Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Archive for October, 2016

Our Guest John McTernan

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Sid: Everyone knows that God doesn’t wink at sin. But most people feel that there’s a certain length of time that they can get with it. And maybe your day of reckoning will come 10 years from today, 20 years from today. But I have a guest that has documented that the exact date the United States as a nation does what God constitutes, and just look at the 10 commandments for starters, what God constitutes as sin the exact day a warning judgment comes and it’s so many times that if more Christians understood that God is a holy God who is looking at everything that we do with a since of love to stop us from getting into areas that will require judgment we wouldn’t dare do the things do. I’m talking about believer’s image what happens to non-believers. I have on the telephone John McTernan, now John wrote a book called “God’s final warning to America.” On October 11, 1987 John McTernan that spent 26 years as a Federal Agent he was with the Internal Security Division of IRS. Something very unusual happened to you on that day John tell me about it.

John: Well Sid I was watching TV and it was the news and it had a story on about a rather large, in fact up until the time the largest homosexual gathering I think possibly in history, took place in Washington DC. And the homosexuals were gathering for their rights and to promote their agenda and I watched it I didn’t know that it was taking place I just picked it up when it was on the news and I turned the news the TV off because it troubled my spirit to watch it so I walked away. At that point Sid I didn’t think of praying, interceding, I didn’t think God would be offended by that. Of course I wasn’t personally happy by it but I forgot about it. And then that week that very week the stock market melted down to, at that time to record levels with the following Monday the big crash in 1987 do you remember that Sid?

Sid: Yes I do I used to be a stock broker with Merrill Lynch so I do keep an eye on the market.

John: Okay well then this is oh about 8 days later and I’m watching the news again and there’s a newscaster on it and he was obviously shaken by this stock market crash his lip was actually quivering. As I was watching him I had this like this flash back it was like a vision Sid and I could see the week before and I could see the TV. I was looking at the TV but I was actually seeing the week before. I saw the homosexual gathering and the news commentator and all of a sudden I heard in my inner man the voice of the Lord saying that this stock market crash was in response to this homosexual march and that I didn’t fear the Lord otherwise I would have interceded. Otherwise the country is naked and open before me in judgment because the fear of Me has been lost. It was as if it was like overwhelming I actually fell prostrate on the ground before the TV and I repented. And if you had asked me on the day before if I feared God I would have said “Oh yes I do I fear God” but I really didn’t Sid and at this point God opened my eyes that we had fallen under His judgment as a nation. And from that day to this I have been documented one instance after another where as you mentioned in the introduction there will be a Supreme Court decision regarding abortion let’s say, and at that very day a hurricane will smash into the country.

Sid: You know that was the thing that was so overwhelming to me in your book John. It’s not like in the same year, it’s not like in the same 6 months, it’s not like in the same month it’s the same day!

John: Yes Sid.

Sid: I don’t think people realize this correlation.

John: And it’s bit 1 Sid it’s like every major…every hurricane since 1989 has fallen on one of those days everyone. All the major earthquakes 6.0 or greater have fallen on those days. Massive tornadoes that sweep up whole small towns are falling on those days. The stock market has gone at one point to all time heights since 1987. And in my book I fully document where each major will say dip in the stock market were to fall 100 points in l day and things like that they’re all around or should say the very day abortion event a national homosexual event or touching the apple of God’s eye which is Israel.

Sid: I want to take you back to October 11th 1987 was this just like an inner sense what you’re describing to me? Did the presence of God come on you? Did He speak to you audibly? Explain I know that you told me what you saw but what did you feel? What did you experience?

John: Sid it was not an external voice it was an internal voice but it was so powerful that I was like overwhelmed by it it was….the voice specifically spoke at me about not fearing “You don’t fear Me” that’s exactly what I heard. “If you feared Me you would have interceded when you saw that march.” And I was sort of like shamed I remember that I was ashamed before the Lord but it was Sid it was like me and God alone it was like time stopped where I was at the time and I was just being…I don’t want to use the word lectured I was being spoken to by the Lord.

Sid: But you know John the Bible says that there’s a judgment day for everyone of us wouldn’t you rather have had your warning on that date so that you could change than when you die and go to judgment day?

