Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for the ‘its supernatural’ tag

Sid Roth

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Sid: Now several weeks ago I gave you a very fast update on what happened in Israel. But there was so much that happened that, it’s so significant prophetically that I felt I’d take this whole week and tell you a bit about my adventure in the land of Israel. It started out with my sister and brother-in-law emailing me and saying “Sid I feel it’s time for you to come to the land and we can set up some evangelistic meetings for you.” I felt “Well, that sounds good.” We had them set up and there were some special things they were doing to get a lot of unsaved people there. See my sister and brother-in-law made Aliyah about a year and a half ago. And they’re in their 60’s. And God gave my sister a dream and they had it made; their retired their family is doing well they have a wonderful congregation, and everything was going wonderful for them. And they had no desire to go Israel in the midst of the intifada, the war but my sister had a dream in which God made it very clear that they were called the land of Israel. And so they cut their ties and they went and imagine over 60 their learning Hebrew. You know what even more unbelievable they love it, they absolutely love it. You know when you’re in the center of God’s will it doesn’t matter that an intifada’s going on, it doesn’t matter what happens, all that counts is to be in the center of God’s will. And He says “I’ll keep you in perfect peace if you’ll keep your eyes on Me.”

I talked to my sister and brother-in-law “Do you have any fear, do you have any concerns about walking down the center of the street there’s suicide bombers and all of these things going on.” And you know when you’re in the land of Israel it’s not like the United States you see people all over with guns at their side. I mean it’s just… when you go into a restaurant and they frisk you; most Americans have never lived under this type of atmosphere and I can tell you that they’re in such peace.

So anyway they invited me to come to Israel and then I had a childhood disease which caused a deteriorated hipbone and the prognosis was “Someday you’ll need surgery.” We didn’t know when the someday was but of course I was believing God for a new hip from the parts room in heaven. I really believe that God does these things and will do these things after all He says “Is anything impossible for Me.” But the pain got unbearable and I decided it hasn’t manifested yet I’m going to have the surgery. So I didn’t go to Israel. And then I decided that I would go again the dates worked out for me to be there about a week before Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year the Feast of Trumpets. And I talked to a friend of mine that’s a prophet his name is Bob Jones and I told him I was going to Israel I’d appreciate prayer for me while I’m there. And he said “Will you be there over Rosh Hashanah?” And I said “No, I’m leaving the land about a week before.” And he said “Oh, too bad God is showing me He’s going to pour out His Spirit on Israel in a very sovereign way starting in Rosh Hashanah.” And he said “I’m not prophesying you’re supposed to be there but it’s just too bad that you’re not going to.” I mean that’s like waving a red flag in front of a bull. (Laughing) I mean “If You’re going to pour out Your Spirit God I want to be where you pour It out.” So I decided I’d do a fleece I wrote am email to Pat Robertson and I’m going to be in Israel and I could extend my trip a few days if you would like to do a live update from Jerusalem on Rosh Hashanah. And low and behold got a call back almost immediately and they said “Yes.” So I had to be in Israel an extra week, that’s 2 weeks.

So I really felt that God had something special for me there and I’ll tell you if nothing else, if nothing else to see what God is doing in that land the way it builds your faith to see all of these ancient promises that have come true. “As long as there’s a sun and moon and stars they’ll be a physical Jew on the face of this earth.” That from the 4 corners of the earth God will suddenly cause Israel to become a nation in a day.” That’s what it says in Isaiah “A nation will be formed in a day and the Jewish people will be preserved, will be restored to that land.” And to just go there and see that is I mean such a boost in ones faith. And so one of the things that happened while I was there is I called a friend of mine that’s a close friend of Derrick Prince. Now Derrick Prince wrote… I interviewed him a number of times, he wrote a forward in one of my books. And as far as I’m concerned he’s one of the greatest Bible scholars. So I talked to this friend and this friend said… the friend’s name was Lance Lambert, and Lance said “Well, Derrick’s in the hospital and he’s not doing very well.” And then he hung up and the next day he was promoted; he went on to be with the Father in heaven. I got a hold of a newsletter, this was the last newsletter that Derrick Prince sent out just before he was promoted. And I’ve got to read this to you this is what he says:

Over the past 3 years God has been telling me again and again that He has planted me here in Israel; He has promised me that I will abide where He has planed me the result will be abundant fruit.

And I have to interject that’s what I saw on this trip abundant fruit. Then let me read another part of this newsletter. These were like his last words before he died:

Over the past several years I’ve been exercised in my mind over Romans 1:16. And Romans 1:16 says “I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes. To the Jew first, and also for the Greek

Then he goes on to say:

Some Christians offer only an historical interpretation of these words. Suggesting that they mean that the gospel was first presented to the Jews then later to the Gentiles, but that is not what Paul actually says. He says that the gospel still is for the Jews first, then for the Greek. It describes not merely a fact of history, but also a permanent order which God has ordained for the dissemination of the gospel. It is significant that Paul himself, who was the apostle of the uncircumcision, that is the Gentiles, regularly began his ministry in any city by approaching the Jewish community. I believe that we should still follow the same order in the presentation of the gospel today. I feel that we please God by reserving a special place for the ministry of the gospel to the Jewish people especially in their land.

Wow! This is what I’d been proclaiming for years. It’s almost like from heaven because he’s in heaven right now and I get this newsletter and he’s saying what the Spirit of God has been showing me for years. That, when we go to the Jew first it opens up because when you’re doing what God says to do you can’t miss. When you go to the Jew first it is God’s eternal law of evangelism. It opens up a supernatural door to reach all people. When you go to all people you don’t take advantage of that supernatural door. It’s like in Genesis 12:3 God says “I God will bless those who bless the Jewish people, and I will curse those who curse them.” So when you reach out to the Jew first with evangelism it’s like planting a seed. When you plant that seed it opens the door to reach all people, it’s so simple you need help to get confused.

So when I read that it got me so excited, then something else, I was actually at his funeral in Jerusalem. When I was there they mentioned his last prophetic word to the church. He was asked the question “What do you see as far as where we are right now?” This is what he said just days before he was promoted to heaven. He said 2 things, he didn’t have to think it just came right out of his mouth.

  1. Restoring Israel – this is what God is doing. Number 1 restoring Israel.
  2. Judging the nations – that’s so articulate and so correct.

You know the Feast of Trumpets, and that’s what I was in Israel for, or Rosh Hashanah, you blow the shofar. The shofar represents many things: Announcing royalty – when you hear that shofar blast the king is ready to come. I believe that what is about ready to happen in Israel today. It is not an accident that they have had an unusually high rain fall this year, almost record amounts of rain. Well rain is symbolic of the Holy Spirit. I believe it’s showing us there’s an outpouring of God’s Spirit, and that prophecy I heard by Bob Jones I believe that started on Rosh Hashanah, the King is about ready to come.

The second thing the shofar does is a warning. It tells you that there’s danger on the horizon. I have to tell when I was in Israel, and it was very early in the morning and I was just waking up, I had as close to an audible voice as I’ve ever heard in my life and the voice said “Economic judgment.” Now that’s all this voice said and I believe it was God. My interpretation was economic judgment on the United States for coming against Israel.

Do you remember John McTernan who I interviewed on Messianic Vision? He said that every time the United States of America has come against Israel they’ve had a warning judgment of some natural disaster or catastrophe.

Written by sidroth

April 15th, 2016 at 2:08 am

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Our Guest Dr. Mark Gabriel

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Dr Mark Gabriel (1303) 2002







Sid: I have a friend on the telephone Dr. Mark Gabriel. I’m speaking to him somewhere in Florida. That is not his real name because previously he was a professor of Islamic history at the most prestigious Islamic university in the world. We found out on yesterday’s broadcast he began to question the contradictions that he saw in the Quran. The Secret Police got ahold of him, he wasn’t a believer in Jesus he just questioned all of these contradictions that were there. They put him in a prison for 3 days without food and water, they whipped him, he was supernaturally protected. He cried out to God he didn’t even know who God was but he said “God help me.” They put a vicious dog in the same cell with him that was very hungry and the dog started licking him rather than killing him. They put in water with rats swimming up to his head and these rats were hungry and they didn’t harm him either. He was wondering “Who’s this God that’s protecting me?” So time went on… you went to a pharmacy because you had… what did you have a bad headache?

Mark: I had one… I lived for 1 year without faith because I’m already I lost my faith in Islam. I spent a whole year questioning myself searching for the true God who can be. I ask myself its can be the God of Hinduism?” I said “No no no God can’t be a cow. He must be more greater than that.”

Sid: So it wasn’t a God of Hinduism, okay.

