Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

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Our Guest Lori Strong

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Lori Strong

Sid: We want everyone to be red hot for the Messiah but something is stopping most people; the Bible calls them little foxes. And maybe I’ll call them big foxes and that’s why my guest Lori Strong has written a new book called “Take Up the Sword of the Spirit.” subtitle “Crushing Curses With the Word of God.” It’s practical; it’s a how to manual, it states the curses and states how to get free. And then shows you exactly now just the word of God but the word of God and a prayer that get’s free these generational curses. Lori in your heart of hearts in your own words why did you write this book?

Lori:   My heart is that people will be free and walk around..and believers in Jesus would walk around free so that they can be examples to others who doesn’t believe yet and want what they have. But if we walk around with bondage of curses not only does that grieve God and the Holy Spirit but it also stops us from being able to be an example to others so that they will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sid: A chapter that unfortunately affects so many believers is the generational curses that have to do with addictions of all kinds. We all know about drug addiction and alcohol addiction and gambling addiction but there are a few that we have been discussing. There’s an addiction in relationship; explain what you mean about that.

Lori: There’s many men and woman who and I can speak for woman especially that feel like they need to have a man in their life to make them feel complete. They are basically addicted to having a relationship with a person to fill up their time; to fill up the time of their day so they don’t have to deal with the fact that they don’t have a personal relationship with Jesus. There’s a void that they’re trying to fill just like somebody’s whose addicted to drugs it’s just as dangerous maybe not physically although it can be. But emotionally; spiritually it’s just as dangerous or more so than drugs and alcohol but no one is stopping them because it’s not illegal and it’s not as obvious it’s easier to hide that addiction to people and to having to have a relationship in your life to make it complete.

Sid: But the whole issue is idolatry is anything that takes the place of what God is entitled to.

Lori: That’s exactly right; so no only does it grieve God but it stops you from having the relationship with God that He desires because you’ve placed like you said idolatry. You’ve placed something more important than Him in your life. So anything that you’re addicted to other than God is a god to you really; that’s what He’s saying. It’s an idol but it’s a god to you.

Sid: Okay, let’s talk about the acceptable Christian sin gluttony. Let’s talk about a food addiction, what does someone do with that?

Lori:   Well, first realizing that it’s the same root and cause as the food addiction as drugs is as your just filling a void. And it’s acceptable because you know people eat; everybody eats to survive. But a lot of times people have to hide that and mask that. I think the same way that you deal with the drug and the alcohol addiction is the same way that you can deal with gluttony and a food addiction.

Sid: Now, could it be generational?

Lori: Oh, no doubt it’s often generational but it might not seem like it. You might see that maybe your parents were thin and maybe you end up heavy. But a lot of time that curse is laid in even the fear of eating. So I’ve seen parents who have restricted their children from eating when they’re young because they’re worrying about them getting fat or heavy I should say. And then you’re also sowing a seed of that fear of food and that can turn around to be a curse because you’re so obsessed with the fear when you get older that you end up eating more because of that fear that’s laid inside of you. And you have an emotional deficit inside of you because you never thought you were good enough or any of those things that could lead to that and then you end up eating too much all of the time. And even that’s where eating disorders come in because you might eat and then binge and purge and you might end up with an eating disorder because the curse was laid while you were growing up by your Mom or Dad.

Sid: Again, there is no way that we can do justice to any of these areas that’s why you need the book, you need the prayers, you need the scriptures. And this is God’s method to set the captives free. Let’s talk about another big problem among believers; anger!

Lori: Yes, you know it’s a problem among many people and a lot of people you know they thing “You know I can’t be angry at all because I’m a believer” that’s not true. God’s word doesn’t say you can’t be angry it’s how you deal with anger is very important. And anger usually leads to arguing and is a distention in a lot of people’s lives. But you know the feeling of anger usually comes as a result of insecurity or something deeper than that. Anger is a mask; I’ve seen many you know working with people in prison and also just woman and men that have had a lot of incest and sexual abuse and a lot of issues in life. And they do end up becoming believers but they still have anger because they haven’t forgiven. Or they still have bitterness in them and it does move to a different area in the book that I’ve written about. But it’s very important because unforgiveness…

Sid: Move to that other area.

Lori: I will, thank you; unforgiveness and bitterness are serious issues in the Body of Christ. They’re serious issues all over but anybody who says that they’re a believer if they have unforgiveness in their heart they need to realize that the word of God says that God cannot forgive us if we haven’t forgiven others. Often times though unforgiveness has to start with ourselves because we have to look at have we forgiven ourselves for the things that we’ve done before we got saved. And even maybe after; are we sitting in unforgiveness towards ourselves. First you have to address that I believe to be completely delivered and then it’s easier to forgive others instantly when they do something wrong to you. And I believe again that lead again that unforgiveness again leads to what you just talked about the gluttony. Because if you’re over eating and you continue to over eat you feel like you’re not worthy, you have unforgiveness toward yourself. Listen to how many curses are associated with that that you need to break out of. So we need to look at what’s the root of this. And often times unforgiveness and bitterness are the root of anger, of over eating; of addictions, any kind of addiction. Oftentimes unforgiveness is the root of all of those; and if we would just get a hold of what God is saying about us forgiving not only ourselves but anybody who does wrong to us and turn the other cheek. But also say “Lord, just as you have forgiven me I forgive myself.” And any time we ask for forgiveness God throws in the sea of forgetfulness, it’s gone; why do we keep picking it backup. And so I just want to say to the listener quit picking back up the thing you’ve asked for forgiveness for; quit taking it back from God. He’s already…it’s gone! He’s taken it and He’s thrown it away, quit taking it back; let Him be God in your life. Let Him take that and let it be gone and don’t keep bring it back up. And move forward, move forward because that’s where your destiny is.

Sid: Lori, because a lot of this is covered in your book let’s move to…I was with a man this morning and he made this statement to me. “My parents were diabetic, I understand that it skips a generation I am so worried that my children will be diabetic.” What would you have said to him?

Lori: I would say “If you’re a believer then you are healed by the blood of Jesus and so are your children and your grandchildren and any body ahead of you. Sickness and just because the doctors say that it skips generations doesn’t mean that you have to believe that report. You believe the report of the Lord, the Lord says “That you’re healed by the blood of Jesus” so now let’s pray and receive healing from any future generations; and also worry is a curse.” So let’s break that worry, let’s trust that the Lord is in control of your life.” And I would just pray with him and not only pray the word of God about “By Jesus Strips we are healed” but also that any curse of illness is done with me. It’s done because I now proclaim health and healing in my family because that’s God’s promise to me. And He not only wants our bodies to be whole, He wants our souls to be whole, He wants our minds to be whole. And so let’s just receive that by faith; the same way that you receive Jesus as Lord by faith you have to receive healing by faith. And we don’t have to believe it has to skip generations it’s done; it’s gone because you as a believer are proclaiming that in your life.

Sid: Lori our time is slipping away again.


