Our Guests Dr. Michael Brown & Dr. Sandra Kennedy
SID: Hello. I’m here with my guest, Dr. Sandra Kennedy. And Sandra, you see thousands of people healed. What’s your secret? How do you get so many healed?
SANDRA: You know, just in all honesty it has to do with simplicity of the Word, teaching the Word so simple and holding on to one of my favorite scriptures, which is, “Let God be true and let man be a liar.” Trusting the Word of the Lord, falling in love with Jesus, making up my mind that if he said it he will do it and I can trust him, and taking that Word, and breaking it down, and teaching it to you, so that you end up believing and loving the Lord, and you just take it.
SID: You know what’s so wonderful, what she teaches not only works for thousands of other people, it works for her.
SANDRA: Yes it does.
SID: Tell me about the time your nice little dog bit off part of your lip.
SANDRA: Yes, it bit off from right here to right here, about a quarter, a nickel-size of my lip. And the doctor told me the upper lip could not regrow itself and the bottom lip would. But anyway, I go to the hospital, they do surgery, they tell me I’ve got to have all these surgeries again and I said, no, I’m never going to have another surgery, and I said, because God is going to heal it. Then of course, they wanted me to look at this book showing all these cleft lips and how I would never be able to speak and never be able to say anything.
SID: I bet you drove the plastic surgeon nuts.
SANDRA: I absolutely did.
SID: For saying you did not want this plastic surgery.
SANDRA: I did. I drove him absolutely nuts. And when I’d go in, he’d go to show me a book. I wouldn’t look at it. I said, “No, I’m going to get pictures of me looking really good with a big smile.” Because he said I’d never have a smile again.
SID: And instead of mirrors, you wouldn’t look in a mirror while God was doing his miracle.
SANDRA: Yes. I put a picture of me looking really good and a big smile, you know. And then I’d look in the mirror and I’d talk to it. I’d say, “You hear me. I command you in the name of Jesus, you straighten yourself out,” just like that.
SID: Now after God healed you.
SID: You saw the plastic surgeon. What did he say to you?
SANDRA: Listen, I saw him back then, but I just recently, Sid, saw him. After about 14 years, I saw him and he said to me, “What have you done to your lip?” And I said, “Nothing. I’ve never had another thing done to it except what you did 14 years ago on the operating table, and all you did was slice, cut out some of the bad spots and pull it together, and tie together with cat gut. But I’ve never had anything else done. My God did this.” And he said, “He did a really good job.”
SID: Well in addition to plastic surgery, tell me about someone that you taught this person that had an incurable disease. It was Crohn’s disease.
SANDRA: Crohn’s disease, yes.
SID: What I want to know is it’s wonderful that this woman was healed of an incurable disease. But explain to me what happened with the diagnostic x-rays that proved she had Crohn’s disease.
SANDRA: Well she took them and went to another state to a specialist to try to get some, took her old x-rays with her and went to another state to get some input from them, I think to have surgery done or something. Anyway, when she delivered her x-rays, in the meantime, she took a Bible, turned the Bible upside down on top of her x-rays and kept believing the Word of God to go into those, you know, it matters what you believe. It truly matters what you believe. It matters what you think. And she put that Bible on top of those x-rays and by the time she got to a specialist and he picked up the old x-rays, they were perfect. Nothing, he could find nothing.
SID: That’s impossible. You’re telling me the x-rays changed?
SANDRA: I’m telling you.
SID: That the original diagnostic x-ray, I mean, I understand she was healed, but you’re stretching me.
SANDRA: I know. I said the x-rays are healed.
SID: Well I’m going to tell you, I don’t think any of us have comprehended how important the Word of God is. It’s living. It’s alive. It’s like taking Jesus into you. And we have a brand new Bible. It’s The Supernatural Bible. I have Dr. Sandra Kennedy’s notes in here on healing. I have a section on tongues that when you read that you will, if you’re praying an hour a day, you’ll be praying two hours. If you’re not praying, you’ll be praying in tongues. It motivates you to pray in tongues. I have the hidden meaning that the devil has hidden from us about the blood of Jesus. And what I so love is your notes. I had Sandra pick out her favorite scriptures, they’re highlighted in the Bible with a gray [highlighting] and then she explains these notes. And I have to tell you, all I know about healing, my faith went zoom as I read it. Any time I’m struggling with something, I want to read your notes. You told me when you wrote the notes, what happened.
SANDRA: I mean, faith just arose in the room. It was unbelievable. Sid, it was fun, it was exciting, it was like Jesus was right there in the room with us. I mean, it was probably one of the most exciting things I’ve ever done. It just poured out of me as I would begin to do it. It would just pour out stories. It was thrilling.
SID: Well we’ll have Sandra back. But in the next segment, I’m going to have my friend Dr. Michael Brown. And Dr. Brown was a rock musician, into drugs. He finds Jesus. He immediately goes to rabbis and starts telling them how wonderful our Messiah is, and did he get the shock of his life. It totally changed his destiny. Be right back.