Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Guillermo Maldonado

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Sid: We want everyone everywhere to be activated in the supernatural, that’s why I can’t wait to get his brand new book “The Kingdom of Power” and the 3 DVD’s in which he demonstrates after teaching and miracles break loose.  And I just want you activated in all of the power that God has for you; but Apostle Maldonado I want you to teach a little and then if God opens up the door for words of knowledge continue in that just as you did on yesterday’s broadcast.  But teach us a little bit.

Guillermo:  Okay, thank you Sid. It is important if you listen to me now that you understand for the next two or three minutes what I’m going to tell you.  1st Timothy Chapter 1 verse 6 says and Paul talking to Timothy he said “I want you to stir up the gift that is within you.  So that means activation.  If He said “Stir up, the gift that is in you that means the gift was dead or was dormant.”  Many people that are listening to me now your gift is dormant or dead for any reason because of the atmosphere; because of knowledge; because of something you’re gift is dormant so I will activate you.  Number 2 so activation is something that when activation comes to you and I will do it right now with you is because I want you to be activated in the supernatural.  And somebody said, “And why in the supernatural?” because the moment you were born again you were born from Heaven and every believer that is born again the moment he’s born again in the Kingdom of God in that moment is activated in the supernatural.  And then why are not doing miracles then if you are a believer and you’ve been born again?  Because religion put away, push you away from the supernatural and that caused you to the supernatural to be dormant and that’s why you don’t dare to pray for people.  You don’t dare to believe in the Kingdom of Power because the religion told you no, that’s for the past Jesus doesn’t do that anymore so now I will activate you.  So activation is something that I will do for you; I will pray for you to be activated again in the supernatural. Number 2 impartation that’s another term for you in a very simple way I will explain to you.  Impartation is receiving a share; the word impartation means to impart a virtue; virtue to impart or to give virtue. So can we do that?  Can we share impartation; can we give virtue to the people?  Well, I don’t have it in my own; what I got I give unto you.  And where did I get it from?  I get it from God, in other words I don’t have anything in my human nature that I can say “Well, I can share with you virtue, I can share with you the power.”  I can impart to you something that I receive from God; so impartation is receiving something that you didn’t have.  Activation is receiving something that you already had but you lost it for some reason. So I’m going to pray for you because I want to release you into the miracles, signs and wonders for you to move in the power of God; for you to move in the power of Kingdom. So if you listening to me now I want you to stretch your hand toward the radio and where ever you are and let me pray for you to do two things.  If you need a healing, if you need deliverance; if you need a miracle I’m going to pray for you to receive it.  After you receive it you do an act, you do an action you correspond an action to your faith.  Second once I do that I will release that activation and impartation; in other words but yes you’re not close to me; you don’t lay hands on me.  That’s the problem you know the anointing sometimes is in the hands, sometimes it’s in my mouth; in your mouth.  So I will the anointing right now is upon my mouth I will release it to you so you be activated and we see that impartation for you to do what I do. And any believer can do it. Father in the Name of Jesus I give you praise and I give you honor; those people that are listening to me now they’re hungry and they’re desperate in a situation where the doctor said “You’re going to die or some of the people said “Well, I need supernatural provisions; some others said “Well, pastor I’m afflicted I’m addicted to alcohol.”  And some of them said “Well pastor I’m addicted to pills and some other people said “I’m full of fear so I don’t know what is your condition I can tell you “I’m going to bring Heaven on Earth right now.” Father in the Name of Jesus let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. And I take authority over every spirit of sickness and disease right now “Go in Jesus Name, cancer die, blindness go in Jesus Name.  Deafness go in Jesus Name; back condition go in Jesus Name.”  There’s people with plates and screws, metal screws in your body God is changing screws and metals.  As a matter of fact there’s man a truck driver and you got metals in your body because you had an accident.  And God is changing metals into bones and into flesh right now.  There you go; there you go in Jesus Name.  There’s people that ears are being opened right now; afflicted people are afflicted to addictions to pornography; addiction to drugs and nicotine right now be delivered now in Jesus Name! Right now receive miracle where ever you are.  Father supernatural provision, money provision; if you need a job receive now supernatural provision receive it now. Creative miracles if you need a creative miracle it your missing an organ in your body right now receive organ.  If you need flesh, bones right now receive creative miracles in Jesus Name.  Somebody’s being… my God; God is doing powerful creative miracles right now; we will hear from this program people saying now I was missing bones and bones appear and flesh appear.  Hair, something is happening right now in Jesus Name.  And now Lord I activate and I impart upon those people that want to move in the power of the Kingdom and demonstrate it right now in Jesus Name receive be activated, be imparted now and receive virtue from Heaven.  Let Your Kingdom come Lord, let Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven; do it now receive it in Jesus Name.  Now you respond to power in Jesus Name amen and amen.

Sid: You know I believe that people received amazing impartations but people need to be taught step by step in a methodical fashion and that’s why I’m so excited finally the most significant book that Apostle Maldonado has ever written he told me. It’s called “The Kingdom of Power” it’s just been released; it’s a how to book and the 3 DVDs in which he teaches and then demonstrates and releases the impartation.  I believe that as you understand this some of the gifts that have been stirred up within you right now they’re going to be fully released… tell me briefly about you were speaking in a bullfighting ring and it was pouring down rain; what happened?

Guillermo:  You know Sid when we talk about the supernatural we’re talking about above and beyond.  Beyond what?  Beyond and above what, the laws of nature and when I get into this place it was pouring, it was raining and as matter of fact we lost …our equipment, very expensive equipment.

Sid: This was in Argentina.

Guillermo:  In Argentina; it was in Argentina people were… I mean in the rain; I mean people and the pastor in that church said to me “Pastor you need to pray fast because it’s raining and people they just want a miracle; they came from far.”  And the moment I stood up on the stage I heard the Rhema word of God and He said to me “I want you to speak to the rain.”  And I actually said this prayer saying “Lord I know you open the natural Heaven and that’s where it’s raining but now I command the spiritual raining to open and close the natural rain.”  And I said “And now I command the rain to stop” in those kind of words and Sid in that moment the rain when it was pouring in that moment the rain stopped and I heard thousands of people do this “Wow!”  And it was so normal to me because it was under the anointing; it was the gift of faith in that moment operating and actually Sid and I say “Well, stop now!”  And the moment and all the miracles started happening because people saw Jesus was alive; Jesus is alive.  So that moment I can tell you hundreds and hundreds of miracles happened because of the miracle of the rain.

Sid: And they saw that miracle and it continued raining in the invisible world and the rain was the rain was the reign of the Holy Spirit and hundreds of people all over the auditorium were instantly healed.  That’s what’s going to happen to you right now as I pray for you it’s a supernatural prayer. “The Lord is blessing you right now; the Lord is keeping you right now; Lord is smiling upon you right now; the Lord is gifting you right now; the Lord is surrounding you with His favor right now; the Lord is giving you His Shalom, His completeness in your spirit, in your soul and in your body right now in the Name that is above every problem Yeshua haMashiach tsidkanu; Jesus the Messiah our Righteousness.

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Written by sidroth

December 30th, 2013 at 12:34 pm

Posted in Sid Roth

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