Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for the ‘It's Supernatural’ tag

Our Guest Patricia King

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A number of you. Keep your hand up high. I’d like to kind of… I would say probably, um, mmm, probably half or maybe just a little bit over half of you. Now here’s a little secret for you. If you want more of the glory, lean into it, in, in other words focus on it more. Just say “O God, thank you for what you’re giving me” and I’m going to go for another round.

How many of you would like it to go deeper? How many of you would like that? Okay. So just lean in and believe God for more and more weight, Lord. More of Your presence. Just wait on Him for a few moments. There, there. He’s coming now. There it is. I see it falling on you. There you go. Some of you with your hands up in the air you’re actually starting to feel weight on your hands. Okay, now how many of you have felt, felt that weight how many? Raise your hand for me. Raise your hand.

All right. Now there’s a lot more. Now I guarantee you that if you continue doing that wave after wave after wave that not only would it become a corporate weight of the glory of God for an impartation to create with Him but your own personal self would receive greater and more intense, um, measures of the anointing of God, of that particular anointing. Remember that when His glory falls there’s impartation. What are we believing for right now?

The impartation to create with God. Now the next thing I want you to do is to, is to ask Holy Spirit “Okay, what area of my life could use a little bit more of heaven in it? Huh. What area of my life could use a little bit more light in the darkness? Or in the shadows?” Is anyone getting anything? If you are, put up your hand. If, if the Holy Spirit’s revealed some things to you. Okay. Just keep waiting on the Lord. And if you’re watching through, through your screen just connect with Holy Spirit. Because it’ll come like in a thought. You know a thought might come to you.

Written by sidroth

March 7th, 2023 at 6:16 am

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Our Guest Patricia King

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When I learned that there was children at risk who were being raped day and night by pedophiles. You know, I thought that this is not okay. We can’t just sit back as God’s people saying, “Oh, wow, that’s too bad.” Not when we can do something about it. So we went into the darkness and said “Okay, God, you know, we must be able to do something little.” And I’ve been amazed at this over and over again. That just a little, just one little thing. One little act, action of obedience. One little act of faith can produce a ripple effect. And we started seeing just by our little efforts in the beginning that we’d share the testimony of what God was doing and it would grow and grow and grow.

And now to this day there are whole nations. In fact someone, um, from another nation was listening to our testimony share about, you know, the children at risk and the Lord spoke to her and said “What are you going to do about it?” She happens to be moving on a very high level of prophetic authority and she works with government. She went to the government in her nation and said you know, uh, we need to do something about anti-trafficking and our government does not have any policies in place. I want to work with you to put those policies in place.

In one year and four months that nation now has anti-trafficking polices that are created. You see they never were before. And now other nations are looking at what that nation did and they’re following suit. And that was just because of one person saying “yes” to God. You see what you do and your testimony that’s produced in it will produce a ripple effect. Some of you are saying, “Yeah, but some of these problems are so massive and what I have is so little.” But God’s, God’s little… or your little is God’s big. You see when He sent the Messiah He didn’t send Him as a full grown man or a giant or anything. He sent Him as a little baby wrapped in swaddling clothes who looked very insignificant to the eye of man.

Written by sidroth

February 21st, 2023 at 4:47 am

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Our Guest Warren Marcus

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WARREN: And then I saw Him on Mount Sinai, and I saw the glory that was around Him and the finger of God writing the Ten Commandments. And I’m feeling the exact same thing I did when I had that dream in heaven. The whole place, atmosphere was filled. And I said, “Wow, this is incredible.” But here’s what happened as a little boy. I started praying to God, Sid. And you see, not everything was great in my life. My father, he was an alcoholic. His four brothers were alcoholics, and he would stay out late at the bar. He loved his family, but when he was drunk, it really didn’t go well. And I found my mother never told this to anyone. But I found my mother in the room, many times crying. And when I went in there, I said, “Mommy, what’s wrong?”