Mark: So I just come really during that year I had a terrible headache because I never stopped asking myself, searching, and questioning you see about the true God who can be. The One who delivered me from the prison, the One He delivered me from the hand of the persecutors you see. One day I went to the doctor pharmacy, I was always going to this pharmacy to get this type of headache tablet. So when I went to there one day and the doctor pharmacy and she know me, she know my family, and she was really wondering what’s really going on in my life. She was worried I was going to be addicted for these tablets. She told me “What’s going on in your life? Why you keep taking these tablets all the time? I am worried about you.” I told her I don’t know just because I can’t sleep every night I can’t sleep. She asked me “What’s going on?” So I told her “I’m searching for my God. I searched, I don’t know He is the God of Judaism, the God of Christianity, the god of Islam I do know him exactly. I know his story exactly, but the God Judaism, the God of Hinduism I don’t know who is the true God can be.” She just smiled and she told me “Okay I’m going to give you these tablets like always, but I’m going to give you this book this is my Bible. Take and before you take your tablets tonight open it and try to read something and see how you’re going to feel. If you will feel nothing just close it and go ahead and take your tablets.” So I take the Bible from her, I take the tablets also. I went to my home and I sit in my room and I start to read the Bible before I take the tablets and find myself I start to read in Matthew chapter 5 the sermon of the mountain. I was shocked when I start to read and see what the Lord Jesus Christ telling His disciples and the crowd was sitting around Him. My brain automatically start to bring the Quranic teaching about Jesus. During my reading of the sermon of the mountain, I felt that the Lord Himself He did this appointment with me and came tonight to reach out to my heart and to introduce Himself to me and to give me the true picture about Him who is Jesus. So I was shocked by His teaching “Love your enemies.” I love my enemies how come? How come Islam does not teach me in all my life to love my enemy? Islam does teach “Eye by eye, and a tooth by tooth.” Islam does not teach me to love my enemy. So “Bless who curse you.” I find the word afterward in the sermon of the mountain came as a clear message to present to me the true picture about the heavenly God, about the heart of God towards His creation His people. I did discover that yes this is it the true God.

Sid: Now you told people about this and you were kicked out of the university, you were kicked out of the mosque, and as a matter of fact 2 men were sent to kill you. What happened?

Mark: One day I was just walking back to my home and 2 guys they came and because they wasn’t understanding and they was believed I was kicked from the mosque, and I was kicked from the university. They was thinking I am converted from Islam… particularly with Muslims they see some person leave Islam, or they are thinking that he became a Christian. So this is why they came and they tried to end my life. Why? Because they want to please God because the Islamic law says “The judgment of the apostasy, the person who’s going to leave Islam the judgment is for him must be killed.” The person who’s going to kill me he’s going to honor Allah for killing me. Let’s say you’re going to see in my book when my father he came and discovered my conversion and he came to kill me himself, my father, my own father, I am his blood and flesh, but he want to honor Allah in his life. The desire of Allah for him is more than his son.

Sid: How did you survive with these 2 men they stabbed you why weren’t you killed?

Mark: They stabbed me when they saw the blood comes from everywhere in my body I fainted and I fell on the floor and they think I was finished. There was lots of cowards and they ran away quickly, they do not want to wait more so they can catch by the police or something like that. They ran away and the police they came and they take me from the ground and they called the hospital car and they take me to the hospital.

Sid: When your father came to kill you with a gun what happened?

Mark: I was standing outside my house, my father he was talking to me and he find out that there is a chain around my neck. This chain carries the cross but the cross it was covered by my t-shirt. I received that cross from a Christian guy and I meet with him in South Africa when my father sent me to South Africa for a business trip for his business. My father came and asked me “You are the Imam, you are… How come you put a chain around your neck?” According to the Islamic and Arabic culture if a man puts a chain around his neck this is very bad.

Sid: The chain with the cross?

Mark: But he didn’t see the cross.

Sid: Oh, just the chain was upsetting.

Mark: Yeah I don’t know who moved my time to tell him “No my father this is not a chain, this is a cross.” I took the cross and I showed him “Now I believe in Jesus Christ He is my Lord and my Savior.” When I told him this he just fainted on the floor, he’s on the ground. When he fainted on the ground I discovered, I understand that my father that he will end my life. He will not leave me to go away, so I ran away from him to my sister’s house; I ran from him. My brother’s and some people from our neighborhood they came and helped him and when he stand up he take his handgun and he just looked for me and he find me just far away from him and he starts shooting towards me. The Lord just delivered me from his bullets. I ran to my sister’s house and from there I start to commit my situation to the Lord in my prayer and ask the Lord to show me where I’m going to that evening, and how I’m going to live in this country.

Sid: We’ll let them read the full story in the book, but Mark I want to now fast forward this is now 10 years later. I must understand what is the goal of Islam in reference to the United States of America?

Mark: The goal of Islam before September 11 maybe 20 or 50 years ago was perpetrated by the Islamic Mission Activity to reach out to America and to convert the American to Islam. Ultimately they will see America will become an Islamic country. The same way they did in England.

Sid: You know… well tell me how did they do it in England that might interesting?

Mark: In England they did also they did that through the Muslim Mission Activity. Building mosques, building Muslim schools, Muslim cemeteries…

Sid: I see all over America there are mosques coming up.

Mark: It is more than 200 mosques in the city of London itself.

Sid: Hmm.

Mark: Yes.

Sid: In your book you talk about there is 3 stages of Jihad, or a holy war. So what are those 3 stages?

Mark: The 3 stages it was presented by the life of Mohammed himself. This is the example for the Muslims and the Muslim movement around the world today. The first stage is the Weaker Time or the Weaker Stage. Weaker stage means the time when Mohammed was living in Mecca for 12 years. He has no power, he has not many people living around him, he has no ability to fight his enemies or the people that stand against him. So this is the Weaker Stage, and the Muslim he must require by the Quran and the Hadith he must have patience and must prepare himself for the second stage.

Sid: Now in that weakened stage would Muslims obey the law in the land if they’re just a small minority?

Mark: Yes they can do that yes.

Sid: The goal then is to increase their numbers I would assume.

Mark: To increase their numbers and start to prepare themselves for establishing a power.

Sid: Okay what is the second…

Mark: The second stage.

Sid: Tell me… explain the second stage.

Mark: The second stage is when Muslims they going to settle somewhere and they’re going to increase their number and they’re going to use their mission activity reaching out to people…

Sid: I’m sorry we’re out of time.

Written by sidroth

April 5th, 2016 at 12:11 pm

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Our Guest Robert Inguanzo

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Robert Inguanzo (1282) 2002

Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Robert Inguanzo I’m speaking to him at his home in Lincoln Park, New Jersey. He got hit with AIDS he had such an amazing miracle that happened because he was in a prayer meeting and God gave him a vision. In this vision he saw the condition of the church and what did the Lord show you?

Robert: Well he showed me it’s like I could see inside of the people; it’s like I could see what they were feeling and I could see that they were not really Christians like God wanted Christians to be. I remember the Holy Spirit would speak to me as I was looking at all of this and He told me “Robert I want the Christians to go into the depth of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ isn’t like just a story that you read it’s something… Jesus Christ is the person, He’s a real person He’s a loving God He wants us to be intimate with Him. He wants us to be able to talk to Him, He wants to prepare us to hear His voice, He wants intimacy with His church and that’s what the church isn’t going through right now. The church needs a renewal, it needs a restoration.” As I was seeing all of this I remember I’m crying and crying and crying and I kept feeling that pain in my chest and it was the same pain that Jesus was feeling. And Sid it was really such a strong pain and I remember after that I had such a desire to reach out to the Christians and say “Listen Jesus is real and there’s much more.” I remember that the Holy Ghost said “Robert there’s so much more that God has to offer there’s so much more that He has for His church.” And I remember that He said “Christians their goal was always to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and speak and tongues and all of this.” And He said that “A lot of times that people would stop there and he would show me that being baptized with Holy Spirit was only the beginning that was like the open door to the supernatural to a new level, to a new dimension.

Sid: What is the next step you would advise people to take that are born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in unknown tongues what is the next step?

Robert: Well what we need as Christians is to have a hunger ask God for a hunger for Him.

Sid: So that’s the next step.

Robert: Yes.

Sid: Pray God give me a hunger for you beyond what I have? Now what about your AIDS? You didn’t just have HIV you had full blown AIDS not only was it full blown AIDS you had a type of AIDS that’s called multi-generation AIDS. Which means that if they gave you medicine it would mutate to the point that where (One month) even if the medicine helped it wouldn’t help there was absolutely no hope for you; what about the AIDS? What is your condition today and where did you come from?

