Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for June, 2022

Our Guest Max Davis

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SID: Why would she even say that?

MAX: Because she had talked to Cheryl at 11 o’clock. So now, three o’clock, and we talked about agents and books and things like that. So Josiah comes home. Without hearing from her at all, and starts typing, alluding to a person. And she said, “Does this have anything to do with Max?” So that’s all he got was my name, Max. And Josiah’s response was, “Lots to do with Max. He’s not only a major novel writer, but he knows valuable sameness is not always the best approach.” He identified me as a writer and a novel writer with just getting my first name. And, listen to this, I was finishing up a major novel with a major publisher and my book before that was a novel, but I normally do nonfiction. So he not only identified me as a writer, but as a novel writer. I could have been anybody. So then Tahni got my contact information and sent me that message. And, of course, I was very skeptical. But that was just the beginning of this incredible journey.

SID: I don’t think anyone can comprehend this young boy. He takes one finger and he has an iPad and he just types these messages.

MAX: Yes.

SID: But even today, he can’t talk.

MAX: No. And it’s not connected to the internet. He cannot access the internet. He can’t even turn the page on the paper he’s so locked up. It’s supernatural.

SID: You went to visit him one time.

MAX: I did.

SID: And what I read was he spent most of the time under the covers with his iPad.

MAX: Yeah. It was an eye-opening experience. After two years of words from him, words that changed my life, I finally decided I needed to go visit him. And, when I did, it just opened up my eyes to how incredibly difficult the situation was and it was definitely a miracle.

SID: Well, I’ll tell you what’s even more amazing with that, he’s not even Jewish.

MAX: No.

SID: And he set you free from Jewish guilt and you’re not even Jewish.

MAX: That’s right.

SID: Tell me about that.

MAX: So I was praying intensely in the morning. I was praying about two hours in the morning in my office this particular season, and this word was on July 10, 2016. And my wife and I were writing a book. My wife was helping me work on a book for another person. And we stayed home from church that day to work on the book, and the book was entitled First Fruits. And we worked all day on that book. And about one o’clock, I got really, really tired and felt like, man, I have to take a nap. And I told my wife, “I feel really guilty about taking a nap because we skipped church to work on this book and we have so much work to do.” And my wife looked at my eyes and she said, “It’s okay to take a nap as long as you’ll write tonight.” So I took this long three-hour nap. Woke up. I wrote all night long. And it was like the Holy Spirit was just on me, on my hands. It was amazing. The next morning I get a sovereign message from Josiah in Minnesota. I’m in Louisiana. And you know what he said?

Written by sidroth

June 26th, 2022 at 7:10 am

Our Guest Kynan Bridges

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SID: When we come back, I’m going to have you stretch out your hand and pray for the viewers. What is actually happening when you stretch out your hand?

KYNAN: When I stretch my hands and I pray, it’s not just a prayer, it’s an impartation. I believe millions of people watching are going to receive an impartation for the supernatural. It’s going to become very normal for them. I’m telling you, we’ve had all kinds of testimonies about this, Sid.

KYNAN: I’ll be honest with you, I was a little bit upset about the testimonies because they never testified like this with my other books. I thought, “Well, that’s just not fair. Those were good too.” In all seriousness, people are beginning to get this, Sid, and it’s changing their lives.

SID: I want your life to be changed. When we come back, I’ll have him stretch out his hand and pray for you.

SID: Kynan, why is knowing your identity so important?

KYNAN: Identity represents everything that we are. Everything we were able to do. It represents our authority. You see, Sid most of my life, most of my life, including a large part of my Christian life, I was lost. What I mean by that is yes, I was in the church and I spoke in tongues.

KYNAN: I read my Bible, but I didn’t really know who I was. I found myself wrestling my way through my Christian experience. Then, I looked around and I saw the other people were doing the same thing. One day, God literally began to deal with me about what it meant to be a new creation. I thought about it.

KYNAN: I said, “If I’m a new creation, then that means the old is gone and the new has come.” I thought, “If the oldest going to the newest come, that means the old habits, ways of thinking behaviors, those have passed away too.” Then I thought then what about the old insecurities that I had? The fears, the fear of being rejected?

