Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Our Guest Ryan Wyatt

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Sid:  We are getting ready Mishpochah to be activated in the glory cloud; it’s a new day, it’s a new season.  And you know the wineskin we have that we call church it just can’t contain the glory that’s coming on planet earth.  I have never seen so many miracles in my life. I have to tell you I’m speaking to Ryan Wyatt and I’m provoked to jealousy in this young man; this is normal for him to see all of these miracles that are occurring.  Ryan, take me back to the first trance that you ever had.

Ryan:  Yeah this trance Sid speaks a message and I’ll tell you the message is this and I’ll tell you the encounter.  So many people have been preached the gospel that says to them “Get your bus ticket to heaven.”  And many of you that are listening right now, maybe that’s the gospel you heard, that’s all you heard “Get your bus ticket to heaven and just live a good life, and one day when Jesus comes back in the rapture you’ll be taken to heaven.”

Sid:  And also attend the church where the major emphasis is fellowship and food.

Ryan:  And that’s right, be faithful with your tithe, be faithful with your offering and all of these kind of things, and some of them are very noble things Sid. That is only a fraction of the gospel. It’s kind of like getting your ticket to the theme park, but going into the foyer area of the theme park area and hanging around, but never getting on the ride.  And you know God has destined us to live a life on earth as it is in heaven.  And it’s for us now, it’s not for when we die and go to heaven. We have an opportunity to impact the earth with heaven now.  In this encounter was the first trance I ever had.  For those of you listening a trance is not actually an experience, a trance is a state of being, you know when Peter was in a trance he saw a vision.  So a trance is like a Holy Spirit anesthetic, like when you got to the dentist they numb your mouth so that they can go in and do work.  A trance is a state of being where God numbs you in a sense so that He can give you a vision.   And in this encounter I was taken to a garden to a massive garden, and I was at the edge of this garden.  I was laying in this bed of roses and the wind was whipping around as the Holy Spirit came and it was a time of intimacy. Many people even in the charismatic stream they’ve touched that to some degree that level of intimacy, and it was awesome I loved it.  But as I was laying there I began to look outside the garden and it was full of pestilence and drought and disease and there was bombs hitting, buildings; there was bombed out buildings that people we dying and it was just, you know the world was just being devastated.  And the Lord spoke to me and He said I have a greater purpose for you it’s time to go deeper.  And right now in the body of Christ He’s saying the same, it maybe some of you are in a place where you have a day to day lifestyle of intimacy with God, but even then God is saying “It’s time to go deeper.”  And so the Lord spoke to me and said, “Get up and go into the center of the garden.”  And so I remember stepping into the center of the garden and there was a big pool of water. I got into this pool of water and I went beyond the realm of intimacy into a place of Divine union where the nature of God and my nature were becoming one, the water was just seeping into me, soaking into me, the glory was just soaking in.  And I began to see people from outside in the draught, they began to come into the garden. As they would step into the waters there bodies would be healed, bones were popping back into place and deaf ears were opening and new eyeballs were coming.  And it was just this creative realm of heaven and the Lord suddenly spoke to me and He said, “Now Ryan it’s time to take it out.”  And as I began to step outside of the garden, this is so powerful Sid, is that in the intimacy realm of God, in the glory realm of God.  You then become a carrier of that glory and it is our destiny to carry that glory on the earth just as Adam did before the fall.  And as I stepped out into the desert land everywhere I would step that would turn into a pool of water just like in the garden.  When I would walk into bombed out buildings, vegetation would begin to grow; when I would encounter people with disease, and broken, and wounded, and emotionally fractured they would begin to be healed, and the bones would pop into place.  Just as if they had walked into the garden.  And God has a destiny, and a calling, and a mission, and a purpose on the body of Christ to be that living habitation of God on the earth. When the people of the world interact with us they experience on earth as it is in heaven.

Sid:  Ryan, let’s whet our appetite because you’re seeing this you’re not talking theory you’re talking what you are seeing with your eyes.  For instance you were in Detroit and tell me about the person with the steel rod.

