Archive for the ‘Sid Roth’ Category
Our Guests Drs. Dennis and Jennifer Clark
SID: Well I’m here with my friends Dr. Dennis and Dr. Jennifer Clark. I want to know something. I know both of you the way you are now. But Jennifer, at the worst point, before you were married, before you got help, what were you like?
JENNIFER: Well, constant anxiety if not semi-panic attacks. Fear was my most constant companion. Although I learned to put on a church face and a professional face I was wounded, I was so beaten down that I would walk with my head looking at the ground. Dennis commented on this later. So I was pretty much a defeated Christian.
SID: Okay Dennis, her mentor was the president of a Bible college, a professional counselor. Privately, what did she say to you?
DENNIS: Privately, she said in all of her counseling experience that Jennifer probably wouldn’t amount to much because she’s so emotionally damaged, that she’d be very limited, particularly for knowing that I was a pastor and totally ministry-oriented. I think she was afraid that she was just too damaged.
SID: And yet, you were a trained professional counselor, too. Okay. There is a meeting. You don’t know each other. You both go to the meeting. You’re not married. It’s time. You’re a widow and you observe something that defied all of your training of counseling. What did you observe?
JENNIFER: Right. Well first of all, in counseling I had been taught that forgiveness was a long process and I just never saw anybody get much better. And so we’re at this meeting and a woman has an emotional meltdown and ends up on the floor, crying. Everybody is staring at her and I thought five or ten years’ worth of counseling right there on the floor. But Dennis went over to her, and because of my counseling training I knew what was happening. He got down on one knee and started leading her through emotional healings and they were instant, and pulling down mental strongholds, instantly demonic activity was flying off because the doors were being closed. The enemy can’t come unless he has legal ground or permission. And in less than ten minutes, that woman was up on her feet, perfect emotional composure. She had a glow on her face and my thought was this is huge. If the church knew this we could have a healed church. This could change the world.
SID: So, make a long story short, Jennifer is fascinated by what he’s pioneered and they get married.
SID: And then each day for a few months you work on a couple of areas with Jennifer. And Jennifer, then you bump into your former mentor and what did she say to you?
JENNIFER: She said, “What happened to you? You’re transformed.” And I was. I was, just a couple of months in marriage, Dennis, discipling me, teaching me how to tap into the fruit of the Spirit, which I never knew you could really do, and dealing with these toxic emotions, because by the time we’re adults we have a whole trainload full of baggage that we’ve accumulated. And in dealing with that and really getting set free from my toxic emotions for a couple of months totally changed my life. I could hardly remember the wounded, defeated woman I had been before.
SID: From a psychology viewpoint, is there any way someone like you could get free in 60 days?
SID: The best the world has to offer anyone?
SID: And then God spoke to you after you were free. What did he say?
JENNIFER: He said, “You need to take this to the world. The church needs to learn this.” And it’s really demystifying how to live in the Spirit, demystifying how to go Jesus in us to meet your needs. You see, we say we’re not counselors. We don’t do counseling. We teach believers. We’re coaches. We teach believers how to go to Jesus in them and that’s the secret because everything we take to Jesus, it’s easy for him, and forgiveness is instant when we go to Jesus.
SID: But there are even Christian programs that take so long. You’re telling me that from the biggest trauma to the minor thing that’s just a problem for the individual, you can get instant freedom?
JENNIFER: Seconds. Seconds.
SID: Seconds?
JENNIFER: Yes. And see, we don’t need to hear somebody’s long story. All we have to do is coach them in how to go to Jesus in them and let Jesus show them.
SID: Okay. A little later we’re going to teach you how to do this right on this show. But in the meantime, CDC has said that 90 percent of diseases are emotionally based, which means if in seconds you can get rid of the toxic emotions, guess what happens to your diseases? Your lightning brain has told you. I’ll be right back.
