Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Eddie James

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Sid:  My guest James he knows what I’m talking about. Eddie you know in scripture it talks about that “I’d rather that you be hot or cold but if you’re lukewarm I’ll vomit you out of my mouth.” I don’t understand how someone that knows Jesus can be lukewarm I mean; I don’t see anyone wanting to be lukewarm when we’re at the most exciting time in the history of planet earth.  Let’s take you back Eddie is an individual that his CD’s have been number 3 in the national charts of the gospel music.  And people are getting free from homosexuality, from all sorts of addictions, drugs, pornography, physical healing, emotional healing, but I want them to get to know you a little bit.  You got saved at 8, you had a call to the nations with audible voice of God.  You told your mom and a prophet had told her that. Was this before you were born the prophet gave that or when you were little?

Eddie:  Yeah.

Sid: It was before you were born, you know that reminds me of the scripture, “Before you were conceived in your mother’s womb God knew you and God called you.”

Eddie:  Yes Sir.

Sid: Then you were telling me some of the amazing things you saw; your mother’s prayer life; you saw all sorts from physical miracles, did you really see gas go from empty to tank?

Eddie: Yeah, my mother needed to go to the grocery store and do some errands to pay bills and a Buick red Regal, I’ll never forget and my mother she was one of those radical.  She would lay hands and pray for anything she would pray for the washing machine and it worked, for the dryer to turn on and she called it her fixit man.  And so…  

Sid: You know what it sounds like?  It sounds like to me that short of Jesus you’re mother’s your hero.

Eddie:   Yeah, yeah very much so. (laughing)

Sid: I could tell (laughing).  Let me ask you something because I’m curious about you went to high school and you started a worship team, that’s not a normal MO for someone going into high school.  Why did you do that?

Eddie:  Well, I got filled with the Holy Spirit just before I went to high school at my church. One of the things that obviously comes from in Act’s 1:8 that you’ll be a witness. And there was a strong message about being a witness on high school campus and especially mine that I was going to in Arizona because the drug crisis was getting so bad the gangs back then the Crips and the Bloods from LA was really infiltrating Phoenix, Arizona and so I went with that in mind. And the Lord showed me there was several students that all went to church together in high school and so I said, “Let’s sing, let’s get together and do some singing before school.”  And it just became such a very popular powerful tool to share the gospel that it just grew from there; the next year it came from a group to a choir.  And before I graduated from high school I had some 80 – 90 kids in my high school choir. Then it turned into a community effort going everywhere.  Instead of taking our school choir for instance, they would take our gospel choir, our high school gospel choir all over Arizona to different schools to do different things, and it was powerful.  And so kids wanted to be a part and so I turned it into a Phoenix community movement therefore.

Sid: Now did many come to the Lord as a result of this Eddie?

Eddie: Oh my God we had outbreaks of revival in our high school campus; we had times when we would go into our classrooms and God would come into our…okay we would rehearse every day that we did do the ministry in front of the school or the cafeteria. We would have rehearsals so our rehearsals was on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  We had rehearsals… One of the teachers, who was a Spirit filled teacher, was our host teacher. Holy Ghost would come into our classrooms, and we’d be out on the floor in our English school classroom speaking in tongues at our school.  We had, oh My God, we had kids get saved, I’ve seen people get delivered from demons, people get set free from addictions on our high school campus.

Sid: You know one of the things, and time is slipping away unfortunately, one of the things that intrigues me so much is that your music comes from Heaven.  And tell me very briefly about a song called “I Need You.”  This is astounds me this song.

Eddie:  Okay I was in Gaston, Alabama and preparing to do a service that night. As I was there, I was in a pastor’s home preparing, and I literally went into a vision.  I don’t have many of these but this one was so real I really I left earth and went into Heaven in an open vision and I heard this song “I Need You.” And what stood out to me about the entire experience was when I heard “Da da da dah…” I instantly knew that this was the sound of children that either died in the womb due to abortion or miscarriage or things of that nature.  And when I came out of this open vision I went straight to the church and taught it to my worship team, and when I taught it to them it was the first song we did.  My worship team got wrecked just at the rehearsal, when we sang this song that night it was the only song we sang the entire night. I mean God came, people came to the altar we never made and altar call, we never called people to repentance, we never called people to get delivered but people were throwing their cigarettes on the altar, people were throwing their drugs on the altar, people were repenting and getting right with God.  And everywhere we went for at least the next month to six weeks that song would take over the entire room.

Sid:  Okay this is “I Need You” by Eddie James really from Heaven; when you hear “Da da da” the sounds the unborn children.

Excerpt:  “I Need You”


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Written by sidroth

October 21st, 2013 at 11:03 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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