Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

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Our Guest Perry Stone

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That if you look at the Book and you see Jesus, you know it’s called the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and here’s what’s odd. And when I did my study on the Book of Revelation in [my book] “The Apocalypse Code” that Sid has offered, I, this is one of the first things I noticed. If this is a Revelation of Jesus Christ how comes He shows up in chapter one as Jesus, as a person clothed in a white linen garment.

But then He shows up as a Lamb with seven eyes and seven horns. And then from that point on you don’t hardly see Him throughout the whole Book ‘til you get to chapter 19. And I’m thinking this is a Revelation of Jesus? No, this is a Revelation of Judgement! So this was the first thing I had to meditate on many years ago when started really studying the Book. I had to meditate on what did John mean when he said this book is a Revelation of Yeshua the Christ and yet He doesn’t appear all through the Book.

Then you have to go into the Book to understand what’s going on. And I want to show you this. In the Old Testament time, there were three major positions. A prophet, a priest and a king. The prophet gave the voice of the Lord to the people, the priest made the intercession on behalf of the people, but the king had the authority over the people.

And they all, when Israel was properly working, they all worked in cooperation with one other on behalf of the people of Israel. Now when Jesus came to walk on the earth for about 33 years approximately, 33 and a half years, we know that He was called a prophet by the people. Even He said a prophet hath no honor in his own country.

Written by sidroth

May 17th, 2023 at 2:50 am

Our Guest Tony Kemp

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TONY: Look at somebody and say Pressure is leaving.

AUDIENCE: Pressure is leaving.

Tony: Look at somebody and say Supernatural weight loss by the loss of pressure.

AUDIENCE: Supernatural weight loss by the loss of pressure.

MAN #4: Humble is the way!

TONY: Humble is the way, man. Humble is the way. So you’re feeling pressure. Heh, Heh. All right. You ain’t right man, you are not right!

MAN #4: No, I‘m with my brother.

TONY: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Humble is the way, though. So you’re feeling…

MAN #4: Yeah, I did. I did. I felt something when you said something.

TONY: Yeah. Father, we thank you that you’re doing this thing. And I appreciate, Lord, my brother’s humility. He’s got true humility. Umm, do you pray for the sick?

MAN #4: Yes, sir.

TONY: Do you see some healings?

MAN #4: I intercede.

TONY: Yeah. Do you pray for the sick and do they get healed?

MAN #4: Not in your capacity.

TONY: Well we ain’t talking about my capacity.

TONY: Have you prayed for the sick and have you seen some healings? Put your hands up man. Have you? Have ya? Yes or no?

MAN #4: Yes.

TONY: Is he your brother? You know him? Has he had some healings in his ministry? You don’t know him that well? Listen, listen. Listen. Listen. You going to have more. You’re going to have some healings. Have you been wanting to see some?

Man #4: Yes.

TONY: Okay. In the name of Jesus I release gifts of healings into this brother and I thank you for it Father, in Jesus’ name. Give the Lord a hand clap!


TONY: Is there anybody else? Anybody else? Yes, sir. What is happening?

MAN #5: I‘m dieting and, uh, my stomach’s smaller.

TONY: From?

MAN #5: From, yeah, when we prayed over there, I stood up, and uh, my stomach’s smaller. I got to tuck in my shirt to actually, because I couldn’t like see it to check it, but yeah, it’s actually smaller.

TONY: Look at somebody and say I‘m being provoked to jealousy.


Written by sidroth

May 6th, 2023 at 3:12 am

Our Guest Tony Kemp

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TONY: Now, yeah, go ahead praise him. This is the moment some of you I know have been waiting for. All of you who want to supernaturally lose weight starting tonight stand to your feet right now. And I don’t want any really skinny people to stand up! (laughs) If you’re like really, really skinny please don’t stand up. Just sit down and stand up on the inside. Somebody next to you might slap you. Here’s what I want you to do for real serious. Here ‘s… I want you to do this. I want you check and see how tight you are all the way around and memorize it. Um huh. Check and see how tight your pants are, your shirt is, all that kind of… see how tight. Memorize how much room you got and how much room you ain’t got. But don’t tell nobody right now. Just do that. Let me know when you got it.