Our Guest David Martin
Then put a list next to it that Jesus did. Keep in mind, His list is not make believe. It’s the real deal. But every sign and every wonder that He did; you’re called to do. Wooh! I mean you are… You need to get this. You are a super hero. There is not a make believe creature made. Put all of them together into one great super-duper deal. It doesn’t come close to the reality of your ability. When you begin to recognize Christ the Messiah in you, Almighty God. When the Bible says, “Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world”. You have an almighty, all powerful, unlimited, all knowing God living and abiding… I’ll tell you, as I’m saying this, my hands are just vibrating with anointing and I’m just going to, wooh, release it to you. Hallelujah. Your potential in the kingdom of God, in these pages of history that we’re privileged to be a part of. You need to recognize your potential and that’s what I want to try to help you with here as we’re now going into session number two. And as we begin to go through this, I’m believing that as I go through this, we are going to literally find here the missing ingredient in the church. Because unfortunately the church is not walking in her fullness. The church today has become so seeker sensitive you don’t even hear the Holy Spirit often even talked about, much less demonstrated. But when Paul came into the local churches and he came into the local communities; he didn’t come in with persuasive speech. No, he came in with a demonstration of the power of God. That’s what God’s looking for in you. When you go to your markets, when you go to the malls, when you go to work; that people see the Christ. They see the Messiah. They see the anointing. They feel the convicting power of God. It’s there. But what I want to help you to do is kind of help it come alive, by understanding. So let’s dig into this. I got to stop preaching. We got to get into this because I recognize, if we get through with just half of what I planned for just today alone; we’ve got a long ways to go. And so we’ve got to dig into this here, so we cover all the material that God wants you to have. But again, as we saw, Acts 17:6. It says there that the early church… What’s it say? Read it here. These have turned the world upside down. Glory to God. There was such a movement of God and the power of His Spirit in the church. Their perspective was they turned the world upside down. Well, praise God. I believe that there’s an outpouring of God again. We’re going to turn it right side up. Hallelujah. We’re going to demonstrate the reality of a miracle working God. Wooh! Praise be unto God. Hallelujah.
Our Guest David Martin
. Is it a working of miracles, is it a gift of healing, was that a gift of faith and was that a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge? That really is not significant. What’s really significant, is that you know that all of those gifts, God made available to you so you can walk in the supernatural. So we’re going to go through, as best as we can, the Bible doesn’t give us a lot of insight in this realm in terms of turning to a passage where it describes or defines per se each of the gifts of the Spirit. We’ll look at what we do have, but most importantly here, learning how to walk in the supernatural so that the gifts of the Spirit happen naturally for you. So, we are going to go through some practical application. We’re going to show you how to apply the gifts to your life from the moment you wake up in the morning. Just in your drive from home to the office is an operation or opportunity for you to believe and expect the operation of the supernatural. When you get to school, when you get to work, when you get to the market, everywhere you go, these gifts are waiting to be not just activated, we’re going to go through that too, activating them in you, but they’re there to use, to benefit the kingdom of God. And we’re going to be looking at the very will of God in how to bring these gifts into fulfillment in your life. Amen. We’re going to be developing our faith to increase the use of the gifts, I believe I’ve covered that already, and then we’re going to get into the two fold work of the Spirit. So, typically when I teach a course like this I start at the beginning with a person getting born again. And then once they get born again, they get filled with the Holy Spirit and then we look at the two fold work of the Holy Spirit. And then one of the things I love to look at and is one of the most valuable lessons and that is hearing the voice of God. Amazing, in Acts 26, Paul is recounting his occurrence when Jesus visited him and he said that, Jesus said for this reason if I called you Paul to take the gospel to the gentiles, to deliver them out of darkness, to bring them into light, give them the forgiveness of sins and their inheritance. Now, I like to teach that in the beginning but we’re going to work that into the end. But I’ll tell you what, the most valuable lesson you will ever hear is understanding what your inheritance is. And I can pretty well guess because I have asked people all over the world if they have ever heard it taught or if they have any idea what it is and I have yet to have anybody that hasn’t heard me teach this, understand the inheritance.
Our Guests Dr. Michael Brown & Dr. Sandra Kennedy
SID: Hello. I’m here with my guest, Dr. Sandra Kennedy. And Sandra, you see thousands of people healed. What’s your secret? How do you get so many healed?
SANDRA: You know, just in all honesty it has to do with simplicity of the Word, teaching the Word so simple and holding on to one of my favorite scriptures, which is, “Let God be true and let man be a liar.” Trusting the Word of the Lord, falling in love with Jesus, making up my mind that if he said it he will do it and I can trust him, and taking that Word, and breaking it down, and teaching it to you, so that you end up believing and loving the Lord, and you just take it.
SID: You know what’s so wonderful, what she teaches not only works for thousands of other people, it works for her.
SANDRA: Yes it does.
SID: Tell me about the time your nice little dog bit off part of your lip.
