Jonathan and I have been friends for over 30 years. On yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about the most amazing difference so few Christians understand this of the Jewish or Hebrew understanding of the word mediate. Would you explain that again Jonathan?
Jonathan: I will Sid, there’s two kinds of meditation; actually there’s two words in Hebrew. The one that’s similar to the Christian concept of meditation is the idea that we are using our mind to reflect on the scripture. The word is sekha and it has to do with rehearsing in one’s mind or thoughts. This is the Christian concept; but the Hebrew concept is very different it’s the word haga and we get from that the Haggadah which means to tell, or retell the story of Passover. And it literally means to groan; to sigh or mutter or to speak. So while the Christian concept is derived really more from a Latin contemplation; the idea of contemplation and reflection and thought. Hebrew is the idea of speaking forth. And that’s what we find in Joshua 1:8 where Joshua was told to be strong and to be courageous and he’ll be successful if he does one thing. Meditates, confesses the word of God. He’s told to keep the word on his mouth. Not on his mind and heart but on his mouth. And so this is a very very important key Sid. We build faith when we confess the word of God; we hear it, we confess it and we hear it. And it eventually gets into our spirit and faith is released.
Sid: Well, you talk about Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” It’s almost like our words are magnets of blessings or curses.
Jonathan: The absolutely are; I meet people and you can see that they are beaten down and very insecure. And when you really probe Sid you find out that they have been reinforced with negative words. They have been told by their parents “You’re no good; you’re not going to amount to anything; you’re good for nothing. And sadly they come to believe it. And it takes the power of God; it takes deliverance to break free from that. But when children are reinforced with the Word of God “You are a child of God; greater is He who is in you that he that is in the world. You can do all things through the Messiah who strengthens you.” It also brings life to them…
Sid: Give me an example of someone that you instructed to meditate. What was wrong with them and what happened to them?
Jonathan: Okay as a pastor a woman who really I was very endeared to; a very sweet woman but she suffered from terrible depression. Sid, you could see it all over her face.
Sid: How long did she have this problem?
Jonathan: Well, like the woman with the issue of blood she had suffered from this for decades; more than 20 years. She had gone to doctors, specialists, therapists. She had tried everything and she was still just covered with depression; it was interwoven into her personality. I counseled her and I counseled her, I was a relatively young pastor Sid and it went nowhere. Then the Lord spoke to me as I was praying for her and told me to do one thing. “Give her scriptures that she can begin to confess; give her a homework assignment.” And so when I met with her the next time I didn’t go through an hour of back and forth counseling and ideas and the wisdom of man. I said “Sue, Susan these are scriptures that I want you to confess.” Like “Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world; You’re more than conquers through Him who loved us and gave Himself for us.” I gave her those scriptures; she came in the next week and said she was a different person. You could see it all over her face; she had joy; she had peace; she had been set free not by my intensive counseling but by confessing the Word of God again and again until it broke those demonic forces. Somebody just got delivered as I spoke Sid; I just felt it.
Sid: Well, I’m going to tell you something; this brand new book and it is brand new “Confessing the Hebrew Scriptures; the Lord is Peace.” Jonathan describe to me when they get this in the mail what they will receive and we’re going to pay a selection from the CD after you do that.
Jonathan: Okay, they’re going to get a beautiful hardbound coffee table book filled with gorgeous pictures that reflect peace and tranquility and rest. Shalom is an amazing word Sid that doesn’t mean just peace but it means wholeness; it means prosperity; it means wellbeing; it means to be brought to completion. Then they’ll see about 50 scriptures both Old and New Testament that have the English; below it the Hebrew. And then below that something called transliteration. This is the phonetic English of the Hebrew; and then in the back there is a CD that’s in the book; they pull the CD out and then they play the CD and they here this beautiful soft meditative music and then the confession of these scriptures in English and then in Hebrew. And what they do is they begin to confess along with the Hebrew speaker these scriptures and then they can speak perfect Hebrew without any background; without any experience; without any education.
Sid: Now I can see entire families doing this. They sit down; the little children, the mother, the father and read it in the Hebrew and listen to it in the Hebrew. And Hebrew is unlike any other language in the world; it is a supernatural language. It was prophesied, it would be restored in Israel someday. They would speak it in the streets of Judah and the cities of Israel and this has happen. But I believe that as they listen to this at night or during the day you’re taking in the word of God and it’s becoming flesh inside of you. And the days we’re living in; if you’re not speaking in your supernatural languages and if you’re not meditating on the promises of God’s word; you may go to heaven but you may go sooner than God wants you to. So Jonathan, tell me about a verse that we’re going to play in a moment.
