Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest James Goll

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SID: So James and his wife had nine straight weeks of visitations of angels. Tell me that first night, what happened?

JAMES: It was absolutely amazing. You know, again, it happened right at 11:59, and I’ve always pondered, was that night not like a clock of God to a countdown to the midnight hour. An angel of the Lord came and stood in our room and he says to me, he says, “Watch your wife. I’m about to speak to her.” Now it didn’t only center around her. But he did come to speak to her and that night, this angel came and laid hands on her back, and she got delivered of the fear of man and the fear of rejection. And then the Lord called her, herself, to be a preacher and a prophetess that night.

SID: Now tell me about those lights. That’s amazing.

JAMES: Yeah. Not only did an angel come and stand at the end of the bed, but there had been a supernatural ball of light about this big around that stood over our dresser for five straight hours, and our room was illuminated with the realm of the Glory of God. I mean, we didn’t have to turn on a light. The whole room was radiating with the presence. Another one of the nights, there 29 of these fireballs, not just in a vision They showed up and they were circling around the ceiling and in the room. And we would just say, “Hit us with the fire of God.” And they’d come crashing down on us, the fire of God. And we were getting empowered by the Holy Spirit with new levels of authority over the realms of demonic, over realms of darkness, and then just new faith bursting in us for visitations.

SID: Well how did this change you? I mean what gifting did you see that perhaps wasn’t there that strong?

JAMES: One of the things that changed was my concept concerning women in ministry, and women in leadership. That was one of the main things that changed. Because all of a sudden, I was now married to a lioness who roared. I was married to Betty Crocker homemaker and now she was a roaring lion. So number one thing that changed was my view concerning women in leadership and women in ministry. And then there was just this empowered dimension, I mean, it empowered us so much that we didn’t want to just keep this for us. We wanted to now take this, spread the fire to the world. John Wesley, they asked him a question and they said, “How do you gather a crowd?” And John Wesley said, “I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.” Well that’s what happened with us and we’ve been gathering crowds, and I’ve been gathering crowds to watch us burn.

SID: I’m going to tell you something. You are really provoking me to jealousy.

JAMES: Good.

SID: But I want just to kind of whet our appetite a little bit. You heard an audible voice about the miraculous words of knowledge. Tell me about that.

JAMES: I moved into my new home there in Franklyn, Tennessee. The audible voice of the Lord, I’m not referring right in my heart. I’m talking about the external voice of the Lord came and thundered in my bedroom and said this: “The seeds that the seers and the prophets had sowed into the generation decades ago have now come into fruition. Therefore, there will now be an increase of a detailed gift of a word of knowledge and an increase of the gifts of the Holy Spirit that will create an atmosphere of the fear of the Lord, awe and wonder.”

SID: How close are we to the manifestation of that Word for you and for others?

JAMES: I believe it’s already started.

SID: Has it started in you?

JAMES: Yeah. Absolutely, because you see, when you hear the Word of God, the Book of Romans says, “That when you hear the words of Christ it produces faith.” So when I heard that, it catapulted me over to another level of hunger, into another level of asking, and then to another level of expectation. Anticipation, it’s called. And so by also in seeing this, the next generation in particular, not just them. Because I’m just saying, hey listen, you guys, you next generation guys, and I mentor a good deal of them, I go, I might be an older guy at this time, but you’re going to have to run real fast because this guy is catching his second wind.

SID: I’m sure. Tell me what God showed you, briefly, about Syria.

JAMES: Well this is over 10 years ago. I’ve been prophesying for over a decade. Then in the year 2013 and the year 2014, while all eyes would be on Iran and should be, that the great threat in the Middle East would come out of Syria. And I have been prophesying this for over a decade. An angel came, again, and stood at the end of my bed, and this warrior angel, he was dressed in military uniform, a warrior angel, and he pronounced to me. All he said was this: “Attention! Be on the alert.” And I was riveted with the supernatural energy of God. I could not go back to sleep even if I wanted to. And I just wanted to release a word, and I just wanted to say, “Watchman on the walls, it’s time,” Isaiah 62, Verse 6 and 7, “I have planned and I have chosen you as a watchman on the walls. Take your place. Attention! Be on the alert. And the shields of the earth belong to the Lord and be called forth something greater than the iron dome around Israel. We call forth [that] the shields of the earth belong to the Lord. And we call forth supernatural protection around Israel and even around our home homes in Jesus’ name.”

SID: You know what I’m reminded of? Yes. I’m reminded of Psalm 122:6, which is a commandment and the commandment goes like this: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Thou shalt prosper that love thee.” The word “prosper” in the Hebrew means heart peace, and this world needs heart peace. If you have peace, what can anyone take from you? Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and you and your house shall have heart peace. Consider that a word from God at this strategic time in history. This is the set time to favor Zion. And God says, “I God will bless those who bless the Jewish people. I God will curse those who curse them.” Choose this day. Are you going to be on God’s said or are you going to be on the opposite? It’s for me and my house, it’s for you and your house. I proclaim you’re on God’s side.

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Written by sidroth

June 4th, 2015 at 4:15 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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