Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. Bill Hamon

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BILL:  Well in the Latter Rain Movement or the Restoration people didn’t believe much in the individual prophet. You had to be a prophetic presbytery. Three or 4 ministers prophesying over people.

I see.

But I still prophesied individually to different people cause when I moved from Washington down to San Antonio Texas and started teaching in a Bible college there. But then God did something that was very unusual. Very transforming. It’s where I’m at today because of what happened in 1973. 

Wow. Wow.

Twenty years later from ’53 to ’73 I just prophesied now and then. But in ’73 I was in Sacramento California. Dropped in to where a young man I had taught 4 years in Bible College was holding a revival and he asked me if I’d… He had told people that God wants to speak to you. But I don’t prophesy. He says you’re the only one I know that prophesies and here you are. Unexpectedly dropped right in.


And he said would you ask God if he’d give you words for some people. So I did. And it started about 9 o’clock. I started prophesying and got about 15 or 20 I thought okay, that’s the maximum so I stopped and then we just formed a blessing line, you know a “fire tunnel” or whatever they want to call it.

Yeah. Uh-huh.

And so I stood at the head there and the first one I laid hands on, man! Flashes of revelation came of their calling, ministry, what they’re going through, what God’s going to do for them. 


And I saw all of that.

Just like that!

Just banging them! It was just like a volcano.

Bubbling up.

Bubbling up and in. So I said down boy, down boy. You had your quota, you know. Push that one on through. Then the next one and then same thing. But the third one it felt like my volcano was going to erupt! And I said God, I’m not trying to make this happen! What do you want me to do? Do you want me to just lay hands on people and everyone you give me a word for and prophesy to them? 

Yeah. Yeah.

And He said, spoke to me in my Oklahoma lingo, He said “Yeah, boy! Let ‘er rip!”

Let ‘er rip!

And so I laid my hands on! (laughing)

And now let me ask you now, now and we’re going to talk in a little bit about the restoration of the Church. How did that experience really lend itself to God talking to you about the restoration of the Church?

Well they’re really not that connected because it was the 6 years that I attended the restoration teaching in Crescent Beach Bible College just below Vancouver Canada when I pastored in Yakima Valley, in Washington State. I drove up there every year and there was an Apostle Reg Lozelle did teaching and others did teachings, some of the Apostles from Edmonton and different places and they taught on the restoration and that was the first time the revelation came.

Came to you.

That restoration, there’s been a restoration. Before that, that what we call now the Protestant Movement was just a revival. The Evangelical Movement was a move of God. They had moves of God, revivals, awakenings. 

And all that, yeah.

But they didn’t see any connection!

Well Dr. Hamon, what we’re going to do in just a moment we’re going to come back but I want you to talk more about the restoration of the body of Christ and to those watching we’re going to go deeper into this because I want you to hear this revelation that is really life-changing! It’s going to affect the way you interact with the body of Christ from now on! Just a moment we’ll be back on “Something More!”


Hey friends! We’re back with Dr. Bill Hamon, a pioneer in the prophetic movement and we’re talking about the power of the Holy Spirit and the restoration of the Church. Dr. Hamon, on our last segment you were talking about how God began to walk you through this process really through teaching you and you talk about prophetic presbyteries and the experiences you begin to have.


And how that led you to this place of getting this revelation of the restoration of the Church. Could you share more about that?

Yeah. In 1955 I started teaching on the restoration of the Church. A very minimal deal but then it kept growing and growing. Then I taught it. Then I wrote the book on “The Eternal Church” which covers the origination, the deterioration and the restoration of the Church. Out of the 400 pages, 173 is on the restoration of the Church. 


And I’ll explain what restoration means here in just a moment.


And then I started teaching on that all the way around the world. And I went to the first time in South Africa and then distributed books there. And so what the restoration of the Church is people have to understand that the Church started out victorious.


You know apostle’s demonstrating the miracles. The Book of Acts is the foundation, the doctrine.


And the manifestations for the New Testament Church.

Yes, Sir. 

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Written by sidroth

September 7th, 2019 at 4:39 am