SANDRA: Yes, it bit off from right here to right here, about a quarter, a nickel-size of my lip. And the doctor told me the upper lip could not regrow itself and the bottom lip would. But anyway, I go to the hospital, they do surgery, they tell me I’ve got to have all these surgeries again and I said, no, I’m never going to have another surgery, and I said, because God is going to heal it. Then of course, they wanted me to look at this book showing all these cleft lips and how I would never be able to speak and never be able to say anything.
SID: I bet you drove the plastic surgeon nuts.
SANDRA: I absolutely did.
SID: For saying you did not want this plastic surgery.
SANDRA: I did. I drove him absolutely nuts. And when I’d go in, he’d go to show me a book. I wouldn’t look at it. I said, “No, I’m going to get pictures of me looking really good with a big smile.” Because he said I’d never have a smile again.
SID: And instead of mirrors, you wouldn’t look in a mirror while God was doing his miracle.
SANDRA: Yes. I put a picture of me looking really good and a big smile, you know. And then I’d look in the mirror and I’d talk to it. I’d say, “You hear me. I command you in the name of Jesus, you straighten yourself out,” just like that.
SID: Now after God healed you.
SID: You saw the plastic surgeon. What did he say to you?
SANDRA: Listen, I saw him back then, but I just recently, Sid, saw him. After about 14 years, I saw him and he said to me, “What have you done to your lip?” And I said, “Nothing. I’ve never had another thing done to it except what you did 14 years ago on the operating table, and all you did was slice, cut out some of the bad spots and pull it together, and tie together with cat gut. But I’ve never had anything else done. My God did this.” And he said, “He did a really good job.”
SID: Well in addition to plastic surgery, tell me about someone that you taught this person that had an incurable disease. It was Crohn’s disease.
SANDRA: Crohn’s disease, yes.
SID: What I want to know is it’s wonderful that this woman was healed of an incurable disease. But explain to me what happened with the diagnostic x-rays that proved she had Crohn’s disease.
SANDRA: Well she took them and went to another state to a specialist to try to get some, took her old x-rays with her and went to another state to get some input from them, I think to have surgery done or something. Anyway, when she delivered her x-rays, in the meantime, she took a Bible, turned the Bible upside down on top of her x-rays and kept believing the Word of God to go into those, you know, it matters what you believe. It truly matters what you believe. It matters what you think. And she put that Bible on top of those x-rays and by the time she got to a specialist and he picked up the old x-rays, they were perfect. Nothing, he could find nothing.
SID: That’s impossible. You’re telling me the x-rays changed?
SANDRA: I’m telling you.
SID: That the original diagnostic x-ray, I mean, I understand she was healed, but you’re stretching me.
SANDRA: I know. I said the x-rays are healed.
SID: Well I’m going to tell you, I don’t think any of us have comprehended how important the Word of God is. It’s living. It’s alive. It’s like taking Jesus into you. And we have a brand new Bible. It’s The Supernatural Bible. I have Dr. Sandra Kennedy’s notes in here on healing. I have a section on tongues that when you read that you will, if you’re praying an hour a day, you’ll be praying two hours. If you’re not praying, you’ll be praying in tongues. It motivates you to pray in tongues. I have the hidden meaning that the devil has hidden from us about the blood of Jesus. And what I so love is your notes. I had Sandra pick out her favorite scriptures, they’re highlighted in the Bible with a gray [highlighting] and then she explains these notes. And I have to tell you, all I know about healing, my faith went zoom as I read it. Any time I’m struggling with something, I want to read your notes. You told me when you wrote the notes, what happened.
SANDRA: I mean, faith just arose in the room. It was unbelievable. Sid, it was fun, it was exciting, it was like Jesus was right there in the room with us. I mean, it was probably one of the most exciting things I’ve ever done. It just poured out of me as I would begin to do it. It would just pour out stories. It was thrilling.
SID: Well we’ll have Sandra back. But in the next segment, I’m going to have my friend Dr. Michael Brown. And Dr. Brown was a rock musician, into drugs. He finds Jesus. He immediately goes to rabbis and starts telling them how wonderful our Messiah is, and did he get the shock of his life. It totally changed his destiny. Be right back.