KYNAN: The fear of failure? That’s passed away too. Then, it’s like a baby being born. You’re literally like a baby coming out of the matrix of your mother’s womb. That baby is fresh. They’re not recycled. We don’t believe in reincarnation. Christians shouldn’t behave like they’ve been recycled. We’re not refurbished.

KYNAN: We’re brand new. We’ve never existed before. We’re a new species of being. When people ask me sometimes they say, “As a black person, or they’ll say African-American.” I said, “No, no, no. New creation.

Audience: Amen.

KYNAN: I’m a new race of being. I’m a totally different species.

SID: You actually use an adjective that is strong. You say you become a dangerous new creation. Dangerous to who?

KYNAN: The demons, the devil, the kingdom of darkness. You become an existential threat to the kingdom of darkness when you realize who you are. That’s why I say invite this so much. Sid, I’ve been doing supernatural ministry for a long time, as you know.

SID: I know.

KYNAN: I’m telling you now, now, with this, it’s become easier than it’s ever been. It’s not about what I’m doing or what I’m attempting to do. What it’s about now is allowing God to express himself through me. I heal people on accident. I believe it’s going to get to the days, Sid, where it’s going to be like when Peter’s shadow healed people.

Written by sidroth

June 16th, 2022 at 6:19 am

Our Guest Diane Nutt

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DIANE: But I know that this is for every single believer. God wants every person walking, living, and being a glory carrier, releasing the glory of God. The anointing is not enough, Sid. Because we work the anointing. The Bible says out of our belly flows rivers of living waters. The Holy Spirit is working with us. We’re working with Him. But when the glory of God shows up, Father God shows up, and it’s all him, and we don’t do anything. We don’t get the credit. He gets all the glory. And so it takes off a load.

SID: But this is all the time with you. I kind of protest. I want it all the time with me. Any of you in the studio audience want it all the time?

Audience: Amen!

SID: I know in a moment I’m going to have Diane release that glory. And I’m going to pray that when she does this, you will experience, some of you for the very first time in your life, that you’ll feel or you’ll see, or you may, you know, at Pentecost they even heard a sound like a rushing wind. The glory of God. With every one of your natural senses and your supernatural senses. But I’ve got to pray with you right now.

SID: Some of you haven’t, you’ve entered into religion for many, many years, but some of you haven’t entered into your own experience. It’s good that I had an experience. It’s good that Diane had an experience. It’s good that the whole world would have an experience. But what about me? God hasn’t forgotten you, and that’s why I’m going to pray with you right now to know Jesus.

SID: Repeat out loud after me, Dear God …

Audience: Dear God …

SID: I’ve made many mistakes …

Audience: I’ve made many mistakes …

SID: For which I’m so sorry.

Audience: For which I’m so sorry.

SID: I believe …

Audience: I believe …

SID: Jesus died for my mistakes.

Audience: Jesus died for my mistakes.

SID: And by his blood …

Audience: And by his blood …

SID: I’m not only forgiven …

Audience: I’m not only forgiven …

SID: But you have no remembrance of my past.

Audience: But you have no remembrance of my past.

SID: And now that I am new …

Audience: And now that I am new …

SID: Jesus, come and live inside of me.

Audience: Jesus, come and live inside of me.

SID: Be my savior and Lord.

Audience: Be my savior and Lord.

SID: Amen.

Audience: Amen.

SID: Diane, I’m going to experiment. I might regret this. I’m going to experiment. Do you think you could stand up and pray?

DIANE: Sure.

SID: What do you think? Say all things are possible.

DIANE: I think I can. Yes, yes, all things are possible. Wow. Whoa. Wow. Okay. Father God, right now in the name of Jesus, Father, thank you for the blood of Jesus that allows us to enter boldly into your throne room. And Father, I just thank you right now that you’re so amazing. You’re so awesome. You’re so glorious. And Father, I just thank you right now for just releasing an impartation of your glory right now, Father God, upon these in this place right now in this studio right now. Father, let your glory just fall upon them. Father, let them be caught up in your glory. And Father, even those watching, Lord God, I thank you, Father God, that they’re being captivated by your love. They’re being captivated by your heart. They’re being captivated by your glory.

DIANE: Father, thank you, Lord God. Thank you. And I just pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen and amen. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Written by sidroth

June 6th, 2022 at 8:50 am