Sid Roth

"It's Supernatural"

Sid Roth welcomes Bill Ligon

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Sid: We want every everywhere to be Red Hot for the Messiah, and once you get this teaching and revelation of what the Jewish Patriarch knew and understand imparting the blessing.  I mean as Pastor Bill Ligon as you explained on yesterday’s broadcast the Jewish people without the power of the imparting of the blessing would have never survived in the desert.

Bill: Oh no, they could not have made it without these three pillars of faith operating in their lives; all three are what God used to transform them.  And it is the Aaronic blessing that releases God’s favor upon them.  You see many of God’s people have had the Blood Covenant, they’ve had the moral code, but they haven’t had the favor of God released upon them.  So we have a lot of people who are struggling in their lives because they do not have that favor and God wants them to have that favor released upon them.  In their personal lives, in their work place, and in their homes; He wants families to be united together and it is the Aaronic blessing that will bring that together in their homes.

Sid: Now, just out of curiosity, did you have your Father or someone pray this blessing over you?

Bill: Well, when I began to learn the principals my Father was deceased, he passed away six months after I was married.  But I had a brother twenty years my senior who was not a churchman, wasn’t active in church, didn’t have anything to do with church.  The fact is that a sister close of his age went down to Florida where he lived and tried to talk to him about the Lord and he told her if she was going to come and preach to him just to not come.  But he and I were together with our wives one tine in adjoining motel rooms visiting our Mother who was in a nursing home.  And I thought well, here’s my brother and I’m going to receive the Aaronic blessing from my brother, my older brother.  So I went to him, my wife and I went to him in his room with him and his wife and we called him Scottie.  And I said, “I said, I know that you love me?  He said, “Oh yes, you know I love you.”  And I said, “Well do you want good things for my wife and my children and me or bad things?”  He said, he called me son, he said, “Oh son, you know I want good things.”  I said, “Well, God will release those upon me if you will speak them over me and I have these blessings here prepared for you.  Would you right now, I am going to just get in front of you on my knees in front of you and would you put your hands on me and would you then say then, “May the Lord bless you with and begin to release these upon my life?”  He did Sid and when he did, the Spirit of God came upon him and he began to cry I could feel his tears dropping down on my cheeks and on my shoulder.  And when he got through blessing me, he then got on his knees and he said, “Now do it to me.”  And I was able to release blessings upon my older brother, twenty years my senior.  I could release blessing upon him and while I had my hand upon him I said, “May the Lord reveal himself to you, may the Lord fill you with His love and his grace and may the Lord give you understanding of salvation and may the Lord make you a part of His family.”  Well shortly after that his wife passed away and he moved up to Boise, Idaho to be near his daughter and one day she called me and said, “Uncle Bill, Dad just had a heart attack and died.”  So I flew up there and her pastor said, came to me and said, “I guess you were concerned about your brother.”  I said, “Well, I was,” he said, “You need to know that when he came here his daughter brought him to church, he heard the gospel and he gave his heart to the Lord.”  And I believe Sid, that it was that blessing that I was able to speak over my brother the same man who told my sister not to preach to him, I believe that’s what God used to transform his life and bring him into the kingdom of God.  Just like I believe it happened in your father’s life when he spoke blessing over you.

Sid: You know my father came to the Lord on his death bed literally, but when I asked him to pray the Aaronic benediction over me I knew that he couldn’t figure out why I was asking him to pray it.  Even though he was an Orthodox Jew; I mean here his son believes in Jesus; it doesn’t make any sense, but I also believe, like your brother, that when I asked him to pray something very supernatural occurred.  What about you when your brother prayed over you, when your brother prayed for you, what effect did it have?

Bill: It had a tremendous impact on my life and I began to have favor from God after he did it.  And one of the things that some people don’t realize is that certain people have a position in your life before God like a Father even though he may not be a churchman or may not be at all interested in the things of God has a position before God.  He has a parental office before God.  My older brother had a position before God with me.  And even though he wasn’t a churchman and wasn’t a believer at the time, never the less when he spoke that blessing God was present and God did exactly what God said He would do and he’ll do it for other people too.

Sid: What about someone that says, “My Father is dead, or he won’t pray over me, I don’t have any brothers to pray over me, am I Iost with this blessing?”

