Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

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Our Guest Alyosha Ryabinov

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On It’s Supernatural: His music will transport you to heavenly realms.

Do angels exist? Are healing miracles real? Is there life after death? Can people get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent twenty-five years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of, “It’s Supernatural.”

SID: Welcome to my world, where it’s naturally supernatural. It’s hard to believe, but this Russian Jewish man had a hug, I mean a pure hug. And something was released inside of him that totally changed his life. His name: Alyosha Ryabinov, with his wife Jody. And Alyosha, you’re a concert pianist from the former Soviet Union. You had an encounter with God. You thought you had found everything, but you were still deficient. You went to a conference by a friend of mine, a mutual friend of ours, Jack Frost, who has a seminar in which he teaches, and you would think that people don’t need to be taught this, but he teaches on what the father heart of God is, and how our father… You know, I think of the god in other “religions”, and this so-called god is not a god of love, a god of peace, a god of justice. He’s portrayed so differently. But Alyosha, this man, Jack Frost, is a man who teaches on the heart of God towards the individual. Now when Alyosha went to this seminar, you had some amazing experiences. Tell me about them.

ALYOSHA: Well, to give a little background prior to this, when I came to know the Lord, I knew in my head that God loves me, but had a feeling that He loves me from afar; that God is sitting on a far away planet called heaven, and I’m here.

SID: Now your natural father died when you were pretty young.

ALYOSHA: Yes, I was 5 years old when my natural father died, so I don’t have a good image of the father. And I don’t remember my natural father ever saying to me “I love you.” So, there was this distance between me and God, even though in my head, I knew that He loved me. And then I met Jack Frost and his team, and this is the message they teach, that the Father loves us, the Father wants to be close to us, and that love of the Father really heals our hearts. As a matter of fact, the majority of our sickness comes from the lack of love.

SID: Really?


SID: Now you’re in the field of nutrition, what are you finding about lack of love and sickness?

JODY: I think that almost every single disease is based out of the lack of love, and the lack of experiencing the Father’s love; God’s love in the depths of our heart. We have so many things that happen to us. When we don’t have love, we have fear, we have doubt, we have anger, we have upset. And those things reside within us, and they all have frequencies, believe it or not. So when we walk around and we have an angry edge, usually we’re performance oriented, we’re demanding perfection of ourselves, of other people. Well all that affects the glands, the organs, and the systems of the body. And so, when we come in and we experience the Father’s love, not just in our mind, because a lot of people know… They might say “I know God loves me”, but they have not experienced it in their heart; they haven’t had fellowship with God. Which brings us back to that scripture, Isaiah 53, where it says… Well, we read in scripture where it says “By His stripes we are healed.”

SID: Sure.

JODY: There’s actually a different Hebrew word. Alyosha, share the word that you found there in Hebrew.

SID: Instead of “stripes”, what is that Hebrew word?

ALYOSHA: It says “His friendship.”

SID: So did you get that? By His friendship, not stripes. Talking about the Messiah. By His friendship, we are healed. What if you could really be a friend of God? That’s what happened to Alyosha, and the transformation is amazing. And the transformation in you will be amazing. Don’t go away, we’ll be right back after this word.

Written by sidroth

January 1st, 2010 at 12:00 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Linda Josef

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We now return to It’s Supernatural.

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Linda Josef, my co-author of my new book, “Supernatural Healing,” in which I went back over the last 30-plus years and found the best most verifiable healings I could, put it in a book so that you could be healed and you can minister healing to someone else. But at the end of the show we’re gonna take communion together because that’s another way of healing, a way that’s so misunderstood, we’re going to take the mystery out of communion and get the bread and the grape juice, and the wine ready because, and believe God, this is your moment for healing. Linda, you said there were primarily two categories of the various testimonies in the book. One was a sovereign miracle and another is contending for the faith. One thing I find interesting, three of the stories were written by medical doctors. Tell me about Dr. Gary Hill.

LINDA: Dr. Gary Hill’s wife was pregnant with their fourth child, and by eight months the baby hadn’t moved. So they come to find out the baby had had an intrauterine stroke. More than half of its brain was missing. If it lived to birth it would have been terribly handicapped.

SID: The doctors told him, he is a doctor also, that he needed an abortion, but he wouldn’t stand for that.

LINDA: He said, “I am a Christian. I won’t accept it.” So he decided that his only hope was in God. He quit his job and immersed himself in the study of healing. He prayed night and day, and there are certain things that he did. But at the end of this time period God came into his room and he was led to pray for his wife, and the baby was instantly healed.

SID: How’s the baby today?

LINDA: Today, she’s a 13-year-old girl. She plays soccer. She gets As. She’s a vibrant, healthy young lady.

SID: The most verified miracle we have in this book, another medical doctor that had lymphoma, but it wasn’t just normal lymphoma. What type of lymphoma was it?

LINDA: It was called Mantel cell lymphoma, which is one of the most aggressive and dangerous of all cancers.

SID: And tell me about Dr. Tom Renfro.

LINDA: Well Dr. Renfro was diagnosed with it and was told that there is no medical cure for it, that there is no remedy. And he began to pray for healing, and it took forever to come. His diseased progressed and progressed.

SID: You know what I can’t believe, Linda, his wife was so sure that they would be healed that she videotaped his body just destroying itself. I mean, and they got to the point where they had to cover up the windows and she had to stop videotaping because he went down to nothing. No hope. Let’s take a look at this footage.

You know, there is no logical, rational explanation for this man to be healed today, except there is a God in Heaven that answers prayer. But he had a key. Part of his healing, and this is a very important key which Linda points out in the book, is obedience. He heard from God to have one treatment of chemotherapy, but that made no sense to the natural mind because, Linda, he was going to die. If he had the chemo, what did the doctors tell him?

LINDA: They told him he would probably die just from the chemo because his body wasn’t strong enough to combat it. And they really didn’t want to do it. But God had told him to do this. And so they took him by ambulance. He was too sick at this point to go in a car. They took him by ambulance to the hospital and agreed to start the chemotherapy.

SID: Well let’s take a look at it right now.

TOM: I was diagnosed with Mantel cell lymphoma. It’s one of the rare forms of lymphoma. And unfortunately, the doctors told me at the time there was no cure, that radiation wouldn’t cure this, that bone marrow transplants and stem cells harvesting techniques had been tried and failed with this particular brand of lymphoma, that chemotherapy, it may knock it back a little bit, but it would march right through, as you progress through your chemotherapy, it would just come right back.

SID: To your knowledge, has anyone ever been healed of this type of lymphoma?

TOM: To my knowledge, no.

SID: I mean, now you’re a doctor. You know more than most people.

TOM: Right.

SID: Did you in your wildest imagination ever think you’d get cancer?

TOM: No. One of the greatest fears that I had when I was in medical and, you know, you see a lot of different diseases, one was either leukemia or lymphoma. Because I saw a lot of people suffering through that disease, and inside of me there was a fear, Lord, don’t ever let this occur in my life. And look what the devil brought. He brought rotten lymphoma to me.

SID: You told me earlier you had another fear of chemotherapy.

TOM: Right.

SID: Why?

TOM: Chemotherapy, and don’t get me wrong, don’t misinterpret what I’m saying, it is something designed to kill, and it has such horrendous side effects, I didn’t know if I would be able to withstand any of the side effects of chemotherapy. And to me, I didn’t want to go that route. I didn’t want to have that in my body.

SID: Now Tom, as I understand it, you decided to approach this as if it was a war.

TOM: Yes.