John: Absolutely Sid. I mean you I could sense what it was to be in the presence of the Lord and not quite right with Him. And that was what it was Sid and I repented. I mean He didn’t tell me to repent I just realized that I was wrong in my understanding of the Lord and right then and there I fell on the ground and I cried out to Him and said “Lord” it was like pride was exposed to me also. Because it was if you had asked me like the day before if I said the day before if you had come to me and say to me “Do you fear the Lord?” I would have said “Oh yes I fear the Lord definitely.” But when God showed me what the true fear of the Lord was I immediately repented.

Sid: Help me “What is the true fear of the Lord?”

John: Sid it’s real simple the true fear of the Lord is to as we see in the book of Job “To shoo evil to hate evil, to flee evil, to flee sin.” And you mentioned it in the introduction that thinking that you can sin and get away with it and all of that.

Sid: It impossible to watch secular television without witnessing illicit sex, drugs, homosexuality, nudity, pornography, I mean you can’t even watch that. Even if you choose what you’re watching they’ll slip a commercial in.

John: Your right Sid and I watch very very very very little TV I like to watch college football and you watch football and the advertisement will be for some show on and advertisement is exactly as you say. We’ve become …sin is promoted on it now and it’s encouraged and it’s promoted and there’s no fear of God anymore it’s gone.

Sid: What is God trying to tell us by you correlating all of these events of sin and then a judgment coming the same say what is God telling us?

John: God’s telling us a couple of things that’s a very good question. Number 1 the object of the book and what I believe that God’s showing me and showing the nation He’s holy and that God’s holy and that He’s not winking at sin. And #2 we’re to truly fear him over sin when we see homosexuals like gay pride day the church should fear the Lord over that and intercede before Him for our nation and that His word is real Sid. God’s word is authority it’s real. When He says in His word that He’s going to judge and destroy nations over the very sin that America’s doing. And as you said already precisely on these days and we see the hurricanes hitting and these stock market crashes and all of these combined it’s a warning that we’re on a collision course with God. And what He says in His word He’s going to do.

Sid: John give me one specific sin and what the judgment was pick one out of the large numbers of events that you have in your book.

John: Okay the centerpiece of the book is June 28, 1992 that was Gay Pride Day. And on June 28 and Gay Pride Day let me just explain to your listeners is the last Sunday in June and it’s been going on since about 1970. It started the late ‘60s early 70’s and its most of the major cities in the nation celebrate it New York celebrates Gay Pride Day, Boston, Chicago, Los Angles, San Francisco and Atlanta and there are other cities too. And the homosexual march and their supporters come out and very rude things happen. I have seen oh boy horrible things Sid oh boy I’ve seen a Gay Pride Day in San Francisco where it was the real thing and it wasn’t edited for the news of TV and it was so vulgar I wouldn’t dare repeat on the telephone what I saw with my eyes taking place. So any way on this day June 28, 1992 it was Gay Pride Day 2 massive earthquakes in southern California. One was 7.6 on the rector scale and the other was 6.5 on the rector scale. And the big one was called Landers Quake and in fact when you read the newspapers count the accounts of the earthquake in the Los Angeles Times the front page is “Gay Pride Day and the Earthquake and that’s all that’s on the first page.

Sid: We’re out of time.

Written by sidroth

October 20th, 2016 at 9:55 am

Our Guest John Turnipseed

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SID: Just before John was arrested, he asked God for two things. What were those two things?

JOHN: I asked him, I knew I was going to jail and I let my children down once again. I said, “God, I want my children to forgive me and to love me one more time. And Father, I want to teach again” because I was a licensed teacher and I knew it would be taken away. I loved teaching so much. I wanted to teach again. And that’s the only [thing] that I asked. I didn’t ask him not to go to jail. I didn’t ask him anything else.

SID: The judge could have put you away for life. Sentencing day, tell me about it.

JOHN: Sentencing day comes around and in Minnesota we have the career criminal division, and when they prosecute you these guys are, they have no sympathy, no empathy for anything. It’s like you have crossed over the line. You have went over the sentencing guidelines. They’re, you know, we’re going to put you away for as long as humanly possible. Well the prosecutor that was prosecuting me, all of a sudden wasn’t there that day, and this guy really disliked me. He had prosecuted my son, my cousins and everybody. The judge had seen me time and time again, and was just tired of me. But that day, I had like nine months before I came for sentencing, and the judge told me, he’s seeing something different in me. And my lawyer was arguing for the ten-year, you know, let’s get him ten years. And I told my lawyer, “Just chill out, man.” And the judge said, “I’m going to give you probation. I don’t know why.”