Our Guest David Herzog
WOMAN: He spoke to me. My body, the doctors haven’t been able to understand what’s going on in my body. The tests say I’m fine but my digestion is nothing’s right. And when he touched me it was like I felt tingling and burning in my feet and it went up my legs and that my body was out of balance. Then when he touched me and spoke it my body I just felt it just align. And even when He prayed I’ve been attacked in my breathing and every time I go into prayer it’s like I can’t breathe. And when he was praying for other people for breathe I felt the warmth go down in my ear. And I haven’t had any allergy medicine or anything today.
DAVID: Allergies you feel got healed?
DAVID: Wow! Awesome!
WOMAN: Thank you.
DAVID: Wow! Did anyone get raised from the dead raise your hand. Did anyone have a heart attack during the service and you just came back? Just want to know because Sid might want to interview what did you see when you died? What specifically in heaven did you see? Anyone else got a healing miracle? Raise your hand. I know there are a bunch that did. What’d you get? Your shoulder got healed? Was that you the rotator cuff or the tendonitis, whatever, right shoulder. Oh, that’s you. That was her. That’s her right there. Whooo! Praise God! Awesome. Feels good.
DAVID: Anybody else? We gotta go fast. We don’t know what we’re doing, remember, but He does. Who else? I’m just following orders. Who else? All right. A lot of you got healed. Who else on TV got healed? Let me see. You did? What? Move, move the arm. Wow! You could do that with your disc before? And do see someone with a lower disc has just gotten… There’s a bunch of stuff going on. Man, it’s awesome here, isn’t it? Do you feel the presence here? How many got gold dust raise your hand. Look at all the hands. How many out in the audience got it. That’s a sign and a wonder. How many got oil? Supernatural oil. Okay. You might get diamonds or gems He’s had that happen too as well. Whooo, there’s so much here. So much is going on. How many… Wow. And Joshua if you get a word of knowledge please just if you have something just flow, we want you to be free also. We just… flow. They told me to be the moderator. That’s why they told me to jump back up. But we’re all just… we don’t know what we’re doing but we do. He does.
Our Guest Jim Richards
AUDIENCE: (LAUGHTER) Uh huh! C’mon preach it!
JIM: I mean, I mean really. I, I mean we’re just constantly intellectually trying to drive our life to protect our ego so we won’t fail again. Because our ego really is who we think we are. That’s why when we come to Jesus we’re supposed to believe about the resurrection in our heart! Because your mind protects your ego. Your heart protects your identity. And you see if I believe the truth about the resurrection… now you know, you know this. You’re… We, we are saved. We have been saved. And we’re being saved. You, you understand what I’m saying? We are born again. I mean you know that’s, that’s a done deal. But this whole salvation experience it, it progressively grows in our life. I mean spirit, our spirit man is born again and is righteousness and is as saved as we’re ever going to get. It’s not that we get something new from God but to the degree that we believe these truths in our heart they begin manifesting in our, in our life. And, and the way we tell that they’re, that we’re growing in these things is not because we can quote more scripture. You know? It’s not even necessary… I mean yes, you want to live more godly but it’s not just because you live more godly, it’s because you do these things effortlessly. Because you see when I start believing in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, if it’s a heart thing then I can’t separate His resurrection from my resurrection. I can’t see myself being any different than, than He is in a certain sense. You know what I mean? And the Bible does say “as He is, so are we.” Now man it’s, it’s hard to get your head around that. In some circles if you say that, then you’re a heretic, you know you’re… there’s something wrong with you. No, but that’s what the Bible says. Because see the reality of it is Jesus was raised from the dead. And when I got born again I got baptized IN TO Him. And what should have happened is then some, somebody should have pulled us off to the side and said now we’re going to baptize you, but, but, but we want you to know that this can be something that transforms your life or it can just be getting wet. And if you’re just going to get wet, bring some soap! You know what I’m saying? But you see what they should have said to us is that: Now listen. You’re a new believer. Even though you don’t realize it, everything that you were has died and the resurrection power of Jesus is working in you. And so, when, when, when, when they dunk you down in that water, however you do it, as much as you know how, I want you to see, feel, imagine, picture, think, whatever you do bring it alive inside of you that you are buried with Jesus because you died with him. And when they snatch you back up out of that water, however you do it, I mean everybody does it different, but however you do it so that you experience it as being real, you see, feel, experience imagine, whatever, however you do it, that you are raised up in Him. Now see that should have been the way it started. And you know every time we have communion, I’ll tell you nearly everything we’re taught about communion is unscriptural. The