SID: I mean, you were giving no ground to this disease. But the more you were giving no ground, the more it was spreading.

TOM: Right.

SID: So didn’t you reach a point of discouragement?

TOM: There was a point of discouragement, and it came when I was so sick. And that is when that spirit of discouragement came upon me and said, “Why don’t you just give up. Why don’t you let go of this notion that God is going to do anything for you?”

SID: But wouldn’t it be easier to give, I mean, I’m sure the thought came, it’s easier to give up than to fight.

TOM: That’s right. It is. Sometimes you get so tired you just want to quit, that what is the use. But that’s where the Word and God’s spirit just starts quickening within us and gives us more hope and gives us that ability to press on, to press on one more time.

SID: Now when Sid covered up the mirrors and decided you can’t even look at yourself, you must have known it was, you knew how bad off you were and you were getting worse, progressively.

TOM: I didn’t want to look at myself. And I wanted to maintain the image of wholeness and completeness in my body. I didn’t want to look at myself and look at how sick I was. I wanted to have, I never did look at myself as sick. I never did perceive myself as what they had to look at.

SID: Today, Dr. Tom Renfro is practicing medicine. He’s a miracle. Get ready for a miracle for yourself. Get the elements of communion ready because within communion there is healing. Be right back after this word.

We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.

Written by sidroth

December 23rd, 2009 at 6:32 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth with Larry Randolph

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SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Larry Randolph, and there are so many exciting things Larry,  to be talking about. I love your book on Spirit Talk, because you show so many different ways that God speaks to us that most of us are missing these ways, but the one that most excites me is the coming shift, what is the coming shift?


LARRY: The coming shift, I had an angelic encounter several years ago where there was a conversation about changes in the earth, and the essence of the conversation was that we are standing at the threshold of an incredible paradigm shift, incredible changes, and they are bittersweet, some of them are going to be extraordinarily sweet, and some of the changes are going catastrophic, going to be devastating, so I felt the Lord was instructing me to talk to people about pre-positioning themselves, shifting themselves for what is coming because it is all about position.


SID: Okay, if they don’t shift themselves what is the repercussion?


LARRY: the repercussions, well the shift covers a lot of things, it covers a –


SID: No, but what I mean if God tells them to say, go from the east coast to the west coast and they don’t go, what is the repercussion?


LARRY: Yes, let me put it this way; I think extreme purpose in God required extreme obedience to God. So the repercussions are if you don’t obey that impression that you have, that word from God that you have, that feeling that you have to obey God, then the result is that you could be misplaced, you geographically are misplaced, spiritually or your job or whatever, and not be able  to catch the wave of the purpose that God has for you in this coming era that we are coming into that is going to be incredibly unprecedented.


SID: I mean you talk about such things as changing in gifting, changing in a person like that is a pastor becoming a businessman, a person that is a businessman becoming an evangelist, I mean why is God doing all this shifting? What’s the purpose?


LARRY: He is doing most of it because we have messed it all up, we have a lot of misplaced gifting, we have people managing McDonalds that should be in the pulpit, we have people in the pulpit in churches that should be managing McDonalds. I don’t mean that in any demeaning way, I am just saying that so many people don’t understand their purpose, their calling, so they live a life of misplaced purpose in the shadows of their destiny and never touch their potential destiny that I talked about earlier, that Jesus has given us, to become something unique and different than everyone else, I believe that’s the purpose for God to line all of us into a place who are in position, like an army in position, a shifting into the right ranks, so that we can truly be overcomers in the sense of overcoming whatever obstacles are in front of us and facing the future that is to come, because Jesus did say in the Bible that in the last days great calamities will come on the earth, great things would happen and we really do need to be ready for those things.


SID: All right, you saw the next years headlines in the newspaper, that’s pretty good stuff, can you tell me a couple of headlines you saw?


LARRY: Yes, again I had an angelic visitation, there was a large angel that gave me a book and I can’t go into the details about the book, but – and he said, “Throw it to the floor.” And I dropped it on the floor, which means it is a representation that I have no control over it, humility. It became like a screen of a TV, and I saw headlines flipping and they were going so fast that I can’t remember 90 percent of them, but I felt at the time that I would when the time was appropriate, and I do remember catching some of them. And one of them that was really interesting to me is that around 2008, which will be next year, I saw a great shift, a change happening in Hollywood, and I saw some premature deaths happening and I was sorry to see that premature death, and I’m not saying that God is causing that, it is an indicator.


SID: Did you see the actual names of the people?


LARRY: Yes I did, but that would not be appropriate.


SID: Well when these people you saw the headlines die, what is going to happen?


LARRY: Especially this one person, a younger person. To me I felt it meant that things were changing, a shift coming to Hollywood, that old things are dying, old things are passing away, some of the old immorality, some of the old resistance to God that has been in Hollywood is changing because God loves Hollywood. God loves every community, every culture, every people group, and he is invading every people group, every culture, so I felt like it was kind of a sign that the old is dying and that God is doing something new.


SID: Well let the old rest in peace. What did you see about famine?


LARRY: I saw the year 2013 and that was an interesting year, 2013 I saw an extreme famine and I don’t know the country or the region other than it was eastern. And it had to do with, when I say eastern, you know, the Baltics all the way through Middle East, Middle East may be the wrong word, but anyway when I say eastern globe you know what I mean by that. And I saw extreme famine there, but I already knew some of that was coming because the Lord had recently talked to me about Joseph’s famine and how that there were seven years of plenty and seven years of famine were coming, so I believe 13 is going to be the beginning of calamity that Jesus talked about. But what excites me Sid, is that it is bittersweet, in other words, the fact that famine came on the earth in Joseph’s time where Joseph and his precious father Jacobs house prospered better than ever so to those that are in God it is going to be great.


SID: I have to interrupt Larry, let me tell you something, remember the talked about stirring, stirring up what is within people, I am going to have him pray, but I pray in Yeshua’s name that you be stirred up right now, that the gifts within you would be deposited in the people, in Yeshua’s name, pray right now.


LARRY: I will, I think I like to pray talk to you but I – many of you have been hearing God and you don’t know you have been hearing God, you have the mental picture, you have what you think is intuition, things coincidences are happening, things in nature you are saying that’s odd, that’s strange, what you don’t realize is that God is trying to communicate with your with broken receivers I talk about. Mainly because he loves you tremendously and he is a talking God, and he loves to talk to his creation, you are his creation, and he wants to commune, he is desperate to fellowship with you, and somehow we have lost that, maybe you have lost that, and I want to encourage, I want to stir you up and say have faith in that intuitiveness that you feel inside and that sense, especially when it comes with the sense of the love of God and the feeling and sense that you have a purpose, you have a destiny, so I want to stir that up and I want to speak that into your heart and into your life and I want to say to you be encouraged and be filed with faith, because here is what you have to know, you are a beautifully, wonderfully, extraordinary one of a kind, one in a million child of design with destiny encoded in your DNA and only you can give the world what you have and you can’t do that unless God is in your heart because he is that voice that speaks through you to express the extraordinary person that you are. So my whole passion in life is to get people to see that God is talking to you, you don’t know it, you can’t hear it, he is talking to you because you are important and you are extraordinary and he wants to express a side of his vocabulary and his person through you like no other person, you are incredible.


SID: Pray for stirring up their gifts.


LARRY: I will do that


SID: Very quickly.