Written by sidroth

October 21st, 2015 at 9:22 am

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Our Guest Fred Stone

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Fred Stone

Sid: When that wall comes down Paul tells us a mystery one new brand new species of man is created; it’s called Yeshua; the Kind of the Jews; the Body of Messiah. And it’s going to be what the Bible calls the Glorious Congregation. Because there will be so much glory the world has yet to see this. But when the Jewish people come in and they’re coming in I see through the eyes of faith they’re coming in to the Body of Messiah in droves to form the one new man. And I’ll tell you something; it’s happening right now before our very eyes although I’m looking at it through the Spirit of Faith. It’s happening in the United States of America. Why, because great persecution is coming on the Jewish people and God is going to have mercy just before that door is closed. And the mercy that He’s going to have one of the ways is He’s opened a door for me to be on secular radio 1 hour a week and maybe it will even be 5 days a week with call in talk show on the supernatural. The world is desperate for the supernatural; but they don’t know the difference between the New Age and the Supernatural power of God. Because too few of God’s children are moving in His Supernatural. The devils not shy but God’s children are caught in secret sensitive churches, seeker sensitive Pentecostal Churches. Seeker sensitive Charismatic Churches. I can’t believe that these Charismatic Churches say that you can’t even speak in tongues unless there’s a translation. They don’t even want singing in the Spirit any more. They don’t even pray for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; but things are about ready to change. And the church needs an injection of new life; of new blood. And these Jewish people are going to come in and God’s opened this door for me to be on secular radio; a call in talk show. And we’ve started already but I must be every major city in the United States because we Jewish people are spread throughout the United States. And I have got a shofar blast saying that if you have ever ever given to anyone, if you have ever sown money don’t sow because I promise you a 100 fold return. Sow because I promise you souls. Is there someone that would sow into this ministry just to take souls to heaven. Is there someone that loves God enough. We’re making available Perry Stone’s book; that’s Fred’s son on “Unlocking Secrets in the Second Coming Scrolls.” This book has got mysteries of prophecies that I’ve never seen before; ancient prophecies and revelation of prophecies. You see the Prophet Daniel says that in the last days we’ll have insight into these prophecies like we’ve never had before. And Perry Stone has been called by God; he has such understanding of Jewish Roots. We’re making this book called “Unlocking Secret’s in the Second Coming Scrolls.”….I just pray that there are people that will put 1000 in, 10,000; 50,000, 100,000. Let’s get this job done quickly, I’ll do my part; God will do his part and I believe you’re going to do your part. I have on the telephone someone that I am so excited about. His name is Fred Stone; he’s Perry’s father. And he’s been sharing that he picked up such an anointing from his Uncle Rufus who had major miracles happen. And one of the things that Uncle Rufus was given was the gift of divers tongues. He only had a 3rd grade education and he could speak in so many different languages and understood what he was saying. So Fred you have this gift too and you were telling me about Tony; would you tell that story again.

Fred: Yes Brother we had just visited the hospital and was coming down the street and I was introduced to Tony by Truman Smith. And as a Greek who had come over going to school to learn to speak good witness. And I wanted to witness to him Sid; I had a great yearning to witness to him that would be positive and would help him. But I knew that he didn’t understand enough of my native English to really grasp everything. So I began to pray and the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me in a still small voice; spoke to my spirit; not in an audible voice and said “Son, do you have the gift of the Holy Ghost that I gave on the day of Pentecost to the church?” And I said “Yes Lord.” He said “What did they do on the day of Pentecost?” And I said “There was 15 or 16 languages and dialect that those Jewish men and woman were speaking.” And He said “That is there a different gift then than there is now?” And I said “No Lord, I believe it’s the same gift.” And the Spirit of God sad “Son, if you’ll believe Me right now and use your faith you can speak to Tony.” And so I stopped the 3 of us and I pulled the New Testament out and I said “Tony, I want to say something to you and I want to just read some scripture.” And when I turned Brother is was the 23rd Psalm and I began to read but instead of reading in English, I started speaking in tongues and a few minutes later I found out that I started out in Tony’s native Greek. Went from that to German and went from German to Italian and spoke each language. The 3 languages twice, and when through the entire 23 Psalm and witnessed to him about the Lord. And went I finished he said to Truman Smith, he said “Truman, you lied to me.” And Truman said “No, I wouldn’t lie to you Tony; why would you say that?” He said “I asked you if this man go to college to speak and to preach and you say no, and he has to be educated because you know he can’t do that; I speak German and my Greek and my Italian and I have to stop and think if I go from Greek to German, to Italian; I have to stop and think that man don’t even stop; he don’t think he just speaks. And I opened the Bible and showed him in the Book of Acts the gift of the Holy Ghost.” Now the amazing thing Sid is to show you shy God does this is and uses divers kinds of tongues

. Twenty-five years later I’m at a Church of God in a city a little town in Virginia preaching and I tell the story I’m telling you already your audience now and a woman’s voice in the back of the church yells out “Oh, that’s a my Tony, that’s a my Tony, that’s a my Tony.” And I heard it and I asked her to stand; she stood up discreet woman and I asked her to come to the front. And I said “Sister I’ve to know something what relation are you?” She said “I’m Tony’s sister; Tony come home that day and tell us of this tall black headed preacher that would tell him about Jesus Christ and speak 3 languages to him.” And I said “Sister did he get saved, did he ever accept Christ? Yes, he did, Mr. Stone he accepted the Lord.” And when he died of a heart attack and I believe at that time of course that’s been years ago. She said “He died last year of a heart attack.” But she said “Yes, he knew the Lord” and she said “He received Baptism of the Holy Ghost just like I did that’s why I’m in this Church tonight.”

Sid: You know other gifts that God has given you is prophetic dreams where you literally will see things and warn people about danger. But one of your dreams you had is just astounding. You saw an Israeli leader an others being murdered; tell me about that.

Fred: Yes, Sid what had happened I was seeking God and really praying seeking the Lord getting ready to do some preaching the next night I believe it was and that night this is the dream I had. “I am standing in my spirit man or soulish man in a conference center; there is an Arab leader seated; there is a PLO leader seated and there and there is the head of the Jewish State seated. This had been several years ago; I believe that it was in the 1980’s. And what we would call in the United States Secret Service I would call security men. Somebody had betrayed this man; he had got inside the security line of the Israeli Prime Minister of Israel. But I did not know at that point that’s who it was. But when I told Perry about it Perry called Lieutenant Gideon Shore of Jerusalem and I told Gideon about it and Gideon said “Oh Fred, that is our Prime Minister” he said “That’s the way that he was dressed and all.”

Sid: That’s Yitzhak Rabin.

Fred: Yes, and Brother I wish to God that I would have called the Israeli Embassy and I could have done that in a way with wisdom and told them to be sure and watch security and…

Sid: And Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated. Fred very quickly what have you seen for the future of America?

Fred: Well one thing is this “There will be the greatest increase of sexual perversion taught and pushed on the American people. This is coming to America; there’s going to be some of the most sarcastic and bitter and cynical statements made against me and it’s preaching to radio, television. We’re going to be fault; it’s unreal how the church in the future will be fought; parallel with a great outpouring of revival and a move of God is going to be apostasy and persecution like we have never seen in the United States of America. I know that’s coming also there will be serious critical terrorist against us coming. I have seen them; I know that I don’t have time to mention it to it now but I have literally seen just like watching television a vision to come to me and the Holy Ghost of terrorist attacks coming to America.

Sid: Do you think this is in the near future?

Fred: Yes I do.

Sid: Okay Mishpochah you heard that I unfortunately believe that; you believe that. There will come a time when dollars won’t have any value accept for souls. He who wins souls is wise.

Fred: There going to use your money to the glory of God and invest it in the kingdom of God and turn their money into genuine spiritual wealth. This is the time to do it; the time is short.

