Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Karen Schatzline

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KAREN: Well because its true. I was so insecure and so shy that it was crippling to me. But there comes a moment in my life where I had to realize that I was called to something more than just myself. And I think sometimes we get so caught up in worrying about yourself and worrying about who we are that we forget that were here for more than just yourself. Were here to minister life to someone else! And I think for the viewer, for anyone thats out there thats listening that if youve just tuned in I want you to know that God loves you and that He cares for you. He cares about every detail of your life! For me, in my life, I felt like I didnt have a voice. I felt like I didnt have anything to offer. I felt like maybe I didnt come from the right household. Maybe I didnt come from the right lineage. Maybe I, you know, I didnt have the right education. I wasnt qualified to do anything for God. But God showed me in one moment when I looked in the mirror and He said, You are more than what you have become. In that moment it hit me that what I have walked through in my life, what I have experienced in my life was for more than just a temporary moment. It was so that I could go out and I could speak life to someone else! And I want you to know wherever youre at in life, if youre in a dry season, if youre in a dark season, if youre in a quiet season and you cant hear God all you have to do the Bible says if you draw near to God He will draw near to you. And all you have to do is lean into His presence. Lean in and ask Him and He will show up because thats what Hes done to me in my life is He has just walked into the room and I could feel His presence. Because God says I want to use you to minister life! What you have walked through is a good indication of who you are called to!

LAURA: Thats true. That is so true!

KAREN: And He will never leave you! Never forsake you! Never walk out on you. He cares that much about you that you are worth His time today!

LAURA: [chuckles] We comfort others with the comfort with which weve been comforted.


LAURA: All right. Back to your teaching.


LAURA: Youre a writer.


LAURA: And so youve authored multiple books.

KAREN: Uh-huh.

LAURA: And, you know, authoring with your husband even but you train others to do that!


LAURA: Thats what I thought was so interesting about Remnant is that you also train writers! So this isnt just an evangelism school. Tell me a little bit about everything that you offer there and teach.

KAREN: Yes. Well my husband and I, He’s written several books and then I wrote but even when I went to write I thought, Oh my goodness, I dont even know where to start!

LAURA: [laughing]

KAREN: I dont know what to do! Im just sitting here looking at a blank piece of paper!

LAURA: [laughing]

KAREN: And nothings going to happen! And so but my husband actually walked in one day and he said, What are you doing? And I said, I dont know. I dont know where to start. And so he sat down and we got out a whiteboard and we started. He said, Do this, this, this and this.

LAURA: [laughing]

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Written by sidroth

January 26th, 2022 at 5:14 am