Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for April, 2022

Our Guest Brenda Kunneman

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SID: Would you proclaim that?

BRENDA: Yes. Let’s decree it together. Come on, ready for glory in the atmosphere. We decree that an atmosphere of God’s glory floods our home. We speak and we say that the presence of the Lord is everywhere. We call for the cloud of God to glory to invade every room and crevice of our house. We say that every person who enters in through our front door is affected by the glory of God, because of the atmosphere of glory.

We receive God’s goodness, even like Moses, who saw God’s goodness when he encountered the glory. We take our authority over any demonic interference that would squelch the atmosphere of glory. Come on, now. We prophesy that in the glory we are changed. We’re healed. We’re delivered. And we submit ourselves to whatever the Holy Spirit wants to accomplish. And we thank you, Lord, that your glory permeates us. It permeates our house. And like Moses, we ask you, Lord, let us see your glory. We want to experience it in and our home.

SID: [inaudible]

BRENDA: Hallelujah. Come on and take it. Just take it, in Jesus’ name.

SID: It’s hard to believe, you have so many of these decrees. A no fly zone, what does that mean?

BRENDA: This is a favorite. This goes back to the children of Israel in Egypt. If you go to Exodus eight in verse 22, God said a powerful word. Now, this was the fourth plague. It wasn’t until the fourth plague that God said this. We go from the blood, the frogs, the lice to the flies. And at the time of the flies, God said, “On that day, I’m going to send swarms of flies into the house of the Egyptians.” But in verse 22, it says, “But I will sever in that day my people in the land of Goshen,” and this is what I always declare in our house, we live in a Goshen, a spiritual Goshen, God says, “my people in the land of Goshen from those that are in Egypt and no form or swarm a fly shall come into the house of my people.”

And God said, that in verse 23, “And I will put a division between my people.” See, this is what’s happening right now. God is putting a division. He is separating His people for His good purpose. And that the people that are on the outside are looking in. This is why they’re going to get saved. We got to sow good on this side.

So the no fly zone is no fly was allowed to come into the house of God’s people. Flies represent demons. The Bible says that, “Satan is the lord of the flies, Beelzebub. He is the lord over the flies.” So what we say in our church, this is how we pray, this is how we prophesy, that your house is a no fly zone to every demon, every power of darkness. Nothing can fly in here, because I’m separated from that.

And let me just say this over you right here, just receive this, no evil force, no plot, no plan or work of the demonic spirits can access the premise of our house. We say, and I say over you, that the doors of our home are never entered by any entity that’s in opposition to God. We break the power.

Now, I got to say this right now, I’m, I’m decreeing this over you, we break the power of every spell, every incantation, every hex, every vex, from any witch, warlock or worker of divination in the name of Jesus. I prophesy, we prophesy that no plague, no pestilence, no accident, no tragedy, no calamity, no mischief, no mayhem is allowed to enter here, in Jesus’ name.

Audience: In Jesus’ name.

Written by sidroth

April 26th, 2022 at 6:09 am

Our Guest Shawn Morris

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SHAWN: Well sometimes God will take me into the service and He’ll – I call it like a pre-game coaching. And He’ll give me like a pre-game coaching of what’s about to take place before the game. So He’ll just take me into the place and I’ll visualize and He’ll show me someone maybe on the third row that’s dealing with migraine headaches or this person’s daughter just left or this person is sick and when I get to the service 90% of the time that person will be in the audience and God will just let that time to open up for that person. And I mean so many testimonies of people being healed just by hearing the prophetic word from the Lord!

JAMIE: So you rehearsed it already?

SHAWN: Yes. Yes.

JAMIE: Is that in your mind?

SHAWN: Well I don’t want to say my mind. I would like to say my spirit.

JAMIE: Yeah.

SHAWN: Because you know sometimes you know you have other things going on in your mind and some things you just cannot keep or just hold so much in your mind. So sometimes I’ll write it down so that way I know for sure that I won’t forget because you know the mind tends – so you’ll forget things sometimes. But it’s in your spirit that you will hear it because you know during the course of the day during the course of a service you have so many things going on there’s no way that your mind can articulate that back to a person. So it must be embedded in your spirit man!

JAMIE: That’s incredible! You know I’m of the mindset take every thought captive.