LARRY: Lord we pray that you would stir up the gifts of the spirit, the gift of prophecy, knowing things, the gift of hearing from God, that you would take the barriers away that was lost in the Garden of Eden, that you would reconnect people to the Creator and that their gifts would become passionate and their desire to hear from God would be passionate. I impart that and I speak that and I speak right now, this is going to air later but there is a man named Robert who  as cancer who is terminal and your doctor has told you that you are terminal, your doctor’s name has a J in it, begins with a J, I’m not sure his whole name, but there is healing. If you will believe what I am saying and that God is talking, God is going to talk to you and in the talking you are going to be healed and there will be a testimony come back through this when it is aired because God is desperate to touch people and talk to them.


SID: Larry, there is someone’s left eye that has been healed from cancer; you are healed in Yeshua’s name. And someone’s back is being literally straightened, all of the pain , the spine is being straightened, you are healed in Yeshua’s name and remember this, if you want your receiver to start operating, if you really want to hear God, if you really want to find out why you are on planet earth, if you really want a shift as God is shifting people, there is no other name given unto man in which we must be saved but the name of Yeshua, Hebrew for Jesus. I would like to say this lots of different way but narrow is the way that leads to life. If you want life, you want your receiver restored, it is up to you but there is enough of the presence of God on you right now for you to have your breakthrough, Yeshua.

Written by sidroth

December 4th, 2009 at 2:30 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth with Larry Randolph

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SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Larry Randolph, and Larry Randolph comes from generations of prophets, people that knew the future. Larry, I am so fascinated not that just you know the  future, not that you just hear God, but when people read your book they are going to understand for the first time that God works with us in different levels, and as we think it is just a voice spoken your word, an audible booming voice, but there are so many different ways. Tell me about the time that Jesus visited you.


LARRY: I was a young man, pastoring a church, 1974, and it was a commission from the Lord, to be very short, it is too long of a story, it is in my book, Spirit Taught, but I was lying down to sleep late one night and I heard the noise of someone walking beside my bedroom window, and as this noise turned a corner, I realized that it was a divine being, because the presence was incredible, and the awe was incredible, and it was Jesus. And he stooped over, put his cheek by the screen window and began to radiate the most incredible love I had ever experienced in my life. Sid I don’t know how to say it, it has been that long and I still want to weep when I think about it because he was nothing, anything I had ever done, anything I had ever thought, anything I was ever going to do was just unconditionally forgiven by him if I would ask for forgiveness.

He loved me totally, he loved me unconditionally.


SID: I think most people don’t believe he loves that much. It’s too good.


LARRY: It’s too good, but it was so strong that his love took on form, it took on a red cloud, it was like a haze that hung in the atmosphere, and when I breathed it in I was breathing the liquid love of God, I could hardly breathe, I was suffocating.


SID: But you know what I’m thinking? If someone has cancer in the lungs, they take that, the breath that in and there is no room for cancer.


LARRY: Well what I was healed of in a sense was more an emotional, spiritual thing, a timidity, I was healed of a sense of no purpose because what Jesus did he started talking to me in an audile voice and said to me, “Look at your hands.” And I looked at my hands and he said to me, he quoted a scripture form the beloved King David in the Psalms, David said, “I am fearfully and awesomely and wonderfully made.” And he said to me, “You are fearfully and awesomely and wonderfully made, you are one of a kind, you are an extraordinary human being, there is none like you, I made you just as you are and I love you unconditionally, you have a divine purpose that no one else could do, you have a gifting, but I want you to,” this is what came across to me, “I don’t want you to focus much on your gifting, I want you to focus on the love you feel in this room, because the love of God is bigger than any gifting.” And it has taken me my lifetime to figure out what he meant by that and if I can say this Sid, this is what he meant by that. Some people, a lot of people, psychics have gifts, a lot of people have gifts, prophetic gifts, but their hearts are small their gifts are big but their hearts are small, and it has taken me my whole life to figure out that what the Lord is after is a heart that is big, and, in other words you minister from your heart, you don’t minister from your gift, your motivation for who you are comes from the heart of love for people that he had for me, not from my gifting and I’m learning that if my heart is big and if I love people, my gifting will run hard to catch up with it. On the other hand I see people who have big giftings, psychics have big giftings but their heart is dead and you don’t feel that love of the Creator for the creation.


SID: The only way their heart can have the live of God is to have God in their heart and the only way to have God in their heart is to believe that Jesus died for their sins.


LARRY: Absolutely.


SID: Now there is something you told me the Lord told you about the hands and how they should be used.


LARRY: Yes, well he said to me, “Look at your hands.” And he asked me a question, “Why did I put your hands on your arms?” And in humor I thought to feed myself maybe, I don’t know Lord, to hug? And he said to me, “I put your hands on your arms because your hands are an extension of me, and I’m not in this physical world now, you are, and you are my hands extended.” And he said, “I never want you to shove with your hands, or push with your hands, or hit someone with our hands, or push people away with your hands, your hands are made for healing, your hands are made to embrace, to affirm people, to touch people, to minister to people, to encourage people.”

And he taught me the use of the human hand and how precious our hands are, and then he reminded me how, when blind people came and people that were sick came, he would touch them with his hands, and then he showed me this, I saw this picture of him with little children on his lap as the gospels betray him, this Jesus, he put his hands on them and touched little children and he taught me that the hands are an extension of his kingdom, and the way we use our hands, and of course the way we use our reflective voices, and the manner that we speak to them.


SID: Do you know what that reminds me of Larry? I interviewed, do you remember the serial killer, his name was Son of Sam?


LARRY: I do.


SID: I interviewed him, and this is what he said, he is in prison, he’s got multiple life, he will spend forever in prison, and he is Jewish and he became a believer in the Messiah, and he took his hands and he said you see I sued these hands to strangle people, now I use these hands to love people.


LARRY: That’s amazing, that’s amazing. that’s what Robert Mitchell my old mentor used to do to me, he would set me in a chair, he died at a hundred years old, he mentored me for ten years, an incredible old prophet. And he would put his hands tenderly on my face, very gently, and he would impart to me the love of God and the peace and who he was and his gifting, he did that hundreds of times.


SID: Tell me, can you impart the prophetic gifting to people that hunger for this by praying for them, the way he prayed, imparted to you?


LARRY: I think there is a lot of factors that are involved. One, the person has to be open to that and has to have a propensity toward that and a leaning toward that, and the other person must have a strong gifting, I think there is a measure, it is not an instant, overnight, in other words you had nothing and now you have everything, but I prefer the word stir up, you know maybe that’s a better word that – in other words to stir your spirit, stir your heart up to embrace something.

Yes, there is an imparting, there is a giving, cause with our hands we give away the essence of who we are with our hands.


SID: I want to find out what Larry saw in those newspaper headlines for years in the future, and I want Larry to also pray for a stirring up, a stirring up of those gifts that are inside you, an excitement, don’t go away.

Written by sidroth

November 27th, 2009 at 2:26 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Darren Wilson

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SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Darren Wilson, Darren, you’re commissioned by this angel, God’s been speaking to you to do this film on miracles around the world, how much money did you have for your budget?

DARREN: I started with nothing.

SID: So did you do a big fundraising project?

DARREN: Sort of, I made a deal with the Lord in the very beginning, because I didn’t want to make it, and I made a deal with God, I said I will make this movie for you but I don’t want to have to ask anybody for money, because I hate asking people for money and so I said if you can do that, if you can give me the money I’ll go make it. And I never asked for a dime and he gave me $25,000 dollars.

SID: Where did this trip take you?

DARREN: It took me all over the United States, into Canada; we went to Africa and Mozambique, Bulgaria, Turkey, France Switzerland, all over the place.