SID: No time in jail?

JOHN: No time in jail.

SID: That’s a miracle. So those two prayers you prayed, I think God instantly answered them.

JOHN: He instantly answered them. And the place that I got shamed and got arrested at, that the cameras came to, they not only rehired me, but they promoted me.

SID: When you were talking about that day when the cameras were there, I saw crocodile tears coming out of your eyes. Why?

JOHN: There’s no way to explain when God does what he does and how blessed I was to receive it. I owe him everything and he did it for me, for me right there and then regardless of my past or anything. He did it for me.

SID: Would he do this for anyone if their past was even worse than yours?

JOHN: He would do it for any one of his children in an instant.

SID: Would you pray for the ones that are looking right now, and you know who you are, because God has been dealing with you and he loves as much as he loves John Turnipseed. He loves as much as he loves me. He loves you enough to die for you.

JOHN: God, you know us. We’re your babies. Father, sometimes we are disobedient. Sometimes we do not do what we’re supposed to do. But father, you told us that you loved us so much in John 3:16, that whoever believed in you shall not perish, but have everlasting life. And Father, we’re your babies. We need you in our life. Knock down the barriers for the ones that don’t believe in you, Father. Just knock the barriers down and let them know that you’re there, Father, because only until you come will they know how great you are, Father. So please, Jesus, just give us unyielded, unrestrained favor, today, Father, even if we don’t deserve it, Jesus. Amen.

SID: You know what? The Bible says if you confess your sins he is just and faithful to forgive you of all, all, all, no matter what you’ve done. Real quick, tell me the first message you ever gave, your first sermon.

JOHN: My first sermon, I gave my life to Christ and I went back to school to become a minister. I went to a funeral that another pastor was supposed to do. I get a phone call because he’s not there and it’s from a cousin of mine that tells me, “Hey, Johnny,” that’s what he called me, “I’m just telling you this because I know you’re at that funeral. The pastor ain’t showing up. The pastor owes us a whole lot of money and for drugs and I’m just telling.” Yeah, it’s hard to believe. “And until Monday, he’s gonna stay right here. So tell the family.” So I went to the family and I told them, I didn’t tell them whole story. I just said, “The pastor won’t show up.” And I said, “But I’m a pastor.” “You are?” And I said, “Yeah.” And they asked me, “Well would you do the service because the funeral home is waiting.” And I said, “I will.” And when I got up to speak the crowd there, I heard cursing.

SID: They know about you.

JOHN: He’s a pimp. He’s a thug. You know, he did this to me. I mean, all of this. And God just, I felt him. And I went up and I opened the service up with John 3:16. And I’ll tell you how I said it. I said, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him, even Johnny Turnipseed, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” And then I told them, “I don’t know about the God you serve, but the one I serve said that and meant that, and I’m going to do this service.” And I got a standing ovation.

SID: Well now. What about that large extended family of pimps and fatherlessness, and prison, and murders, 34 members of your family serving time for murder right now? What’s going on with all of that family?

JOHN: Most of them that are in prison are saved.

SID: What percent would you say are saved?

JOHN: I would say 90 percent. I would say 90 percent. My children are saved. My brothers are saved. We are no longer raising criminals. We’re raising hopefully little preachers, you know. That’s my greatest hope. That’s bigger than the president in my family.

SID: Okay. With your family, you broke the curses. How can people watching you right now break the curses over their family, whether it’s sickness or whether it’s divorce, or whether it’s prison, or whether it’s addictions? Whatever. How?

JOHN: What I had to do with my family is we had to sit down and come face to face with these are the things, and be honest, that are plaguing our family, okay: the prostitution and the gang, and the drugs, all of that, father absence, men walking away from their children. We had to say some very unpleasant things about the reality of who we were. Okay. And then in agreement with each other we had to act on it. And then we had to arm ourself because the enemy came and he, man, did he ever come. When I started talking this message he started attacking my family more than he had, because before he could just leave us alone because we were doing it all by ourself. But once we started, we armed ourself with the Word and the blood of Jesus Christ and stuff that he had to back off. He had to back off.

