Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Theresa Griffith Hurlbert

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Theresa Hurlbert

Sid: Can you prophesy over a musical instrument?  Can you get physically healed as a result of listening to anointed music?  Can you get emotionally healed as a result of listening to anointed music?  That’s what’s going on and I want to find out the artist behind the music and I have the artist behind the music. I have on the telephone Theresa Griffith Hurlbert.  I’m speaking to her at her home in Northern California.  Theresa I don’t why but it seems as though when we humans are broken, broken vessels, God uses us more.  I’m wondering why He can’t use us if we’re not broken; it’d be a lot easier wouldn’t it?

Theresa:  It sure seems like it but you know He says “That He uses the weak things to confound the wise, and His strength is made perfect in the weakness.” You know when we are weak He is more glorified because then He gets to show-off as the God that He is you know.  And it seems so many times in our Christian lives that we want to have an effort to show that we’re okay or you know that were good enough.  So I’ve found in my life as I just let go, admit that I’m weak in fact the biggest thing I learned out of all of my suffering that I am nothing, and I can do nothing and that is perfect material for Him to do the impossible.

Sid: And yet I read reviews for instance a representative of Flute Association once said “You possessed techniques that are the best in the world.” So how do you deal with that type of compliments?

Theresa:  Well, because of the fact that I was Chair Flute in every band that I was ever in, and I entered some contests with the Gospel Music Association for a vocal and they said that “We don’t think that you will ever do anything outside of your own local area.”  So what I did is in my nothingness I came before the Lord and offered Him myself as a living sacrifice and said “Okay, I’m not a good flutist, I’m not a good vocalist but will You make me that because I have this desire in my heart that You gave me so, will You show me how.” I did take lessons to show myself approved as well. But you know I had some struggles where I just couldn’t seem to figure out how to accomplish the beauty that I was looking for.  So the Lord said “Yes.”  He gave me dreams to tell me how to play the flute; He downloaded to me because He’s the best expert flute player in the entire world.  He’s the best vocalist and He’s the expert in everything, every field in the earth; So we can actually go to Him in our weakness and say “Will you download to me the expertise in this area?”  And He did He spoke to me one day in the area of flute and said “Do it this way.”  And I tried and then I played before this lady with the National Flute Association and I was practicing a tonguing technique and she said “Do you realize that’s one of the fastest double tonguing techniques in the world, that’s faster than Jean-Pierre Louis Rampal and James Galway and I said “It is?”  Because Jesus had taught me how to do it.

Sid: For those that don’t know what I have in my notes to me you had 25 years of some of the worst abuse a human can have through your marriage.  Within that time you had 10 years of chronic illness; you were bed ridden many times; I still see this pattern of this brokenness of a…there’s a word people don’t like to hear it’s called surrender it’s not part of 21st century American Christianity. I guess when you come from a background like that you don’t have anything to hold on to.

Theresa: Right.

Sid: Tell me the results of people listening to your music. I know healing rooms are using it; I know hospitals are using it; why are they using it?

Theresa: When I was ill I was bedridden for 5 months at a time I lay there I prayed and say “Lord, when I get well I want to go into the studio and produce music that brings relief to people’s pain body, soul and spirit.”  Because myself I needed soothing music and being a music major I loved music, but in my weakness I was so fragile that noise bothered me, music bothered me but yet I needed something…

Sid: Look how the devil attacks what God wants to use; isn’t that amazing.  Here God’s so anointed your music you could not even listen to music it would disrupt your physical system.

Theresa: Right I just couldn’t find anything soothing enough so I said “Lord when I get well and I know You’re coming for me I want to go in the studio and produce music that brings relief to people’s pain body, soul and spirit.  And so that’s what happened He came in 1998 and healed me and I immediately went into the studio and began to play without music prophetically saying “Jesus will you just come and blow through me.” He did and it was such a goose bumpy experience it’s terrifying at the same time because you have to jump off the cliff not knowing what your first note is, not knowing where the first notes going to go. So I’m in the studio with the pianist and myself.  We at least know the key because I have twelve different instruments and they all have a different key so we know the key but that’s it.  So we begin and He comes in like a rushing mighty wind through my mouth and I can feel it; like a stream of water flowing through me and I get to partake of it as it’s coming through.  And it’s just the highest high I’ve ever had.

Sid: I have listed here various physical conditions that hospitals and healing rooms have found that people have been healed of; they’re blood pressure has lowered; their pain has disappeared and people with insomnia are able to sleep.  As a matter of fact the producer of our radio show started listening to your music at night and she told me a couple of observations.  She can’t fall asleep listening to something, but she fell asleep when she listened to your music; not only did she fall asleep but she had thoughts in areas she hadn’t thought of that were very helpful. Why did this happen?

Theresa:  Well, like I said it’s the Spirit who is playing through me and His anointing is there and so the Spirit speaks to people while they listen to instrumental music and they’re healed. I mean even to the point of a lady got up out of her wheelchair, another lady walked with a walker she could barely walk she started running after she listened. People have…I’ve had several people I think three now have had deafness in an ear and that’s been healed.

Sid: Actually public schools that are playing this for children that have ADD or autism.

Theresa:  Yes, what happens is they’ll be a special education teacher who attends one of my concerts or get’s my music and she decides to use it in her classroom and since there…she uses the instrumentals there are no lyrics to cause the school system to say “Well you can’t play that.”  So the Holy Spirit gets in there and speaks to children and love on them because my instrumentals are like lullabies from Jesus.

Sid: Let’s take a listen to we’re offering too, let’s listen to from the instrumental called “Bliss.”

Instrumental Selection called “Bliss.”  

Sid: Theresa you play 8 different flutes. Is it a little scary going into a studio and not having anything and just play what God shows you?

Theresa:  It was for a long time but I’ve gotten so used to it. The rush of the breath of the Lord blowing through me is so fabulous it’s such a high that I no longer am afraid, but for a long time it was a scary thing.  But in our concerts we do the same thing we do like two – half to three hour concerts and we have done what we call the seat of honor where we invite people to come up and sit in the seat of honor. We show them the twelve instruments and say “Which instrument do you wish to be blessed with?”  They pick the instrument of their blessing; we play them alive prophetic song tailor made for them and then I sing the interpretation by kneeling at their seat holding their hand and an impartation of the Father’s love comes through the eyes and in my voice. And people say “Their lives have been changed and transformed.” In fact it’s so exciting when you watch the person come to sit in the seat you can see what they’ve been through, you can see the crushing.

Sid: By the way did you get what she said?  She plays an instrument and just as someone speaks in tongues she then gives the English interpretation of what she’s played.



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Written by sidroth

September 23rd, 2013 at 10:03 am

Posted in Sid Roth

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