SID: Never in a million years did you think you would be putting a video together on the supernatural. Tell me a bit about that dead man; what was his name; Frances?

DARREN: Frances, yeah.

SID: Tell me about dead Frances.

DARREN: Well I had heard of Frances, just because when I was scheduled to go to Mozambique to visit with Heidi and Roland Baker, I heard that there was this guy who has this incredible story, even for them. And so I asked well could I talk to him, and so he came to the airport at Johannesburg during my layover, and that’s when I heard his full story, which was just mind-boggling. What had happened is just about two years before they were having a church service, and he was outside kind of ushering people in and he was going to go lock up the gate and these four men came up to him and they were all drunk and he, you know, was trying to figure out what they wanted and they started to beat on him, to beat him up, they had baseball bats, and he said what are you doing? And they said we are going to kill you today, today is your last day, and so they beat him to death with baseball bats, they stabbed him 27 times.

SID: So he was dead dead.

DARREN: Dead as a doornail. So they took him to the hospital; hospital pronounced him dead, the whole church comes together and they don’t know what else to do so they are just praying for him. And he was killed at around eleven o’clock at night, around twelve-fifteen; twelve-thirty in the morning he came back to life. But when he came back to life he was, he was a total mess, I mean beaten by baseball bats and stabbed 27 times, his face was all swollen, couldn’t speak, and right before they put him out for the night, they gave him morphine, right before they put him out for the night he just was able to croak out, whisper “forgive them,” referring to the people who did this to him and then like he was out. And this got back to the church and that morning the police in South Africa caught one of these guys, and they were very proud of themselves because they don’t normally catch these guys, and so they went to the church, and they called the church and said, “Hey we caught one of the men who beat your friend to death, come down and sign some papers, press charges and we will get them processed. The church knew that Frances had forgiven them so they said no, we are not going to press charges, we want to forgive them. And the police were a little upset that is not really the best way to handle crime in South Africa. And so he said, “No you really need to come down. And the church with one voice said, “Absolutely not, we forgive him.” And the moment they forgave him as a body Frances was instantly healed in the hospital. He was, all of his bruises, all of his cuts, everything was gone immediately.

SID: Now you actually met Frances and videoed him?

DARREN: Yes, he still has the bloody shirt with 27 knife wounds in it.

SID: Now what did this do for your grid of the supernatural?

DARREN: It just took it to a whole new level. I mean you hear, it is one thing to hear stories, it is another thing to look across into the eyes of someone who has had an experience like this and you know that this person isn’t lying to you.

SID: Tell me about the college students in California that for fun they go to the emergency room of the hospital. Is that true?

DARREN: Yeah, yeah. In Redding, California thee is a church out there and they have a school, I guess they call it a School of Ministry, and basically kids go there, they are probably between the age of eighteen and twenty-five mostly, and they go to just learn how to operate in the supernatural, and learn how to just, they hit the streets and they go look for anybody they can to pray for, and one of the things they will do is they go to the ER on Friday Nights for fun and they will look for somebody who is sick and they will pray for them before the doctor sees them and get them healed.

SID: Now what I am wondering, I know the effect that your film had on me, and I am pretty excited to make this available to you, but what I want to find out from Darren is, when he plays this for his own evangelical church that were like him, he believes God can do miracles, but they have never seen any, what effect did this have on them?

DARREN: Well it had the same effect that it is having on literally every public showing that I have heard of, it has the same effect, God shows up in a major, major way.

SID: Describe what happens.

DARREN: Okay what happens, people are being healed, one while watching the movie, but most of the healings and the things that are taking place are taking place after the movie is over and the faith level is kind of at a high pitch. And so the people will just turn toward each other and start to pray for one another. And so we have had healings, we have had salvations, we have had people being set free from depression, from oppression, addictions it is just absolutely…

SID: You know the footage that you had from this underground church in China; I have never seen such glory of God on their faces. What effect did it have on you when you went through that footage?

DARREN: Well yeah, that is the one place I didn’t go to get the footage, a missionary named Dennis Balkam gave me that footage, he had been a missionary in China for forty years, and when I took a look at it, it was, I knew I was sitting on something that was absolutely incredible, I mean it is literally the rarest footage on the planet. It’s culled from years and years of traveling around deep into the heart of that underground church and what it did to me, it showed me for the first time what real, I mean heartfelt genuine faith really looks like and it brought me to tears and it, what I hear is it is everybody’s favorite part of the movie, because when they see that and they see what these people are going through and how they react to it; it is absolutely incredible.

SID: You know what, I think next week I am going to show a portion of that because it is the real thing, I mean Darren can you put it in any other words than it is seeing the real thing, like what happens when a human being sells out a hundred percent and is filled with the presence of God. Are they having many miracles there?

DARREN: It is an everyday common occurrence, it is one of the things that is causing the great kind of groundswell of conversions is the miracles that are preceding the preaching.

SID: Now when you went to Mozambique are many people that are dead raised from the dead there?

DARREN: Yeah the ministry that I went with was Iris Ministries and they have had over eighty people raised from the dead in the last few years.

SID: And by the way, I know it as a fact, that if someone is dead just a few minutes or something, they don’t even count them, they have certain strict requirements. Everything you have ever read in the Bible, I can’t say enough good things about this video, I wish that every young person, every older person in the world would see this video. Darren, one funny thing that happened real quick.

DARREN: One funny thing that happened?

SID: Yeah, in filming it?

DARREN: Funny thing that happened.

SID: I can tell you a funny thing that happened, when you came to interview me on this video and I had words of knowledge and what thoughts went inside of your mind?

DARREN: Yeah I was interviewing you and we were in this little office space and all of a sudden, and this was a good solid year before I am even going to start editing the movie and so you start getting these words of knowledge for people who are going to be watching this as yet unmade movie.

SID: That are going to be physically healed.

DARREN: Physically healed, and it was, I remember the hair standing up in the back on my head when you did it because it was a powerful, powerful moment but at the same time I am like, well I guess I am going to finish this movie and I guess people are going to watch it because you know this was happening, I knew it was very real. And since then, it was actually the first word I think you had was for headaches and that was the first miracle that happened when I showed it.

SID: But I want a miracle to happen with you right now, I want you to know God, I don’t care about your religion, I care about you knowing God and there is no other name given unto man in which we can be cleansed of our sin and righteous, to have intimacy with God, yell the name Jesus I want to know you, I want to experience your Kingdom now on this earth, now.

Written by sidroth

November 13th, 2009 at 6:42 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Darren Wilson

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SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Darren Wilson, what happens when this unassuming college professor who had never done a film in his life, he is skeptical, that is almost an understatement, of the supernatural, he is commissioned by an angel to do a film on miracles around the world. Darren I understand you were coerced by your father and your wife to go to a church in Canada, what was going on there?

DARREN: Yeah, well first of all I have to point out that the Lord had actually given me the idea for this movie about four or five months before and I didn’t want anything to do with it.

SID: Why?

DARREN: Well because one, I didn’t have any money, two, I didn’t have any contacts, and three I didn’t want to make any explicitly Christian movie, I thought it was out there, a little cheesy and a little inauthentic so to speak. I really didn’t want to become a part of that. And so I ran from it and in May of 2006 my father and my wife kind of bribed me I guess you could say to go to this church, it was a big, they were having a big conference, and so I went basically to make my wife you know, happy. And so we were there and I was very, very judgmental of what was going on, and all of the people. It was a very charismatic kind of thing and people were whooping and hollering and doing their little shimmy shakes or whatever you want to call it and just being very kind of wild and exuberant, let’s put it that way. And I remember it was the last night of the conference and I was kind of standing in the back, it was right in the middle of worship and one of the speakers got up on stage and just kind of announced that an angel had just entered the room, his name was Breakthrough. And he had just come here from Nigeria or something like that.

