Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dale Mast

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SID: Dale, you wanted to release a word over me but then you said it would springboard to everyone viewing this. Would you do that right now?

DALE: Yes. And Sid, I just want to say this, if they said that prayer with you, you’ve opened up the greatness of your future. And what you’ve been saved for is greater than what you’ve been saved from, but you still need to be saved from it. This is very, very important. An evangelist wars for you to know Jesus, a prophet wars for what you’ve been made to do on this earth. And as I do this… And Sid, I want to share two-

SID: I had someone do that once with oil on my head, I felt I had a shower in the oil.

DALE: Amen.

SID: You’re not going to do that to me.

DALE: No, no, no. This is a prophetic symbol of the anointing that releases the call and authority to do what God created you to do. And as I get ready to pour this over your head, this is the word I hear the Lord saying, “For He’s called you like David to bring Israel back to worship, the worship of God, and to bring them back into the tent of David that is being established in the Book of Acts.”

DALE: And as I saw you today, I saw the fire of God literally behind your head, and I said, “Lord, why?” And the Lord said, “I’m giving him genius ideas, how to reach people that nobody else has reached.” And I anoint you, Sid, as a father to Israel, that the anointing and the favor of God is with you. And you shall father Israel out of a prophetic mantle and the anointing of oil shall flow through you. And I saw unusual signs and wonders in your hands, and God said, “Get ready to be amazed, for in this season,” says the Lord, “you will see more people’s lives change than all of your ministry before.” This is going to be an avalanche that you have been praying for. God said, “I hear the cry of your heart and I’m going to fill it with what I have promised you.”

DALE: I want everyone that’s watching under the sound of my voice to receive this. I’m pouring this oil out as a prophet, and I declare over you that what the Father created you for is now being released. The genius He put inside of you is now flowing. And even as this oil is pouring out, literally the fire of God is coming on your heart. He is going to restore your identity, your purpose identity. You’re going to find a new anointing and joy in life. You’re about to have an adventure in God. I release His presence to carry you past the enemy’s plans. And like David, you will take down Goliath and you will make His name great, and people will worship God because you allowed His greatness to flow through you.

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Written by sidroth

January 25th, 2023 at 4:09 am