Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Dr. John Miller

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Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Dr. John Miller he’s a Chiropractor Tampa, Florida. He’s an expert in alternative medicine, vitamins and minerals, and other healing arts, but he says all of that is actually is contradictory with the foundational teaching that the first church had that’s been stolen and it has to do with communion. Would you continue teaching John?

John: Yes I would like to lay out through the Bible the types of the Body of Christ and how they would reverse the work of the devil. We started out with 1st Corinthians 11 where Paul says “If you do not discern the Body of the Lord when you take communion you remain weak, sick and you die prematurely.” Now you cannot build doctrine off of typology but you can prove doctrine off of typology. I’d like to start right back in the garden where there was a tree of the knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve were not to eat of, but there was also the tree of life. And when they ate of the tree of good and evil God said “Let us put them out of the garden now lest they eat of the tree of life and live forever.” Well the curse for eating of the tree of good and evil was death. So that show if they walked over and then ate of the tree of life it would reverse the death curse they would live forever. Well all theologians agree that the tree of life in the garden was a type of Christ. So when we eat of the type of Christ, the bread of communion, we reverse the curse; now in the garden Adam sinned and became aware of his nudity. The nudity that Adam had was the sign that he had sinned. He was not aware that he was nude before he sinned and he put fig leaves on to try and make himself presentable to God but that didn’t work. God had to kill and animal and make clothes from the skin of the animal to cover up the fact that Adam had sinned to cover up the nudity. This is a picture of Jesus at the cross; it’s so important to see that when God started in the Garden His plan was on a set course before the foundation of the world Jesus was a lamb slain. So all of the stories in the Old Testament point to Jesus being the Lamb of God slain at Calvary. So blood had to be shed to cover up that Adam had sinned we have a type of the cross. Then when the people were in the… the Israelites were in Egypt God sent Moses to get them out and He told Moses to do these different miracles, ten miracles in all. I believe personally that that represents the law. God gave the law in the Old Testament and no one could keep it so no one could be saved. Paul says in the New Testament the law condemns you. The 10 miracles did not let God’s people go free, so they had to take the blood of the lamb and put it over the doorpost and when the death angel came through that night he didn’t kill the first born. So it required the blood of the lamb to set God’s people free then after they got out after the law, for 1500 years, God had the Old Testament people keep the Feast of Passover to remember His deliverance. So you have all of these types done in the Old Testament to point to Calvary. On this side of Calvary we have the bread of communion and blood of the wine the wine to drink looking back to Calvary. Calvary was the most important day that ever was or ever will be. Even worship in heaven is “Worthy to the Lamb that was slain” looks back. So all of the stories in the Old Testament look forward to Jesus on the cross and the New Testament looks back to Jesus on the cross by central theme. Now the lamb that they took the blood of doorpost that represented Christ the rest of the instruction was to roast a lamb and to eat all of it even the pertinents thereof. And God told Moses to tell the Israelites when they eat it have their sandals on have their robe on and a staff in their hand. In other words, when you eat the flesh of the lamb be ready to be physically delivered. The reason they need to eat the pertinents, all of the organs they had to eat because there’s always a spiritual and a physical meaning to everything that God does. When you eat the brain of that lamb it should not only bring healing but it should take on the mind of Christ because that lamb represents Christ. When you eat the eyeballs it should not only heal your eyes but you should take on the eyes of Christ. You should start seeing things through Christ eyes the way that He sees them. When you eat the heart it should heal the heart, but it should also take on the compassion and the love of Christ. So I have seen this many times not only in my own life but people that I have taught this to when they get away from taking communion their personality changes. They’re not as loving, they’re not as tolerant because when you eat the body of Christ you’re taking on those characteristics. So we have a type of eating the lamb causing feeling because in Palms 105 verse 37 it says “The Israelites came out with silver and gold and not one infirmed among them.” Now this was about 3 million Jews that had been in captivity about 400 years and they came out and there was not one sick one in their midst. So the blood of the lamb saved their life, the body of the lamb caused healing. Then in Numbers 21 we pick up another picture of the communion. God sent the manna as a type of Christ that took care of them physically met all of their physical needs. They came to Moses and said “Why did you bring us out in the wilderness to die there’s no meat here and our souls loathe this light bread.” They said that they hated the manna so God sent fiery serpents among them to bite them. And then they came to Moses and said “Oh we’ve sinned against God pray God that He would stop this.” So God told Moses “To take a serpent and put it on a pole and everyone that were bitten by the snakes were dying that would just look on that snake on the brass snake on the pole would be healed.” We have the same choice today; we can eat the light bread, the bread of communion the body of Christ and be healed, or we can be devoured by the serpent. The same law applies today. The people that take communion and walk in divine health and the people that don’t will be devoured by the serpent. We talked on a previous program about how everyone that Jesus healed in Acts 10:38 was oppressed of the devil. So all the diseases that Jesus healed the Bible says was an oppression from Satan. The good thing is all we have to do is look at the serpent of the pole.

Sid: Why did God pick the serpent on the pole as an example?

John: Because when Jesus took our sins in His body he became the essence of sin and evil. 2nd Corinthians 5:21 “He who knew no sin became sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” In John 3:14 Jesus said “As Moses lifted up the serpent on the pole in the wilderness so shall the Son of man be lifted up.” It was Jesus Himself who likened himself to the serpent on the pole. Now unless you see Jesus becoming all the sin and evil you ever were or ever will be you will never see yourself as righteous. The Bible declares that you are righteous.

Sid: You’ve got to say that again that’s so powerful; say that statement again.

John: Unless you see Jesus with all the sin and evil that you ever were or ever will be He became that sin and evil you will never see yourself as the righteousness of God. That is the exchange, the cross is the exchange; we exchanged our sin and evil for His righteousness. But when Jesus took our righteousness, I mean our sin, in Him it’s spoiled Him He became sin that’s why the wind became fermented. The bread of communion could have no leaven in it.

Sid: The wine was fermented you mean it was wine and not grape juice.

John: Yes it was alcoholic.

Sid: How do you know that there’s whole sermons to prove it’s not?

John: Because the Bible says that they came to the communion table and they drank so much that they got drunk. And you don’t get drunk off of fresh grape juice.

Sid: Well that would be a miracle. (Laughing)

John: Yes. That was at Passover time and there was no Welsh’s bottle grape juice.

Sid: And there wasn’t even Manischewitz (Laughing) but I can tell you as a Jewish believer in Jesus, Jesus had wine no matter what you’ve been taught. But that’s not even the issue the issue is to understand the fermentation process to understand what Jesus did for us is that correct?

John: He became a snake for us yes. I had thought for 2 years “Why did you make such a fuss over there being no leaven in the bread but yet the wine was leavened it was fermented. After 2 years I was laying across the bed in a 100 year old building in Elam Bible Institute and God spoke to me He said “Because the bread is the body of Christ it never fore took of the sin. It never committed the sin. The bread represents the body no leavening no sin. But when Jesus took our sin in Him it spoiled His blood; Leviticus 11:17 says for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I give it to you for an atonement for your soul. So the life in your flesh is in your blood; the life of the flesh is in the blood.

Sid: I’m sorry we’re out of time…

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Written by sidroth

December 29th, 2015 at 5:59 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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