Sid: Okay Mishpochah consider yourself challenged.


Written by sidroth

October 15th, 2015 at 3:41 pm

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Our Guest Dr. Reggie Anderson

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SID: Okay. I’m here with Dr. Anderson. And he found out that his hands are naturally cold. Butwhen he exams a patient, what normally happens, Dr. Anderson, with your hands?

REGGIE: Well they are extremely cold. And when I shake a person’s hands, they usually comment on it. Even you said something to me the other day. And they start to warm up whenever I’m examining a patient and I find an area that’s not cold.

SID: Give me one example.

REGGIE: Well I had one patient that I shook her hand and she was just a friend of my mother’s, and I asked her if she had any thyroid issues and she did not know of any. And I told my mom that she probably ought to check with her doctor. Sure enough, two weeks later, she called her mom and said, “You do have some thyroid issues.”

SID: You know, the thing that still amazes me about how he holds hands with hundreds of people. And you told me that there’s almost like a breeze that you feel. Tell me. Describe graphically things you see and feel, and sense.

REGGIE: Well there was another case of a young boy that was in the emergency room, that I had examined after he had injured his head. And I put my hand on his head where he had injured it, and there didn’t seem to be anything outwardly wrong with him. As a matter of fact, I was going to send him home with just some instructions. But as I was speaking the words to the mother, I said, “I think we need to send your young son to Vanderbilt to have a CT scan.”

SID: Why did you say that?

REGGIE: I don’t know to this day other than God spoke those words through me.

SID: What happened?

REGGIE: Four hours after I sent him in, the neurosurgeon called me. And I was expecting him to kind of give me [unintelligible] of a normal child. But he said, “If you had not sent this child in, he would have died. He had a bleed inside his head and we just finished surgery.”

SID: Tell me someone that died, medically speaking, came back to life and told you what they saw.

REGGIE: Sure. She was suffering from a heart attack and we sent her in to the cardiologist, and he discovered that she had a blockage. Took her to the cath lab, was doing a procedure to open the blockage and she died. And he did CPR on her. She was flat-lined for two hours.

SID: And you’re sure she was dead. I guess flat-lined is short hand for dead.

REGGIE: Right. The cardiologist called me as said, I mean, we went on and on with this

procedure because I had a resident that I wanted to train on how to do CPR. Anyway, after two hours she woke, I mean her heart started. So we took her to the ICU.

SID: Why did her heart start after the flat-line for two hours?

REGGIE: God only knows.

SID: Medically, is there an explanation.

REGGIE: There was not any explanation and neither did the cardiologist have one. He just said her heart started, despite us—

SID: So if he hadn’t been experimenting, she would have died.

REGGIE: Absolutely.

SID: Okay. Let’s go on.

REGGIE: So three days later, she was in the ICU and woke up, and they estivated her. And the first thing she wanted to tell the nurses was to call me. And so Karen and I went to the ICU in Nashville to visit with this lady. And the first thing out of her mouth was that she had been with Jesus and her family, and that she had wanted to tell me that where she had been was better than where she is now, and she wanted to get back there as soon as she could.

SID: Was she upset that she came back?

REGGIE: She was very upset and for seven years, she told me she was upset.

SID: Tell me about a patient you had that was not going to go to Heaven.

REGGIE: Yes. I had this, a few patients. But fortunately, most of my patients have actually gone to Heaven. But I have had one that I tried to, I struggled with, constantly trying to bring him back to the Lord, because he was a man that was, had given up on God and many years of bitterness, and that sort of thing. At his bedside when he took his last breath, it was very, very different than the ones that go to Heaven.

SID: What was different?

REGGIE: Instead of being smiling and happy, and you know, looking, he was very angry and taking, almost fighting his last breath. And there was a sense of darkness and coldness in the

room. So it changed radically very different from one of my experiences where the patients go to Heaven.

SID: What would you say to someone that is facing death right now, that is a Christian?

REGGIE: What I would say is that you have nothing to fear, that the veil is very, very thin. That we’re not running toward eternity, but eternity walks right alongside us, and it is waiting for us. Jesus is waiting right pass this very thin veil and that he is loving that we are coming to meet with him.

SID: And what would you say to someone facing death that has not believed that Jesus died for their sins, has not repented and has not made Jesus their Lord? What would you say to them?

REGGIE: I would say, give up on the old life. Accept that you are about to meet eternity and that if you don’t accept Jesus, the eternity that you’re going to be part of is not a heavenly one. It is a hellish one. So I would recommend very clearly that you look to Jesus as your savior.

SID: I don’t recommend… You see, he’s a doctor. I tell people. I’m telling you, you do not know, even though you might have gotten a death sentence. But maybe you haven’t even gotten a death sentence. You flat, flat-line, you flat don’t know when your end will come, do you? Of course, you don’t know. But I know this. I’m a Jew and when I was 30 years of age, Jesus came into my bedroom and he’s real. And I know my orthodox Jewish father, who was just like Dr. Anderson with his hand in a fist towards God, I know that on his death bed he had an encounter with Jesus and said this prayer that I want you to say with me out loud right now. Say, I believe Jesus died for my sins.

Audience: I believe Jesus died for my sins.

SID: And by His blood.

Audience: And by His blood.

SID: God remembers my sins no more.

Audience: God remembers my sins no more.

SID: And I’m clean.

Audience: And I’m clean.

SID: And now that I’m clean.

Audience: And now that I’m clean.

SID: I ask Jesus to be my Lord.

Audience: I ask Jesus to be my Lord.

SID: Live inside of me.

Audience: Live inside of me.

SID: I’m going to Heaven!

Written by sidroth

October 5th, 2015 at 10:31 am

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Our Guest Dr. Reggie Anderson

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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be red hot for the Messiah. As a matter of fact if you’re not red hot for the Messiah your actually in reverse; neutral is reverse you’re going the wrong way. There’s only one gear in the Kingdom of Heaven from glory to glory. I have to tell you I love all of the guests that I have all the information that they present to you. But there is something special about my next guest wherever you are in your walk and you adventure and your search for God, wherever you are, it’s going to dramatically change some of your paradigms when you die. In fact I want to ask you a question “Do you have a fear of death even if you’re born again you know that you’re going to heaven; do you have a degree of a fear of death?” Let’s face it it’s an unknown, most people are fearful as to the process and things like that. But I’m going to tell you something after you finish hearing my guest Dr. Reggie Anderson he’s a medical doctor, award winning medical doctor. He’s going to totally demystify death to the point where I’m going to get a little ahead of myself. Dr. Anderson are you afraid of dying?

Dr. Anderson: Not at all Sid I am actually looking forward to it.

Sid: Now how much are you looking forward to it; I mean those are words but what does that really mean?

Dr. Anderson:   Well I know for a fact that after being with 100’s of people that have crossed through the veil that that last moment, that last breath here on earth is our first breath in glory. It’s our first breath in our forever home and I really with my experiences I cannot wait for my own first breath in heaven.

Sid: And to me that should be normal but it isn’t by the time they finish listening to us it’s going to normal for them. Well let’s just kind of go back in the history of how you got to where you got to. And you went to a family where you were in church every time the doors were open. And as a matter of fact as a young boy you were watching a show called Popeye, we have it today. And there was a contest and you had a dream and what were you told in that dream?