WARREN: And she says, “Nothing, Warren, I’m just sad right now.” I said, “Mommy, I don’t want you to be sad.” I laid my hand on her. And I said, “Oh God of Israel, make my mommy happy again. I don’t want her to be sad.” And I remember my mother getting up and she put her arms around me and she says, “I love you, Warren. You’re so special.” But here’s the thing, all around me, there were kids growing up, pornography, wrong, sexual perversion, all kinds of stuff that was going on. My mother would take me every Saturday to the synagogue. And I would go in there, and I was looking for the God of Israel. The God I saw in the Ten Commandments, the God I saw in my dream. And the people would go out for refreshments, I’d go into the sanctuary and said, “Where are you, God? Show yourself to me. I want to see you. I want to have your glory come in this place.” Then some kids, friends of mine, took me to their churches. I went to their churches. You know what?

Written by sidroth

February 2nd, 2023 at 4:35 am

Our Guest Dale Mast

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SID: Dale, you wanted to release a word over me but then you said it would springboard to everyone viewing this. Would you do that right now?

DALE: Yes. And Sid, I just want to say this, if they said that prayer with you, you’ve opened up the greatness of your future. And what you’ve been saved for is greater than what you’ve been saved from, but you still need to be saved from it. This is very, very important. An evangelist wars for you to know Jesus, a prophet wars for what you’ve been made to do on this earth. And as I do this… And Sid, I want to share two-

SID: I had someone do that once with oil on my head, I felt I had a shower in the oil.

DALE: Amen.

SID: You’re not going to do that to me.

DALE: No, no, no. This is a prophetic symbol of the anointing that releases the call and authority to do what God created you to do. And as I get ready to pour this over your head, this is the word I hear the Lord saying, “For He’s called you like David to bring Israel back to worship, the worship of God, and to bring them back into the tent of David that is being established in the Book of Acts.”

DALE: And as I saw you today, I saw the fire of God literally behind your head, and I said, “Lord, why?” And the Lord said, “I’m giving him genius ideas, how to reach people that nobody else has reached.” And I anoint you, Sid, as a father to Israel, that the anointing and the favor of God is with you. And you shall father Israel out of a prophetic mantle and the anointing of oil shall flow through you. And I saw unusual signs and wonders in your hands, and God said, “Get ready to be amazed, for in this season,” says the Lord, “you will see more people’s lives change than all of your ministry before.” This is going to be an avalanche that you have been praying for. God said, “I hear the cry of your heart and I’m going to fill it with what I have promised you.”

DALE: I want everyone that’s watching under the sound of my voice to receive this. I’m pouring this oil out as a prophet, and I declare over you that what the Father created you for is now being released. The genius He put inside of you is now flowing. And even as this oil is pouring out, literally the fire of God is coming on your heart. He is going to restore your identity, your purpose identity. You’re going to find a new anointing and joy in life. You’re about to have an adventure in God. I release His presence to carry you past the enemy’s plans. And like David, you will take down Goliath and you will make His name great, and people will worship God because you allowed His greatness to flow through you.

Written by sidroth

January 25th, 2023 at 4:09 am

Our Guest Dale Mast

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DALE: And David had the faith to kill Goliath but he did not have enough identity to marry the king’s daughter. He did not have enough identity to marry his future. Sid, we’re about to enter into a 1 billion soul revival. The church has enough faith to bring it, we don’t have enough identity to keep it.

SID: Now, again, briefly describe what the word identity means when you say it.

DALE: Okay. If I’m on a Major League Baseball team, if I tell you I’m on a team, the first question you ask is what position do I play? I’m talking about purpose identity. I’m talking about what is your part on the team. Being a son and a daughter means you’re on a Major League Baseball team. I operate out of that identity, but what is my part?

DALE: I had somebody call me up, who’s a singer, Danny Gokey, he was on American Idol, and he said, “Dale, can I just call you up and ask for a word?” I said, “Yes, that’s what God created me to be. You’re created to sing.” “I was in a service where they said, ‘Will you sing?'” He just stood up. They didn’t know a song that they both knew except Jesus Loves Me. By the time he was done singing Jesus Loves Me, everybody was crying because of the anointing. If I sang Jesus Loves Me, everyone would’ve been crying because of the anointing.

SID: Anointing.

DALE: So see, he was made to sing, I was made to prophesy, and what it does, then I come into convergence with the identity and my purpose and I bring a great God great glory because He wants to do great through you because He’s a great God. Get ready for some unusual events.

