Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Bill Kent

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Bill Kent & Mark Pool

Sid:  Let me tell you some good news; we are proclaiming the gospel in the largest Jewish populated city in the world, New York City; secular television; prime time.  Listen to this we just went on RNN TV which is carried on the Time Warner Cable in New York City, Manhattan channel number 91.  We’re on Monday nights at 9:30 pm; the Time Warner cable has 4.2 million households or 93% of New York’s total cable households.  And the RNN it’s self covers New York City, Hudson Valley, as well as New Jersey.  So as far as I’m concerned to be on secular radio in New York City at this strategic, strategic moment in which God is removing the spiritual scales on the eyes of Jewish people.  And I want to have the money to pay for this and God is going to provide it. We took a step out in faith; we are debt free but I believe God told us to go on this station and I want to have the money to have advertisements in New York City newspapers directing Jewish people to watch “It’s Supernatural Television” where they will see miracles such as the guest I have on the telephone right now. His name is Bill Kent I’m speaking to him at his home in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania.  This is without a doubt one of the most verified medical miracles I have ever seen in almost 30 years investigating miracles.  Bill was in an accident; hard to believe he had a motorcycle accident with a train in May of 1985.  He had closed head injuries, massive traumatic brain damage, spinal injuries, ruptured optic nerve, cardiac arrest; he was comatose for 3 months the doctor said “There’s no hope.”  Quadriplegic, in a wheelchair and he’s about ready to commit suicide, he had all sorts of turmoil going on his life.  You can understand this; how many years were you in the wheelchair Bill?

Bill:  Fifteen and a half years;

Sid: Fifteen and a half years. He actually was involved in the Wheelchair Olympics and he won 39 Gold Metals in shooting. But he heard a voice and the voice said go to Columbus, Ohio on a specific date, November 5th.  So he just didn’t know what but this voice kept repeating itself day after day; November 5th go to Columbus, Ohio.  And so he turns on the TV channel surfing and he catches Rod Parsley, he’s never seen him before and Rod’s talking it’s an infomercial on a Debt Burning Service.  But it’s like the Holy Spirit said “That’s the place and it’s in Columbus, Ohio where I’m sending you,” but he didn’t have any money. And his church took up an offering and he went to Columbus, Ohio. It just turns out on November 5th there happens to be a Miracle Healing Service.  So he wheels himself in; he had already talked to someone on the telephone getting some instructions and the person prayed for him. And for the first time he felt burning in his feet; he knew God was up to something; and so he goes in wheels into the church and what happened next Bill.

Bill: Well, after we entered the sanctuary the service began and the director of praise and worship came out and made the announcement “It was going to be a miracle faith and healing service, but there couldn’t be any unbelief in the house.” So he said “If you can’t believe or you don’t believe then he’d have to ask you to leave. and I saw a few people get up and leave.  Well praise the Lord for that because the next thing that happened Pastor Parsley came out you know after the praise and worship for about an hour and hour and half Pastor Parsley comes out.  And he says that “The Lord had woken him in the wee hours of the morning and told him that there was somebody coming from far away on the promise that he would be healed.” Well my spirit just absolutely leapt you know because that was me; you know I had come from far away on the promise that I’d be healed.  So the service goes on and you know Pastor calls the first thing that happens pastor calls the homosexuals down, blows my mind. He commands the church in prayer over these homosexuals that they be set free.  It’s unlike anything that I’d ever experienced before; the unity in prayer in that church was incredible.  There were over 7,000 people in that church that night and to command prayer where 7,000 people come into unity like that it was incredible.  The service goes on; he then calls the diabetics down and that’s me because I’m a diabetic.

Sid: In addition to everything else (Laughing)

Bill:  Yes.

Sid: Okay.

Bill:  The parking lot just before entering the church I tested my blood sugar. Now I had not had insulin for 3 days I ran out and couldn’t afford to buy any.  So my blood sugar tested in the parking lot was 470.  Normal blood sugar is between 80 and 140 once you get above 140 you’re in trouble.  Mine was 470; so I go down front with my dog and you know I’m sitting there and prayer is going on and the church comes into such unity again but I don’t feel anything.  Pastor Parsley said this is for only the diabetics so if you’re down here and you don’t have diabetes go back to your seat and wait.  Well, a few minutes went by and then he said “The Holy Ghost just said ‘If you have way feel that you’re going to be healed of anything you had better get down here.’” So with that 1000’s came down front the prayers went on, general prayer for healing for all kinds of different infirmities, carpal tunnel syndrome, cancer, HIV, back pain, knee pain, all kinds of things.  And I started seeing miracles unfold; I started seeing blind eyes opened.  I started seeing deaf ears pop, and people beginning to hear, I saw chronic back pain you know gone. I saw cancer gone, I saw visible tumors disappear right before my eyes. It’s incredible absolutely positively incredible. So you know it’s like the service is going on and on and on and on.  And it seems to me like it’s getting towards the end of the service and you know I’m starting to feel a little bit let down. I just cry out to God. I said “God, You told me to come to Columbus, Ohio, and You told me to come to Columbus, Ohio and I’d be healed but I don’t feel anything.  And so it’s like “I know You’re not a liar, I know that You’re a God of Your word; and this is what You told me to do so You better do something.”  And with that I went to adjust myself in my wheelchair and one of ushers his name is Jerry Moore, he was standing to my left. Jerry leaned over and he says, “Are you trying to get out of that chair?”  And what I wanted to say was “No, I’m just adjusting myself” but before I could say anything words came out of my mouth “I’m going to jump out this chair in 30 seconds.”

Sid: My goodness when it came out of your mouth what did you think?

Bill:  I didn’t know what to think I was you know, in shock and awe.

Sid:  Did you get up?

Bill:  I did 30 seconds later I was standing up and Jerry the usher the only thing that kept him from hitting the floor was that there was a knee wall behind him that caught his fall.  And so he started you know praising God you know and said “Can you walk?”  And I said “I don’t know this is the first time I stood in 15½ years.  So he said “Take 3 steps forwards and 3 steps back” and before I knew it I had done it.  And then he says to me he says “Can you walk up those steps onto the platform?”  And I you know just held my hands up and said “I don’t know let’s ask God.”  And before I knew it I was on the platform.

Sid: How did you get there?

Bill: I don’t know.

Sid: (Laughing)

Bill: God knows.

Sid: How many years since you’ve been able to walk?

Bill:  Fifteen ½ years.

Sid: Here let me read this to you Mishpochah by the way he got his blood sugar down to normal; he actually tested it while he was there.  He is not crippled in any way and let me read from doctor, he’s the M.D. Dr. Horns report which I have right here. “Mr. Kent has been supernaturally healed and there is no medical or scientific explanation for what has taken place.  He went in a quadriplegic with diabetes and a few other things and he walked out; he walked out.”  What did you do with your wheelchair?

Bill:  Well, I still have it because that wheelchair is part of my testimony but I don’t use it.  And I have not used it since that night.

Sid: Okay Mishpochah how would you like to have this testimony covering all the Jewish people and all the gentile people in all of New York City.  I just told you by faith I went on a secular station and they cover 4.2 million households; New York City, Hudson Valley, Connecticut, New Jersey. I need help.  I need you to pray for this ministry; I tell you this is God’s time to remove the spiritual scales from the eyes of Jewish people.

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Written by sidroth

June 5th, 2014 at 1:49 pm