Dr. Anderson: Well like you said I was raised in a very strongly Christian home and knew that God is as real as clay under my feet at that time in south Alabama. And there was a show called the Popeye’s shows hosted by Cousin Cliff. He was kind of dressed in a sailor outfit and they announced one day that they were going to give away a pony to a lucky little boy or girl and all you had to do was send in a post card. And I was only about 5 years old at the time, and of course for a 5 year old boy a pony would be like the best thing that could ever happen in your life. And so my mom who is a school teacher decided to use this time to teach us a lesson on how to send out postcards and stamp things and the mail system. So we each were filling out a postcard and she was going to take us to the Post Office the next morning; my brother and my sister and I. The night that before we were to take the cards in I fell asleep with anticipation that I might win the pony but then I started dreaming. And I dreamed that God came to me and said to me “Reggie, you’re going to win this pony.” But when you win it you’re going to half to share it with anybody that wants to ride it. And I could vividly see myself riding this pony and the next morning we got to the post office and I told my mom that she didn’t have to take my brother and sister’s card in because God had told me that I was going to win the pony and I didn’t want them to be disappointed.

Sid: Now this you didn’t come from a charismatic type of home it was a good evangelical home. This doesn’t happen in evangelical circles where people have dreams and they know what’s going to happen in the future. Did your parents try to make sure you didn’t fall to big and be too disappointed so to speak and try and say “Well they’re a lot of people in this contest?”

Dr. Anderson: Right, that was exactly what mom said. She said “Don’t be disappointed you know if you don’t win you have to know that God is still real.” And I said “Okay, but He told me and I’m just going to trust.”

Sid: It sounds to me you know Dr. Anderson, it sounds to me you had what the Bible refers to as “Childlike faith.”

Dr. Anderson:   I agree I did at that time.

Sid: Okay, your family’s watching the TV show and they announce you’re the winner; “How did they react; how did you react?”

Dr. Anderson: Well they all looked at me you know like “Well I know you said that but they were still surprised and I was sort of like “Well I told you God told me that I was going to win so why are you all surprised?” So I mean it was one of those moments where I just knew that God had spoken into my life at the time. But you know we kept that pony all the way until I graduated from high school and then gave it to another family when I went off to college.

Sid: Now everything is picture perfect until… you spent summers working in a farmers market and sometimes it would be 24 hours a day 7 days a week with a family that were distantly related but you felt like they were almost uncle, a father a close relative because you were with them so much. They were called the Aldie’s and during the summer you were about 15 years of age it was a tragedy, it was the worst mass murder actually in Georgia history your friends their entire family they were brutally murdered. Explain the impact.

Dr. Anderson: Yeah, Jimmy and Jerry were like brothers and uncles to me at the time and their family was family to me. I mean we were all from very small community in South Georgia and you know we were all you know took care of each other. If somebody needed help building a barn then the whole community would come together to have a barn raising. That’s how this community treated each other because we were all you know one big family. We knew that God oversaw everything that we did and that He was our Father and that we were all siblings under the roof of His guidance. And so when the murders happened it was as if my entire world had crumbled and it had fallen down on me. I was devastated I could not really understand how a good God could allow such a horrible thing, all six of them murdered, even Jerry’s wife had been brutally murdered and raped. You know at that time I was 15 years old and I felt like God had abandoned us and had left us. Actually to the point where I didn’t believe that God existed; this was going to happen in this world.

Sid: So would you say you literally became an atheist at that time?

Dr. Anderson: I did, I ran as far and as fast as my feet could carry me and you know I just abandoned the whole concept of God and religion because it had failed.

Sid: Okay, so your life goes along you get to college; you want to be a pilot but you have a problem with your eyes you take the dental exam and that was plan B and it didn’t work out to well. And then you decide to take the exam to be a medical doctor and a miracle happens, you become… you’re accepted and you’re studying to be a medical doctor and the first crack in atheism occurred when you have your opportunity in anatomy to look at a dead body, a cadaver. And it was a beautiful woman but something began to work at you, what was that?

Dr. Anderson: Well I looked down and you know we were taught in biology that we were kind of the whole idea of evolution. You know that through random acts of chemistry we became this being in front of me. But I realized that there was not an explanation because that broke way too many rules of physics. Because in physics they taught us that order became disorderly unless there was a creative force into the system. So I was therein engrossed in anatomy lab, it was like an epiphany, I saw the human body then I looked at the eye itself you know I could not explain that just happened by accident. It was not a set of randomness there was order to it; so order out of chaos could only happen by a creative God and that was my first crack in my….

Sid: But then it gets even better than that; wait until you hear about his visit to heaven.

Written by sidroth

September 22nd, 2015 at 5:11 pm

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Our Guest Dr. Bob Fischer

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Sid: My guest by way of telephone is my good friend Dr. Bob Fischer. I’m speaking to him at his apartment in Tiberias, Israel. Bob tell me what you can see with your eyes as we’re doing this interview.

Bob: Oh Sid it’s glorious, the sun is setting into the Golan Heights or lit up with a beautiful display of pastel colors. The Sea of Galilee which is practically in our front yard is a deep navy blue and it’s magnificent; you know we can just feel the presence of the Holy Spirit all around us and it’s glorious.

Sid: Now you made aliyah that is you immigrated to Israel how long ago?

Bob: We came in August of 1992 Sid that’s gosh almost 12 years ago.

Sid: Tell me what it’s like living in this land that you know God has called you to; that you know that one day the Messiah will rule the world from; that you know that it’s the center of the world as far as prophetic activity and yet you’re in the middle of violence and suicide bombers and terrorism. What is it really like?

Bob: I can describe it in one word Sid, shalom, peace. The Lord is in His wonderful way given all of us in His Body the sense of an overwhelming peace. We’re held in the palm of His hand and we can feel His love and protection and it’s wonderful.

Sid: Tell me a little bit about your upbringing because I believe it’s almost a microcosm of Christian’s worldwide.

Bob: Well Sid I’m a 100% ethnic Jew that was raised in a Gentile world and Jewishness in our family was denied for 2 generations of both sides. It was an anti-Semitism situation and I was born again when I was a young Air Force Officer in a non-denominational Air Force Chapel. And I raised my 3 children; I found my wife I should say I found my wife first and then we raised our 3 children in this wonderful non-denominational atmosphere. And my Jewishness just wasn’t an important thing until much later in my life when the Lord did an incredible work and here we are. (Laughing)

Sid: What would you say was the major ingredient to really want to find out about your Jewish roots, to actually ultimately live in the land of Israel?

Bob: Well we were called into the Messianic Movement and that was the stimulus for the whole thing. In fact Donna who’s a Gentile practically broke my arm you know to get me to finally get involved in my Jewishness because I denied it all my life. And once I got involved in the Messianic Movement I felt this compulsion you know this growing love and this desire then in the midst of a second career with the Boeing Company. We just heard it from the Lord the two of just independently and then together go home and we just simply did. And we did we walked out of the door one day and we came to Israel. I can just say it was supernatural; it was a supernatural thing.