Ryan:  Oh, steel rods, there was a person with two steel rods in their legs.  They had been in a serious car accident and there leg bones were literally taken out, and steel rods were put in place.  They had no more knees, they could not bend their knees at all just solid steel legs, steel in their hips, steel in their feet and in a moment in an atmosphere of the glory the metal completely disappeared.  And I said to them, do something you could never do before and they tried to bend their legs and for the first time in so many years they had brand new knees, they had  brand new leg bones, all the metal was gone they bent their knees perfectly.

Sid:  Now with a steel rod in their knee how does someone bend their knee?

Ryan:  God supernaturally is removing metal Sid, it is an incredible thing; removing metal and putting the bone, and the cartilage, and the tissue back into place.

Sid:  Well, we have some people listening to us that are so hungry for God and I know that God has used you to activate people for a release of the fire of God, the glory of God, the miracle mantle.  Would you pray for people now?

Ryan:  For those of you that are listening right now I pray I pray that as you have heard me speaking I pray that you have become so jealous for God.  My hearts cry is that this would drive you to jealousy that you be so hungry because I want to tell you right now, the Holy Spirit is jealous for you.  And I just want to pray over you the tangible glory of God to come upon you right now where you are and to begin to activate.  I pray a fire would burn in your bones.  Father right now in the name of Jesus Christ for those that are listening over the radio right now I pray for your tangible glory to come right now even as I just feel it right now moving through the radio airwaves right now in the name of Jesus. Just like that glory cloud overshadowed Mary and there was a transaction that took place something of heaven was deposited in her life.  Right now I speak the release of the realm of heaven onto your spirit, your soul, your body an activation of the fire of God.  I pray that the word of the Lord would begin to rise up from within you, and in fact right now I speak to your spirit man.  Some of you I sense right now your spirit man has been cluttered; your spirit man has been closed up; that place within you where that river of God is flowing at all times it has been cluttered; the well has been stopped.  And right now I speak to the spirit man of the people that are listening and I say “Come alive in the name of Jesus.”  I command that well to be unstopped in the name of Jesus Christ, I command that river to be unstopped and to flow freely your spirit man being activated right now in the name of Jesus.  I speak explosion of God in your spirit man like you have never felt before as the tangible electricity is just touching you right now and beginning to heal you, beginning to activate the fire of God in you right now in Jesus name.

Sid:  And there’s someone who has either pain in their hip, or may even need hip replacement in Jesus name you are healed.  And there’s someone else who’s back you have back pain, it’s gone, test it you’ll see. If you don’t test it right now you will miss the moment of your visitation.  Wherever you are to pull over to the side of the road or bend over right now, but there’s a mighty presence of God’s healing miracle anointing in hips right now in Jesus name.  Has God shown you anything else Ryan?

Ryan:  There’s someone with fibromyalgia you have chronic pain in your body, fibromyalgia all throughout your body I rebuke it right now, I command that fibromyalgia to go in the name of Jesus.  There’s also someone else you need a creative miracle in your eyes.  Right now I speak that creative miracle in your eyes right now in the name of Jesus.  There’s another person, I see the Lord flushing your blood system, you have a disease in your blood and I see the Holy Spirit coming right now like a waterfall, and flushing through your blood system right now.  You’re going to feel a vibration of heaven going right through your body and you need to go to the doctors and get your blood tested again because I believe you are going to be supernaturally healed in Jesus name.

Sid:  Ryan we’re making available this week your four CD teaching series called “How to Bring Heaven to Earth in Your Life,” not in someone else’s life, in your life.  What would be accomplished when someone sits under this teaching; what is happening to people that sit under this teaching?

Ryan:  It’s going to stir a hunger in them but it’s also going to begin to give them some keys of how to enter into that into that lifestyle.  We’ve had many people that have listened to this series and have begun to have encounters themselves where before they never had them.  We’ve had others that have been physically healed as they’ve listened because just like when Jesus spoke He said, “My words are Spirit and life.”  The Spirit and life of Jesus is tangible on those CD’s, many people have received their miracle listening.

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Written by sidroth

August 15th, 2012 at 5:06 pm