Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Jonathan Cahn

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MICHAEL BROWN: Welcome back, friends. I am here with my guest Jonathan Cahn. All right, this is kind of mind blowing stuff, and obviously you’re reading the Word and it started to jump off the pages. Wow, we’ve seen this before. Could it be happening again? So let’s keep going. Where are things after Bill Clinton?


JONATHAN CAHN: Well a few things. First of all, in the book, in “The Paradigm” there’s something called the nemesis. Now here’s something that happens in “The Paradigm,” in the ancient one and what’s happening now. In the time of that king, Ahab, comes a nemesis, an arch enemy of Israel. He rises up and he threatens Israel. He threatens to invade it. He actually will invade it. He becomes, and so he, in the time of Ahab, Ahab actually has a chance to eliminate this man and he doesn’t do it, and God actually judges him. What happens, and this man, this enemy is going to bring destruction to the land. Okay. Could this happen actually now? Well here’s the paradigm. In the days of that king, that’s Clinton, will rise a nemesis, an enemy of the nation. Well he rises from the Middle East and according to the paradigm, and his name is Osama Bin Laden. He rises in this time. He threatens America. Clinton actually has a chance to take him out, I’m not judging him, just like Ahab did, but he passes on it. It will end up bringing destruction to America. That happens there. In the paradigm, the man’s name, his name is kind of a hyphenated name, it’s Ben-Hadad. Well that first name in Arabic, B-N, in Hebrew it’s just B-N, Ben or Bin. It even gives the parameter of his name, Bin Laden has the same first part. The thing is calamity comes on the land, but then remember how long it took to get Bin Laden? It took many years. They thought they would get him. You know, but what happened, according to the paradigm, here’s what happens. It actually says he will be assassinated, according to the paradigm. It says, according to the paradigm, he will be assassinated in his bedroom. While he’s sleeping they will come in and he will be assassinated in his bedroom. So Bin Laden was, so this ancient nemesis was. And actually, according to the paradigm, it says he will be assassinated ten years after the calamity. Go ten years, it brings you to 2011, the assassination of Bin Laden.


MICHAEL BROWN: The life of Ahab.




MICHAEL BROWN: The scandal with a man named Naboth, in Hebrew, Nabot, what happened?


JONATHAN CAHN: Yes. Well just to give a brief thing, you know, it involves Ahab and Jezebel. They take the vineyard of this man. They kill him. They have a false witness. He breaks about like maybe half of the Ten Commandments almost to do this, coveting and false witness. Well it’s a scandal. So it’s not just that there’s apostasy, there’s scandal. Well the Clinton years were also known, obviously, for scandal and there was a major, the major scandal happened, involved also coveting, also false witness and many things. And so when did it happen? According to the paradigm, in happens in the 19th year of Ahab. Okay, that’s when it happens. So let’s take what we had before. Clinton comes on the stage in 1979, add 19 years, it brings you to the year 1998. That is the year of the Lewinsky scandal, the great scandal of his presidency. In fact, he came on the stage January of 1998. Add the 19 years, it comes to January. January 1998 pinpoints the month that the scandal breaks.


MICHAEL BROWN: What is the Mystery of Days?


JONATHAN CAHN: Okay. All right. Here is the thing. There’s a lot of things that we only, of course, we won’t have chance to touch on things.


MICHAEL BROWN: Just touch on it.


JONATHAN CAHN: But just to give you an example here. When then scandal is uncovered of Ahab, and he’s rebuked by Elijah, okay, he actually repents. The Bible says he repented and so God says, okay, I’m not going to bring judgment right now. I’m going to give a certain space of time. How long was that time? It was three years. Okay, so first thing, could an American president actually repent publicly? Well it’s only happened really once where someone told him, it was actually Bill Clinton and finally he repented of that affair. Now he did, when did that happen? It happened in the White House. It happened at the White House Prayer Breakfast where he finally says, “Listen, I didn’t repent before, this is my repentance. I have sinned.” It happens in there. So let’s take the paradigm. The paradigm, three, if you go to the Bible, three years after the king’s repentance there will be a calamity that comes on the land. Okay. You can see it in the Bible. So three years after. So if you take the moment of his repentance, add three years to it, it brings you to an exact date, it brings you to September 11, 2001, the exact day of the calamity. In fact, he repented in the morning. You take three years to the day in the morning, it happens in the morning. That event started at 8:30. That pinpoints the hour of 9/11. It happened at 8:46. The repentance of the king happens between 9 and 10. That’s the peak of 9/11. The event ended at 10:30. 9/11 ended when the last tower came down at 10:29, within one minute of three years. That’s how exact this is, Mike. This is the master blueprint.

MICHAEL BROWN: All right, what happens to the queen? We know Jezebel has an heir.




MICHAEL BROWN: The parallel here, the queen and the heir.


JONATHAN CAHN: Yes. People think that Ahab got killed, then Jezebel gets judged. No. Jezebel, this is what happens. The king’s reign ends, but Jezebel goes on in the halls of power. She remains in the halls of power, she dwells in the capitol city, she keeps going for some, for a good period of time, even that time period is going to be exact, too. So she goes on and then, and at one point we know Hillary Clinton, what happens with her, she goes on, she stays in power, she stays in the halls of power, and then she attempts to be president. Well according to the paradigm, at least during this time she doesn’t become president. What happens is this, another, someone else becomes, a man who is a lot younger than her, in the paradigm, becomes president, Joram. Joram opens up the next template and that is Obama.


MICHAEL BROWN: So he’s the heir.


JONATHAN CAHN: He’s the heir because, he’s not related by flesh and blood, but he follows in the footsteps, he takes the agenda of Bill Clinton and he continues it into this, he’s the political heir of that. Now Joram dwells in the palace with the former queen. So exactly, even that, he invites Hillary Clinton, they dwell together in that time. What you see, he’s a cooler personality. He’s all over the place, but what you see is a hostility to God, a continuous hostility to God in that and that’s what you see as well in the Obama years. But also, interesting, when I mention that the nemesis is killed later on. Well he’s killed in the reign of Joram. It means during Obama, the paradigm is saying during Obama, during that time, Osama Bin Laden will be killed. And actually Jezebel and Joram are in the White House. So Obama and Hillary Clinton are in the White House when he’s killed.


MICHAEL BROWN: All right. Could it be that this paradigm actually predicts President Trump and what’s happening?




MICHAEL BROWN: That’s where we’re going next.

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Written by sidroth

September 13th, 2017 at 9:04 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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