SID: Did you hear that? He armed himself with the Word of God and the blood of Jesus. That’s why they had to back off. And I tell you the devil, the curses, are backing off in Jesus’ name.

JOHN: Amen.

We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.

Written by sidroth

October 14th, 2016 at 9:31 am

Our Guest John Turnipseed

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SID: Hello. Welcome. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest was a career criminal. His extended family consisted of drug dealers, drug addicts, pimps, prostitutes, fatherlessness. He had 34 members of his family in prison as of now for murder. I mean, this pervaded the whole family. He had an encounter with the Messiah. He learned about bloodline curses, began to break them on himself, on his family, his extended family and he has a passion to help you break. Now by the way, these curses can be things like sickness, like poverty and their bloodline. It’s passed through the blood and you can stop it, and his passion is to help you. Are you ready? Now I have John Turnipseed here with me and we were talking a bit about bloodline curses. What is your understanding of a bloodline curse?

JOHN: My understanding of a bloodline curse is if you can look back into your family and certain things, devastating things, not just like a cold or anything. I’m talking about things such as like cancer and things of people being unemployed and prostitution or sexual immorality and things of that nature, or people going to prison, if you can trace that back one generation it might be a mistake, an abnormality. But if it happens in two or three, there’s definitely something going on there and you’d better address it right then because it can carry on into other generations.

SID: Now you don’t look old enough for that, but you tell me that you traced these things in your own family back four generations.

JOHN: Yes, starting with my father. My father got shot at a young age, did a robbery at a young age, went to prison and abandoned us as a father. I got shot at 16, abandoned my kids and went to prison for ten years. My son Little Johnny got shot 17 times, abandoned his nine kids and went to prison for 15 years, and his son got shot at a very young age in his teenage years and is doing life without the possibility of parole. Every generation it got uglier and stronger, and that’s when I knew that I had to do something.

SID: That’s an interesting point. I hope you didn’t miss it. He said that each generation it was getting worse in his family line. How big is the Turnipseed family that you’re talking about?

JOHN: We are the largest family in Minnesota. A family reunion for us is a couple thousand people.

SID: Wow. And how many would you say percentage-wise has this curse affected?

JOHN: I would say in most of the generations, probably 75 to 90 percent.

SID: You were raised in a loving home. You had a good childhood in Alabama.

JOHN: Yes.

SID: All of a sudden, uprooted to Minneapolis. Let’s take a look at this clip.

[begin video]

Man 1: I was six years old when the boogeyman started to haunt me.

Woman [screaming]

Man 1: I prayed he’d go away, but I guess when your father is the devil you can’t expect God to answer your prayers.

Boy: Virgil, come!

Man 1: You can’t take the boogeyman down.

Boy: Don’t make me beat you again!

Man 1: You’ll find someone who can.

Man 2: Ever since I was a kid I ran these streets by whatever means necessary.


Man 3: Oh one more thing, John, you walk in my courtroom one more time, just one more time, you will not see another human being for as long as you live.

[end video]

SID: You know, it’s hard to even comprehend this lost, scared little boy went on to become a gang leader, a pimp, a drug dealer. He was shot, stabbed, abducted, addicted to cocaine, armed robberies, in and out of prison. How did that happen?

JOHN: Well with a father not being around and nobody to supervise me, I was basically, my father wasn’t there, the head of the household. My mother was sick and hurt, and I would venture out into the neighborhood. And down the street from where I lived, because there was no authority over of me, a group of pimps and thugs took me in and they showed me what I thought was love. And I went, I grabbed and held onto it for all I could, and it led me to penitentiaries and everything. I was pulling armed robberies at 12 years of age.

SID: But you were raised in the church.

JOHN: Yes.

SID: Your father was raised in the church.

JOHN: Deacon.

SID: And how does someone that has a little bit of teaching, just a little, do cold-blooded things such as you did?