whole purpose of communion is to keep renewing ourselves to that fact that I died with Him. You know? I’ve been washed in the blood. His body was broken for ya. I’m raised up with Him. That, that should be what communion is about. Because that word “communion” comes from an interesting word “communion,” “koinonia,” and we think about fellowship and you know if you’re been a Christian long you’re thinking about fellowship and you’re thinking about hot dogs and hamburgers you know on Friday night or something you know, after the service, you know of course and not in the sanctuary. Uh, hahah. But that word “koinonia” literally means to share something in common. Now what is it we share in common with Jesus? If our fellowship is with Him, what is it I share in common with Jesus? Well I’ll tell you what I share in common with Him. I died with Him. I was buried with Him. And when I was raised… when He was raised from the dead, I was raised from the dead. And when He cast Satan out of heaven I was in Him. And when He sat down at the right hand of God and received an inheritance I am seated with Him in the heavenly places and I’m sharing in that inheritance. That’s what I share with Jesus! Now influence in our heart. You know you can go through the Bible and you can, you can see, you can see phrases like “write this on your heart.” You can see phrases like “guard your heart.” You can see phrases like “establish your heart,” “guide your heart.” All of these… and you start realizing something. Other than God writing His word on that aspect of my heart… and then the Greek you know that it’s the deep part of your being. It’s, it’s just deep, and, and when it talks about even the thoughts that emerges, it’s a Greek word that means subconscious thoughts or deep thoughts. Other than God writing that word on my heart and His Spirit, you know, bringing me to life inwardly, after that I am the only person that has the capability to influence my heart. Nobody else can! God made us that way. Nobody can guard your… can influence your heart. Now you can take what other people say and think about it and ponder on it and these things. And here, here’s the way you write something on your hearts. Pretty simple but it, it comes down to this. Emotion plus information. The Hebrew word for meditate is “to mutter over and over again” or “to frame up” or even “to complain.” You know because you know what you do when you’re complaining? You’re thinking about something that’s wrong. And you’re, you start thinking about it and you start talking about it until you create those emotions again. And so now it comes back alive to ya. So Biblical meditation, which is the key, you know is the one key… Jesus even told us in… you know I call it the “heart physics parable,” Jesus, uh, uh, called it “the sower,” or, or we call it “the sower,” you know the, the whole point of that parable is there’s only one way to get the word of God to grow in your heart. The measure you meet that’s the measure that’s met unto you. In other words the degree of thought, study, meditation, considering, pondering, reflection that you give to the word of God that, and that alone, determines the amount of life that’s going to manifest in you from that word that you hear. Now so, you know, and it’s… there, there are several Hebrew words by the way for “meditate” that we don’t… that are not translated as meditate. As a matter of fact did you know that the word “sanctification” is actually a Hebrew word that has more to do with, with a meditative process? See we think about it as a ritualistic process or a getting everything right about ourselves. The word sanctification not only means to set yourself apart FROM something but to set yourself apart UNTO something. And it’s not just the fact that you do it physically, you know that you geographically remove yourself, but you internally set your heart, your mind, your thoughts apart unto the Lord. And did you know that there’s three particular Hebrew words that every time you see the words worship, praise, prayer, pray, vision, prophesy, did you know that one of those three Hebrew words is almost always going to be somewhere in that passage. And, and you know what that’s telling us? That’s telling us that the difference between singing and worshipping is whether or not I’m, I’m taking myself into this, setting my heart apart, you know directing all of this to God inwardly. The difference between praying and “jibber jabbering” is, is the heart engaged. Am I engaging myself internally? Am I, I bringing all that I am to bear to connect with God in this? Now two most important factors. One: all of our faith has to be based on what we believe about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Two: I’ve got to believe it in my heart, not just mentally. Now one of my favorite passages of scripture that changed me… I tell you when I heard this passage of scripture in 1975 I was, I was in a meeting in 1975, biggest names in the world were speaking in this meeting. And there was this one old, country redneck preacher there. He looked so out of sorts that you’re just looking at this guy thinking what in the world are you even doing here? You know? I mean he was as count… as a matter of fact he was from Walhalla South Carolina. That’s country right there! You know what I’m saying? Now I’m from Alabama. I know what country is. You know I’m a recovering redneck myself. I, I, I go to the meetings and everything. You know?