You got it? Are you ready? Here’s my instruction. Number one: If you ‘ll repent of the way that you ‘ve been eating wrong and tell God, Lord forgive me and you promise to eat right, I‘m telling ya that some of yall its going to happen in just a few moments. So go ahead and do your prayer of repentance, because some of us… you know I‘m still repenting. Humm! C ‘mon now. But I‘m doing a lot better but I‘m still repenting. Begin to pray your prayer of repentance and then we going to pray for you. I was at Tennessee. A man was there. He was a, uh, praise leader. He was wearing a suit coat. It was unbuttoned. The Lord gave me a word of knowledge that he was causing people to supernaturally lose weight. And he burst out into laughter saying Pastor, I think I’m one of those guys.

He comes up and he’s able to button all four of his buttons. I was in Tennes… I was in, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, Mississippi, and a woman was there. She also had a coat. God supernaturally caused her to lose weight. She couldn’t button her buttons. But then supernaturally she was able to button her buttons. And listen, this is funny. Lord forgive me. But we, and my wife will tell you, we ‘ve seen people who had their stomach out here and it would shrink and they ‘d have to grab their pants and their underwear.


 TONY: Look at somebody and say Lord, let it be me tonight, let it be me tonight!


Written by sidroth

April 25th, 2023 at 5:23 am

Our Guest Tom Horn

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Dear God/ Ií m a sinner/Against you/and you alone/have I sinned/and I’m so sorry/I believe/the blood of Jesus/washes away my sins/I make you Lord of my life/Amen.

SID:  Now that was a supernatural prayer but here comes the prayer in the Bible for God’s name to be sealed upon you. You just receive and I’m going to tell you something. In the faith realm it’s receiving. It’s not just oh, que sera sera, whatever’s going to happen. You receive, just as if I had a baseball and I threw it right at you. If you don’t receive, boy are you going to have a lump there! Now you receive this! Okay? The Lord is blessing you right now!

The Lord is smiling upon ya right now! The Lord, now you receive right now, the Lord is gifting you, just receive from heaven the gifts. The Lord is gifting you, it’s falling right on you right now! The Lord is surrounding you with a hedge of fire and a hedge of favor right now! The Lord is giving you His Shalom. In Hebrew the word shalom means completeness.

The Lord is giving you His completeness in your spirit, in your soul, and in your body right now! In the name that is above every name, every thing in heaven and earth and under the earth. Yeshua ha Mashiach, Tsidkenu. Jesus the Messiah, our Righteousness! And all God’s people said, So be it!

AUDIENCE:  So be it!

Written by sidroth

April 18th, 2023 at 1:24 am

Our Guest Tom Horn

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And in fact some of the test beds and forests that are being raised here most other states rejected, uh, saying it was far too dangerous. Uh, but because I knew that I would be speaking here I grabbed a couple of them. Here, oh this thing don’t point on your thing? Okay. Here is the should North Carolina wildlife refuges grow genetically modified crops? Down here the, uh, North Carolina State University, and they’re talking about transgenic trees.

A transgenic creation is when you take the genetic material from one living specie and you genetically engineer it into the genetic material of another living specie. Something that cannot hap…happen naturally. Now I don’t know about the transgenic forests that they’re evidently raising here in North Carolina, but I do know that some transgenic trees have been created that have human enzymes in them.

Furthermore we are raising rice crops in the United States right now that you’re going to wind up eating that have human genetic material in them. So that’s how far that train also has left the building. Uh, here’s also the North Carolina Biotechnology Center and on their website they’re celebrating right now how this is a 60 billion dollar a year part of the annual economy. North Carolina wants its part of it. Uh, that’s in Durham.