SID: Don’t give up. I say it again, don’t give up. Your best days are ahead of you. Dale is going to pray for you to have God’s revelation of how He sees you so you can re-vision your life. Be right back.

Written by sidroth

January 20th, 2023 at 3:53 am

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Our Guest Kevin Basconi

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KEVIN:  Now how many of you would like to have an angel of provision that you can release like that? Well I want to decree over you that they’re available in God’s kingdom and you can begin to learn how to co-labor with them. Amen? So now I’m in Africa and I’m in a place called Murchison Falls Uganda in a mud hut and in this mud hut the glory of God manifested. Phew. Hallelujah! Kind of like it’s coming now in Jesus’ name! And at 11 o’clock they cut off all the electricity because it was in a game reserve. There was no electricity there. They used a generator.   And I begin to pray in the Holy Spirit according to the scriptural principle of Jude 20: “Build yourself up in your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit.” (prays in tongues) I was praying in the Holy Spirit and as I was praying in the Holy Spirit I had the understanding that I was praying with knowledge. I was praying with a purpose for God to release His angels to protect those people who were on that ministry trip and there were circumstances that came up that we needed that protection. But after I’d prayed in the Spirit, now this is a key for you, if you pray in the Holy Spirit it will accelerate your ability to discern God’s angels and to learn how to co-labor with them. Hallelujah.

So “shandai.” Okay? And as I’m praying in the Spirit what happened was the glory of God came into the room about 2 am and I had a candle lit and I could literally see the flame of the candle and it was flickering in the wind. And all of a sudden God opened my spiritual eyes and I saw these four powerful angels which had come into the bungalow. Big guys like 8, 9 foot tall. They looked like you know weightlifters with you know shields and swords and these beautiful white robes. And at first I was astonished but I continued to look at them and in that atmosphere I got a revelation that I was to move from West Virginia to Kansas City and to submit to the authority of Christ Triumphant Church. Well I’d only been to Kansas City once. I’d never been to Christ Triumphant Church. I didn’t know anything about that church. So what I did was I took that revelation to my spiritual mentor at that time which was evangelist Omega Dow. I told that to her. We evaluated it. We prayed about it. So there’s keys to interpreting the revelation. There’s prayer, fasting. You want to submit it to spiritual authority and if you’re going to stay up into this aspect of God’s kingdom you need to be submitted to spiritual authority. Can someone say amen to that? 


Written by sidroth

September 27th, 2022 at 3:45 am

Our Guest Kevin Basconi

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How many of you would like to co-labor with God’s angels? Hallelujah! This is available to you today. Now before I go further let me say this to you. In the Book of Revelations 19:10 John the Apostle had a “seer” experience. God opened up his spiritual eyes and he began to see into the spiritual dynamics and he saw an angel and scripture says in Revelations 19:10 that he fell down at the feet, he said I fell down out the feet of this angel to worship him but the angel rebuked him and said see that you do not do that. Worship Jesus because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Amen? Hallelujah.

Who’s the person here that from time to time you have numbness and tingling in your hands and your hands get cold and you lose feeling in your hands? Is that person in the back? You want to come up here real quick if that’s okay. I just want to, I want to minister to you. And everybody I don’t want you to be a spectator. Just pray in the Spirit while she comes. Thank you, Father. Thank you Father for healing this precious saint right now in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Just one minute, brother. Is it the left hand or the right hand? Hold my hand. Here it comes. Steve, can you just assist me? Somebody just assist me. It’s okay. Here it comes. Thank You Holy Spirit. Father, we just thank You for touching this nerves in the shoulder, in the elbow, and in the hands and in the name of Jesus, Yeshua ha Mashiach I thank you for releasing a creative miracle into this hand, into this arm. It goes down your leg sometimes too, right? Yeah and it’s going to be healed in that hip and legs being healed right now in Jesus’ mighty name. You feel the heat in the, you feel the feeling coming back in that hand right now? Begin to move it. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord.