JAMIE: Even the good ones!

SHAWN: Even the good ones! Even the good ones!

JAMIE: That’s exciting! Listen! When we come back I’m going to ask Shawn about the imagination and that connection between the spirit and the prophetic and even miracles!

SHAWN: Yes, yes.

JAMIE: I feel there’s something here! You’re going to watch this next session and you’re going to want to see because I believe [music] there’s going to be some miracles!

SHAWN: Oh yes there is!

JAMIE: And I feel there’s going to be a connection between our imagination and what God wants to do right now!

SHAWN: Correct!

JAMIE: So we’ll see you!

JAMIE: Welcome back! I’m Jamie Galloway. [music ends] Shawn Morris is here and I’m excited because I think this next session we’re going to talk about miracles, the prophetic and your imagination! You touched on the imagination, Shawn –


JAMIE: In our last segment.


JAMIE: This is so fascinating to me because I feel this gets lost.


JAMIE: For most people, they get lost. Where do we begin?

SHAWN: Well the Bible tells us, Jamie, that the Lord can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think but it’s according to the power that worketh in us. Now, most people don’t understand. It’s through the thinking realm that we receive the exceedingly abundantly things of God!  


SHAWN: See our verbiage must line up with our thought process so once we get our mind on the things of the spirit we can begin to verbalize it and then bring it into manifestation. This is a form of the prophetic! It must start in the imagination realm. So once we understand the imagination realm we can begin to verbalize what we want to see come to manifestation. 

Written by sidroth

April 16th, 2022 at 5:27 am

Our Guest Art Thomas

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ART: So I had to weave my – all these questions, you know, what about Job? What about Paul’s thorn in the flesh? What about Jacob’s limp and all that stuff? I brought them all to the scripture and the Lord showed answers to all of Them at face value. It didn’t even take a bunch of mental gymnastics to you know fit a square peg in a round hole and make it work.

JAMIE: Right, right.

ART: And from there it took 3 months and after 3 months I was convinced. 

JAMIE: Okay. So how does that, you know, today when you see someone not healed does it push you?

ART: Yeah.

JAMIE: I mean I know personally that you know when I see somebody healed I’m like excited but when I see someone not healed at the end of a meeting or at the end of my prayer and it just pushes me to seek for more. I mean how does that play out in your heart?

ART: Yeah. So there’s one place in scripture where someone tried to minister healing in Jesus’ name and it didn’t work. The story is told 3 times but 3 different Gospels but it’s only one time it happened. And that was the epileptic boy. So Jesus, Peter, James and John come down from the mountain and they find the 9 disciples and this group of teachers of the law and just ordinary folks. They’re all just arguing and you know when we have a lack of results we produce arguments.

JAMIE: Right.

ART: We start coming up with reasons why they weren’t healed. I don’t know what their reasons were, what the argument was over but I could imagine what we say. You know maybe the little boy didn’t have enough faith. Maybe the boy’s dead.  Maybe it was this atmosphere of unbelief. All you people not believing it’s your fault and we pin it on everybody else. Right? And so Jesus walks into the middle of that and He says: You unbelieving and perverse generation! How long will I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.  

JAMIE: Whoa!

ART: Identifying yeah, I’m in an atmosphere of unbelief. Right?

JAMIE: Right. Right.

ART: Bring the boy to me. And right there in the middle of all of it He just says come out of this boy you impure spirit! 

JAMIE: Whoa.

ART: Later the disciples come and ask Him why couldn’t we do it? Because this kind only goes out by prayer and fasting. Some manuscripts say and fasting. He pins the responsibility on the disciples as ministers.  


ART: I don’t like that cause a lot of people I minister to don’t get healed! And I have had people die on me! People I love. Right? But I’ve realized there’s a difference between taking the responsibility and carrying the burden!

JAMIE: Phew!

ART: Like the burden belongs to Jesus so if I walked around carrying the emotional weight of people not being healed I’d of quit this – I started in August of 2009, I’d have probably quit in November! [laughs] You know?

JAMIE: Right.

ART: So that’s not mine. The burden’s not mine. But the responsibility enough to go to Jesus and say alright Jesus. If you were standing here that would have worked. Instead they got me. 


Written by sidroth

April 6th, 2022 at 4:31 am