Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for August, 2019

Our Guest Jamie Galloway

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JAMIE: You see this big fish come out of nowhere and just “bah!” Spit a man out! Now they’re going show us a sign Jesus and Jesus says “No! No sign except the sign of Jonah!” What is He saying? Not just those signs, I’m not just going to heal, I’m going to do something so outrageous it’s going to capture the attention of an entire nation! If we saw a man spit out of a fish up on the beach you better believe me the whole city’s going to come out to find out what happened!

AUDIENCE: That’s right.

JAMIE: It’s going to change the nation and so it is with Jesus! He wants to do greater works and sometimes we’re asking Him for little works but He wants to do greater works. I’ve come, I been sent commissioned because I believe God wants to give us not just a “works mentality” but a “greater works mentality.” That you would walk in a greater works mentality! Now here’s the deal. Okay. He goes on from there and Jesus honestly is a little irritated because the Pharisees are bugging Him about a sign, and He left them, in verse 13, getting into the boat again and departed to the other side. Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread. Say “bread!”


JAMIE: And they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat. Say “one loaf!”

AUDIENCE: One loaf!

JAMIE: Bread.


JAMIE: One loaf.

AUDIENCE: One loaf.

JAMIE: “Then Jesus charged them saying take heed. Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” The leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. He’s warning His disciples about something that’s hidden in plain sight. It’s actually at work and it’s corrupting their vision. Here’s what I want you to see. This is powerful. Watch this! It says “and they reasoned among themselves saying is it because we have no bread.” Where did the bread go? No bread. Say “one loaf.”

AUDIENCE: One loaf.

JAMIE: Say “no bread.”

AUDIENCE: No bread.

JAMIE: What happened to the bread? Now they don’t see the bread. It was there before. Now it’s gone. Who ate it? There was a loaf of bread. Now it’s gone. What happened to them that caused them to no longer to be able to see the loaf that is right in front of their eyes? Jesus says “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” Say “one loaf.”

AUDIENCE: One loaf.

JAMIE: Say “no bread.”

AUDIENCE: No bread.

JAMIE: Now does no bread mean one loaf?


JAMIE: Does one loaf mean no bread? No! No bread is no bread! I grew up in a family when my father made bread everyone in the house knew bread was in the house! And my father would make fresh homemade bread every Sunday. And every one of us, myself, my two brothers, my sister we would run down, put our hands on that hot bread, burn our hands, cut it and eat it as fast as we could! And we didn’t let anybody else eat it. Even though it was for everybody else we didn’t let anybody else eat it. So imagine 12 disciples in a boat and they all have their eyes on the bread. Scarcity mentality!


JAMIE: You better believe me they’re all looking at that loaf of bread. Jesus says “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” What happens when the leaven of Pharisees and the leaven of Herod grips you? It causes you no longer to be able to see what’s right there in front of your face! You see that person walking past you and they’re needing Jesus, they’re needing a miracle and they’re just another person not even on your radar. You can’t see what’s right in front of your face! I believe there’s someone out there right now that you need a miracle! You need God to show up in your situation! And He’s going to give you, eyes to see what’s hidden in plain sight that you could walk in the supernatural! I believe you’re seeing things around you but you don’t know how to make sense of them. I believe today’s message is going to help you and you’re going to begin to see those things that are hidden in plain sight! God wants to give you, eyes to see. Here’s what the kingdom’s leaven, would do. Remember Jesus talked about the leaven of the kingdom? Matthew 13, Jesus spoke about the leaven of the kingdom. Follow me. The leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod diminishes something. It makes the miracles seem less valuable. But the leaven of the kingdom makes something small a big deal! Here’s what I want you to know. To walk in the supernatural you’ve got to make a big deal about what God is doing in your life! We’ve been trained you know don’t make a big deal about it because we make a big deal about Jesus but the other things are, side issues when it comes to His signs and wonders and miracles. But Jesus says this: “Whatever you hear in secret shout it from the rooftops!” Why does he give us permission to do that yet the religious spirit is trying to prohibit us from identifying what it is He is doing today! I think we’re afraid of falling into error and if you’re afraid of falling into the error you’ve already fallen into error. You’ve already fallen into a trap of deception that keeps you from living in a place of faith and believing. We stick to Jesus and we believe, for miracles, and the supernatural. So here’s what happens. Jesus says “Why do you reason,” in verse 17, “because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? Having eyes do you not see? Having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember?” Say “remember!”