Robert: Well Sid my condition is that my immune system was 99% gone and thank God that after 4½ years it’s gone up up and up and it’s like I always say “God heals in so many different says.”

Sid: Okay there’s something called the T-Cell count which gives us an indication of your immune system. How low did your T-Cell get?

Robert: My T-Cell T4 is the same thing; my immune system went down to 2 just 2 T-4; 2-T-Cells.

Sid: That sounds like someone that’s almost dead; well you were told that you only had 4 months to live.

Robert: I not only have 4 months to live but it was nothing they could do at all; I remember I would get all of these headaches and I would get all of these diseases and I would go to the hospital and they would send you home because they said “Robert you’re on every kind of medication and there’s nothing else that we can do for you.” And Sid that would be like so depressing when you hear something like that and you have a family.

Sid: Okay what is your T-Count today? It was 2 what is it today?

Robert: It’s over 800.

Sid: Now this was a gradual healing how long did it take?

Robert: It took like I said like 4½ years to get up to 800.

Sid: And what about the AIDS virus itself, I mean the T-count has to do with the immune system what about the AIDS virus what did the tests show?

Robert: The tests show that there is no AIDS virus in my blood at all and that’s one of the greatest miracles I have paper work proving what I’m saying that it’s true. A lot of people might not understand exactly what it is but I don’t base myself only on the paperwork of the doctors even when my immune system was low I remember I would be reading scriptures like Isaiah 53 that would say “By His stripes I was healed.” And that’s the paperwork I really based my life on is the scriptures, is the word of God. I would take God’s for His word more than what the doctors were telling me because the doctors were only telling me bad news but then I would read the Bible and I would see something completely different. And all I had to do was just believe, just believe that the word of God is actually the word of God; it’s inspired by God. Yes it was written by man but it’s inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Sid: Give me a scripture that you might have meditated on and tell me what you did and tell me what the scripture said, pick one.

Robert: Okay well my favorite scriptures were Isaiah 53 “By His stripes were healed” and the lady with issue of blood.

Sid: Tell me about the lady with the issue of blood.

Robert: The lady with the issue, I compare myself so much to her Sid here was a lady she had gone to so many different doctors there was so much for so many years for 12 years. I can imagine this lady was in the same condition that I was in a way because she had a lot of money. Obviously if you go to a doctor 12 years for different doctors you know that she must have had a lot of money. After the 12 years she had spent everything that she had which was exactly what happened to me I had gone to so many different doctors there was nothing else I could do. But this lady with the issue of blood after she had spent everything, after she had done everything she could somebody told her about Jesus because the Bible says that she heard about Jesus so she heard about Jesus. So obviously she was told about Jesus. When she heard about Jesus it happened just like me when I heard that Jesus really, really did heal it was like a spark inside of me. And this lady with the issue of blood when she heard about Jesus she had to go and see Jesus and touch Jesus but she had a great problem that she wasn’t allowed by the law of Moses to be in crowds because of her condition she would be stoned to death if they would find her. But she didn’t care she was desperate and that’s exactly how I was I was desperate. And this lady she pushed herself through the crowd and just touched the hem of Jesus of Jesus’ garment. And if you read the scriptures carefully you will see that she kept repeating to herself, that’s how the original text explains it the original text explains it as she’s pushing through. The crowd she kept saying “If I only touch the hem of His garment. And when she touched the hem of His garment it was a touch of faith, it was a touch of faith so much so that Jesus Himself felt an anointing come out of Him. If you keep reading you’ll see how He turned around and was looking for her and again if you look into the original you’ll see when He was looking for her she was actually hiding behind the people so that Jesus wouldn’t know who she was or what happened she was hiding it wasn’t just that He didn’t see her he didn’t see her because she was hiding that’s how the original explains it. And that’s exactly what happened to me I reached out when there was no other hope and when I got to touch the hem of Jesus’ garment that ‘s when I received the healing. Even though everything else all the other diseases disappeared instantly the AIDS, it took a long time it took almost 4½ years to where it is now.

Sid: Now today you have so much faith your family has so much faith having seen all of these miracles that occurred in your life you’re praying for people that are being healed. I want you to tell me about 1 person describe 1 person that had incurable cancer that was healed that you prayed for.

Robert: Well there is so many but I know that there’s this one there’s this one lady she was already completely bald and I mean it was so sad looking at her and I just first of all I gave her my testimony how it was because I know that everything has to do with believing and having faith in God’s word. So I would tell her how it happened with me and how… what the doctors had said and everything and I would just pray for her and you know little by little she started getting stronger and stronger. There’s another case of another person that was going to die with pancreatic cancer and that person got stronger and stronger and stronger.

Sid: Was she cured?

Robert: Yes, yes, yes okay that’s what I want to hear….


Written by sidroth

March 30th, 2016 at 3:43 am

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Our Guest Elisabeth Syre

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Elisabeth Syre (1284) - 2002

Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah, her name is Elisabeth Syre she’s from South Africa. I’ve caught up with her where she’s speaking in Leesburg, Virginia. She moves in extraordinary prophecy and words of knowledge. The thing that intrigues me so much about you Elisabeth is that you were raised in Holland during the holocaust. Your father was one of these people that loved the Jewish people and wanted to help them, but that was pretty life threatening to the rest of your family. What happened to your family?

Elisabeth: My family at that time lived in Holland and my family was not aware of my father’s underground movement for the Jewish people. He was busy in getting 23 little children saved in the city of Hengelo, Holland. He was doing that because he was working in the town hall and he had all the names on file. He let many names disappear from the files so that they couldn’t find any Jewish names the moment the Germans occupied the town hall. Then he found the homes of these children and actually made sure that they were not being stolen by the Germans so to say, but they were in state homes. He brought them one by one into Christian homes.

Sid: Now was your father’s life ever threatened? Was he ever captured by the Nazis?

Elisabeth: Yes he was captured by the Nazis. In his office he was the personal manager in his office with his assistant as they took over all the offices and all the government buildings. They took him and brought him into the death train. Every Friday the death train was leaving the station…

Sid: Now why was it called the death train?

Elisabeth: Because people never came back.

Sid: Hmm.

Elisabeth: They never came back. They were put onto the train and people that had dark hair and that had dark eyes… they took people from the street and said you “You look Jewish you have to go into the train.” So it was on the Friday we were not allowed to walk outside because especially on Friday they were picking up people at random and brought them into that train.

Sid: Now where was the train heading?

Elisabeth: The train was heading I believe to Dachau in Germany.

Sid: That was one of the worst of Hitler’s concentration camps.

Elisabeth: Yes.

Sid: So… Your father had a one way ticket to death. They arrested him and put him on the train?

Elisabeth: They put him on the train, the train was packed with people…

Sid: But he wasn’t Jewish, why did they do that?

Elisabeth: He had a Jewish name and my mother had a Jewish name. They did it because he had an influential position and all people in this position in Holland they took them first, and they took the Jewish people as well. They were just trying to overtake every situation in Holland.

Sid: So what happened to your dad?

Elisabeth: After he was in train he spoke to his assistant and said “Well I don’t know what you’re going to do but I’m going to leave this train. I hear the soldiers are fastening the windows and we are in one of the last carriers. So when they are fastening the windows this is the time to jump on the other side out of the window. I’ll help you. We’ll try to escape just come with me I’ll help you too.” The assistant stayed in the train and he died and he never came back, but my father jumped out of the train and did hide himself…

Sid: Now I would think that would be pretty life threatening to jump out of a moving train?

Elisabeth: It wasn’t moving it was stationary…

Sid: Oh!

Elisabeth: …for a couple of hours till they had enough people to take Dachau.

Sid: How come no one saw him when he jumped out?

Elisabeth: Because he was sitting in the corner and his carrier was in the back… was one of the last carriers and it was very dark. It came became more gradually darker and darker and there was no light in the station. So in that particular carrier he just jumped out and out of the window and stayed under the wheels of the train. Just before 12:00 you know the heels of the soldiers clicked past the window again but they didn’t see him under the train. The train drove off and my father was still on the rails.

Sid: There had to be a destiny for his life and for your life for that matter. So your father escaped and then what happened?