Sid: Now what went on with Bob and his family to a degree is going on with Gentile Christians throughout the world. I’m coming out with a new book shortly and I asked my friend Gordon Robertson, Pat Robertson’s son he’s a host of 700 Club to write an endorsement. And I want to read this endorsement to you. “I’m finding that the longer I am a Christian the more Jewish I become; this year my family celebrated Passover with a traditional Seder Service. During the third cup, the cup of redemption and the reading of Exodus 6:6 which says “I will redeem you with an outstretched arm” I was overcome with a vision of Jesus on the cross redeeming all of mankind with outstretched arms. I believe that in these last days Christians around the world are awakening to their Jewish roots and finding that they have come into the kingdom for such a time as this.” You know Bob that what went on with Gordon Robertson it’s going on with Christian’s all over the world just like it happened with you. Although you were physically Jewish you denied your Jewish heritage and your Jewish roots. You’ve written a number of books on Jewish roots, how many have you written?

Bob: Four Sid.

Sid: And you’ve made it a life study; in fact I believe this maybe one of the first courses of such a nature that is actually a college accredited course at Faith Seminary in Tacoma, Washington that you have then put into a DVD to make available for the average person. How did this course come into being?

Bob: Well Sid I taught it in residence for the first time in September at Faith Seminary and the staff asked me to put it in the form of a video. And it occurred to me that a DVD would be a better means and under their guidance and being called by the Holy Spirit I just simply sat down and basically summarized what I have on my four books and some new material. And I feel very excited about it because it really does talk about the pervasive Jewish roots of the faith.

Sid: Well you know something you sent a lot of time teaching on a group of people that very few Christian’s ever heard of. We’ve all heard of Pharisees; we’ve all heard of Sadducees because we read about them in the New Covenant. However you spent a lot of time, and we found out a great deal of information about these people in the Dead Sea Scrolls of a group called the Essenes. And then you’ve proven that they’re referred to in the New Covenant but they’re referred to under different names. And this is fascinating information; but why would it be important for a Gentile Christian at this point in history to know their Jewish roots. I know that God’s doing it because it’s a supernatural thing happening throughout the world; but why is God doing this?

Bob: I believe that He’s trying to show all of us Jew and Gentile alike who have embraced a faith in Yeshua they were all saved by His blood that our salvation is identical. That there certainly is a difference between Jews and Gentiles ethnically but that we’re all part of the wonderful saved body of Yeshua. We’re all fed by Jewish roots. The problem is that the church has been misguided from time to time through history and has been teaching basically that the church has replaced Israel. There’s a…

Sid: Well even if they don’t teach it that’s the implications that most Christians get.

Bob: It’s true and it’s…

Sid: I mean there’s nothing Jewish when you look at the average Gentile Christian service and yet the whole thing started Jewish. There’s something that I have pondered and that is when so many thousands of Jews became believer’s in Jesus instantly; they didn’t even have the New Testament written out. They certainly didn’t have what we call churches today. They did have the temple still; they did have the traditional non-Messianic Jewish service. And according to the New Covenant they met in homes but how was it such a vibrant movement, how? They didn’t have Bible schools? They didn’t have teaching; they didn’t even have the New Covenant recorded in a book like we do today, they didn’t have DVD’s. How was it such a dynamic move?

Bob: What they had Sid were the Dead Sea Scrolls and this is though the importance of the Essenes.   They had a very detailed understanding of what later became the primary doctrine in theology of the Christian faith and they wrote it down in the Dead Sear Scroll’s. And they were anticipating the Messiah eminently to show up and they knew that He would be from the line of David; that He would come to atone for the sins of men. That He would appear eminently and then at the end of days…

Sid: Now we know that by reading the prophecies in light of having read the New Covenant and knowing history, but you telling me that’s the type of Messiah they were looking for before the Messiah ever came?

Bob: Absolutely, hundreds of years before the Messiah came they wrote down this understanding in the Dead Sea Scrolls in great detail. And so when He showed up to answer your question when Yeshua showed up and walked among them they came to Him in droves. You know we read in the Book of Acts 3000 came in one day. Why? They didn’t need to be evangelized they were waiting for Him.

Sid: But wait a second when you talk to the average Jewish person today they don’t know a whole lot about Judaism the only thing they know is that I can’t be Jewish if I believe in Jesus. You’re saying that it wasn’t that way with the masses the with the first coming of the Messiah.

Bob:   Now it wasn’t and what happened you know; you have to go all the way back to the first century and realize that there were 3 Jewish Sects. The Sadducees, the Pharisees, and the Essenes. The Sadducees just kind of disappeared when the temple was destroyed.

Sid: I just think of them as just being sad.

Bob: They were very, very sad; did believe in an afterlife; they didn’t believe in very much of anything.

Sid: Did they believe in the scriptures?

Bob: They certainly believed in the Torah, but that’s where it ended. They didn’t have much vision much beyond that. And they were sad like you point out. But the Pharisees were pretty heavily concentrating on the whole Tanach, the whole Old Testament. But they also had an Oral Law which basically separated them from the Essenes. The Pharisees were looking for a Messiah but a Messiah that would come at the end of days and would solve all of the world’s problems. The Essenes were looking for a Messiah and as I pointed out it was in every measure Yeshua.

Sid: I’ll tell you what we’re out of time today we’ll pick up right here on tomorrow’s broadcast.

Written by sidroth

September 8th, 2015 at 5:36 pm

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Our Guest Judy Jacobs

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Judy Jacobs

Sid: I have Judy Jacobs on the phone you know about her music; you know the presence of God; you know the joy that comes from her music. But you don’t know about the anointing that this woman packs. She has a brand new book called “You Are Anointed for This” in which she show you how to bring out your special finger print of anointing that no one on earth has for the end time. It’s a how to book; she prays supernatural prayer for you. Judy, what is the anointing?

Judy: The anointing is something that the Father gives that is distinctly ours and ours alone. Yet it is the same Holy Spirit Sid that the Holy Spirit endows all of God’s children with this absolutely phenomenal gift. It is the power of God to accomplish His purposes and the anointing; well what is the anointing? It’s joy, it’s passion, it’s power, it’s His glory, it’s His confidence, it’s boldness, it’s anointing. It makes you cry, it makes you laugh. There’s a righteous indignation that rises up; it gives you power to preach, power to sing, power to witness, power to testify, it gives you power to do spiritual warfare. The anointing is peace it comes suddenly and sometimes it takes time for the… and the it is meek, it is strong, it will get you through the rebellion of a child; it will get you through a divorce; it will get you through the challenge of a special needs child, or the pain of a suffering parent or love one. But it is something that God gives to those who are called according to His purpose. As a matter of fact it’s for everyone it’s not just for a special minister, for an evangelist; the anointing is for all of God’s children. That same power the Bible says that raised Jesus from the dead shall also quicken our mortal bodies. It is the power of God to do the impossible. It is the power of God to do the unbelievable the unthinkable, the undeniable. It is the power of God; it is the anointing of God that gets you from glory to glory to glory. It is the power of God that gets you off of your sick bed; the anointing can give you a joy in the middle of sadness. The anointing can give you peace in the middle of a storm; the anointing will give you boldness to witness and to testify…

Sid: Judy if you keep that up I’m going start almost levitating not in the New Age way but in the God way. The presence of God is getting so strong in this studio I believe people are going to get healed; I believe people are going to receive a fresh visitation from God; I believe that people that are defeated are going to start holding their head up high and walking as the child of God that He created them to be. Would you pray for them right now?