Bill: Oh no, I have encouraged if someone says my Father’s deceased and I don’t have someone in my family who could do that I’ve encouraged them to ask there pastor and his wife to have a blessing service kind of like a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah and speak blessing over them.

Sid: Actually in your workbook and your teaching you recommend people if they’ve never had this type of a blessing; a bar mitzvah or bat mitzvah you actually recommend no matter what their age they should have it.

Bill: Exactly, I think that every person is deficient until they have that blessing spoken over their lives.  And I encourage everyone to do that and we give them full instruction in this material on how to do it.  My wife gives information on how to have, you know the word, bar means son, right and mitzvah is a commandment.  So when whose bar mitzvah is a son who has embraced the commandments to keep the commandments and bat means daughter.  So that’s a daughter of the commandments who has committed herself to keep the commandments of God.

Sid: Okay, we found out that you and your wife bless each other every morning and it has made the difference between you being emotionally attached and unified in spirit.  It’s transformed your marriage, what about your two sons?  Tell me about them.

Bill: From the time we began to understand the principals of blessing we started laying hand on them and blessing them, speaking blessing over their lives.  And one of the great joys has been to have them turn around and lay hands on us and speak blessing over us.  And now our older son has five children and he and his wife speak blessing over those children every day, but one of the interesting things is that when they get though the children who are small they are from ages four to ten, they speak blessing over their parents and before their Dad leaves for work every day they speak blessing over his life.

Sid: So tell me about; let’s start with your older son, what happened in his life as he’s an adult now.

Bill: Well, when he was leaving for college, Sid he called me into his room and he fell to his knees and he said, “Dad bless me one more time before I leave.”  And so I spoke blessing over him and then he got in his car and he drove off.  And then years later after he became an attorney he was raised up as a municipal judge in our city and when he started his court practice he asked me to come to his court the second time that he sat on the bench and when they were ready to start the court they had everyone rise and as the police ushered him in and he went to the bench and then he said, “Everyone remain standing, he said my father is here and I’m calling him forward to speak blessing over this court.”  And so he…

Sid: So when the judge orders something they have to do it.

Bill: Yes, you do it.

Sid: Even in America.

Bill: That’s right so he began his sixteen year career as a judge with the blessing being spoken over his judgeship and over his court.  And his court was very successful and prosperous all of those years.

Sid: And he just was promoted, tell me about that in Congress.

Bill: Well, last fall he was elected to the State Senate and he’s now the Senator for this District.  And he called me one day from the Senate Office in Atlanta and said, “Dad we want you to come up and pray in the Senate and I want you to speak blessing over the Senate and over all the Senators and over the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor.  So we had a Blessing Service in the Senate in the State of George back in January.

Sid: And tell me about your son, John who is a writer.

Bill: John had a great inspiration to begin to write on the second Pillar of Faith on the Moral Code of God.  So we began to lay hands on him and bless him and God has supernaturally anointed him.  He now has produced four of the books on the Ten Commandments.  They are beautifully illustrated.  They are all in rhythm and they challenge and inspire children and parents as well to have a great honor and respect for the Moral Code of God.

Sid: And very briefly for your surprise eightieth Birthday what did your five grandchildren do?

Bill: Oh my goodness, the church had that for us and as a part of the ceremony the five children and all of my family, two sons my daughter – in- law, my wife and my mother- in- law, they all gathered around me and those children spoke the Aaronic Blessing over Poppa.

Sid: What did that mean to you?

Bill: Oh my goodness Sid, I can’t tell you how significant that was to me and how it moved my heart with deep love and compassion, not only for those babies, but for all of my family and all of my household and the church.

Sid: Do you believe that either of your sons would have achieved what they have achieved so far without the power of the blessing?

Bill: No, I do not I believe that that’s important and I don’t believe that I would have come to the place where I am today.  Here I am walking in health, eighty years of age, walking in health, I feel as healthy and strong as these twenty and thirty years olds walking around your office here.  And I work a full day every day, I’ve been up since five o’clock this morning.

Sid: Oops we are out of time…

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Written by sidroth

January 13th, 2012 at 3:34 am

Posted in Sid Roth