Elisabeth: When he escaped he actually in the middle of the night you are not allowed to walk on the street before 7:00 in the morning. He actually walked through all the little backyards of these little towns, town of Hengelo. Then he crossed the street to the house where we lived in the city. Then he actually climbed onto the balcony. We had a double-story house and the light in the room of my mother was still on. She was praying with the Bible open and had cried herself to sleep because dad hadn’t come home. The window… the curtain was slightly opened, he knocked on the window and said “Quickly open the door.” At that point my mother opened the door and he said to her “I’ve just been… I’m here but we have to leave they will look for me everywhere; we have to go into hiding.” Then we all packed our clothes and dad said “Well let’s take all our belongings and everything that’s important. Just go immediately. I’ll walk in front of you.” So my brother and my sister at the time because I was a baby in the prim, my mother pushed a prim with all the belongings, I was buried under the belongings. My father walked a 100 meters ahead of us and at every corner he waited if we would see him then he would turn left, right, left, right through the little town of Hengelo till we came onto the main artery road to another city and he walked and walked and walked. Then he found this little farm, we call it a small holding in English, it’s a small farm. He knew the owner of this farmer, he was a Baptist believer. He said “Brother will you take us in our lives are in danger.” This man was open arms received us and put us up for a couple of years in his little farm. We had hardly anything to eat because everything was so… at least on the farm there was something growing there. We had something but I remember as a baby they couldn’t feed me but we were living… I was living under the ground for a couple of months, maybe for a year I don’t know how long.

Sid: So Elisabeth how did you eventually get out of this predicament?

Elisabeth: In 1945 I was a toddler at that time. The American soldiers came to Holland to rescue Holland from Germany. My father was overwhelmed with joy because he had made it through the war and we went back to our old house in the city. Soldiers came to our house, the believing soldiers and we celebrated many many evenings in song and in singing hymns together. All of my family were very very musical so there was always food for everyone. For the first time in my life after all these years of depreciation we actually got real butter and I remember the taste of real butter. Then they put me onto a table and it had long flats, little flats on the side. They were teaching me the song “You are My Sunshine My Only Sunshine,” I still remember it.

Sid: Okay well let’s jump forward now. You’re in England, you’re being educated there…

Elisabeth: Yes.

Sid: …but you weren’t really a believer in Jesus. I mean coming from such a Godly heritage, how come you weren’t?

Elisabeth: Well I was a nominal believer. I was a duty believer, I believed when that when you go to church that everything is okay. I went regularly to church with my father and with my family, but I didn’t really here the gospel in the type of congregation that I went. When I came to England I realized that “Wow! Is it really true that Jesus is the Messiah, or Yeshua is the Messiah?” I asked Him and so I got involved with a whole group of students, they had quiet times. They talked to Him as if He really was in the room and I was very impressed by that. Then the one day I said “Lord if you’re really alive show me.” When I went home to my little apartment on Bakers Street that I was sharing with some students. You know in the door I the saw the whole like a flash of lightning, I saw the whole outline of Yeshua He was standing in that door with His hands outstretched and I saw the nail prints in His hands. I was just so touched it was as if the Lord said “You see I’m really alive. You see I’m really alive.” By that point I said “Lord I now know that you are Yeshua that you are the Lord of lords and the King of kings, and I trust you.” Then I became freer and freer and I started to talk to the Lord. In the quiet time I started to grow, read books, go to the Bible studies and I started to grow and grow, and I even went to Bible school. So I grew all the time in the Spirit, but I then I realized that you can’t just be a nice Christian out of duty you have to give your heart to the Lord. When Corrie Ten Boom came back into our life after she came back from the concentration camp, do you know she told me all about the Holy Spirit. She said it is the second battery in your life. The first battery is salvation, the second battery is empowering with the Holy Spirit.

Sid: Alright I want to find out about what happened when she laid hands on you and prayed, but we’re out of time today.

Written by sidroth

March 24th, 2016 at 6:39 am

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Our Guest Dr. RT Kendall

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Dr. RT Kendall


Sid: My guest by way of telephone I’m speaking to him at his home in Key Largo, Florida is RT Kendall. RT is the former Senior Minister of West Chapel in London, England. He is a PhD graduate of Oxford University. And He has a new book that’s shaking a lot of people up and I believe that if there’s every been a time to get this area right in your life is just before what I believe is the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit in the history of planet earth, don’t miss out on your destiny. The name of the book “Total Forgiveness” subtitle “When Everything in You Wants to Hold a Grudge Point a Finger and Remember the Pain God Wants You to Lay it All Aside.” RT on yesterday’s broadcast we were talking about what is total forgiveness, would you pick up there where we left off?

RT: Well it doesn’t mean closing our eyes to those that will continue to harm others Sid. Total forgive is when you pray for them and you want them to be blessed but the proof that you have total forgiven begins with a refusal to tell what they did. Take for example Joseph here was a man who was betrayed by his brothers, sold to Ishmaelites and then that was really Plan B they were going to kill him. Well it wasn’t a very nice thing that they did and Joseph had to forgive them. Now when those brothers sold Joseph to the Ismaelites they never thought they’d see him again. Little did they know that 22 years later when they go to Egypt they have to face the Prime Minister of Egypt that is none other than their brother Joseph they don’t know it at first but later they find out that it’s a new Joseph. Joseph had longed for the day that he could look at those brothers and say “Gotcha!” But now he has them before him and instead of saying “Gotcha” he’s a new man, he’s a changed man. And the first thing he does Sid is to say “Everybody out of the room.” Now why did he have everybody leave the room? It’s because he’s going to persuade his brothers to get their father Jacob to come and live in Egypt in the land of Goshen. The reason he had everybody leave the room except his brothers is so that nobody in Egypt would ever know what they did to him. Joseph wants his brothers to come and live in Egypt and he wanted the Egyptians to admire his brothers. Joseph knew that he himself was a hero he wanted his brothers to be heroes and so he makes sure that nobody in Egypt would ever find out because he knows that if they find out in Egypt what they did you know they’re going to hate those brothers and Joseph doesn’t want his brothers to be hated.

Sid: If Joseph hadn’t at some point along the way forgiven his brothers do you think he would have rose to the royalty he did?

RT: Very good point Sid. Don’t believe he would have it’s my view that God just waited till Joseph totally forgave before he could be trusted with such a lofty position.

Sid: And Mishpochah did you get that point. Maybe you you’ve been saying “God I feel like I’ve been on a treadmill how come you’re not moving me up? How come you’re not promoting me, how come the gifts are not flowing the way you promised me that they’re going to flow and maybe…

RT: You are exactly right.

Sid: And maybe God’s waiting on you.

RT: Do you remember the dreams Joseph had about his brothers? Yeah he wasn’t very wise to tell those dreams he said “You know I had this dream “Moon, eleven stars were bowing down to me.” Now there wasn’t anything wrong with Joseph’s gift because it was functioning he had a definite prophetic gift when it came to dreams. But there was a lot wrong with Joseph and Joseph always knew that one day those brothers were going to come to him. But what he didn’t know is that God wasn’t going to let it happen until Joseph was right in his heart towards them. And I think there are a lot of people Sid that have been given call it prophetic words, words of knowledge, promise maybe the Lord Himself has promised someone one day I’m going to use you.” And they keep asking Him “How long, how long, how long?

Sid: And God’s saying the same thing “How long, how long, how long are you going to wait to walk in un-forgiveness? (Laughing.)

RT: That’s exactly the point, that’s exactly the point. So Joseph could not be trusted with such authority and power if he were still bitter. And so when God doesn’t exalt us as soon as we would like it’s at least that God’s doing us a favor because we couldn’t be trusted with that kind of power.

Sid: You know many times I’ve said…I’ve even said this publically when I first started in ministry had I had the platform I have right now I believe that I would have fallen big time.

RT: Hm hm exactly.

Sid: So God’s got a lot of wisdom there (Laughing.)

RT: Well He was doing Joseph an enormous favor and He’s done me a favor by well my predecessor at Westminster Chapel was a man by the name of Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones. And he used to say to me “The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he’s ready.” And so that the principals here once Joseph had totally forgiven those brothers “God says Joseph I think now you’re ready,” and that’s and you’re exactly right Sid and that’s what God was doing here.

Sid: Well you’re just exploding so many thoughts but let’s go back to what is total forgiveness.

RT: What do you think I should say what it isn’t?

Sid: Please.

RT: Okay.

Sid: That’s one way to understand.

RT: It is not approval of what they did, you see God never approved of our sin He hates sin and so Jesus forgave the woman found in adultery but it didn’t approve of what she did He told her leave your life of sin. And so when we forgive it doesn’t mean we approve what they did nor does it mean that we excuse what they did. We got to forgive people but it doesn’t mean we excuse them, or it doesn’t mean we justify what they did. So nor does it mean that we pardon what they did. Back to the lady who was raped by a person from a Middle Eastern country. She didn’t pardon him but she certainly forgave him in her heart. And another very important point I think that we already touched on this I think it was maybe on the program yesterday forgiveness is not necessarily reconciliation there not always the same thing. You see reconciliation requires the participation of two people the person you forgive may not want to see you or talk to you or they may have passed away since the time of the offense. Not only that Sid you may not want to maintain a close relationship with the person you forgive. So the main thing is you’ve got to forgive them but it doesn’t mean necessarily reconciliation.