Judy: Father God in the Name of Your holy Son Jesus I thank You Lord that Your Spirit comes without measure. And I’m asking You that Your anointing as I’m speaking through this phone and as I’m speaking through these radio waves. And Father as these waves go out through the towers I’m asking You that the waves will now enter and the anointing will enter these waves and that the glory of God will begin to enter the waves. And as they go through the cars, and as they go God into the kitchen, and as it goes into the office, and as it goes into the hospital room and as it goes Lord into wherever this broadcast is heard from sea to shining sea. I’m asking that the anointing of God would begin to move upon people’s lives. I’m asking You for sickness and disease to come off of them; I’m asking You Lord that infirmities that have held people down, Lord diseases and sickness, and depression and fear that has kept people captive for years and for decades and even for generations would fall off of them now. That it would not happen to days from now; two years from now; two weeks from now. But as the Holy Spirit of God begins to move like water across these waves, waves of glory, waves of Your Spirit, waves of healing, waves of supernatural anointings would begin to happen. And Lord that people would begin to feel something coming up in their spirit; they would begin to feel a release in their bodies, they would begin to move their limbs; begin to move their arms, their legs. Lord they begin to move their backs and people that are diagnosed and said that “You would die,” I decree and declare you will not die, but you will live to declare the wonderful works of God! I say the anointing comes and destroys every yoke and every bondage off of your life right now that the supernatural; the same power that raised Jesus from the dead it even now quickens your mortal… there’s a quickening that is happening, there’s a quickening there’s a quickening that’s happening that you’re feeling. Begin to get up, begin to move, get off the couch, get off the chair pull over on the side of the road; pull over in a parking lot right now because you’re experiencing the glory and the glory is about to take over your life and you’re not going to… your physical is not going to be able to handle the spiritual. So I speak that now in the Name of Jesus that those things are coming off of you and they will not return. This affliction shall now rise up the second time but I curse it in the Name of God and I say freedom to you I say to that person who is away from God you are coming back to the border; your mother’s been praying, your grandmother’s been praying your father, your grandfather somebody has been praying for you and now the Holy Spirit of conviction of God gets a hold of your life. And you throw down the knife, you throw down the gun, you throw down the drug, you throw down, you cancel the drug deal in the name of Jesus Jesus sets you free those chains are broken off of your life now and Jesus sets you free, Jesus sets you free. I see right now the thing that’s coming against… that there’s a brain tumor right now that’s being healed in the name of Jesus. I speak to the asthma and I speak to the lungs and I say, I say in the Name of God you don’t belong in that body, that body is the temple of Holy Spirit. Now breathe, now breathe the abroad the breath of God; the breath of God right now rises up in you and you’re breathing the very breath of heaven. The very breath of heaven is breathing out of your nostrils and you’re breathing in and you’re breathing out, and you’re breathing in and you’re breathing out. Move that leg, I speak to those muscles and those tendons and I say in the Name of God to be free, to be free to be free in the Name of Jesus Name. In the Name of the Lord you’re calling and your election now is sure; there’s no more fear; there’s no more doubt walk in your purpose. You walk in your calling and you walk with your head back, your shoulders up; your back straight and your legs strong and you will walk now and you will not grow weary; you run and you will walk in the faith and in the anointing of God into a new level, into a new realm sayeth the Lord. There is a new realm and a new destiny that I’m taking you into My child; do not be afraid of the doors that I will open for I will open doors that no man can shut and I will shut doors that no man can open for I have ordained this day sayeth the Lord; it is not by coincidence but it is My time and My season My child and I have picked you out for this glory to be released into your life.

Sid: Now I believe that people are going to be saturated with that glory as you start singing from Isaiah 61 you are prophesying there future.

Judy Jacobs excerpt of Isaiah 61.

Sid: Now you have the anointing that came through the music and through the preaching of Judy Jacobs but you need to understand. There is such a need for teachers today and Judy has taken the secrets about her personal anointing and is teaching you; why? So you’ll have the same… no you have a unique anointing that is prepared for the end times…

Written by sidroth

September 1st, 2015 at 3:09 am

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Our Guest James Durham

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SID: Now I was talking to James Durham about his visit to Heaven. And something intrigued me, because I’ve had prophetic words myself that there was an ancient door that was getting ready to open in my life. When you went to Heaven, describe that ancient door. I want to understand this.

JAMES: Well Sid, when I was lifted, this was sometime later. I had been to Heaven a few times. But I was lifted up and I saw this ancient arched wooden door, and it was an amazing door. It looked like it was very, very old, but the wood still looked very strong. What amazed me was that it had hinges on both sides and there was no doorknob. So by human means, there was no way that I could open that door, but I felt like I was supposed to go through the door. And my only opportunity was to ask the Holy Spirit help me somehow to understand how to get through this door. And suddenly, the door swung open.

SID: What was the first thing you saw when it swung open?

JAMES: Actually, I was looking into what appeared to be a room. But it was dark in the room, because where I was standing was a much brighter light, and I couldn’t see very clearly inside the room. But I was led by the Spirit to go inside the room. And as I walked through the door, I heard audibly three times, the Holy Spirit announced, “An oak of righteousness, an oak of righteousness, an oak of righteousness.”

SID: What does this mean?

JAMES: And I immediately thought of the words from Isaiah and that this was the secret place of the Most High God.

SID: Now when he was in the secret place of the Most High God, God commissioned him to do three things. What were these three things?

JAMES: Well the Lord told me that He wanted me to, number one, write a book, and I did not want to write a book.

SID: Why?

JAMES: I always said, I will never write a book. So I had to eat my words for many, many years.

SID: I’m sure.

JAMES: To write the book. Second thing He said was move. And I loved the house where we were living. It was exactly kind of like my dream house and a dream office. But I immediately began to get the house in order to move. The third thing He told me to do was to go back and invite people to come to the secret place and to give an impartation for heavenly visitation.

SID: Now would there be a lot of preparation involved before you invite people? When did you first do this with others?

JAMES: Well I was hoping there was going to be a lot instruction and a lot of time before I actually had to do this because I felt like people would think I was crazy to come back saying things like this. And so I asked the Lord, “How long do I have?” He said, “Until this Sunday,” which was like two days away.

SID: Well did you do it?

JAMES: I did it. I did it.

SID: And what happened?

JAMES: Well some people received that. Some people actually visited Heaven. But other people, I got some strong rejection from some of the people and I really understood that I was going to receive that rejection. It made it clear to me right away that when you obey God and you say things like this that are so far out of line with the way people normally think, you will experience some rejection.

SID: You know, then multitudes have been, when he teaches, have had experiences of going to Heaven. But why is it? I’m hearing, I think there’s a new believer. But I’m hearing so many people now, believers are having visits to Heaven. Why is that happening now?

JAMES: Well Sid, I believe the reason it’s happening now is that time is very short. In the First Letter of John, he says, “This is the last hour.” And I believe that God is getting the bride ready and He’s calling people to Heaven to give them instructions, the preparations, the correction, whatever discipline they may need to be ready. And I believe that we’re at the time of the great End Time harvest, and God is calling the harvesters to Heaven to train them and to empower them, and to gift them to go back into the harvest and win lost souls for the Kingdom. Some people were going to Heaven and some were not. So on one of the visits I asked the Lord, “Lord, why is that? I just don’t understand it.” And the Lord said, “The number one reason is grace.” That when we go Heaven and He tells us to do something, if we don’t do it, judgment will come, and He does not want to give judgment right now. He wants to give more grace and more mercy. And so he’s waiting until people are ready to obey, and that’s God’s grace.