Jonathan: Jeremiah 29; this is actually in the book. Jeremiah 29 verses 11-13 and then you can hear the CD with the music and it’s spoken in Hebrew. One of my favorite scriptures it says “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you say’s the Lord; thoughts of peace and not evil to give you a future and a hope; then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me and I will listen to you and you will seek Me and find Me when you search Me with all your heart.”
Sid: Okay, let’s hear the CD and remember you’re hearing this by a native speaking Israeli. You’re being able to read this in this amazing method that has taught Jews all over the world to instantly read Hebrew. It’s called transliteration. And you’re hearing the music and you’re hearing the words in English. And then I want you to when you go to bed at night if you’re listening to it just before you go to bed or if you’re reading it in this beautiful book guess what you’ll be dreaming about all night? You’ll be dreaming these promises. So let’s listen to it right now.
CD: Excerpt of Jeremiah 29:11 – 13.
Sid: Okay, you just heard in Hebrew and English Jeremiah 29:11-13. Jonathan, what does that verse mean to you?
Jonathan: Well Sid the context of this is that it’s a great scripture in the midst of a bad chapter. The chapter is they’re captivity in Babylon, but the Lord says “I’m not finish with you; I have a plan for you; I have a good plan for you.” And He has a plan for all of us. That word peace shalom doesn’t just mean peace Sid. Some translation’s say “My plan is to prosper you.” Shalom is prosperity; it’s God’s prosperity; not to inflict evil or rah in Hebrew upon us; but to give us a future and a hope. God has a destiny for each and every one of us. An intended destination; that’s what the Hebrew word akhareet means which you hear in the Hebrew text, that’s an expected end a destiny. He brings us to a place where we complete our purpose for this life. And hear Him say “Good and faithful servant. Well done.” Sid, how do we get to that destination? By the hearing the voice of God; by praying in other tongues, by confessing the word of God, by building faith into our spirit. So that we can do what we see Him doing; it gives us ears to hear and eyes to see.
Sid: And God is speaking to me just as Jonathan was speaking; I mean there is such an anointing on the Hebrew language. People with arthritis in their fingers if you’ll begin to move your fingers you’ll see the pain is gone. And people with back problems and neck problems if you’ll just move your back; bend over. If you’ll just move your head side to side you’ll find that you’re totally healed in Jesus Name.
Our Guest Lori Strong
Sid: We want everyone to be red hot for the Messiah but something is stopping most people; the Bible calls them little foxes. And maybe I’ll call them big foxes and that’s why my guest Lori Strong has written a new book called “Take Up the Sword of the Spirit.” subtitle “Crushing Curses With the Word of God.” It’s practical; it’s a how to manual, it states the curses and states how to get free. And then shows you exactly now just the word of God but the word of God and a prayer that get’s free these generational curses. Lori in your heart of hearts in your own words why did you write this book?
Lori: My heart is that people will be free and walk around..and believers in Jesus would walk around free so that they can be examples to others who doesn’t believe yet and want what they have. But if we walk around with bondage of curses not only does that grieve God and the Holy Spirit but it also stops us from being able to be an example to others so that they will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sid: A chapter that unfortunately affects so many believers is the generational curses that have to do with addictions of all kinds. We all know about drug addiction and alcohol addiction and gambling addiction but there are a few that we have been discussing. There’s an addiction in relationship; explain what you mean about that.
Lori: There’s many men and woman who and I can speak for woman especially that feel like they need to have a man in their life to make them feel complete. They are basically addicted to having a relationship with a person to fill up their time; to fill up the time of their day so they don’t have to deal with the fact that they don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. There’s a void that they’re trying to fill just like somebody’s whose addicted to drugs it’s just as dangerous maybe not physically although it can be. But emotionally; spiritually it’s just as dangerous or more so than drugs and alcohol but no one is stopping them because it’s not illegal and it’s not as obvious it’s easier to hide that addiction to people and to having to have a relationship in your life to make it complete.
Sid: But the whole issue is idolatry is anything that takes the place of what God is entitled to.
Lori: That’s exactly right; so no only does it grieve God but it stops you from having the relationship with God that He desires because you’ve placed like you said idolatry. You’ve placed something more important than Him in your life. So anything that you’re addicted to other than God is a god to you really; that’s what He’s saying. It’s an idol but it’s a god to you.
Sid: Okay, let’s talk about the acceptable Christian sin gluttony. Let’s talk about a food addiction, what does someone do with that?
Lori: Well, first realizing that it’s the same root and cause as the food addiction as drugs is as your just filling a void. And it’s acceptable because you know people eat; everybody eats to survive. But a lot of times people have to hide that and mask that. I think the same way that you deal with the drug and the alcohol addiction is the same way that you can deal with gluttony and a food addiction.