SID: Did you believe him?

DARREN: No, no, no, no. And he is here, he is here with all of his angel buddies and they are just going to come and just minister to us and let’s just keep worshipping the Lord. And so I am sitting in the back thinking yeah, right, okay so apparently there is an angel in the room now and  this guy happens to know his name and knows where he had been for the last ten years, and so on and so forth. So I am in the back, you know trying to worship thinking all these unholy thoughts and I have got my eyes closed like every good evangelical should, and as my eyes are closed I see this thing pass in front of my eyes, you know sometimes your eyes are closed but you can tell that somebody just walked in front of you. And I opened my eyes real quick just kind of out of reflex and there was nothing there. And I closed them and the figure is right here, still standing there. And I had my eyes closed but I could see like this outline. And this was very strange to me. I never had anything like this happen to me before. And then the figure turns and he walks up to me and he is standing there, I can see the outline like he was looking at me face to face. And he is literally the most intense individual I have ever met in my life, I mean just…

SID: Are you seeing shadows or are you seeing actually a clear being?

DARREN: It is shadow; it is like a shadow of an outline and he was just crackling with intensity, I cannot describe, like a drill sergeant on steroids, you know really just you know fired up. And he speaks to me; it was just ringing in my ears when he spoke to me, and he says, “Are you ready?” I had no idea what he was talking about. But I know enough because I grew up in a church, I know enough that when an angel asks you a question that you just say yes. So I said yes. And he says again, “Are you ready?” I said yes. And he says a third time, this time I could see his hands reach up for my head so I know he is like grabbing my head, I couldn’t feel anything, and he screams in my face, “Are you ready?” And I finally said, “Yes, ready for what?” I don’t know what he is talking about. And he stops and he stares and became so, so intense, and he says, “Make that movie.” And he starts to move away. And I just thought in my head, wait, because this is probably the coolest thing that has ever happened to me, and so as soon as I think it he is back in front of me, but this time he is not intense anymore, he is literally the most gentle, loving individual that I have every encountered. Just oozing love. And at this point there is no doubt that I am speaking with Breakthrough, it is not a question.

SID: That’s the name of the angel.

DARREN: That’s the name of this angel, yeah. And so he says to me, I can see his hand kind of reaching for mine, and this time he speaks very softly and he says, “What do you want, what do you need, I will stay with you all night if you need me to.” And I didn’t need anything.

SID: How would you like an angel to walk up to you and say what do you want, what do you need, and I will be here as long as you need my help. I mean give me a break. So what did you do?

DARREN: I blubbered, I didn’t need anything, I just didn’t want the experience to end and I realized he wasn’t leaving, and I guess he was waiting for me to release him. And so I said okay well you can go now. And then he just drifted off and the rest of my family got touched immediately after that in their own way. So I came out of it as white as a ghost, my family looks and like what happened to you and I said I gotta go be alone because something just happened to me. And so I went up to a little balcony that they had there, and I sat down and I started to pray and it was like the Lord just, he overcame me with his love. And it was the first time that I truly felt the true weight of his love for me, and I was a puddle on the floor and so I heard clearly, he said, “Stand up.” So I stood up and I walked to the edge of the balcony and I looked down at all these people that a half an hour before I was judging mercilessly, and were you know still doing their shimmy shakes, still doing their hooping and hollering, but this time I saw them through the Father’s eyes you know, and I saw the brokenness and I saw the hurt that is in them and I heard the Lord say very clearly, he said, “Will you make if for them?” And at that point I said yes.

SID: You are going to find out about dead people that came to life, you are going to find out about students that on a Friday night for fun they go to the hospital, the emergency ward just to pray for the sick, and guess what, they get better, don’t go away we’ll be right back.

Written by sidroth

November 6th, 2009 at 6:42 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Our Guest Jennifer Toledo

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SID: Amazing. This is Sid Roth with Jennifer Toledo. This is an amazing story. You go to Africa because you have a heart for children, and you have eight suitcases jam packed with clothing for children. Tell me what happened.


JENNIFER: We took eight suitcases into Rwanda and we thought, let’s just pick, we didn’t have that much. I mean, how much can you take in eight suitcases. We thought, let’s pick the worst scenarios, and we got about a hundred children in Rwanda. And we thought, if we could at least give them something. And we lay all the clothes out, and we brought in these orphans that were just in these horrible conditions. Each child left with huge bag loads full of clothing, and shoes, and school supplies. And we were like, that’s amazing! It lasted for all these kids, you know.


SID: Sure.


JENNIFER: So we were shocked that eight suitcases would, you know, one hundred children a huge back. But the crazy thing is we still had a ton of stuff left over, and we were like–


SID: How could you?


JENNIFER: I know. How is that possible? So we brought in more kids. And we just started finding all the street kids, the kids that we knew, and stuff, and we just kept bag loads we were giving away. Well we still had a ridiculous amount of stuff. And we were like, I can’t believe this. So we ended up taking it in to Kenya. That’s where we were going next. And we went into the slums in Kenya and we gathered as many children as we could that were in need, and each child, same thing, got these huge bags. And it was like amazing. Designer label clothing. And we were like, I never saw this when I had packed it. And it was just these incredible clothes, like these kids had walked right out of a magazine. It was so extravagant. And they had all this stuff. And yet, they still, we couldn’t get rid of it. I mean, there were literally times where literally I looked in a bag. I knew there were no shoes left. And a child would say, “I’m size five and I really want a shoe.” And I’d just say, “Let’s pray.” We’d pray, dig our hands in, size five shoes. And were like, I can’t believe this! It was so cool. Well that was just the beginning. We literally could not get rid of this. It just kept on multiplying, these eight suitcases.


SID: If you’d only know you would have brought one suitcase. No, I’m teasing.


JENNIFER: I know. We wouldn’t have to carry all eight. Seriously. So we went out throughout Kenya and we started distributing this stuff, and we thought, this is ridiculous. We were getting ready to leave and we thought, we’ve got to get rid of this stuff. We started taking garbage bags full of this clothing. Every single orphanage in the whole county we were in got garbage bags full of clothing, and we could not get rid of it. We started taking it to the hospitals. We started going to the churches. Just people, come get clothes for your kids. It never ended. I’m telling you, it went on and on, and on.


SID: You think that’s amazing. Guess what happens when she gets home with those suitcases.


JENNIFER: It’s true. We fully, like dumped them out, and we realize, oh we’ve got to go home. You know, it was the day we were leaving. When I got home, I started going through my bag. There was clothes that had appeared in my bag, children’s clothes all in my suitcase. I’m thinking, it came home with us. It just, we couldn’t rid of it. It was amazing. And it just showed me, God loves the orphan. God loves the needy, the broken, and He’s such an extravagant father. And it was so fun to watch Him do that.


SID: Well speaking of children, tell me in Ecuador about the woman that went to fifteen years not being able to be pregnant.