Our Guest ISki Abla
SID: Weren’t you concerned about committing suicide that you’d have problems with Allah?
ISIK: Yes, but I thought Allah wasn’t pleased with me and he hated me, so there was no way for me to win his approval. I was a failure in my eyes.
SID: So the morning before you went to work where you had planned to commit suicide, what was going on inside of your head?
ISIK: Well I woke up and I saw my daughter, she was two and half years old, and I heard a voice in my head, anybody can be a better mother. And that same voice was telling me life is not worth living, and I usually do this when enemy is speaking, because we need to recognize the enemy’s voice as separate. And that morning, I was just hearing from the enemy and believing in that lie, and I started, I took her to day care and started planning my suicide.
SID: Okay. So you get to work. What happened?
ISIK: Well I went to the restroom to cry because my sorrow was so great, and I started having closure with God. And I didn’t know at that time which God I was talking to because I was going to Bible study at that time, at workplace.
SID: Where they were Christians, and had a Bible study.
ISIK: Yes. So I was just going there to please my boss thinking that I will secure my job.
SID: Except, you told me you heard about a woman that you related to and that the approach Jesus took was so different than the approach Allah took. Tell me about that.
ISIK: So that was my first Bible study, from John, Chapter 8, the adulteress woman, when they threw her at the feet of Jesus, “What are we going to do with her? According to Moses’ law we need to stone her.” He didn’t condemn her, but he gave her another chance. But according to Sharia law, she had to be stoned to death, and that pierced my heart with Lord Christ there. It was my first Bible study. But coming back to the day of planning my suicide, I was told I could never become a Christian. They were infidels and they were destined for hell. And I wasn’t a good Muslim at that time. I was thinking Allah disowned me, so it would be better for me to just kill myself, and without even thinking the consequences, I just wanted to end my pain. And then I went to work, and I went to the restroom having this closure with God. And I started asking, why do you hate me so much, why have you abandoned me or forsaken me? What have I done so bad? I cleaned my face, went to my seat. My boss called me to his office and he says, “I am going to tell you something I have never done before in my life.” And he said, “I feel in my spirit Jesus knows what you’re about to do and I have to tell you, he’s telling me to tell you, you are not forsaken or abandoned. He has been with you since you were born. When you were molested he was by your side. When you were kicked like a dog on the floor he was by your side. When [they put a] knife on your throat he was by your side. He was interceding for you that one day you will turn to him. And now I want to ask you, would you like to receive him as your Lord and Savior?”
SID: Well now, you have the conflict of you’re in trouble with Allah, but this is really going to get you in trouble with Allah. What did you do?
ISIK: At that point I was not thinking anything because God was in that room. At first time in my life I experienced the presence of God and he was real. I didn’t understand the Trinity. I had no doctrine, nothing, but I knew Jesus Christ was real and he was hugging me.
SID: Do you know something, her situation was impossible.
ISIK: That’s right.
SID: And guess what happens? Out of the blue a man calls you on the phone and what does he say?
ISIK: Well that was after my salvation. I was broke and going through all these trials, and this man calls, and he says, “My name is so and so.” And I could feel authority in his voice, first time in my life, feeling authority. He said, “Sister Isik, we have been praying for you. We have been praying for your salvation. Praise the Lord. And I want you, for the weekend, to come to my house, my wife and I.” He said, “If you come we are going to bless you, but we are going to give you a Bible study about the Holy Spirit.”
SID: So you said sure.
ISIK: I needed hope. I needed something in my life and I was not going to a spirit-filled church that would believe in so many miracles or anything. But there was this hunger in me and I wanted to believe in what he was saying. I said, “I have no gas in my car. I cannot make five-hour drive to your place.” And then he says, “I know you don’t have that kind of faith, but I’m going to pray over your car right now and you are going to make it to my home.”
SID: And?
ISIK: And then he continued. He said, “If you get stuck in the middle of the road I promise you I will come pick you up, but I serve a God, I know that you are not going to get stuck.” And I said, “I’m going in my car right now.” I put my daughter, she was almost four years old at that time, I went inside my car and I said, in my heart, “I will drive until this car stops.” And I started driving and I made it five hours to his house.
SID: On empty?
ISIK: Empty, completely utterly empty.
SID: You get into his house. What does he say to you?