Written by sidroth

September 17th, 2022 at 8:16 am

Our Guest Art Thomas

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I see a lot of people I’ve laid hands on and I don’t see results. And it’s heartbreaking cause you care about people. But to just be real with you, you’ve got to press through the struggle and keep giving the burden to Jesus, not just carrying it for yourself. That’s Biblical. “Cast your burdens on Him for He cares for you.” It would be sin for me to carry the emotional weight of that but I still have to take responsibility and ask the Lord to change me. But now here we go. People ask me why don’t you just go and empty out a hospital? That’s a valid question and I tell them that. That’s a very fair question too. Cause they say if I could do what you could do I’d be at the hospital. I’d empty it out. And I’m like God bless you, you can do what I can do. Go to the hospital and empty it out!    


ART: Now the truth is I’m just one guy. Okay? Now we know the logistical problems. What hospital is going to let some random guy walk in and lay hands on every person in every bed? But if that was allowed logistically I’m just one guy. I would burn myself out. And honestly when would I meet your expectation? Because even if I did go in a hospital and empty it out you’d say why don’t you go to the next hospital? When would I ever satisfy your demands when the truth is I’ve got a calling and a mission on my life to train and equip the Church to do the same things which is even better because then all of you go in His name and now there’s millions of Jesus-like ministers of healing who can empty out hospitals because it’s not too much of a burden on one person.

And here’s the beauty of this. The Pool of Bethesda, when you look on a map of Jerusalem, it’s just outside the Sheep Gate and just inside the Sheep Gate is Solomon’s Colonnade. Acts chapter 5: “Every single person who was brought to the believers was healed.” And remember John chapter 5, it said “Here a number of sick and injured people used to lie.” Why didn’t they lay there anymore? The Bible doesn’t expressly say it but I’d better believe if there’s a whole bunch of sick people laying there and somebody goes Hey, just the other side of this gate everybody’s getting healed. Guess what? Carry me, buddy! Get me over there! Right? I’m not sticking around here waiting for some angel that may never show up. It’s working over there.

AUDIENCE: Right! (LAUGHTER)  ART: Those Christians were clearing out the sick from Jerusalem. And that’s what I want to see. That’s my vision for the Church. See we are the body of Jesus in this world. Everyone who touched Jesus” body was healed. And now you’re His body. Yes, physically He is in heaven at the right hand of the Father and He does have a physical body there but practically speaking according to First Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, various other scriptures, Ephesians 4, we are His body in this earth. I like to say that a head doesn’t just get from Point A to Point B on its own. Fair? Jesus has permanently submitted Himself to relationship with you. You see Jesus could appear to every single person on the planet right now at the drop of a hat and preach the gospel to ‘em! But He doesn’t. Why? Because He commissioned you. Jesus could snap his fingers and heal every single person on the planet! But He doesn’t. Why? Because He commissioned you. That’s the beauty of following this Jesus. He’s the one who paid for it. He’s the one who wants it. And I guarantee He will do His work. It’s inevitable.

Written by sidroth

December 26th, 2020 at 6:29 am

Our Guest Colonel James Durham

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SID: You’re not talking about storing up food or water. What are you talking about?

JAMES: I’m talking about that we need to become mentally tough, so that whatever circumstance comes, we can stand. As Paul said, when you’ve done everything to stand, stand. We’re going to become that kind of resilient followers of Jesus when we’re really prepared. The second part of that was that we need to have spiritual resilience, because things are going to happen in the spirit so quickly, that if we can’t move with the Lord, we’re going to be left behind. We’re going to be lost. So we need to right now build that kind of resilience that we can stand, no matter what, keep the spirit strong, stand on faith, and believe in the Lord, and trust him that he will be with us and take care of us.

SID: And what would you say to someone that says, “Well, all that is true, but we’ve got 50, 100 years. I’m not going to fool with that right now.”

JAMES: There are people who say that, and my concern is that they’re not discerning well enough in the spirit, and they need a gift of spiritual discernment, because everything I see in Jesus’ teachings about the last days is, they could come right now. It could happen today. It could happen tomorrow. It may be 100 years. If so, hallelujah, we’ll live with it and we’ll expect another day, but it could be today.