Where’s that, about 2 hours from here? Uh, here also in Durham is one of the transgenic, uh, laboratories, uh, and, that page right there is talking about the transgenic mouse, uh, part of their laboratory so if you need to get a mouse that is part human or some other part pig or whatever you might happen to need for your experimental purposes this is one of the laboratories in the United States, uh, where you would be able to go. I’m not picking on North Carolina, I’m not picking on Ohio.

Written by sidroth

April 4th, 2023 at 3:34 am

Our Guest Sandra Kennedy

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But you begin to say “Hand, listen, I got something to tell you. You are healed, Hand! You hear me?” You know, I mean people will look at you funny, but I mean they’ll look at you funny anyway! So… you know. Hand, I command in the name of Jesus, you hear me, you going to move! You know the guy in the Bible who couldn’t move His hand. You remember the guy who couldn’t move his hand? And Jesus comes up and tells him to move his hand and he moves his hand?

He couldn’t move his hand before Jesus told him to move it. He just believed what Jesus said. You remember the Nobleman’s son? Remember the guy in, in the Bible and the Nobleman obviously heard about Jesus. I constantly say if I can just get you to HEAR we can get you healed!If I can just get you to hear. If I could just knock down all the religion and all the tradition.

If I can just get you to HEAR the Word of the Lord we can get you healed! Because when you HEARD how wonderful Jesus was you took Him as your Savior. When you HEAR that He is THE Healer. He is THE Great Physician. He has already done it and He’s already told you don’t forget what He did! He said don’t forget ALL of your diseases have been healed. Don’t forget it! Remember the Nobleman’s son? Obviously the guy had heard about Jesus. He shows up with Jesus.

Asks Jesus to go back to his house. You know, that his son’s there dying and wants Jesus to go back with him. And you know Jesus didn’t go back with him. Jesus just told him you go on back. He’ll be all right. Now think about it. He did not have a MP-3 player. He did not have a cassette. He did not have, you know, a, a, a, a CD player.

Written by sidroth

March 29th, 2023 at 2:30 am

Our Guest Sandra Kennedy

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Somebody told me about wonderful Jesus. And Jesus was so wonderful. You know isn’t Jesus wonderful? I mean He’s just so wonderful. And what you actually did, that most people don’t take, take time to process, all you really did was make a decision to believe Him. You just made up your mind to believe Him. Now He didn’t come in your room. Gabriel did not walk in your bedroom and say “Toot, toot, here I am. This is your day and your night.” That did not happen!

AUDIENCE:  (Laughter)

SANDRA:I mean you had processed this thing. The goodness of God. You believed what somebody told you. You made an out and out decision to believe that Jesus had forgiven you, that He loved you, that He’s on your side. You just believed that. You just, you just took Him at His word. It was a decision that you made. It was not a happening. All right are you listening to me? It was the decision that you made. Now healing is absolutely no different!

The reason people can take the word so easily about being saved is you’ve heard it all your life. You know somebody’s talked to you about it and you heard it and somebody’s told you about Jesus and how wonderful Jesus is and how He came and died in your stead. Praise the name of the Lord, He did! And then you believed that. But with healing if you were like me, I never heard anybody teach about healing. I mean they just didn’t… Well what I heard is that He wasn’t doing it anymore. That’s what I heard. As I grew up I was literally taught that signs and wonders had passed away. Of course the people who taught that have now passed away… but never the less…

Written by sidroth

March 19th, 2023 at 6:26 am

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Our Guest Patricia King

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A number of you. Keep your hand up high. I’d like to kind of… I would say probably, um, mmm, probably half or maybe just a little bit over half of you. Now here’s a little secret for you. If you want more of the glory, lean into it, in, in other words focus on it more. Just say “O God, thank you for what you’re giving me” and I’m going to go for another round.

How many of you would like it to go deeper? How many of you would like that? Okay. So just lean in and believe God for more and more weight, Lord. More of Your presence. Just wait on Him for a few moments. There, there. He’s coming now. There it is. I see it falling on you. There you go. Some of you with your hands up in the air you’re actually starting to feel weight on your hands. Okay, now how many of you have felt, felt that weight how many? Raise your hand for me. Raise your hand.