JENNIFER: This is such a sweet story. There is this woman in a church that we work with who had been unable to get pregnant and was very grieved, obviously. And we ministered to her, and she was healed. And we got the report a couple of weeks later that she was pregnant. We were so excited. And just over a year later, we went back to Ecuador to visit, and she had had a baby. And the baby was just a newborn, like three months old or so. And we get a phone call from them, and they said, “Something tragic has happened.” The baby got this lung infection, is in the hospital, the baby is now in a coma. There’s been severe brain damage and they don’t expect the baby to live. And we were like, absolutely not. This is your blessing from God and God is gonna heal your baby. And so we began to say–


SID: I like your ferocious faith.




SID: You really believe God.


JENNIFER: You know, it’s true. Why doubt Him? He’s real and His promises are true. And so we just take Him at his word, and we just get to watch Him do amazing things. And so we begin to go to the hospital, and our team and minister. And the first time we went, we went into the waiting room. You know, the baby was in critical care, so you really couldn’t go to the baby. But we were in the waiting room, and there was two families in there, the family we had come to minister to, and then also an unsaved family we had never met before. And as we walk into the hospital, we hear the father of this family telling how he’s going to murder the doctor. They’re enraged. They’re angry. Their nine-month-old baby boy has the exact same condition as this little girl we’re gonna pray for, and in a coma, brain damage, same thing. And we said, “You know, can we just minister to this family first?” And they’re like, of course. And so we begin to just pray for this little boy of this family. And as we’re praying, just our team just begins to just weave in our session and just cry out to God for this child’s life. About fifteen minutes into it, the doctor comes out and says, “Something crazy just happened. The little boy just came out of the coma. That’s not possible.” And we’re like, oh my goodness! Well of course, the family is just ecstatic. And they’re like, “This is your God. Who is your God?” And we said, “It’s Jesus, you know, and Jesus can heal.” And so the whole family, seven of them, prayed to receive Christ. They received Christ as their savior. We’re standing there praying. And all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit comes on them and they begin to shake and begin to just have open visions. Our team was like, “This is crazy! We weren’t even asking for this!” And they begin to hear God’s voice. They see angels. It was an incredible encounter. But the father of the family had a vision where he saw that God was going to give both babies a brand new brain. And so they began to say, “We’re gonna believe God for this.”


SID: Did the doctors believe that they had–


JENNIFER: Oh yeah. The damage, one baby had come out of a coma, but still had severe brain damage. And so, that night, the family went to sleep in the hospital, and woke up, because the father heard a voice, and the voice said, “Get up. Go home. Bathe, eat, rest, whatever, and bring your family back tomorrow. You’re gonna get good news.” So he just did what he was told. Went home, came back the next day, go in to see the baby. There’s a red mark on the baby’s head. And they’re like, what happened? And the nurses are all kind of nervous, ‘cause he had been, you know, very angry before. And they said, “We don’t know. That line appeared in the night on his head.” He said, “I want all the testings for my son right now.” And they retested everything, and they said, “This isn’t possible. He has completely normal brain function. It’s like he has a brand new brain.”


SID: Do you believe he had supernatural surgery?


JENNIFER: I do. I mean, how bizarre that there was even a mark on his head, you know. And here’s the greatest thing. I love how God does this–


SID: Yeah, but what about that other baby?


JENNIFER: Exactly. He’s so fun. And that other baby hadn’t been healed yet. But we just believing. And I went in and got to pray for that baby. When I went in there, it was incredible. It was like I could hear angels singing around her. And I just began to just pray over her and sing over her. And we got the report the next day. She also came out of the coma, and the parents were like, “If God did it for that other baby, He’s going to do it for our baby.” And they said, “We want to see complete brain restoration.” I mean, that doesn’t happen outside of a miracle. And retested her brain. Completely brand new, perfectly fine, both babies released from the hospital, completely normal, completely healed.


SID: You know Jennifer, I have to tell you. I listened personally to your CD, “The Missing Key to Your Breakthrough,” and you have a gift to have someone hold on because the breakthrough is about ready to happen. And Jennifer identifies the missing key, but there’s actually a presence of God on your teaching that you will be able to hold on. If some of you are discouraged, it’s going to make a total difference in your life. But I have to tell you, do you remember that in Kenya, Jennifer broke the covenant that was made with Satan with a higher covenant with God through Jesus? Well everyone that is born has born into a covenant with Satan because of the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. But the good news is there’s a higher covenant. There is a higher covenant that the one than was has made with the devil. And you can be set free totally from that covenant with the devil, and you can have a new father. Jennifer has a father that she can trust. His name is God. And He’s not a man that He should lie. And He says, “I love you and I sent Jesus to die in your place to make a new covenant so that you could enter into abundance and life, and peace, and joy, and purpose, and destiny, and a future, and hope. I mean, it gets so good. I can go and on, and on. But I tell you, if you tell Jesus you’re sorry for your sins and believe the blood of Jesus washes away your sins, make Jesus your Lord. Just say it now. Now. Right now.

Written by sidroth

October 23rd, 2009 at 5:05 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Jennifer Toledo

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SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Jennifer Toledo. And so Jennifer, you’re in the middle of nowhere in Africa, you’re dying, and you’re breaking a covenant that’s been thousands of years with Satan, that has stopped people from coming to know God in that particular region. You’re dying, but you proceed. They break the covenant by forming a stronger covenant, the covenant with God through Jesus. And what changes occurred after that covenant was broken in that region?

JENNIFER: Sid, it was absolutely incredible. We actually did this at the peak of the drought, in the middle of the summer. It’s like 110 to 120 degrees. It was so hot and just, you know, just the conditions in that land were so horrific. And we said, not only are the people gonna come into covenance, but we’re gonna call the land into covenance. And so to symbolize this, we took communion. We poured the communion on the land, and we said, okay, you know, we did everything God told us to do. It was very simple. And I said, “God, we really need two signs. Would you just let us know you’re pleased. Sign your name to this deal. Something. And would you give us a sign that you really brought down the demonic stronghold in this land.” And sure enough, we got our signs. It was like living through a Bible story. It was so incredible.

SID: Tell me. You had several signs. Tell me one of them.

JENNIFER: Yeah. One of them was it all of a sudden, in the middle of summer, the heavens literally open and it starts to pour down rain.

SID: Never happens.

JENNIFER: Oh my goodness. It hadn’t rained in so long. I mean, you don’t have to tell an African that rain means God is pleased. They knew that God was in this. And then it began to, this bolt of lightening struck this mountain goat mountain, and that was the high point of all the demonic power. It was where they did all these sacrifices. And God struck the mountain and you could feel something shift in the land. And then it was almost instantly, we began to see things change. We had some friends that were from the Turkana tribe. And they had a curse put on them that all their children would die at birth. And it just so happened she was three weeks overdue from delivering another baby. And they had lost several babies, and so they were just devastated. But as soon as we did everything God told us to do and the curse was broken, she went into labor. And everybody kind of stood by to see if, you know, this was gonna really bring a change. And sure enough, she delivered a perfectly healthy baby girl. And the father held the baby up in front of the tribe and said, “Her name is Peace. She’ll have no middle name, no last name. Her name is Peace, and she’ll be a prophetic sign to us on this day we came into peace with the living God.” And then from that moment, like we just saw a crazy transformation of the land. It began to rain record rainfalls. The violence level completely diminished. People started getting saved. It was like this open heaven.

SID: You know, I love what occurred. But what about you? You were dying in this remote village.

JENNIFER: Yeah, I wasn’t having a great time.

SID: A guy by the name of Randy transports you how many miles away to a hospital?

JENNIFER: It was about 16 hours away to a hospital.

SID: I mean, you were dying.