AUDIENCE: Remember!

Written by sidroth

August 27th, 2019 at 6:52 am

Our Guest Jamie Galloway

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LARRY: Welcome to Something More! This is Larry Sparks and today we’re going to talk about something very interesting. In fact the show is called “Something More.” I believe God wants you to experience more! There is a realm behind the veil. Behind what you can see with your natural eyes there’s a whole world that’s taking place! There’s an invisible realm of the spirit and I believe our guest today is going to share some insight and revelation that’s going to open your eyes to see into that invisible realm because let me tell you every believer I believe God’s given access to every single Christian into that realm! So Jamie, nice to see you! Nice to have you here!

JAMIE: Larry, thank you.

LARRY: I want to talk to you about the “see-er” anointing today.

JAMIE: Yeah.

LARRY: It’s one of those things when we start talking about a “see-er,” people are like okay, I don’t know if I know what that is. Or if people are knowledgeable in scripture they’ll say well maybe is that an Old Testament type of thing. So if I were to ask you, Jamie, what is a “see-er,” what would a modern “see-er” look like, what would you say?

JAMIE: Yeah, that’s a great question. You know First Samuel 9:9 we know that you know before anyone went to a prophet, they formerly were in Israel and were going to the “see-er’s” house.

LARRY: Yeah, yeah.

JAMIE: As First Samuel 9:9 says that he who is now called a prophet was once called a “see-er”


JAMIE: And that kinds of scares people. So does that mean I’m a prophet if I’m a “see-er”?

LARRY: Yeah. Yeah.

JAMIE: And I would just simplify it and make it super simple.

LARRY: Yeah.

JAMIE: Charles Spurgeon, one of the most greatest Baptist preachers, he said this very interesting thing about “see-ers.” He says before anyone can be a prophet or a spokesperson for God, they must first be a “see-er.


JAMIE: And he related “see-er,” that whole realm, this understanding, to intimacy.


JAMIE: And it’s really gazing into who God is, what He’s about, what He has.

LARRY: Yeah.

JAMIE: And then operating out of that. Seeing beyond the veil and gazing into the glory and the beauty of God and then living out of that place, that splendor of His majesty and then our ministry or our purpose flows from seeing and then we walk in the prophetic from there.

LARRY: Yeah. Well I think that’s so powerful because I think sometimes and you know some people get a little aggravated with the kind of the faith movement sometimes where it’s like well I’m declaring this and I’m confessing this, that’s actually a valid principle.

JAMIE: Very.

LARRY: Declaration, confession. But I feel like the “see-er” anointing goes hand-in-hand with that because it’s almost like I want to see into the invisible realm of the spirit. I want to see into God. I want to see into His world what He’s doing so I can actually align my prayers and my declarations with what God is already doing!

JAMIE: Yeah. It’s important that, I like that

LARRY: because I think it’s important for us to recognize that God wants to give us eyes to see. He doesn’t want to just give us a know-how in our spirit or even a deeper understanding.

LARRY: Yeah.

JAMIE: That’s important.

LARRY: Yeah, that’s good.

JAMIE: But it comes out of seeing. I’m a visual person. I’ve taken some recent tests over the last week or so and just really interesting tests, personality tests, and they tell me that first and foremost my primary way of learning is visual.

LARRY: Yeah, yeah.

JAMIE: My last way of learning is through my ears.


JAMIE: But so many people out there they’re having a hard time capturing the message because they’re not using their eyes where you know we find in the scripture he says you know I will watch to see what He will say to me. I will watch to see what He will say to me. You know so how do we watch to see what He’s saying? And that’s where I feel we need to understand the concept that God wants to use our eyes to see in the realm of the spirit and then from there to seize what it is that He’s trying to display to us!

Written by sidroth

August 18th, 2019 at 6:03 am

Our Guest Cleddie Keith

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CLEDDIE: And I was sitting there thinking to myself well if it wasn’t you God it should have killed them. Amen!


