Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guests Hakeem & Naim Collins

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SID: Okay. So Naim, what’s the word “Naim” mean, by the way?


NAIM: My name Naim, it’s the ruler name in Arabic. It means peacemaker. It means one who is tranquil, one who is stable.


SID: Hakeem, is he a peacemaker and tranquil except when he fights with you?


HAKEEM: Yes, he is.


SID: Let me ask you this because so few understand this, and that is soul ties. Hakeem, what is a soul tie? Give me some examples.


HAKEEM: Well a soul tie is basically a mutual bonding or knitting, or tie of the soul. It has to be two parties that are coming together in agreement. And so a soul tie can also be something financial. You can have a financial soul tie. Soul ties are established verbally, contractually.


SID: So I think in terms when I hear that someone had an intimate relationship before they were married and they say, well I guess it’s over, but that can be affecting them even today.


HAKEEM: Exactly. You know, a sexual encounter can establish a soul tie. And so but biblically when we think about a covenant, a legal soul tie is established by a man and a woman in marriage. But there are those who have been in past relationships who may have moved on to a new relationship and they’re feeling the effects or the trauma from that past one, even though they have a new one. And so sometimes we have to break and sever those pasts or even present soul ties and soul agreements because they had impacted our lives now. There are those who are now in new relationships that are affected by hurt, abuse, verbal abuse, all those things that have happened because of what is established in the past.


SID: It just keeps rolling on and on.


HAKEEM: It’s a cycle.


SID: Unless you know how to break that cycle you’re in trouble. You know another thing the Bible talks specifically about how bad a sexual sin outside of marriage is. And do you know why it’s so bad? Because you become one with that partner and every demon they have has legal access to enter you. I mean, that’s why it’s not that God is trying to hurt you, he’s trying to help you by letting you know this.




SID: Now tell me about a blockage involving financial risk.


HAKEEM: Well that’s where I got a revelation from the Lord because I found in my own finances, I worked in banking for some time, for seven times. So me working in banking I felt like I had an anointing of Joseph.


SID: You didn’t go to prison.


NAIM: Right. I didn’t see the manifestation, so I’m like, well God, I just got a new job, I get paid well, but I was finding some patterns. There was these, I felt like there was holes in my pocket. It was like I was sowing, I was tithing, I was doing the best that I can. I was obeying the Word of God, but naturally and financially I was hitting a wall. And so the Lord gave me a vision. When I went into a season of fasting, the Lord literally gave me a vision, and in this vision I saw a web. This web had all the jobs, the names of the jobs, the previous jobs that I had, the names were on this web, every name. And so they were stuck. And so as I was praying and God showed me this web then I literally saw these papers that were coming down from Heaven and on them were contracts and they had “Debt” on them, and my signature was on these contracts that were coming down. They were invoices, debt. I had to break and sever those old contracts that I had with human resources, those jobs that went in bankruptcy, the jobs that merged. The jobs that had financial or legal issues were impacting my finances. Even though I was moved on to a new employment, but spiritually, it was impacting me. So I had to sever and cut those webs, those cords, those soul agreements because my signature was on those documents when that job went into bankruptcy. And so I was finding holes in my finances. Once I got that revelation, God began to now show me how to break it, sever the soul agreement. I repented. I stood in the gap and right after that I saw instantaneously miracles, financially. My credit score went up 160 points. I saw checks that were coming in the mail out of nowhere. There were even jobs that I applied for five and six years ago, they were calling me, emailing me. This was a time where I believe that God would give me the revelation to break the soul agreement so that I can prosper. And so even those that are watching right now, I just sense that you felt like you were in a financial dilemma. You felt like you’ve been stuck, you’ve been tithing, you’ve been giving.


SID: By the way, I just heard there are people watching that everything they invest in goes sour, everything.


NAIM: Everything.


SID: Pray for them, too.


NAIM: Even your investments, even if you got stocks and you got bonds, things that you have saved, and you got CDs or you have money market accounts, or you have even an inheritance, anyone who wants to rob you of the inheritance and the blessing that God desires for you to walk in. And I break right now every illegal soul tie, every illegal agreement that has been established, every old job that merged or went out of business, that went in bankruptcy that are impacting you, I break its agreement. I break its influence. I break its power. I decree and declare that that this will be the season when you find prophetic breakthrough, financial breakthrough. You’re going to begin to see supernatural wealth being released in your life. You’re going to begin to see things happen because of those old paths, relationships that has affected you. I break you from the past. I break you from the hurt. I break you from the trauma. I break you free. Today, this is your day of liberty. This is the day you’re being set free. This is the day you’re accelerating. This is the day I declare and decree that you should [move into] a season of breakthrough. Receive it today.


SID: Real quick before we go off the air, you told me something that God showed you about the blessings connected with Israel and the embassy. Explain.


HAKEEM: Yes. God gave me a vision in prayer concerning America and its relationship with Israel. And one of the things that God showed me that there was going to be, the embassy was going to definitely move back to Jerusalem, and I saw that transfer taking place. Once that begins to take place, we’re going to begin to see one of the greatest revivals and one of the greatest awakenings, not only for America, for the world. I believe that there is a tipping point and God is raising up millennials. He’s raising up young people. He’s raising up the young generation. There is a tidal wave of God’s Glory that’s about to be released right now. And even as I’m talking to Sid, but even those that are watching right now, you’re a millennial, you’re even the oldest season generation, get ready. There is a merging that’s coming together. There is an explosion, there is a tidal wave of God’s Glory that’s about to be released. I’m telling you, there is a prophetic breakthrough. The blessings of the Lord will make it rich and has no sorrow. I break every sorrow. I break every trauma. Get ready. This is your season where you’re about to experience the miracle Glory. Some of you have been waiting on God, but God says the wait and delay is over. I break every curse. I break every soul agreement. This is your time. Get ready for prophetic breakthrough.


NAIM: And I even will say that those that are watching, I say the son and daughter of the Lord said that this will be the season of prophetic breakthrough. The Lord says this will be the season that you’re not just going to be anointed, but the Lord said, “But my Glory is about to converge.” And you’re about to see the presence of God like you’ve never known. Get ready for there is a global awakening that’s going to start in your house and there’s going to be a supernatural current of God’s power, his thrust, his presence. You’re about to see the supernatural. Creative miracles are about to be your portion, creative miracles. You’re going to see limbs grown. You’re going to see eyes begin to grow. You’re going to see things change around about you. Get ready because God says this Glory is coming upon you, not for this age, but ages to come. Get ready and receive it now in Jesus’s mighty name.


SID: And I have got one word for you: Breakthrough!

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Written by sidroth

December 20th, 2017 at 6:59 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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