Sid: You know a lot of people beat themselves down because they think it means those other things.

RT: Yeah I know I call it pseudo-guilt, living in guilt but the main thing is that we forgive them. And I ought to add one other thing total forgiveness is not denying what they did sometimes people will live in denial and say “Well I can’t believe those people really did that to me.” It’s not blindness to what they did the truth is you’ve got to say “They did do that, what they did was not very nice.”

Sid: And it’s also not very justifying saying “Oh well they had a bad father that taught them to act that way it’s not excusing what they did.”

RT: And I’ll add something else “A lot of times people say to forgive is to forget.” That’s not true you see we say forgive and forget but the truth is we can’t forget we know what they did.” But what we do mean by that is that we don’t bring it up, we don’t keep pointing the finger, you can’t deny what they did. And so that’s the important thing you don’t live in denial and pretend, you’re forgiving when you know good and well what they did was not right, it was wicked, it was evil but you forgive them because God has forgiven us and we’re to pass that on.

Sid: And you say when you discuss this in your book “What Total Forgiveness is Not.” You talk about people it’s not pretending we’re not hurt, so what do we do with our hurts?

RT: Well God let David know how grieved he was over his sin of adultery and so God did not pretend not to be hurt. And David a man after God’s own heart was still the object of God’s being ruthlessly impartial with David. So Jesus was hurt when he was struck in the face by a priest official, he said “Why did you strike me?” So he didn’t pretend that he wasn’t hurt we are hurt but we don’t want to make the other person feel guilty and when we have totally forgiven we will set them free from any kind of guilt.

Sid: And you know what I do in my own life is I don’t look for that other person to heal my hurt I go to God and I say “Father I’m hurting.”

RT: Right.

Sid: I need Your love, You’re the only one that can give me the love any way.

RT: Hm.

Sid: Well what is total forgiveness now we know what it’s not.

RT: Okay it’s refusing to say what they did to make them look bad, another thing you won’t let the people be afraid of you. Joseph as soon as he revealed who he was those brothers were terrified and he looked at them probably in tears and he says “Come close to me, come close to me.” He didn’t want them to be afraid but you see if you have hurt me and I haven’t forgiven you I’m going to want you to be afraid of me. And had Joseph not forgiven those brothers the moment he saw how scared they were he could have said “Gotcha good I’m glad to see how you feel I’ve waited for this moment!” But instead he says “Come close to me he was just wanting to feel love from the, he wanted them to feel loved.”

Sid: Mishpochah time is slipping away and I want to leave you with one thought to ponder until we come back tomorrow. Unforgiveness keeps you from loving again, think about that.

Written by sidroth

March 18th, 2016 at 10:13 am

Days of Elijah Conference

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Sid: I wish you were at our Days of Elijah Celebration which we had in St. Simon’s Island, Georgia recently we’ve been playing excerpts from the celebration all this week. In a moment we’ll go right back to Dr. Michael Brown on his message. But let me read from one of our Mishpochah that wrote in he says “I believe that we were all anointed to participate in the last days harvest; Lord help us to take the message to those around us.” I pray that I’ll never forget what I experienced there in Georgia now I know what is possible for the church on earth. And when you sit on the anointing on this video there is going to be a change in your destiny. Let’s go to Dr. Michael Brown.

Dr. Michael Brown: Why is it that in one city that we are commanded to pray for in Psalm 122 and Isaiah 62? Why? I’m sure that Jesus wept over many cities but scripture only tells us that He wept over one Luke 19 He wept over Jerusalem? Why? Why does Zachariah 2 does God speak of Jerusalem as the Apple of His eye? Why that city? Why all nations coming up against it? Why so much controversy over it right now in our day? You want proof that the Bible is the word of God, the Bibles true? Just as where it says about Jerusalem and look at what’s happening in the world! How in the right did it get it right? See it all comes back to Jerusalem, there is one city to which Jesus said He would return.

There are promises in scripture that tell us that the Jewish people endure as long as the sun, moon and stars and if the devil can wipe out the Jews he makes God into a liar. But it goes beyond that you see Yeshua said in Matthew 23 “He will not come back to the earth, He will not come back to Jerusalem until His own people welcome Him. But if you know the Hebrew words “Until Jerusalem says ‘Baruch Haba b’Shem Adonai (Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.)’” From Psalm 118 those are the words by which the Messianic King was welcomed. He said “You will not see me again until you see again until you welcome Me.” And Israel if Jerusalem will not see Him again until they welcome Him nobody will see Him. Because when He comes every eye will see Him. Do you understand that the return of Yeshua to set up His Kingdom on the earth and to put His feet down on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem according to Zechariah 14. Do you know what’s dependent on His own people welcoming Him back? He hears the prayers of His Body all around the world from many nations saying “Even so come Lord Jesus” and He’s saying “I won’t come until My own people welcome Me back.” And when He comes back that’s the end that’s the casting of Satan into the bottomless pit; that’s the destruction of the wicked on the earth; that’s the setting up of the Kingdom of God on the earth; that’s the Resurrection of the righteous it’s over! And that’s why it’s so hotly opposed. That’s why the devil fights with all of his might it’s the ultimate battle the Battle over Jerusalem.

9/11 was a battle over Jerusalem do you understand that? All of the shaking in the media and anti-Israel bias around the world it’s a battle over Jerusalem because it’s a battle where Satan is holding on with his last minute stake. Because when Israel gets it right it’s over.

Now here’s the good news, anyone ready to hear some good news. Here’s the good news if it was written again in verse 11 in Romans 11 Paul said “I asked if they stumble beyond recovery? Not at all (those that were hung up in church buildings all around the world, not at all.) Yeah rather because of their transgressions the Gentiles to make Israel envious.”

You know I once heard a quote from a teacher that had a bit of a wrong emphasis on property and over emphasis and he said “Look we Gentile Christians have to make the Jews envious so we’re going to have to earn more money than them.” Forget it, forget it that’s not what God’s talking about. What a carnal approach, no he’s talking about when Israel sees what you have, what we have genuine presence of God, power of God mercy and forgiveness, clean conscience. When Israel see the redeemed people enjoying the covenant blessing of Messiah that belong to them they’ll become envious.

Now look at this but if they’re transgression means riches for the world and their loss means riches for the Gentiles how much greater riches will their fullness bring? I’m talking to Gentiles as much as I’m an Apostle to the Gentiles I make much of my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them. For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world what will their acceptance be but life from the dead!

Go to the end at verse 25 “Israel has experienced a hardening of the heart until the full number of the Gentiles has come in and so all Israel will be saved! And as it is written a deliver will come from Zion He will turn godliness away from Jacob and this is My covenant when I take away their sins.”

We have gotten so far from understanding how Jewish the gospel is and how of all peoples on the earth it was tailor-made for the Jew. We’ve gone so far from that that this week the Bishops of the Catholic Church working together with Rabbis came out with a formal statement now that it is wrong for the Catholic Church to seek to evangelize Jews they have their own covenant with God. Saying of all people the ones that the Messiah came for they’re the ones that don’t need Him.

But here’s the good news that when we read this I don’t think that we take hold of what’s written; you know what Paul’s saying? Verse 12 again “If their transgression means riches for the world then there loss means riches for the Gentiles how much greater riches will their fullness bring?” Paul’s saying “All of you are saved, all of you have your sins forgiven, every former immoral person drug addict, alcoholic, lost sinner, religious hypocrite, atheist, terrorist, communist, Hindu, Buddhist, criminal, prostitute all around the world. He’s saying all of you who have come to know the Messiah, all of you who have had your sins forgiven, all of you who have received new life, all of you that have been healed, all of you who have been delivered he said “This has happened because Israel got things wrong.” What happens when Israel gets things right?

Listen to what he’s saying verse 15 “If their rejection is the reconciliation of the world.” Listen there are over a billion people on the planet who know the Messiah who are worshipping the God of Israel today because Israel got things wrong. If their rejection is the reconciliation of the world what will they’re acceptance be but life from the dead.

I’d like to picture it like this it’s a simple little illustration but it works. Years, centuries in the future the streets of heaven it’s a big Texas Evangelist talking to a Jewish believer even though he’s in heaven he still has glasses just for the illustration. Texas evangelist still has a cowboy hat and boots and a little pride just for the illustration. He comes up to this Jewish guy and “what’s your name son “My name is Irving Goldstein sir.” You know who I am? No Sir I really don’t know. Brian Bosnec I preached face to face to over ½ million people I’ve seen 50,000 people saved, in fact over a 5 year period and I saw 5 people come out of their wheelchairs. What’s you done son? “Well I really haven’t done anything big or famous I was just involved in reaching the Jewish people with the gospel, I saw the Jewish people turn back to God call on the Messiah and He came back and all of the righteous people got out of their graves.” (Crowd Laughter!)