All right. Now there’s a lot more. Now I guarantee you that if you continue doing that wave after wave after wave that not only would it become a corporate weight of the glory of God for an impartation to create with Him but your own personal self would receive greater and more intense, um, measures of the anointing of God, of that particular anointing. Remember that when His glory falls there’s impartation. What are we believing for right now?

The impartation to create with God. Now the next thing I want you to do is to, is to ask Holy Spirit “Okay, what area of my life could use a little bit more of heaven in it? Huh. What area of my life could use a little bit more light in the darkness? Or in the shadows?” Is anyone getting anything? If you are, put up your hand. If, if the Holy Spirit’s revealed some things to you. Okay. Just keep waiting on the Lord. And if you’re watching through, through your screen just connect with Holy Spirit. Because it’ll come like in a thought. You know a thought might come to you.

Written by sidroth

March 7th, 2023 at 6:16 am

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Our Guest Patricia King

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When I learned that there was children at risk who were being raped day and night by pedophiles. You know, I thought that this is not okay. We can’t just sit back as God’s people saying, “Oh, wow, that’s too bad.” Not when we can do something about it. So we went into the darkness and said “Okay, God, you know, we must be able to do something little.” And I’ve been amazed at this over and over again. That just a little, just one little thing. One little act, action of obedience. One little act of faith can produce a ripple effect. And we started seeing just by our little efforts in the beginning that we’d share the testimony of what God was doing and it would grow and grow and grow.

And now to this day there are whole nations. In fact someone, um, from another nation was listening to our testimony share about, you know, the children at risk and the Lord spoke to her and said “What are you going to do about it?” She happens to be moving on a very high level of prophetic authority and she works with government. She went to the government in her nation and said you know, uh, we need to do something about anti-trafficking and our government does not have any policies in place. I want to work with you to put those policies in place.

In one year and four months that nation now has anti-trafficking polices that are created. You see they never were before. And now other nations are looking at what that nation did and they’re following suit. And that was just because of one person saying “yes” to God. You see what you do and your testimony that’s produced in it will produce a ripple effect. Some of you are saying, “Yeah, but some of these problems are so massive and what I have is so little.” But God’s, God’s little… or your little is God’s big. You see when He sent the Messiah He didn’t send Him as a full grown man or a giant or anything. He sent Him as a little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes who looked very insignificant to the eye of man.

Written by sidroth

February 21st, 2023 at 4:47 am

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Our Guest Patricia King

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In Genesis chapter 1, verse 27 and 28 the word says that God made us in His image and in His likeness. And so He is Divine Creator. He is Divine Ruler. And we’ve been created in that image. That’s why human beings are able to create anything at all. It’s because He made us in that nature. But then in Matthew 16, Jesus said that we’ve been given power in Him. That there’s a power that’s been given to the Church that even the gates of hell cannot prevail against that. And He says I’m giving you the power and the authority to bind and to loose. And so whatever you see that’s been done through the finished work of the cross, those promises that Jesus died on the cross to give you, for your peace, your harmony, your love walk, your, your, uh, prosperity, everything that has to do with your life in the earth, He said I’m giving you the power to bind anything that is not according to that life. For whatever I gave you in heaven that’s what’s going to stand. Whatever I did through my finished work on the cross that is what I’m giving you. That’s what you can go to the bank with. That is your heavenly currency. So if there’s something that’s not according to that, you can actually do something about it. You don’t have to wait even for three dreams and a vision. You can just wait for that agreement in the spirit and enter into that. And He says I’m also giving you the power to loose. If you see that it’s already been done by Jesus, and He sits at the right hand of the Father in the heavens, if it’s completed by Him you have the power to loose that or release it into your place in the earth, into your home, into your workplace, into, into your financial arena of life.

Written by sidroth

February 15th, 2023 at 3:15 am