SID: Now why did He choose you to talk about the ladder of going up to Heaven and coming back like the angels did? Why you?

JAMES: I think because there’s absolutely nothing special about me. I think at that time I had been away for 30 years in the military. I was basically unknown in the church, in the Body of Christ, and the Lord wanted someone who was unknown. So that when I would share with people I had been to Heaven, I figured they would look at me and say, well if he can do it, I can do it.

SID: I like to say that. Anything James can do, you can do better.

JAMES: Amen.

SID: We’ll be right back and maybe you’ll pray for us.

Written by sidroth

August 26th, 2015 at 5:52 pm

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Our Guests Barry & Batya Segal

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Barry & Batya Segal

Sid: My guest by way of telephone I’m speaking to her at her home in Jerusalem, Israel is my friend Batya Segal. Batya had a job as a typesetter and guest what her first job was? The New Testament. She came from a very religious Yemenite background in Israel and she really had a tough time but she did typeset it; she read it and she fell in love with Yeshua. And then she had a visitation from an angel and then she went home to tell her husband the good news but it was bad news for him. He got so upset he said “I’m taking our daughter away from you” and so he proceeded with the religious courts to get rid of his wife Batya and to keep his daughter; but a great miracle happened and she was able to keep her daughter with her. I mean it’s an amazing miracle Batya even all of these years later as I think about it. Tell me what’s going on with your daughter today.

Batya: The amazing thing is even though I won the court case my husband then forced me to divorce him and I was able to raise up my daughter in faith and she grew up loving God. And she’s now assisting me in our humanitarian aid center and she’s wonder; she’s married and she’s wonderful and she has even a great relationship even with her father. I’ve been remarried and I have two other children and God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and family. And we’re praising the Lord together doing the work of the Lord in land blessing the poor and the needy. Bringing forth the good news of the Messiah from Jerusalem.

Sid: You’ve come a long way from that Yemenite background but I would like you to put Barry on the telephone. This is also a good friend of mine Barry Segal.

Barry: Shalom Sid from Jerusalem!

Sid: It sounds so good to hear that; the next best thing is for me to be there. (Laughing) Anyway Barry what I’d like to find out is you come also from a Jewish background maybe not quite as religious as Batya but tell me a bit about your background and how you became a Messianic Jew.

Barry: Well yes I always like to say that Batya was everything a good Jewish girl should be growing up, whereas I was everything maybe a good Jewish boy shouldn’t be growing up but not so bad. I was pretty much raised in a traditional Jewish home in suburban life in the United States; I’m actually from Motown the city of Detroit the city of a lot of music. And growing up kind of in that environment and growing up in the turbulent 60’s with the assassination of Kennedy and the Beatles coming out, then of course the Vietnam war and the anti-protest stream of things. I was pretty much growing up in this turbulent time of the 60’s and early 70’s. When I was bar mitzvah’d Sid according to our Jewish tradition where a boy becomes a man I decided the best thing I could do was go out into the world and prove I was a man was buy my first electric guitar and big amplifier. So by the age of 14 actually I was already playing in a Rock and Roll Rhythm and Blues band and my hair had grown down to my shoulders. I just really had a love and a passion for music and that was probably my primary goal in life.

Sid: And if someone had said “Barry one day you will be living in Jerusalem and you will be singing only for God” what would you have said to them?”

Barry: I think in those days it would have blown my mind; (Laughing).

Sid: Yeah, were you Zionistic at all, did you have any desire to go to Israel?

Barry: Well something happened the same month of my bar mitzvah in June 1967 I had this overwhelming realization as I was turning 13 the bar mitzvah, the 6 Day War that somehow I was born and breed to live in another country; whether it was Israel or somewhere I didn’t know. But there was something like a seed that was there that I knew that one day I would live outside of the borders of America. And Zionistic I think not so much because of my religious training but just something a deep inner conviction and an understanding historically of Israel’s fight for survival and that’s the home place for Jewish people. And so any how out of this situation and this kind of seeds being planted in my life I was about the age of 15 I went to hear a Rhythm and Blues band from San Francisco saw a tremendous guitar player with long black hair; a long flowing beard and a beautiful guitar over his shoulders and he looked like Jesus with an electric guitar.

Sid: Hm.

Barry: And to make a long story short basically this guy I walked up to him that night and he gave me a booklet of scripture and told me that Jesus is the only way and it was the most foreign thing Sid that I’ve ever heard in my life. I didn’t have the faintest idea what he was talking about; that Jesus was the only way and the answer in life. However, a seed was planted and about 2 years later after many other circumstances in my life and being very active in political protests and marches and things like that one night I was leaving a Jewish deli about 11 at night, I was in my right mind; I was walking home to go back to practice the guitar all of a sudden on the back side of the deli all traffic in the area completely stopped, no cars entered the area. There was an eeriness hovering around me and above me and as I was carrying this corn beef sandwich with Swiss cheese and Russian dressing, not very Kosher but tasty, it fell out onto the ground with this quart of milk I was carrying and when I saw the food spill on the ground then something hit me of a realization that I was just at the end of my understanding of what the purpose for my life was. And I fell to my knees with tears in my eyes, and as I fell to my knees tears continued to rush as if somebody else was crying out through me. And in the midst of those tears next to a tree an audible voice spoke to me and said “Barry you should have more faith than this.” All I could tell you and people have asked me for 33 years; they’ve asked me the same thing from that night in late June 1971 “How did you know that it was God and how did you know that Jesus, or who we call in Hebrew Yeshua, salvation, is the way and the truth and the life?” And the only answer I can give is “Once I was blind but now I see.”

Sid: Now tell me Barry about this CD that we’re making available “Go Through the Gates” very briefly. There’s something special about music from Israel, is there such a thing as an Israeli anointing?

Barry: I believe there’s such a thing as a Levitical anointing from heaven above upon Israeli’s.

Sid: Let’s listen to this selection from “Go Through the Gates.”

Written by sidroth

August 18th, 2015 at 6:06 am

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Our Guest Larry Randolph

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SID: Larry Randolph has got contacts in high places in our federal government, and they’ve learned that when he says things it happens. Give me one example before it happened.

LARRY: A number of years ago when we had the spill on the Gulf, the spill, the explosion, two months before it happened, the Lord showed me clearly that that was going to happen, and that there was going to be an explosion in the Gulf that was not terrorist related, but it was going to be environmentally related. It’s going to affect the ecosystems and all the coastlines, the whole Gulf of Mexico. I began to tell church intercessors. In addition to that, I already had contact with D.C. So I called them and told them, and of course, they were very curious about, you know, is this terrorist related? And I said, no, it’s environmentally related. And so they said, we will keep it in a file here. But anyway, so it did happen. I’m glad it was environmentally related because I like my telephone.

SID: What did God show you about cancer?

LARRY: He showed me that there would be a cure for cancer in my lifetime that would be as easy as taking a pill for a headache.

SID: That’s so wonderful.

LARRY: The doctors would have a breakthrough with it and everybody would, He said to me, everybody would get credit, the doctors, but the wisdom will come from Him. He said, “But I’m secure enough to deal with that.”

SID: Now tell me about, you actually were taken in the spirit around the globe and you saw what would be happening throughout the whole world. But tell me about a country that’s in the news a great deal, the former Soviet Union, Russia. Tell me about that.