CLEDDIE: I didn’t have a great deal of sympathy for them. And then I saw this one person and I was like looking like this almost like I was in a trance. I was going – – … and then I went like this.


CLEDDIE: It was my wife!


CLEDDIE: Now my wife can’t chew gum and talk and walk at the same time.


CLEDDIE: She is uncoordinated. I mean she’ll tell you now she’s uncoordinated and the Holy Ghost got a hold of my wife! Now if you know if the Holy Spirit gets hold of the preacher’s wife it has to be God!


CLEDDIE: She had jumped up, I found out later, Sid, she ran into a laminated beam that we have in the church. She ran straight in it. Knocked her back on her back and she was laying on the floor laughing and she got up and she started, this was on Sunday morning folks!


CLEDDIE: This is not supposed to happen on Sunday morning and she started running around the building and I knew right then the move of God was on! We had service twice a day for the next 3 or 4 years. We had service twice a day except on Saturday and we would have greater crowds on Wednesday night than we’d had on Sunday morning! One night I fell out under the power. How many of you know what falling out under the power is? I’m not going to do that! I’m not going to you know make a fool out of myself! You know but God doesn’t have a great deal of respect for my feelings.


CLEDDIE: I was just under the influence and I was laying on the floor and all I could do was move my finger like that. I could move that little finger.


CLEDDIE: This is a true story. My associate, my youth pastor, and worship leader was Dan McCollum. He’s just written a great book on prophecy. He works out in Northern California. He works with Bill Johnson’s people out there in Global Legacy and what happened all I could do is move that little finger. He comes down and looks at me moving my little finger. He said well he’s giving an altar call!


CLEDDIE: And I was! And thirty people jumped up and ran down to the altar and got saved!


CLEDDIE: I mean it was amazing! It was like that night and day! I mean it was, it was, I remember one day there was a whole bunch of people came into my office in the middle of the day. And when they got together the power of God would fall! It was any kind of thing that could happen! It was dangerous to come together if you were at work if you came by the church. And so I was there and I had my son was going through a great problem at that time and I pulled into the parking lot and I began to sing a little song. I write songs every once in a while. And I was singing Hide me away, mon, in the cleft of the rock, mon. In the cleft of the rock, mon, please hide me away. Oh, hide me away, mon, in the cleft of the rock, mon. In the cleft of the rock, mon, please hide me away. No power, no foe can cancel my new birth. No power, no foe can take away my worth. Cause I’m hiding away in the cleft of the rock. In the cleft of the rock, I’m just hiding away. We started singing that about 8 o’clock one morning and 2 o’clock in the afternoon were still singing it!


CLEDDIE: And there are people all over the floor in my office. The mailman comes to deliver the mail.


CLEDDIE: He comes walking up in the office and he sees all these people laying there and singing songs and he comes in like that and he’s stepping over bodies with his back to the wall. I don t know what he told them down at the post office.


CLEDDIE: I’ve seen our gymnasium when we had no music out there where there’d be three of four hundred people slain in the spirit. I’m talking about in a local church! It was like it became a portal. It was like God begin to move. You see what had happened about three months into it I thought I needed to call some men that had real influence on my life and I called my friend. His name was Leonard Ravenhill. And I said Brother Ravenhill, have you ever heard anything about the move of God in America? And I didn’t know he told the Lord he said I don’t want You to take me home until the next move of God hits North America.


CLEDDIE: And he said no, Cleddie, I haven’t heard anything about it. I said Brother Len, God is moving! I begin to describe things to him that he knew because he was from Great Britain. He was peers with men that had been a part of the Great Welsh Revival. Men like you know Smith Wigglesworth. He knew because he had seen these manifestations of the Spirit before. He knew it was God! He died three months later.

AUDIENCE: Jesus! Mm.

CLEDDIE:  I’m going to tell you right now there has to be a hunger! And I don’t preach to minds. I don’t preach to heads. I’m preaching to your heart! I’m speaking to your heart right now. And I want to give you some reasons why that people don’t have a move of God in their life. Would you like to know?


Written by sidroth

August 7th, 2019 at 5:11 am