JENNIFER: Yes. I had been given about 24 hours to live. And this precious man found me, drove me 16 hours to a hospital. Got to the hospital. They said basically it was a miracle that I was alive. All my organs had shut down. I had severe dehydration, and was very sick. They said I needed an instant surgery and I was just like, no way. And I just started, something rose up inside of me and said, you know, I know that my God can heal me. I’ve seen God move. I’ve seen Him heal. He loves me.

SID: A pastor gave you an encouraging prophecy, too, that helped. Tell me about that.

JENNIFER: Yeah. That’s true. As I was lying in the hospital hooked up to all these machines, miserable in pain, it was so incredible. This man walks into my room, this Kenyan pastor. I’d never seen him before. He introduces himself and says, “You don’t know who I am, but the Lord woke my wife and I up last night and told us to pray for you, and told me to come give you a word.” And I’m going, “Thank you. I want it right now.” And he said, “You know, the word is very simple.” He said, “This.” And he just pointed to me in my condition and he said, “God wants me to remind you this right here, this is about spiritual promotion. This is about being in authority.” It was the exact words God had told me and I had written in my journal before I left.

SID: I love it when God does something like that!

JENNIFER: It was so funny. He knew I needed that because–

SID: I mean, here you are, okay, but you’re still, you’re encouraged, but dying in the hospital.

JENNIFER: So my heart was better. My body wasn’t better yet. But it did give me the faith just to go, you know what? I know God can do this. I’m gonna press in, and I know that in the middle of difficulties, choosing faith and choosing to believe His promises is that thing that pushes you through and gives you authority, and it’s the thing that breaks you in.

SID: Okay. Well this good friend of yours shows up in a dream. Tell me about it.

JENNIFER: Yes. I fall asleep, and while I’m asleep, I have the most incredible encounter. I don’t know how to explain it, other than it was like the most beautiful, kindest light, and I knew it was Jesus, walked into my hospital room. And he took the back of his hand and he said, “Be still.” And he just cut me right down the middle with his hand and pulled my skin open. And I was kind of, honestly, it was so real. It was like watching surgery on TV. It was like, this is gross, you know. But it was so incredible. And one by one he just began to massage my organs and he cleaned me out, and did all this stuff, and then he took my skin and closed it back up. In his hand he had my exact skin color. It was like clay or mud, and he put it on top of me, and I was thinking, “My gosh, I’m not gonna have a scar!” And I was awakened in that moment. And honestly, when I woke up, I was still in total pain.

SID: Oh no!

JENNIFER: I know. I didn’t feel any different. And I was like, no! And I just had to make a choice. And I said, I know God’s character. God is not the kind of God that would tease me. I have nothing to lose at this point. So I have to believe I’m healed. So I just was like, I’m healed! I’m healed! And my doctor was in the room and thought I was totally crazy. And he was like, “You’re not healed. You’re actually dying.” You know, but what happened is when I said, “I’m healed,” it was like supernatural strength came into my body, and it was when I made that agreement with who He is. And I couldn’t stop. I was just like, “I’m healed! I’m healed!” I just kept screaming because it was like every time I said I was feeling better. I mean, it had been ten days of extremely ill, unable to eat.

SID: So when you walked out of that hospital, what does the staff and doctor say or think?

JENNIFER: Oh I mean, so many of the doctors and the nurses were just in tears. They were so moved. Many of them received Jesus as their savior, because it was, how could you not believe that Jesus could heal. They saw. They saw I was dying. They saw. They retested everything. All my levels were completely normal. Were organs were functioning just fine. It was medically undefined. And so all the credit went to God. It was incredible, and I was completely healed.

SID: You think that’s incredible, wait ‘til you find out how Jennifer brings a few suitcases of clothing to Africa and the clothing keeps multiplying. She gives away the clothes and more clothes are in the suitcase. I mean, that sounds like what I read about in the Bible. Don’t go away. We’ll be right back after this word.

Written by sidroth

October 16th, 2009 at 5:02 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth welcomes Jennifer Toledo

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On It’s Supernatural: See how rain supernaturally falls in the middle of a severe draught and how signs from Heaven transform a nation.

Can ancient secrets of the supernatural be rediscovered? Do angels exist? Is there life after death? Are healing miracles real? Can you get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent 30 years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of It’s Supernatural.

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest, Jennifer Toledo, had an experience. Jennifer, this is so phenomenal. You were in Africa in a remote village, and you were about ready to die. And you had a mysterious guest come in and perform surgery from the invisible world. But at two years of age, you had an encounter with the Messiah of Israel. Tell me about that.

JENNIFER: Yeah. I was just a young child. I was scared, you know, and would cry at night. And one night I had an experience where I just saw Jesus come into my room, and he just sat on my bed, and he just said, “You don’t need to cry.” And he just said, “I’ll take care of you.” And he just sat there, and it just brought absolute peace to me. My parents were shocked because I was screaming and then I just suddenly stopped. They came running out and I said, “Did you guys see Jesus?” And they were like, what in the world is she talking about.

SID: You know, if I had had such an encounter as you described, my mind would go back to it often over the years. Does yours?

JENNIFER: Yeah. I think more than mind, it’s my heart. Just that place of peace of I remember just that peace of me sitting there next to him and what I felt of just absolutely confidence, and I went to sleep. And I can just calmly go there and just remember him sitting next to my bed whenever I’m stressing out or whatever, and knowing that he’s just looking after me.

SID: And your mom got a divorce when you were young. And you watched God perform miracles. For instance, tell me about the red car.

JENNIFER: Oh my goodness. My mom taught us from a young age that God was our father, and just to really treat him like our father and go to Him with our needs, and just very practically, He’s not just theory, but He’s a real dad. And, you know, one time we didn’t have a car and my mom use to make us stand with her at the window, and she would look out into the driveway and she’d say, “Do you see my red car sitting there?” And we’d like make fun her and were like, “What are you talking about, Mom? There’s no red car.” And she’d just say, “Oh just have faith. I just know that God is gonna provide us a car.” And she goes, “I told God, you know, my first choice is a red car.” And I’m like, “Okay, Mom.” And sure enough, a short time later, there was a knock on our door. We went and opened our door and it was a relative we hadn’t seen in a long time and they said, “You know, this is gonna sound crazy, but we’ve done never done anything like this, but we just feel like we’re to give you our car.” And I told my mom this. And my mom was like, “Oh my goodness!” And we ran to the window and we looked, and parked in our driveway is this red car that they had given my mom.

SID: How excited were you?

JENNIFER: We were so excited. We were like, “Oh my gosh! God’s so good! He provides!”

SID: I mean, but God provided food and all sorts of things. And then there was a day in which you journaled almost a warning from God. Tell me about that, in your diary.

JENNIFER: Yeah. You know, just one of my times of just praying, I began to just feel Him in my heart, and He just said, you know, “I’m inviting you on this crazy mission, this crazy adventure with me. It’s gonna be very costly. It’s gonna be very lonely. It’s gonna be very hard. It’s gonna cost you everything. But if you will say yes to my highest for you,” you know, putting down what’s comfortable to really pursuing what’s in His heart, “if you’ll do that, this is about spiritual promotion. This is about gaining authority. It’s gonna be worth it.”

SID: Okay. So you get on a plane, go to Africa. How much money did you have? Who went with you? What kind of preparation did you have?

JENNIFER: Negative, negative, and negative. I had no money.

SID: How does a young woman like that go to Africa alone without money?

JENNIFER: You know, it’s absolutely–

SID: Give me a break! What did you mother say?