JOHN: Well I was raised in the church, and when I was six or seven years old my grandmother told me I was going to be John the Baptist. I was going to be a preacher, so I would practice preaching at five and six years of age, and it was my destiny. We had intact families down there. Everybody was married, no alcohol. Everybody went to church and worked hard. Good family. And my father comes up here by himself and a couple years later when we came up here, he was not the same person. He went from being my hero to the boogeyman and he, I was scared of him. I didn’t like him and he beat my mother every single day, and I couldn’t understand. And I prayed every day for God to stop it in my little bitty mind all by itself and it didn’t happen for me. And one day I stopped praying and I became very angry at God, and I thought, that’s it. All that stuff you guys have told me, my grandmother, that’s hocus-pocus. That doesn’t work. I prayed and he still beats my mother. So how does a nine-year-old child deal with that?

SID: But when you got involved in this life of crime, wasn’t there even a twinge saying, this is wrong, I shouldn’t do this, a twinge of remorse?

JOHN: At first. Pretty soon, the conscience gets put to sleep.

SID: It’s called seared.

JOHN: And then it’s gone.

SID: You told me that when you were involved in these things it was almost like a high.

JOHN: Absolutely. There was no greater thrill to me than going and putting a pistol in someone’s face and humiliating them, and making them give me all their money.

SID: You hated your father, as you explained. But then you became just like the one you hated.

JOHN: Absolutely.

SID: You became just like your father. That curse that was haunting you was causing you to move in these areas and probably even giving you that high that you had for crime.

JOHN: Oh absolutely. The curse that came upon me became so strong in me that I was able to persuade others to follow me. I was able to, I was 18 years old. I was in prison for the first time with a thousand men and I took over the prison, just had them following me to this path that I was on, and because I was so taught so well how to influence people for my own benefit that I was able to send a lot of young men down a very dark path.

SID: But you had some good role models in prison. Did you really want to change?

JOHN: God kept sending angels to me.

SID: What do you mean?

JOHN: He sent, I wouldn’t go to school and one day I wanted to do weightlifting and this weightlifter told me that he wouldn’t teach me weightlifting unless I got my GED. So I went and studied the book and took the GED test a week later and passed it. And then there was another guy who came and visited me in prison and told me I was, insulted me by telling me I was a total waste of human life because I wouldn’t educate myself. And I went to school and got a degree in computers. And there was a guy named Father Cappucci [sp], a Catholic priest, that when I would act up he was the only one that could calm me down because I knew he was one of God’s boys and I didn’t want to offend him. So God kept sending, he never, I didn’t realize it until later on in life, he sent the cavalry to me, to prepare me.

SID: God is so good.

JOHN: He is that good.

SID: Now you hated your dad.

JOHN: Hated him.

SID: Wanted to kill him and when you had a child it would be different, but it wasn’t.

JOHN: It was not different. My first child actually came into the world. She was, I was shot, the mother was shot and she was shot by a gunman that was trying to kill me. We all lived, but I brought that evil, that evil followed me into my household and tried to execute my family.

SID: It’s all part of that curse.

JOHN: All part of the curse. But the angel of God, the mercy of God was there.

SID: Your life was in and out of prisons. You had a skill, but you were living a double life, a life as a normal person and a life because that curse would not leave you alone. You were going to be arrested. You knew it. You were in your office. A television crew showed up. Describe that to me.

JOHN: I had been caught, put in jail and arraigned on probably a couple hundred felonies. And I agreed to plead guilty to 50 of them if they would let me out to finish teaching a class. See, I was, when God had sent those angels I had gotten the skill of teaching and I had students. So I went back to teach these students. Nobody knew I went to jail and I was going to go to prison. I barricaded myself in my office and I started crying. I started crying. I wanted to kill myself and something from my childhood came to me: my grandmother telling me just, “Boy, just reach to God. Reach to Jesus.” That’s what that voice came to me. And I asked him right there, right there I said, “God, if you are who my grandmother said you are, you have to come right now.” And he came right then and there. And I know he came. I call him the gangster. When that gangster came into my life, you know, I can’t describe it. I cannot describe how I felt that moment. I got up. Everybody was waiting outside my office. I came out smiling. I had dirt all over my suit, mud running down my face. I didn’t care. Jesus came and got me.

SID: He was real.

JOHN: He was real.

SID: I’ll tell you something. When we come back, you think you have problems, 50 felonies, a judge that hates him. He’s facing ten years to life. He could be put away forever. But the same God that rescued him, the same God that is ready to rescue you, it’s a miracle. I’ll be right back.

Written by sidroth

October 8th, 2016 at 10:07 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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