ISIK: Well at that time, one of my foot was in the church, the other one was in the world, so I didn’t have good Bible training, and I had sin in my life. So as soon as he saw me he fell to the ground and he started praying in tongues, and I never heard tongues in my life before. And those, everything he said came to me without an accent, perfect Turkish, in my mother tongue. And he was confessing my sins to God. He was naming my sins one by one. I was in shock. I was here looking at this. I saw a miracle, [a] man speaking perfect Turkish. And then he got up, and he says, he looked at me in the eye, very sharp, very strong, and he says, “Sister, I don’t know what I said, but you know what I said. You take God seriously.”
SID: All right. Now, let me tell you. She takes God so serious that the fire of God hits her. When we come back it not only hit her, she wants to pray for that same fire to come on you. Are you ready?
Our Guest Rich Vera
AUDIENCE: I receive that!
RICH: And I want to encourage you to begin taking authority. You see God can do little things unless He’s being spoken and released. Amos says God will do nothing unless He shows it to his servants the prophets. Well we all run to a prophet but you know that all of us are prophetic people? So God don’t need prophet that comes from California to tell you you’re going to be blessed. You have the Holy Ghost. You’re a prophetic people. You can stand on your house and say there will be no rebellion on this house. There’ll be no sickness on this house. There’ll be no divorce in this marriage and God will do it according to your word. Oh! I believe that. So when we talk about the miracles of God, God breaks it in those four dimensions. Now this is what I really feel of the Lord today, if you allow me I want to lay hands on many of you because there’s going to be a release of something from the Spirit of the Lord that’s going to put you in a different atmosphere of God. Some of you are going to begin to hear God and to flow in the things of the Spirit like you have not done it before. I think God has been wanting to do this with you for a while and I feel there’ll be a release today in the name of Jesus. How many of you will say I receive that? In fact raise your hands to the Lord right now. And if you don’t mind for sixty seconds would you pray in the Holy Ghost? Just lift up your voices. Could I have anybody? Roy, please my brother. Thank you so much. Just pray in the Holy Ghost right now. Because I’m telling you even right now there’s a healing wave that’s beginning to come in the building right now. There are people with arthritis that will be healed. There are people with problems in the knee that are going to be healed. There’s even a person here with cancer cells in your body that God is going to burn out of your body today in the mighty name of Jesus! Somebody’s lungs are going to be healed today. You will not be on that respirator. You will not be connected to a tube. There’s four people here that have been depressed for a while. It’s been like this dark cloud that’s not even allow you to sleep. The Lord says today freedom is coming to your mind. Freedom is coming to your life. I declare in the name of the Lord Jesus that the power of the Holy Ghost will…just keep on praying in the Holy Ghost. Something is happening in the atmosphere right now. I declare the healing and deliverance power of God from the top of your head all the way down to the soles of your feet in the name of Jesus. I curse infirmity and I curse every disease. And I command every devil to come out of your life and of your body now in the name of Jesus. Somebody’s who’s taking medications of pills God’s going to break you free from that today. There are people that cannot sleep in the night. God is going to deliver you in the name of Jesus. I feel the power of the Holy Ghost. C’mon raise your hands and press in, press in right now. Hallelujah! God bless you dear sister. You’re a minister? God bless you. God bless you. Dear sister you’re another person that the Lord has already put a message on you to write. And sister, a lot of things to deal with inside healing of people, especially the women that have gone through things and abused and are hurt. God’s going to use you to bring deliverance to them, dear sister. And I see some money that was withheld, there’s something in some legal stuff that the Lord’s going to release to you. There’s going to unexpected money coming your way. How many of you raise your hands and say unexpected money’s coming my way? Receive that in the name of Jesus. I release it upon you and a fresh anointing of the Spirit. I’ll be back. Yes. Raise your hands to the Lord. In the name of Jesus. Sister, the attack that the enemy has been bringing against you, sister that place where you fell like you hit a wall, God is about to tear the wall down and you are about to worship at His feet for hours and hours and hours just like you prayed to the Lord. I hear you praying to the Lord, Lord I just want to worship and hours and hours at your feet and the Lord says even that prayer that you pray as you were driving your vehicle, dear sister, God is going to answer for you and you’re going to experience a visitation of the Holy Spirit. Anybody else? Real quick. Should we end right now? Two more people we’re going to end and then we’ll go. I’ll pray for you. Sir, raise your hands to the Lord. Are you a minister? Chaplain? Sir, you come from a conservative Christian background? And the Lord did some things that caused you some trouble? Yeah. And sir, God is going to, you know God has filled you with the Spirit, sir. But God is bringing you to a place that many of those conservative people you’re going to bring to them the Spirit of God, sir. Get ready, sir. Some of these Baptists and Methodists you’re going to go right in there, my brother, where you came from and deliver them by the power of God. Raise your hands to the Lord, dear sister. Oh, I declare the power of the Holy Spirit to be upon you. Are you a minister dear sister? Dear sister, I see the Lord removing some people that have in a way betrayed you, sister. And God is saying He’s removing some of these close people that came to speak into your ear, even against some people in your own family, sister. And some of them… be careful with the people that are close to your money because these people are the ones that have interior motives my sister, and those that say that they have professional experience, you need Holy Ghost experience. And God says there’s a release of the anointing today in the name of Jesus!