LARRY: Yes. That was in the month of September, I saw a recording and video. I was preaching. I was taken around the world in my spirit to a lot of different places and shown some things. Some of the things have already come to pass like the [unintelligible]. I talk about that, and some other things. But I saw an angel, I saw coming from Heaven, I saw this giant sword and it was stuck in the heart of Russia. And it was in Russia, this sword was in Russia, I heard the words, “The thoughts and plans of man will come to nothing.” And so I had some time to distinguish between this as exactly what God says and this is my interpretation. I would believe that would mean, whatever intent Russia has in the sense of any harm or anything, that it will come to naught because God is in control. God loves the Russian, Ukrainian people, all peoples of Europe and all peoples of the Soviet Union, and I believe God is going to do a checkmate in that particular situation.

SID: Sounds good to me. Tell me about Israel.

LARRY: I saw this was, this is exciting to me. I saw Israel, and as I’m looking around the globe, I saw the land of Israel, and I saw it like I was three or four miles up in the atmosphere. And from the dust of the ground of Israel I saw this image coming out with dust, and I recognized it somehow in my spirit, it was King David and he was fully dressed with a robe on and with a sword, and he stood up for war. He was ready for war. And He said, and this is what I heard, “When David said to Goliath, ‘this day shall God deliver you into my hands,'” and the Scripture said, “And he ran toward Goliath,” and I saw this warring Davidic spirit to come out of Israel to take its enemies down. And I heard the Lord say, “The safety is Israel shall not be compromised.”

SID: I agree. Now briefly, very briefly, U.S.A.

LARRY: U.S.A. A number of things. But one that struck me the most was the fact that the U.S.A., especially those in higher government, from the very top to bottom, were not only in for a humbling, but a humbling beyond embarrassment. And the Lord has decided to answer the blood of our forefathers of this nation to end with prayers of intercessors as He did with Abraham. If he was righteous, He would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah. So many righteous in this country and God has heard the prayers, and God is about, the Scripture says, “If you don’t follow the rock it will fall on you.” The rock is about to fall on America in the sense, I don’t mean there’s some great judgment, but in a sense of humbling, which will be judgment for those that aren’t humble. It’s going to come from the very top of the government to the very bottom. We’re going to see a great humbling, and I believe that’s this year and next year in the government of the United States, because God is going to set right some things. Because the Lord said to me two years ago that the United States is going to, has received a period of grace. If Jezebel could get a space for repentance and revelation, why can’t we. God has extended grace to this nation. And the jury is out in some instances, because it depends on how we react as people of God and partner with God.

SID: The humbling is coming.

LARRY: The humbling, definitely, yes.

SID: Now would you pray right now for us to be, have permission to be who God called us to be, right now.

LARRY: I will do that. Father, we thank you. One of the difficult things we have to deal with is we’re all born an original, we’re all born unique, but the tragedy is most of us die copies. Help us not to fall into the sameness category, Lord. Help us not to copy. We’re not imitators of men. We’re imitators of Christ. Lord, help us to be what you called us to be. Help us to be us. Help us to show the creativity that you’ve given us and help us to disclose every piece of the DNA that you put in us. Lord, I give the men and women watching and the children watching this to be what God has called them to be. Don’t be afraid to be unique. Dare to be different. Dare to follow your dreams. And it’s just not about ministry. Maybe you’re called to be a doctor, a musician, an actor, an actress, a cook, a chef. I mean, whatever God has called you to in this great ecosystem, God needs you to be what He has called you to be. You need to be true. Shakespeare said, “To your own heart be true” and I believe Jesus is saying, “To your own heart be true.”

SID AND LARRY: Don’t be a copy. Be an original.


Written by sidroth

August 13th, 2015 at 7:42 pm

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Our Guest LaDonna Taylor

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LaDonna Taylor

Sid: So LaDonna Taylor goes into the hospital having what she thought was relatively minor surgery it was botched. LaDonna does this happen often to people?

LaDonna: I’ve been told that it happens a lot. But for me when horrible things happen it seems like they always happen to someone else. But oh no now it happened to me.

Sid: Yeah, it’s easy to preach healing when you’re well, it is. It talks no talent at all. Okay, so then you proceed you have 8 surgeries and you go home after the 8th and you figure your one the mend right now. But you figure wrong what happened?

LaDonna: I figure wrong, I was just home a few hours and I started getting extremely uncomfortable, sick to my stomach vomiting and it just continued and continued. Finally the doctor was called and from what we told him he knew he said “Get to the emergency room right away I’ll meet you there. When they met me there they took x-rays and they told me your colon is blocked, another surgery. “Oh, I just had 8 surgeries, I knew I’d lost strength like never in my life and now I’m facing another surgery.” They waited a few days but they ended up having to do that surgery. And then after that surgery my colon would not recover.

Sid: So what did the doctors say to you; what was the prognosis?

LaDonna: They were just waiting. I had to get stronger because they wanted to do a 10th surgery, actually to remove the colon.

Sid: Yeah wait a second now, you’re 65 years old, your 89 pounds and losing weight all the time and another surgery? I mean enough is enough how could you take all of that LaDonna?

LaDonna: Well they wanted to do another one but they told me “You’re not strong enough for what we need to do so we’re just going to wait.” And in that waiting time is when death moved into the room.

Sid: Could you actually feel a spirit of death?

LaDonna:   Oh, I will never forget the day it happened. I just felt like it was trying to detach me from my body.

Sid: Hmm.

LaDonna: But I held on because there’s something I knew from my life with God and I knew “By His stripes I am healed” I knew that. I knew that I had more people to reach for Jesus Christ.

Sid: But you know the devil know his strategy; even someone that has that revelation knowledge when they’re sick you get worn out, you get tired, explain.

LaDonna: I got so tired there were several times that even with my focus on the Lord it was just the medicine in my mind and the fact that my body was so worn down several times I wanted to turn over and look at my son and say “Let’s, please let’s give up, take me to hospice I can’t fight anymore.”

Sid: Well, you had recently been a guest on It’s Supernatural Television, you did an amazing show for us and it was going to be aired while you were in the hospital. And you made arrangements to see it. (Laughing) Tell me what you did.

LaDonna:   I did, I received emails from your staff telling me the play date and I watched for it and I turned the TV on at the time I set my alarm and I watched my life from the time I was a child and what the Lord did in ministry and all the people that He healed. And as soon as the show started playing I have a little smart phone that was sitting by my hospital bed and I started getting little beeps one after another on the smart phone. People were emailing and as they saw how the Lord was using me in ministry for me to pray for them because they were dying.

Sid: But you’re dying and they want you to pray for them. Now you had a nurse assisting with you, what did she think of the show?

LaDonna: She cried through the whole show because she thought I was dying. She cried as she watched how God had used my life and she thought that was all in the past. But I was fighting, then I picked up my destiny again Sid as those emails came in I started praying for others.

Sid: You know I believe since there is no time in eternity that God knew that you needed to see your own show and arranged for you to do the show before you were in such critical condition. What an amazing God we serve!

LaDonna:   What an amazing God we serve, that’s when I picked my destiny back up. Now I will tell you that physically things didn’t change on the outside, but on the inside I had picked my destiny back up and I began to be restored with hope.

Sid: You know I feel like we should play from one of the CD’s we’re making available “Amazing Grace.” Let’s hear LaDonna Taylor on “Amazing Grace.”

Amazing Grace Excerpt

Written by sidroth

August 4th, 2015 at 6:41 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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