I want you to take hold of this “Life from the dead.” This is the big one you want to ministry of raising the dead see Israel saved everybody that’s righteous get out of their graves. This is the big one! But look God is doing something, God is doing something. The church that I got saved in you know what I meant when always in Olney was a little Italian Pentecostal Church with 100 people when I got saved. Do you know what I was met with everywhere they love Israel, they loved the Jews it was just in them because they were saved.

Some years ago we were having a conference in Pensacola and some people were visiting our school of ministry here and they were getting a tour of the different offices and the different campuses and stuff and somehow they just came through my office. I had this office with this big library, I didn’t know that they were coming through my office and these tour groups. I was sitting there on my desk and doing my work and one woman came in crying, crying and crying. “You’re the first Jew I’ve ever met I’ve always loved Jewish people and you’re the first Jew I ever met.” And she’s about 30 – 40 years old. “I’ve always loved the Jewish people and you’re the first Jew. And I said “Where you from?” She said “Louisiana.” Well, that figures I can understand that (Laughter). And I said “You really want to be blessed go to the next office my Assistant Scott he’s a Jew too and I said “Then go down one more office and my wife Nancy she’s Jew too. “Oh” she walks into Scotts office crying and crying. “I’m a Louisiana redneck I can’t explain it but the day I got saved I had this great love for Jews.” I’ve seen it around the world.

Just as supernatural as 9/11 was. How could it happen and yet it happened. My wife lost her brother in it. Some of you may have lost loved ones it seems impossible it happened. As supernatural and diabolical as the world of anti-Semitism as the Holocaust was, as the crusades were, and all of these other things.   As impossible as it all seemed it happened. I tell you it will be more impossible more amazing and more incredible what God does. If that’s the power of evil, if that’s Satan’s best shot what’s God’s best shot look like. Israel shall be saved! Israel shall be saved, Israel shall be saved, Israel shall be saved!

Sid: The Jew needs a Christian, the Christian needs the Jew. Israel shall be saved in the greatest revival in history among Gentiles is about ready to happen.

Written by sidroth

March 11th, 2016 at 8:17 am

Our Guests Rick and Lori Taylor

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Sid: I’ll tell you something if you’ve been listening all this week you are at the boiling point, and I mean in a good way. I have on the telephone Rick Taylor, I’m speaking to him at the healing room which is located in Santa Maria Valley, California where’s there’s literally been an outbreak of the miraculous almost everyone with cancer going there is being healed, every other disease that you can think of. The thing that is so exciting to me is that greater miracles are even happening. What is a greater miracle than someone with given 2 weeks to live from cancer and being instantly healed? I’ll tell you what’s greater than that, the forever miracle where you have intimacy with God in this life and that same intimacy just gets better and better when you slip out of your earth suit. Rick you’re having people from other religions come into the healing room. Why would people from other religions come there?

Rick: People are desperate when it comes to healing they’ll try anything. When they try the doctors, they try their god and they don’t get healed they hear the stories about the success that we are having they have to try it out. Twice now we’ve had Buddhists come in, there god could not heal them but they came to our God, and as they come into the room the team begins to pray for them in the name of Jesus. A power of God comes on these guys and the Lord heals them, and because of that they want to know who this Jesus is. So the team will just say “Well…” they’ll explain to them who Jesus is and they’ll ask them “Would you like to know this Jesus? Would you like to receive Him as your Lord and as your savior?” Both times they said “Yes” because of the miracle because of the healing they had to know this person Jesus who just healed them. Their god could not, but our God did and because of that they converted and they gave their life to Jesus. It’s such an amazing thing.

Sid: Tell me about the Jewish woman that came in.

Rick: We had a Jewish woman that came up, drove up from Santa Barbara which is about an hour drive. She came with 2 Christians, they were explaining to her “If you go I know the Lord will heal you.” Now on the way up this Jewish woman was telling her friends “You know I’m going to convert” and her friends, her Christian friends, said “You know what we don’t want to ask you to convert just go get some prayer.” The woman gets into the room and as the team is praying for her this amazing love as they’re praying the name of Jesus comes all over this woman. She could not deny the love and the presence of Jesus, and Jesus heals her. Then after they were finished praying she goes “You know what I’ve got to know this person Jesus. I need to receive Him as…”

Sid: Now what was wrong her physically?

Rick: You know what we have so many people get healed I can’t remember what her problem was. All I know is God completely healed her, I’d have to research that. But because of the miracle, and because of the love that she felt she had to know this person, she had to know Jesus her Messiah.

Sid: Rick I’m feeling the presence of God in a very strong way as you talk about His love. What you have is, it’s His compassion that is the key to releasing the miraculous. Would you tell a few people about how Jesus heals today and then pray for them very quickly?

Rick: I believe that Jesus so loves us that not only does He want to save us but He wants to heal us. I believe that the provision for healing came through the cross and the atonement, not only on the cross did we receive a divine Savior but a divine healer. It’s all about love, it’s all about love that God sent His best His Son Jesus Christ. In 1st John 3:8 it says “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.” Sickness, disease, poverty, depression, all these things are the works of the devil. Jesus came through the power of love to set us free from all of those things. It’s all about love, He loves you so much. I just want to pray right now, Lord anyone hearing this right now that need’s Your love, the touch of Your awesome love that brings about healing. You know this is really not faith healing this is divine healing it’s all about the love of Jesus Christ. I just release His divine presence on every person that’s hearing the sound of my voice right now. Every cancer goes in Jesus name, every pain goes, every terminal disease goes in Jesus name. The Lord Jesus’ love is released over the airwaves and every person that is hearing this message I release His love it’s all about love.

Sid: Tell me about some people that are healed of arthritis especially… I mean arthritis is so painful the compassion of the Lord must really come out when you see someone with arthritis.

Rick: You know it really does. The Lord is so good and we’ve seen quite a few people healed of arthritis. You know a lot of times when the Lord’s love comes on people as we’re praying for them, He just gently begins to remind them of things that He’ll surface memories of people in the past that they may not have forgiven, or a certain bitterness that they are holding against a person. A lot of times when you hold those inside Sid it begins to work on our physical body and into our bones. The Lord is never upset at us, He’s never trying to discipline us it’s not His will that we have this. So as He gently through His love reminds us those things that we have not yet released we just give those to the Lord. We say “Lord I forgot about this please forgive me for holding this, this anger or this bitterness, or this unforgiveness that’s been so pinned up inside of me for all of these years. I give it to you now.” A lot of times right as they do that, and that’s the key unlocks their healing and the arthritis just goes away. It’s so amazing.

Sid: Well let’s pray right now. If there… Holy Spirit quicken to Your people, anyone, that they need to forgive and we know it’s not a feeling we know it’s an act of our love for You because You forgave us before we deserved it, and we’re to forgive other people before they deserve it. So Holy Spirit quicken to us people we need to forgive and as someone is quickened to you say “I choose to forgive…” and state their name. “I choose to forgive.” All of us have been hurt, not like Yeshua was hurt, all of us have been misunderstood, not like Jesus was misunderstood. Rick I believe if you’ll pray for people now they’ll be set free of arthritis and then go for the big “C” cancer, the little “c” cancer.

Rick: I just want to say this that first of all the name of Jesus is above every name. It’s above the name of cancer, it’s above the name of arthritis, see at the name every other name has to bow. So right now Jesus we just speak Your name over every disease, over cancer, and over arthritis I break your power I break your hold of every person that suffers arthritis right now. Be free in Jesus name Jesus set you free. I command every symptom to go, every stiffness to go, all pain to go and Lord just begin to lubricate joints right now. Joints are… just begin to move, begin to move what you could not move before. Begin to start doing things you could not do before. Bend over begin to move your arms and legs, right now the Lord is lubricating and loosening and setting you free right now in the name of Jesus. I break the power and the spirit of cancer, I command a spirit of cancer to leave every person that’s hearing my voice right now in the glorious name of Jesus Christ be set free. I command every rebellious cancer cell to die and every person that’s hearing me. I break the assignment that evil one had over you and I release God’s plan to give you life, abundant life I release life to you now. I speak healing to you right now. Receive it it’s so free, it’s so powerful just receive His love, receive His healing right now in Jesus name, amen.