Our Guest Rodney Howard-Browne
RODNEY: Let’s pray right now. Father, every person watching wherever they might be for the same anointing that’s falling here right now let it fall upon them from the top of their head to the soles of their feet. Let there come a greater hunger for the Word of God, a greater hunger for the things of the Spirit. And Lord that You would teach them Your ways. That You would show them how to yield to You. How to flow with You. That You want to use us on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. That Sunday at church it’d just be a celebration of all the good things that You’ve done throughout the week. Lord we know that there will be opposition. We know that there will be battles but there cannot be great victories without great battles and so You train our hands for war and You send us into places where it’s dark so that the light can shine. Thank You that You are raising up an army of men and women that will not compromise in this day and this hour. Thank You, Lord, that the fire is being ignited right now in the hearts of men and women. …for a mobilization of Your church in this final hour to bring in the greatest harvest of souls right before the return of the King of kings and the Lord of lords! We thank You for it. We thank You! We blow a trumpet in Zion even now we sound the alarm on Thy holy mountain. Father, we just thank You for it. And once again we bless this ministry. Thank you, Brother Sid and the whole team here. And Lord, give them the very desires of their heart and that which you’re putting on the inside of them now that which is being born of the Spirit of God that will pave the way into the days to come, putting away the old and putting on the new. We thank You for it, in Jesus name. Amen!
SID: Amen!
Our Guest Rodney Howard-Browne
RODNEY: You know what I mean? She touched him. And so you know I’m just going down “in the name, in the name” you know. What did you feel? Nothing. People were flying through the air. People were getting hit. I felt not one thing. I just wanted to sleep. Sleep. Sleep. So I come by this lady in a wheelchair. Now I did not know she was a pastor’s wife. Didn’t know anything about it. I found this out later. And so she’s in a wheelchair I just go in the name of Jesus, carry on and get going. Well she was mad cause I didn’t pray longer over her. I don’t know what she wanted me to do. Father, as we are now gathered in this place. Lord we lift up this dear lady and God, Thou knowest her predicament this day, that Lord that Thou would come… People love that. You know if you can do it they love that. But this wasn’t about that. When you’ve got thousands of people you’re praying for how long can you actually pray? You know what I mean. It’s like seriously!
RODNEY: And so she was upset because I didn’t pray longer over her and she started to cuss. She was a preacher’s wife.
RODNEY: Yeah, she was cussing! Now, the pastor was very embarrassed. He took her and wheeled her out of the building to get her out away because she was making a noise. He didn’t pray for me and whatever the words that she used and got her out to the car. And of course they don’t have heating and air cooling like we do it’s a temperate climate but it was very hot that day. And so the cars don’t have air conditioning. The air conditioning is roll the window down. You know that’s your air conditioning. And so he puts her into the passenger seat and he folds up the wheelchair, puts it in the back. Now she’s paralyzed, she’s paralyzed from the neck down. I mean she’s in a wheelchair and this is her… she came for prayer but now she’s mad. She’s furious. I mean he didn’t pray over me. Meanwhile I just said in the name of Jesus and went on. So he gets her in the car. She’s still furious. I’m furious. I mean going on about it and it was so hot so she took her hand and she started winding the window down. Now what? Now remember she paralyzed.
RODNEY: As they’re pulling out she’s started winding the window down. Now was she instantly healed? No. But about 18 months and everything came back to normal and God’s using this woman today. I heard a couple of years ago that she was travelling, the Lord was using… I’ve never seen her since. Maybe she’s embarrassed that she was the cussing preacher’s wife.