If I really believe and understand that, and I do, then I need to be ready every day, every moment of every day, to meet him when he does return. And so I believe that it’s imperative that we must prepare. A lot of people have gotten tired, tired of the messages about it. They’ve heard things over and over again, and it seemed like nothing manifested. I’m just believing, and Jesus told me, “Tell people, don’t give up. Don’t get tired. Don’t waiver, but hold to what I have taught you, and hold to the notion that it might happen any minute.”

SID: Well, Jesus says, “No man knows the day or hour.” Jesus told you, “You better tell people to be prepared.” James says special doors to heaven are being demonically blocked to prevent answers to your prayers. When we come back, James will share how you can have heaven open for all your prayers. For all of them.

SID: James, recently, you had an open heaven vision.

JAMES: Yes, I have. And it’s a vision similar to some I’ve had in the past, but this was very recent. And when I talk about open heaven, I’m not seeing something like rectangular shaped doors or windows, but I see like a round opening, almost like it goes through the clouds, and then heaven is opened up. And in this vision, I was kind of hovering in space and looking at the open… There were several of these, I call them portals instead of doors. There were several portals that were open into heaven, and it was my desire to go through one of those portals and spend some time with Jesus. That’s one of my favorite pastimes, is to spend time with Jesus. But as I looked up at these portals, dark clouds started covering over the openings of almost all of them. And the clouds would move, but then another dark cloud would come in and cover it up.

Written by sidroth

December 14th, 2020 at 3:24 am

Our Guest John Bevere

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 JOHN: Okay? There were two men that were called the friend of God in the Old Testament. Okay? Who were the two men? Abraham and Moses. Were there others? Absolutely! Okay, I believe David was a friend of God, I believe Daniel was a friend of God, I believe Joseph was a friend of God, many others, Deborah, Esther. But these two men’s lives exemplified what it took to have a relationship of friendship with the Lord. Let’s talk about the first guy, Abraham. Why is Abraham called the friend of God? Because when Abraham was really old, one night God comes to him and says, “Abe?” “Yes, Lord, yes.” I want you to take your son who you really love, who you’ve really grown attached to, the son you’ve waited for for 25 years.

And I want you to go on a three-day journey and kill him for Me. Now, okay, you’ve heard the story a thousand times, okay, if not, if not more. But you had the Book of Genesis to read, he didn’t. You have to understand all God says to him this night is I want you to go three days and kill Isaac. He doesn’t tell him why. He doesn’t say if you sacrifice Isaac then I’ll send My Son. He does not say that! Do you understand what God is asking him to do? It would have been easier for Abraham to go kill himself, because there was nothing or no one more important to Abraham than Isaac. Yet do you know what my Bible says? Early the next morning Abraham saddles his donkey and is on his way. You know how some people say, “Well, you know the Lord’s been dealing with me about this now for several months” and they laugh.


JOHN: You are bragging about your lack of the fear of God. Okay? Okay? So now God gives him a three day journey. Why? To think it over. It’s easier when you heard the booming voice of God the night before. But what about three, two and a half days later, you haven’t heard one word from heaven and you’re looking at the mountain, you’re going to put the most important person or thing to death in your life just because God said do it and didn’t give you a reason to do it. But Abraham goes to the top of the mountain, he builds the altar. Can you imagine his emotions while he’s building that altar? And his son’s helping him build it. He ties up Isaac on that altar, he lifts up the knife and he’s ready to put the most important person or thing to death in his life just because God said do it and didn’t give him a reason.

And right as he’s ready to thrust the knife through Isaac, an angel of the Lord appears, and you go read it in your own Bible, and the angel says “Abraham stop, because now I know you fear God? How did the angel know that Abraham feared God? Because he obeyed instantly, because he obeyed when it didn’t make sense, because he obeyed when it hurt, because he obeyed when he didn’t see a benefit, and because he obeyed to completion. Abraham puts down the knife, unties Isaac, lifts up his eyes and there’s a ram caught in the thicket. And out of his inside comes this: JEHOVAH JIREH! The Lord my Provider! Now you’ve heard that before because you’ve read the Bible. But wait a minute. God just revealed a facet of His personality to Abraham no human being had ever known before. Why? Because he’s my friend.

Written by sidroth

December 1st, 2020 at 1:43 am