Sid: There’s a flow, there’s a flow of God’s Spirit it’s like a river and it’s flowing right out of your radio, right out of your tape recorder, right into your inner most being. Where ever that river goes there is healing. I tell you there is a river that is being released in Yeshua’s name right now, and there is someone that has pain in their back. You back is being straightened out, I tell you the vertebrae are being replaced it’s so wonderful it’s going up to the neck and into the head, but especially in the back and the neck… I mean pains of any kind headaches, migraines… Rick I just believe that in your healing room they smell perfume. I believe there are people smelling… what is the perfume like in your healing room?

Rick: It smells like roses, and that’s the fragrance of the Lord His presence. I just release that, everywhere we go people smell that even when we go overseas people begin to smell the roses. I release the roses the presences and the fragrance of the Lord right now into every person’s room that is listening to us. In the cars the people that are listening to us right now, let the roses of the Lord just appear.

Sid: How would you like this anointing just to go on and on right in your home?

Written by sidroth

March 5th, 2016 at 7:11 am

Our Guest Rick Renner

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Sid: Hello Sid Roth here with Rick Renner and I hope you’re enjoying this discussion as much as I am Rick what does it mean when God tells us to put on His full armor?

Rick: Well the word put on describes a clothing. The real key is when it says “The whole armor of God” it describes the armor which comes from God Himself. And you are clothed with the armor of God as long as you are walking in relationship with God. This is not just sitting down and pretending you’re putting on a helmet or putting on a breastplate I mean going through all of those motions may mentally help you but that’s not going to clothe you. But when you are walking with God there is a power which flows continuously that clothes you in this whole armor. You step away from your whole relationship with the Lord and you will not be clothed. But as long as you’re walking in relationship with God there is armor that protects you.

Sid: But you mentioned some armor that I don’t recall it being in the New Testament how did you get it; you talk about the long lance?

Rick: Oh the lance of prayer and supplication that in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 18. You know there were a specific number of pieces of the spiritual weaponry and the lance had to be there. And so I found it Sid and I write about it in a whole chapter about the lance of prayer and intercession that’s a great chapter in this book.

Sid: Well the whole book is so wonderful as a matter of fact how do you I mean I know that you study Greek but I have a lot of friends that have studied Greek but the way that you break it down it’s like reading the Bible all over again.

Rick: Well thank you I just believe it’s a gift which God gave me and it’s my place and it’s what God’s given me to do.

Sid: Well I mean I just got stuck on the chapter talking about the “Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might and when you broke those Greek words down I mean it just opens this vistas to people but I believe that what Rick put on the cover of this book is exactly what’s going to happen to you “You don’t have to take it anymore because you are dressed to kill, not the devil you are dressed to kill and stop the devil right in his tracks in your life, your family’s life, your friends life. And the pictures you don’t get this in a Bible. Paul got it I mean he was sitting a prison cell and he could look at those Roman soldiers that were there to guard him and he looked at each piece of the equipment of how they were dressed and described it. And when you read it in the book of Ephesians but then you see these so call it pictures it really has an impact.

Written by sidroth

February 26th, 2016 at 5:05 am

Our Guest Rebecca King

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. But let me tell you something. My next guest is going to stretch your faith. You see, she believes, and I do, too, everyone has a cylinder of light or a portal to Heaven over themselves. And as you realize this, and as you activate this, that’s how Heaven brings things from Heaven to Earth for you. She wants you to activate your cylinder of light. Be right back. I have to tell you. I am fascinated about this cylinder of light. Some people call it a portal. The Bible calls it a gateway. And Rebecca, God is showing you that every believer has this cylinder of light. And what I happen to believe is, when I’m in the cylinder of light, no weapon formed against me can prosper.


SID: Is that true?

REBECCA: Amen. There’s supernatural protection in this open portal that we have the opportunity in this earth realm to access.

SID: And when it says, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done.”

REBECCA: On Earth.

SID: “On Earth as it is in Heaven,” through this portal comes the things we’ve prayed for.

REBECCA: Absolutely. Our blessings travel through the portal, Sid. It’s an amazing place to operate in and to dwell in. It’s a secret place.

SID: Give me one biblical reference about someone that had that access in the Bible.

REBECCA: Oh that’s easy. Elijah, he operated under an open Heaven. Jacob operated in an open Heaven

.SID: The ladder?

REBECCA: The ladder.

SID: People have seen this cylinder of light over me. People have seen this over you. Do you see this over everyone?

REBECCA: Absolutely. Believers and unbelievers alike. And according to the expansion or the constriction of each individual’s portal is how I minister to that either believer or unbeliever. It makes the ministry easy.

SID: I used to be a stockbroker. That’s called inside information, but it’s not illegal.


SID: Okay. So the first time you were aware of the portal, but you didn’t really know this, you were just eight years old.

REBECCA: Eight years old.

SID: What happened?

REBECCA: Well I was actually mowing the grass and I was on a riding lawnmower, and it was a bit repetitious because it was a large yard. It was my uncle’s yard. And all of a sudden, the heavens opened over me and the clouds actually rolled back in pillars of magnificent revelation. And I squinted my eyes, and I caught onto the gear, and I sped up, and I stayed busy for the next 30 years.

SID: Now I’m going to tell you. You have never, ever heard of someone coming to know Jesus the way Rebecca did. She was raised Baptist and she, a little rebellious, alcohol, drugs, the whole nine yards. But one day, her mother says, “I want you to go to church.” And for some reason, Rebecca said, “Okay.” And she goes there, and she knows nothing. She’s not saved or anything. And the young kids gravitate towards her. So the youth pastor says, “Hmm, they gravitate towards her. I’ll have her as a speaker.” She’s not saved, remember. “I’m going to have her as a speaker for my youth meeting.” So he asks her and what did you say?

REBECCA: I said, “Yes, okay, I’ll do it.”

SID: So tell me about it.

REBECCA: And when my head just, you know, started say, yes, and I was saying, no, and my mom, she was like, “No, don’t do it!” And you know, now I think back with the knowledge that I have of the revelation of God, where was that youth pastor’s discernment, because I was so lost. And but little did I know, God had a plan.

SID: How did you know what to say?

REBECCA: Well he told he, he said, “Don’t worry about what to say, for the Holy Spirit will give you want to say in the hour that you need to say it.” And I said, hey, that’s easy.

SID: The youth pastor said this?


SID: Okay. And I believe him.

REBECCA: Oh yes, I believed him. I didn’t even take a Bible.

SID: All right. So she said, okay, God is going to tell me what to say because my youth pastor told me that. So she’s standing up to speak for the group, no Bible, no preparation, not even saved. What happened?

REBECCA: Well they introduced me and they said a lot of good things about me, and I was like, hey, they like me better than I do. I think I like this place. And when they put me behind the pulpit and I said, “Well your youth pastor said that the Holy Spirit will tell me what to say in the hour that I need to say it,” and I said, “and he’s not here yet.”

SID: So what did you say?

REBECCA: I just stood there and everybody looked me kind of like you are…, and I just waited, and I waited.

SID: What’s everyone doing while you’re waiting?

REBECCA: Well the pastor and the youth pastor, they were having a meltdown and the rest of the church thought it was quite interesting that I didn’t have anything planned. So God was really setting me up for the revelatory realm, that he would give what to say in the hour that I needed to say it, because they needed to hear what I had to say.

SID: Suddenly, what happened?

REBECCA: Suddenly, there was a hot oil from above began to flow and it, and I felt it cascading down over my head, and then I could feel it running down my body. And by the time it got to my feet, you know, all these words shot out of my mouth, and it was ministering to me. But it wasn’t me. It was Him.

SID: So she speaks and then she remembers she saw Billy Graham at a meeting, and Billy said, “Come.” So after she finished speaking, she just copies Billy. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. “Come.” So they all come forward to get saved and she doesn’t know how to tell them. She’s not even saved. What did you do?

REBECCA: Well I said, “Well God, if it worked for Billy it has to work for me. “So come from all over the building. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart, come from all over the building.”

SID: [unintelligible]

REBECCA: And so the children rushed to the altar. It almost frightened me because they were running towards me and their parents came, and the chaperones came, and some of the ministers.

SID: We’ll just keep that secret between the two of us.

REBECCA: And so the children said, “What prayer do we say to be saved to ask Jesus into our hearts?” And I said, “I don’t know, but if we’ll get the pastor down here we’ll all get saved.”

SID: And were you saved?

REBECCA: That night.

SID: You get that? The pastor comes up, gives the altar call and she says it along with all these little kids. When we come back, you’re going to find out about a six-hour open vision that totally transformed Rebecca’s life and it’s going to transform yours. We’ll be right back.