JENNIFER: My mother was freaking out hands down. But I knew God had said to do this. I knew this was the invitation. And I went by myself. I was 21 years old. I had no money. I had very few connections, and ended up in Northern Kenya, very remote desert, all by myself, and the surroundings there were horrific. I mean, it was drought, war, famine, you know, violence, death. It was crazy, Sid. It was absolutely crazy. But I knew it was God.

SID: And you found out that it was such a spiritual desert. It was because the Turkana tribe had made a covenant with Satan thousands of years ago.

JENNIFER: Right. You know, when I thought it really couldn’t get worse, I realized that the entire tribe was in blood covenance with Satan, and I just cried and was like, what am I doing here? I’m this nobody. You know, why in the world? What can I do? I’m totally inadequate. And God spoke to me and He said, “You know what? You are completely adequate. Don’t forget that’s your greatest strength.” And then He asked me an interesting question. He said, “Do you believe that I’m the God that uses Davids to bring down Goliaths?” And that was, you know, in other words, “Do you believe that I can use simple people to do great things? It’s about me. It’s not about you.” And I’m like, “Okay God, I know that you love these people and I know you want to bring restoration to this land.” So we began to just pray and ask God for strategy for that land.

SID: All right. So God gives you a supernatural strategy, but with the strategy comes a warning.


SID: What was the warning?

JENNIFER: Well God had given us a strategy to see breakthrough come.

SID: Basically, in a nutshell, what was the strategy?

JENNIFER: The strategy was to gather all the leaders together of the tribe and have them corporately repent and break the covenant with the enemy. But what He said was the only way out of this blood covenance is that the tribe has to enter in a stronger blood covenant. And the only stronger blood covenant is covenance with Jesus.

SID: And what was the warning that you got?

JENNIFER: So the warning I got was God said, “This is awesome. I want you to do this. But knowing if you do, the enemy has asked to take your life. Satan is very angry. He doesn’t want these people out of bondage and wants to take your life.” And I didn’t know what that meant, other than I knew it was serious. I really prayed about it, and I said, “Okay, God, Satan can’t steal my life. I will lay my life down for this tribe if this is what you’ve sent me to do. But my life is in your hands. I trust you.” And–

SID: But 24 hours later, she finds herself dying in a remote village with no medical help, nothing, alone in the middle of Africa. Don’t go away. We’ll be right back after this word.

Written by sidroth

October 9th, 2009 at 4:58 am

Posted in Sid Roth

Sid Roth here with Bill Weise

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Sid Roth here with Bill Weise

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Bill Weise and I don’t know about you but I’m literally on the edge of my seat because I have heard a lot of stories of people who have had visitations to heaven, but you don’t hear too many people that have had visitations to hell. My guest, Bill Weise, was, had his memory removed that he was a Christian and was dropped, as he put it, into a prison cell in hell for the precise purpose of what he is telling us right now. What happened next, Bill?

BILL: Well I was thinking about my wife a lot and then I just wanted to talk to a person, just anybody, but you’re denied that, you never get to be with people, you never get to talk to anyone; you are just around these demonic creatures that can torment you and torture you, so you are denied that access, I noticed the smells are just terrible, foul orders

SID: So it’s sulfur smell?

BILL: Sulfur smell, burning flesh, just the most putrid, rotten smells you could imagine, but you didn’t want to breath, you couldn’t really breath anyway, there is not enough air to breathe, every breath was such an effort, I just have to describe it, I breathed like this, like… like every breath you could barely get, and I thought I’m going to die any second from not enough air, but you have to go on living without enough air also.

Sid Roth: Okay, it’s so hot, what about thirst, did you have that sensation, were you thirsty?

BILL: Terrible thirst, absolute so dry, my mouth was like I hadn’t drank in weeks a drop of water, and that’s how it is for eternity, there is no water in hell, Zechariah 9:11, and Luke, the rich man talked about how he wanted just one drop of water and how precious it would have been, and that’s what it was like, just a drop, so precious, and that’s how water is to my wife and I now, I love water, but…

SID: What happened next?

BILL: I was viewing the desolate wasteland of hell and something began lifting me up and I didn’t know what it was, but that was the Lord’s presence lifting me up at that point so I could see a little bit more of hell, and I could see that raging pit of fire with all the people screaming in it, and individual pits of fire with people in their own individual pit burning, and the demons all around, clawing at me, most of the ones around me were chained to the walls, I can’t explain but they were chained to the walls, I was glad they couldn’t get to me, but as I began, I looked at them and I thought they were so powerful as the one that picked me up and threw me into the wall I was like the weight of a water glass to it, they have tremendous strength, and I thought who could fight off these creatures, no one, and you are just hopelessly lost there for eternity, and as I began going up into the darkness, it’s already dark there, but there is just a little bit of light by the flames, and it barely travels, but as I went up into this tunnel, I was being raised up, it got darker and darker until it was absolutely pitch black, and I was in complete terror at that moment, and right then when I was just desperately crying out the Lord showed up, just in a bright light all of a sudden, and I …

SID: What was the sensation in your body when you saw him?

BILL: Well, to go from one second earlier to being lost for eternity, to the next second knowing, he placed it back in my mind that I was a Christian, so I instantly knew who it was, that it was Jesus, I said, “Jesus,” and he said, “I am.” And I just fell at his feet like a dead man, I just collapsed at his feet, and I just wanted to worship him forever and ever, I wanted to thank him over and over and over again for rescuing me, he is the only way out of this place, is knowing Jesus, I was so grateful. You know when you are in his presence you don’t really want to ask questions you just want to worship him, but yet thoughts came to my mind of questions, and I thought, “Lord, why did you send me to this place.” And he answered my thought and he said, “Because many people do not believe in hell,” he said, “even some of my own people do not believe that hell exists.” That surprised me but there has been many people that have called in to us, even on radio shows, Christians that have said they don’t believe in hell. But man will go there.

Sid Roth: Now outside of your experience you realize that if he hadn’t gone there to be able to report back to us and he had gone there because he was a non-believer, he could have never gotten back, has that thought ever crossed your mind, what it would have been like to be there for all of eternity?

BILL: I just can’t even really imagine, when I was there I did imagine it, and it was horrible to live with that thought to never get out, you know, there is nobody on earth that has ever experienced utter hopelessness, you could always die to get out of it.

SID: All right, what else did he tell you when he came to rescue you?

BILL: He said he wanted me to go tell people that he loves everyone, he doesn’t want anybody to go to hell, and he allowed me to feel a piece of his heart at that moment, I say people dropping one after another down that shaft that I had come up, and I felt so bad for the people, but he allowed me to feel a little bit of his heart, what he feels for the people, and he wept over people going into hell, he doesn’t want one person to go there, it hurt him so much, the amount he allowed me to feel, I couldn’t stand it, I had to ask him to stop, I can’t stand feeling what you feel, just a little piece of what he allowed me to feel.

SID: So you felt being separated from God, you didn’t like that one bit, and then you felt his hurt over humans that choose to go to hell rather than surrendering to God.

BILL: Exactly, just like he wept over Jerusalem when he came into the city, he is weeping over the people, it hurts him more than you can imagine for people to go there, but he is a just God.

SID: Did he indicate when he is going to return?

BILL: He just told me, he said tell them I’m coming back very, very soon, and he repeated himself and said, “I’m coming back very, very soon.”

SID: Did you hear that, he said, do you think Bill had this experience just for the heck of it, it was for you. But wait till you find out what I’m going to find out from his wife, Annette, who witnessed when he came back

Written by sidroth

October 2nd, 2009 at 12:01 am

Posted in Sid Roth