Sid: Now, could it be generational?
Lori: Oh, no doubt it’s often generational but it might not seem like it. You might see that maybe your parents were thin and maybe you end up heavy. But a lot of time that curse is laid in even the fear of eating. So I’ve seen parents who have restricted their children from eating when they’re young because they’re worrying about them getting fat or heavy I should say. And then you’re also sowing a seed of that fear of food and that can turn around to be a curse because you’re so obsessed with the fear when you get older that you end up eating more because of that fear that’s laid inside of you. And you have an emotional deficit inside of you because you never thought you were good enough or any of those things that could lead to that and then you end up eating too much all of the time. And even that’s where eating disorders come in because you might eat and then binge and purge and you might end up with an eating disorder because the curse was laid while you were growing up by your Mom or Dad.
Sid: Again, there is no way that we can do justice to any of these areas that’s why you need the book, you need the prayers, you need the scriptures. And this is God’s method to set the captives free. Let’s talk about another big problem among believers; anger!
Lori: Yes, you know it’s a problem among many people and a lot of people you know they thing “You know I can’t be angry at all because I’m a believer” that’s not true. God’s word doesn’t say you can’t be angry it’s how you deal with anger is very important. And anger usually leads to arguing and is a distention in a lot of people’s lives. But you know the feeling of anger usually comes as a result of insecurity or something deeper than that. Anger is a mask; I’ve seen many you know working with people in prison and also just woman and men that have had a lot of incest and sexual abuse and a lot of issues in life. And they do end up becoming believers but they still have anger because they haven’t forgiven. Or they still have bitterness in them and it does move to a different area in the book that I’ve written about. But it’s very important because unforgiveness…
Sid: Move to that other area.
Lori: I will, thank you; unforgiveness and bitterness are serious issues in the Body of Christ. They’re serious issues all over but anybody who says that they’re a believer if they have unforgiveness in their heart they need to realize that the word of God says that God cannot forgive us if we haven’t forgiven others. Often times though unforgiveness has to start with ourselves because we have to look at have we forgiven ourselves for the things that we’ve done before we got saved. And even maybe after; are we sitting in unforgiveness towards ourselves. First you have to address that I believe to be completely delivered and then it’s easier to forgive others instantly when they do something wrong to you. And I believe again that lead again that unforgiveness again leads to what you just talked about the gluttony. Because if you’re over eating and you continue to over eat you feel like you’re not worthy, you have unforgiveness toward yourself. Listen to how many curses are associated with that that you need to break out of. So we need to look at what’s the root of this. And often times unforgiveness and bitterness are the root of anger, of over eating; of addictions, any kind of addiction. Oftentimes unforgiveness is the root of all of those; and if we would just get a hold of what God is saying about us forgiving not only ourselves but anybody who does wrong to us and turn the other cheek. But also say “Lord, just as you have forgiven me I forgive myself.” And any time we ask for forgiveness God throws in the sea of forgetfulness, it’s gone; why do we keep picking it backup. And so I just want to say to the listener quit picking back up the thing you’ve asked for forgiveness for; quit taking it back from God. He’s already…it’s gone! He’s taken it and He’s thrown it away, quit taking it back; let Him be God in your life. Let Him take that and let it be gone and don’t keep bring it back up. And move forward, move forward because that’s where your destiny is.
Sid: Lori, because a lot of this is covered in your book let’s move to…I was with a man this morning and he made this statement to me. “My parents were diabetic, I understand that it skips a generation I am so worried that my children will be diabetic.” What would you have said to him?
Lori: I would say “If you’re a believer then you are healed by the blood of Jesus and so are your children and your grandchildren and any body ahead of you. Sickness and just because the doctors say that it skips generations doesn’t mean that you have to believe that report. You believe the report of the Lord, the Lord says “That you’re healed by the blood of Jesus” so now let’s pray and receive healing from any future generations; and also worry is a curse.” So let’s break that worry, let’s trust that the Lord is in control of your life.” And I would just pray with him and not only pray the word of God about “By Jesus Strips we are healed” but also that any curse of illness is done with me. It’s done because I now proclaim health and healing in my family because that’s God’s promise to me. And He not only wants our bodies to be whole, He wants our souls to be whole, He wants our minds to be whole. And so let’s just receive that by faith; the same way that you receive Jesus as Lord by faith you have to receive healing by faith. And we don’t have to believe it has to skip generations it’s done; it’s gone because you as a believer are proclaiming that in your life.
Sid: Lori our time is slipping away again.