Written by sidroth

February 19th, 2016 at 1:30 am

Our Guest Michael Champagne

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Sid: My guest by way of telephone is as red hot as they come his name is Michael Champagne. I’m speaking to him from his home in Palisade, Colorado he was deeply involved in Satanism. Michael I must ask you this question, the devils not too happy the fact that you were reaching all of these people for him and now you’re a believer in Jesus and you’re reaching as many people as possible for Jesus. Are you fearful of the demonic?

Michael: Huh, no not even close.

Sid: Why?

Michael: I just…

Sid: I mean the demonic… there is power in the demonic why aren’t you fearful?

Michael: It’s not even a wading pool to the power I’ve experienced being a servant in God’s court there’s no comparison.

Sid: So why are most Christians afraid of the devil?

Michael: Because they’ve never experienced the truth of God’s power.

Sid: I’ll tell you something there are people that need to hear this. You told my producer that you have a goal and your goal is to reach as many people as you can for the Lord but in a very untraditional way. I mean you want to reach people through the supernatural demonstration of God’s power that’s not the way it’s done in most churches today Michael.

Michael: Nope.

Sid: So tell me what… give me an example of the power of God tell me one people that you reached using the power of God.

Michael: This was about I was in Durango a couple of years ago and I was sitting there and…

Sid: What’s Durango?

Michael: It’s another town in Colorado.

Sid: Okay.

Michael: It’s a heavy witchcraft town. I’m sitting there and I’m walking around doing outreach with some friends of mine and there’s these 2 kids at the park and this park is known for people that smoke pot and do rituals and stuff like that. So we go there and I walk up to this kid and I said “Do you believe in Jesus Christ?” And he was like “No.” He’s like “Do you believe in the devil?” “Yeah.” And I was like “Well that’s interesting.” Do you believe that you have a demon inside of you?” “Absolutely not” and I told him “Okay if I can cast that demon out of you with the power of God would you believe that Jesus Christ has sent me here as a messenger to tell you that the life that you’re living is not the life He has for you; that He is the only way to salvation.” He was like “I guess.”

Sid: Wait a second how did you know he had a demon?

Michael: I could see it in him.

Sid: Okay so there’s no guess work on your part go ahead.

Michael: (Laughing) And so you know I looked him dead in the eyes like I always do when I do deliverance on people and I said “In the name…

Sid: Excuse me why do you look them dead in the eyes?

Michael: Because the eyes are the windows to the soul if the eyes are light the body’s full of light.

Sid: Okay you’re looking them in their eye.

Michael: And I could see the demons start twisting inside of them and he knows what’s fixing to come and this kid doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. I said “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I command every evil spirit in you to leave now!” And the kid starts like choking (Aa-ha) and he starts spitting out this like black bile out of his mouth and a second later he looks at me and he’s like terrified. And he’s like “Okay I want to accept Christ right now!”

Sid: Now most Christians would say “I believe that’s true but the person has to want to be set free I mean it sounds to me like you just went after that spirit you didn’t even care what he wanted.

Michael: The kid?

Sid: Yeah.

Michael: You know I’ve got a lot of criticism because of my technique but let me tell you something the drowning person…. you know if I’m in a life raft I’m not going to say “The life raft needs you you need to jump into the life raft because it really needs you drowning person.” No you look at that drowning person you then come up out of the water and say “You need this life raft!”

Sid: Michael you’re getting me excited give me another example of using the supernatural to reach people with the gospel.

Michael: There’s a time when I was speaking at a Presbyterian Church one of those really old ones and I had no idea I was going to do this all of a sudden I hear the voice of God say “Michael in 10 seconds I want you to call out My name and call down the fire of God.” This was a really stuffy Presbyterian Church too.

Sid: Listen you can be an unstuffy church and that would cause major excitement but go ahead.

Michael: And so I sat there and I said “Okay” in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I call down the holy fire from heaven.” And as soon as I said that 15 people got baptized in the Holy Spirit right there in this old stuffy church. And God picked like the stuffiest of this church to get baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Sid: Listen Michael you are provoking so many of our people myself included to jealousy. All of us are different stages in our walk with God; all of us are different understandings, but all of us know there’s so much more there’s so much more for you there’s so much more for anyone that is listening to us. So many of us are let’s say stuck in what we know and have been stuck there for a long time. How do we get unstuck? Am I making myself clear?

Michael: Yeah yeah I understand what you’re saying. That’s the hardest part I’m telling you you know moving in the supernatural is easy because you ain’t doing nothing. It’s just so angering but it’s that first initial surrender. It’s that “Okay God theres more to this than meets the eye I need to have everything I have everything You want for me, I want to move in all the gifts if You want for me here I am.” That’s the hard part and you have to strip away every preconceived mindset you know.

Sid: It’s much easier to start with a brand… I would imagine from your viewpoint it’s easier for you start with a brand new teenager that knows nothing than someone that’s God’s frozen chosen that’s been in the church for 50 years.

Michael: Yeah you know what it’s not teaching the frozen chosen it’s unteaching them that’s hard.

Sid: It’s like learning tennis if you learn how to play tennis wrong it’s hard to then learn it right or golf for that matter.

Michael: You know I come across these teenagers Sid that don’t even have a clue what the supernatural is and they’ll be moving in it fairly quickly because I have I teach them straight from the Bible and then I give them practical experience.

Sid: Do you find young people is easier to work with are you a little prejudice tell me the truth now Michael.

Michael: No I’m not I have taught young people and I have taught old people and…

Sid: Good!

Michael: And then in between young people have the easiest time letting go is what it is. Old people that are stuck in their ways and this is the way we’ve always done it and you know I’ve been a Christians for 40 years and what have you done in that 40 years? Sit in my church? Well then you ain’t really been a Christian have you?

Sid: Okay what… give me some suggestions just a couple suggestions of what someone can do to get from where they are to that next point.

Michael: The first thing I would suggest is that to go into your quiet time and ask God that’s what I did you know. I just said “God I want to be right where Your Shekina Fire is; I want to know You in a supernatural uniquely and unique way,” and He did it. And He did it. He wants us more than we know He wants it.

Sid: Now correct me if I’m wrong this is my opinion I can’t say a “Thus sayeth the Lord.” But I believe that we’re living in such an unusual time in which God wants to have mercy on every human on planet earth at this moment that I believe it’s going to be easier than ever in history for those that are red hot for Jesus to walk in the gifts of the Spirit.

Michael: That’s absolutely right I mean the Bible makes it very clear that the end times that they’ll be a last outpouring.

Sid: Now if like on tomorrow’s broadcast you were to pray for my Mishpochah to surrender and move in the Spirit. If someone really and truly wants to will your agreement in prayer make a difference for them?

Michael: I think it does because God has set aside Apostles, Prophets and Teachers, Pastors and Evangelist for equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry and that’s what I am I’m an equipper. I believe that my prayer and I’m not any favorite of God or anything but I believe that my prayer will help because I have walked where they’re wanting to walk.

Sid: Now you know most Christians are pretty much religious in their prayers and really don’t believe God’s going to answer them. How come God answers your prayers?

Michael: Because I believe.

Sid: It’s that simple?

Michael: Yeah it really is I mean that’s all that’s the only prerequisite God has for moving in His power and praying in power is belief believe that it’s already happened is what He’s said exactly and then it’ll be done for you. We have a hard time looking with eyes of faith because we don’t know what the eyes of faith are. Eyes of faith are if God tells you “You’re going to get a new car” you clean out your garage.

Sid: Alright what if someone has a physical disease right now and they’re praying to be healed. What should their eyes of faith be telling them?

Michael: Depending on the disease do something you haven’t done before. If you can’t walk real good or can’t walk at all in Jesus Christ’s name I command you to get up and be healed and walk.

Sid: It sounds too simple Michael.

Michael: That’s the way it is faith is simple.

Sid: Now let me ask you a question, had you seen the real power of God in that Baptist Church you never would have had a walk the side trip through the demonic?

Michael: Probably not.

Sid: So I would think one of the things that the devil fears the most is for Christians to act like Christians.

Michael: Oh yeah absolutely, absolutely he is just livid he hates it more than anything when a Christian gets off the pews, gets off the chair you know stops the Sunday morning ritual and really does what Jesus did.

Sid: Mishpochah consider yourself challenged. I’m speaking to Michael Champagne he’s a young man that is on fire for God and what your hearing you say “Oh it’s so wonderful.” But Michael I believe it’s called normal Christianity not abnormal you’re just normal but it’s so different than most people. I’ll tell you what I can’t wait for him to pray for you tomorrow….

Written by sidroth

February 11th, 2016 at 8:23 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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