Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Stephanie Schureman

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BOB: Welcome to Something More. I’m Bob Duvall, and joining me today is Stephanie Schureman. Stephanie is the founder of “Dwelling Place Ministries.” She’s an author. She’s a speaker. And she’s a homeschooling mom of six.


BOB: And, Stephanie, I’m excited. Because Stephanie is joining us today to tell us about hearing from Jesus in our everyday life. Now, I think everybody knows the picture of, you know, like the Ten Commandments, and Moses going up on the mountain and hearing God’s voice. And that’s how we hear God’s voice. Right?


BOB: But that’s not always how it is. And that was just Moses. Can everybody hear from Jesus?

STEPHANIE: Absolutely. You’re never too young or too old to hear from Jesus. He wants to speak to you. It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you are, or what you’ve done. It doesn’t matter if you’re the worst person on the planet or the best. The Lord wants to speak to you, and He is working all the time to get your attention and speak to you. We just have to catch the subtle hints.

BOB: Now, you’re a busy person. I can tell just from the things I described already. But one of the things that you do, is you lead something called Fire Camp.


BOB: And you have young people there. Of course, old people come, too. But it’s geared toward young people.


BOB: And this is one of the things you teach the young people. Right?


BOB: How to hear God.

STEPHANIE: Yes. One of the most important things that we do in Fire Camp is that we want to have every child have an encounter with Jesus before the camp is over. And we started out with kids about ages 8 to 15. And, but as the time has gone on, adults have gotten jealous and said, “Please do an adult.”

BOB: [Laughs]

STEPHANIE: So we do adult Fire Camps and missionary Fire Camps. And then, we’ve sent it now all over the world. It’s a fun time of just learning to know and experience what the presence of the Lord feels like. That’s our main goal. But we don’t, there’s no entertainment involved in this. We just simply want to experience the presence of the Lord and enjoy Him, and know what it’s like when He speaks to us when the angels are. What does it feel like when the angels are around us? What does it feel like when we,  how do we pray for somebody, and asking the Lord how He would pray, and what do we do? So we’re always asking Jesus what’s on His mind.

BOB: Now, what about somebody who might say, “Well, why does Jesus want to speak to me?” In fact, tell me about Gertrude.

STEPHANIE: Yes. Well, I was teaching an adult Sunday School class many years ago. And I had this dear precious Gertrude who I picked up for church every day, every Sunday. And she was in her 80’s, I believe. And she had this very small house that she lived in. It was very small. 10 or 12 by 12 feet. That’s all, the only space she had. And all day long Gertrude sat in this space and watched Christian TV and just loved on Jesus. But one day she comes into Sunday School, and she says, “Stephanie?” She says, “Why on earth would God want to speak to me? I don’t talk to anybody else. I don’t have any way of evangelizing.

BOB: Yeah. She has no influence on anybody.

STEPHANIE: She felt like she had nobody to talk to, except to love her own family when they would come. And I said, “Oh Gertrude.” I said, “You are precious in God’s sight.” And I said, “Think about it. You have the best job on the planet. You get to just worship Jesus.” And I said, “Yes. He wants to talk to you. You’re just as, you’re even maybe more important than talking to the president at times. [laughs] But He wants to speak to you the same as He wants to speak to anybody else on the earth, no matter what kind of power or influence they have.” And she, Gertrude got a hold of that concept.

BOB: Uh-huh.

STEPHANIE: – and began to have the most precious experiences, not only talking to Jesus, but Him talking back to her. And she was realizing that “He does want to talk to me.” And she would just come with tears and amazing experiences. I know she was having angelic experiences, even every day. And even through the night, she was having amazing heaven dreams.

BOB: Yeah. And so, if somebody is feeling like Gertrude,


BOB: -like, you know, I have no influence. You know. But even Gertrude,


BOB: Even if you’re just in a little room by yourself all day long, you can influence the world by hearing from Jesus.

STEPHANIE: That’s right.

BOB: In prayer, and worship, and His presence.

STEPHANIE: Absolutely.

BOB: Now, how about for you? How did you learn to begin to hear from Jesus in your everyday life?

STEPHANIE: I think one of the funniest experiences I had with it, I always felt like I could hear from the Lord, and hear His voice, and understand Him. But I realized that the Lord was repeating things through my day a lot of times. And one of the funniest experiences was – I was sitting at a stop sign one day. And Max Lucado had just written a book called “3:16, The Numbers of Hope.” And so this billboard had this book advertised. And the numbers 3:16 were huge on this board. And I’m sitting there staring at these numbers. And I thought, “Wait a minute. That’s my birthday.” [laughs]

BOB: [Laughs]

STEPHANIE: And then I’m thinking, “I wake up at 3:16 almost every single night, and I know the Lord wants to pray. You know, He wants me to pray.”

BOB: [Laughs]

STEPHANIE: And so I pray at 3:16. And I’m like, “He’s really talking to me through those numbers.” And it was just a stunning revelation. I look back on it now, and I just laugh, because everything’s 3:16. I’ll go to a hotel and, you know, my room number’s 3:16, you know. And I still wake up at 3:16. And I’ll look at the clock at 3:16 during the day. So that number’s all over the place. Well, we can, obviously, tie that to Scripture so easily, because of John 3:16. And many times, if you’re seeing numbers repeat, like 1, 1, 1, or 11, 11, those kinds of numbers – You know, people will say, “What does 4, 4, 4 mean?” And so you tie those numbers to Scripture. And the Lord may be speaking to you right out of His Word. He may be giving you the address. You know, 1, 2, 3, 4 can even be a fantastic Scripture. So just go look up those numbers. Deuteronomy 1:11 is the blessing upon everyone, and how the Lord will bless us a thousand times. But, you know, you just go through and look up from Genesis to Revelation all of the Scriptures with that address, 1:11. And find out what Scripture speaks to you. And then began to stand on it. Every time you see 1, 1, 1, you go immediately, “Lord, I know You’re speaking to me about this blessing. And I know You’re blessing me.” And just, when He’s speaking, you can tie into that and say, “I’m calling on that blessing right now.” Because He’s actually initiating that conversation.

BOB: Well, Stephanie, we’re going to take a break right here. And Stephanie had an encounter with Jesus [music] in her basement laundry room. So we’re going to find out about that in just a moment. We’ll be right back.

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Written by sidroth

February 7th, 2020 at 8:05 am